Re: PAUSE indexer fail due to database error (module: WWW::Telegram::BotAPI)

2017-10-11 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Roberto, > I just uploaded an updated version of my module > (ROBERTOF/WWW::Telegram::BotAPI) and after a while I received the following > report from the PAUSE indexer: > > […] > status : The PAUSE indexer could not store the indexing result in > the DB due the following err

Re: Looking for CPAN author DYACOB

2017-10-13 Thread Neil Bowers
> I triggered the deletion in PAUSE last evening, I believe the permanent > deletions go into effect sometime on Sunday. Thanks for being so helpful with all this Daniel — much appreciated. Cheers, Neil

Re: Test::Spec module, Fwd: Test::Spec around to support localized variables etc.

2017-10-16 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Akzhan, > Please respond about taking over Test::Spec module ownership due to its > under-maintainance. Apologies for the delay, but I have now managed to talk to the two people involved with this distribution. They’re both happy for you to get co-maint — are you still interested in having

Re: Test::Spec module, Fwd: Test::Spec around to support localized variables etc.

2017-10-17 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Akzhan, I got the “ok” from both Philip and Andy, so have given you co-maint on Test::Spec and all associated modules. > Yes, it will be very useful from the point of development of the module, > fixing and featuring of its functionality. > > I'm ready, where to sign the blood?) I’ll be ro

Re: Displaying screen shots

2017-10-24 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Philip, > Is it possible to display screen shots on CPAN with the images hosted on CPAN? You should host the images either on your own domain, or on a service like (which is what I use). Cheers, Neil

CPAN: tidying up your author directory

2017-10-26 Thread Neil Bowers
Dear CPAN authors, I’m emailing you wearing my PAUSE admin hat. The Perl NOC have informed us that the CPAN Master site, which is on an SSD, is getting a bit full. At some point it will be moving to a bigger disk, but in the meantime they’ve asked if we can help free up some space. You are the

Re: CPAN: tidying up your author directory

2017-10-26 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Nigel, > It would help tremendously to have a "delete now" feature. Sometimes I > publish and CPAN testers make it clear that I've sent something that doesn't > work somewhere, but a deletion takes a few days. There’s an open issue for this:

Re: Press inquiry from WIRED: What happens to open source projects when their maintainers pass away?

2017-11-01 Thread Neil Bowers
> From: Klint Finley>> > Date: Tue, Oct 17, 2017 at 10:07 PM > Subject: Press inquiry from WIRED: What happens to open source projects when > their maintainers pass away? > To: > > > Hi, I'm a reporter for and I'm working on a story about the > afterlife

Re: best practice for documentation-only distros

2017-11-02 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Darren, > I have a question concerning best practices for CPAN as they affect me. […] > > Due to various historical reasons I had until a few years ago considered CPAN > a good distribution mechanism for both Perl modules as well as standalone > documentation which didn't have any Perl code

Re: CPAN: tidying up your author directory

2017-11-02 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Daniel, > Thanks for the heads up, and sorry for taking up too much space! I believe > I've scheduled the majority of my old artifacts for deletion from PAUSE. > > If that didn't work, or if we still need to delete more artifacts, you have > my permission to delete any of the artifacts that

Re: CPAN: tidying up your author directory

2017-11-02 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Duke, > Most likely, you can delete old Math::GSL distributions. Some are > needed, because they are tied to the version of GSL, but if you delete > the oldest first, maybe start with 25%, that should free up a lot of > space, and I don't think anybody uses those anymore. > > Math::GSL tarball

Re: CPAN: tidying up your author directory

2017-11-03 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Lee, > Ok, great. I made you a co-maintainer of my modules. Or I can change > whatever permissions might help. At this time, I only need to keep the > latest versions of Bio::Kmer, Mashtree, and Mashtree sub-modules. You can > delete previous versions. Thank you for that. I’ll schedule

Re: Need support for CPAN

2017-11-03 Thread Neil Bowers
> I think this was better documented in older times but I cannot seem to > find a paragraph about what a backpan is and where to chase them. has a bit of info on what a BackPAN is.

Updating SPROCTOR's secret email address

2017-11-06 Thread Neil Bowers
I wanted to talk to SPROCTOR, but his CPAN email address bounced, and his secret address bounced too. I connected to him on LinkedIn, and got his permission to update his secret email address, which I have just done. Neil

Re: User update for SPROCTOR

2017-11-07 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Simon, > The gmail account is not the same person as the webmaster account. Apologies for that — I was dealing with the other Simon Proctor, and updated the wrong PAUSE account. I’ve set your private address back. Cheers, Neil

Re: Co-maint on some of tobyink's modules

2017-11-09 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Kjetil, > I'd like to request co-maint on some of Tobyink's modules. I know this is > not something you do lightly, and it is not something I request lightly. I > consider him a friend, and we've met IRL several times. > […] Please give me some time to contact Toby, and see whether he’s hap

Re: Ownership transfer request for AFS-Command

2017-11-15 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Phillip, > I haven't worked with this module in about seven years, and don't expect to > ever work with it again. > I'd like to transfer ownership to both of: > > DARIA>> > JALTMAN>> > > I have no interest in continuing to have

Re: CPAN Status: Database error

2017-11-27 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Dmytro, > I got following error: > > Status: Database error > == > > module : Pcore::Handle::pgsql > version: undef > in file: Pcore-PgSQL-v0.14.2/lib/Pcore/Handle/ > status : The PAUSE indexer could not store the indexing result in >

Re: Co-maint on some of tobyink's modules

2017-12-20 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Kjetil, > I'd like to request co-maint on some of Tobyink's modules. […] > > Please see attached my most recent email to him. […] > > Therefore, I hope you can help me with co-maint on some of his modules. > Mostly, I do RDF stuff. I have concrete patches to RDF::DOAP and > Dist::Inkt::DOAP

Re: File::Slurp Module Adoption

2018-01-08 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Uri, I’m one of the PAUSE admins, and I’m emailing you wearing that hat. Chase Whitener has applied to be given co-maint on File::Slurp, so he can do one or more releases to addresses outstanding issues. There hasn’t been a release of File::Slurp since 2011, so are you happy for him to get

Re: File::Slurp Module Adoption

2018-01-16 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Uri, Thanks for getting back to us! > it has been a lousy 20 months looking for work and i let all my modules slide > due to lack of emotion due to the job search. i do have something lined up > but the federally required background check is taking forever. Glad to hear that things are on t

Use of the "slots" namespace

2018-01-25 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Ashley, I’m one of the PAUSE admins, and am contacting you about a package name you used in the last 90’s and 2000: “slots”. It was first uses in the Qt distribution, which became PerlQt. You still have the first-come permission on the slots package, which prevents anyone else from using th

First-come on the "slots" package

2018-02-24 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Stevan, I’ve transferred the first-come permission on “slots” to you. I haven’t been able to track down AWIN, and given the package hasn’t been indexed for a long time now, this seems fine. Depending on what version you release, you may need to do “Reset version” on the slots package. Chee

Re: Failed: PAUSE indexer report AYOUNG/ Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Test-Legal-0.03.tar.gz

2018-03-05 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Alan, > It's been a few years since I pushed anything to PAUSE ... do I need > to update/fix something? When you get a message like this, you just need to force a re-index of the release. You do this via the PAUSE web interface: select “Force Reindexing” in the sidebar, then click on the che

co-maint on Crypt::OpenSSL::RSA for

2018-03-05 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Ian, I’m one of the PAUSE admins. I’m emailing you because you have the first-come permission on Crypt::OpenSSL::RSA. Sergey Aleynikov (RANDIR) has asked for co-maint on Crypt::OpenSSL::RSA, so he can release a new version, addressing this issue, related to the OpenSSL 1.1.0 release:

Re: Adopt MJD's EZDBI

2018-03-05 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Jerrad, > Per Dominus' recent announcement, his modules are orphaned: > > > I've been co-maintainer and the primary feature developer for EZDBI over > the past few years (such as it were, it's mostly feature complete now

Re: Request to adopt MJD distributions

2018-03-07 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Steve, > Per Mark Jason Dominus' email to P5P > ( > ) > where he abandons his CPAN distributions, I am requesting to adopt his > "Async" (https

Re: Maintenence of Net::SSLeay

2018-03-23 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Mike, > I still havent been able to get in touch with Florian Ragwitz to discuss > handing over maintenance of Net::SSLeay. > > […] > I have been effective and only maintainer of Net::SSLeay since 2005. > > So now I ask you modules to promote me to Maintainer of Net::SSLeay so I can > pass

Re: Failed: PAUSE indexer report BOUTROSLB/HPCI-0.66.tar.gz

2018-03-23 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi John, > internal database error while indexing a cpan module release. When this happens, you should try re-indexing the release. In most cases it will work the second time. You can do this from the PAUSE web interface — after you log in, click on “Force Reindexing” in the left sidebar. You’

Re: CPAN ownership problem

2018-03-28 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Kim, > I adopted the File::BaseDir module a while ago. I fixed several bugs and made > a few releases. But I can’t understand how most of it works and don’t have a > Linux environment which it needs for full testing. > > So I changed the permissions in PUASE to let others adopt it. In the

Re: CPAN ownership problem

2018-03-29 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Jaap, > Yes, go ahead. Great that someone takes the time to maintain this module. Thank you — I’ve just transferred the first-come indexing permission to Kim. Kim: I’ve just triggered a re-indexing of your 0.08 release, and will check in an hour or so to make sure that 0.08 is indexed rather

Re: Crypt::OpenSSL::VerifyX509

2018-04-05 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Kieren, > This bug's been open for a while: > > > > > It would be good if we could do a release (I will use docker to try to > confirm the patch in various environments before doing the rel

Re: CPAN: tidying up your author directory

2018-04-09 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Lee, I just realised that I never replied to this follow-up: > since my repos are taking up more space than usual, what do you think about > if I create a module to contain these test data? The module could create a > requested file type for testing in other modules. It would be a large modu

Fwd: Wishing to adopt

2018-04-11 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Moritz, I’m emailing you wearing my PAUSE admins hat. John Napiorkowski would like to get co-maint on Crypt::OpenSSL::RSA, so he can do a bug fix release (see below). If you’re happy for him to have co-maint, I can give it to him on your behalf. Is that ok? Cheers, Neil > Begin forwarded

Re: Wishing to adopt

2018-05-01 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi John, I’ve just transferred first-come permissions on Crypt::OpenSSL::RSA to you. Cheers, Neil

Re: Wishing to adopt

2018-05-01 Thread Neil Bowers
[trimmed cc list] > Hey, I just tried to action this but when I go to select user/action, > pick IROBERTS (the first-come) and 'change permissions', then from that > screen select Crypt::OpenSSL::RSA and the share co-maint button, it takes > me back to the 'select user/action' screen. > > Are oth

Re: Wishing to adopt

2018-05-01 Thread Neil Bowers
>> I’ve just transferred first-come permissions on Crypt::OpenSSL::RSA to you. > > Neither John nor I see it in 'view permissions' Indeed, sorry — I was too quick to assume it had worked. David, Rik, Andreas: I’m assuming this is down to one of the changes made at the PTS: looks like we’re unab

Re: Permissions for Business::ISSN

2018-05-10 Thread Neil Bowers
I was also digging into this one, but you have more data at your fingertips than I, Andreas! :-) > SAPAPO has the modulelist permission, later first-come permission, since > ever, at least since we are archiving permission settings (2012-03-31). > > […] > If this was an error, I think we can giv

Re: editing account info

2018-05-14 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi, > I try to update my info at > > > I want to forward to this address but it doesn't update > > Without this working I cannot link metacpan account to pause account? > > :( > > You seem to be active admin. Can yo

Re: Request to take over URI::tel namespace

2018-06-07 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Jacques, > I wrote sometime ago a perl module URI::tel fully compliant with the rfc and > which provides a much better implementation than the currently existing > module. > I tried to contact the author initially, but it seems the author cannot be > reached. The e-mail did not work. > > I

Re: Request to take over URI::tel namespace

2018-06-07 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Thiago, > Yes please I just set your secret email address, and set the email forwarding to come to that, so you’re contactable again :-) Cheers, Neil

Co-maint on Curses::UI

2018-06-12 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Maurice, I’m one of the PAUSE admins. Markus, copied on this email, would like co-maint on Curses::UI so he can release some bug fixes. Shawn Boyette did the most recent release of Curses::UI, and he’s happy for Markus to have co-maint, but you have the first-come permissions. If you’re ok

Re: [Dmitry Karasik] problems with and taking over abandoned modules

2018-06-26 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Dmitry, > I wonder if you could help me with me trying to take over an abandoned perl > module > where the author's email is abandoned as well. I was trying to to subscribe to >, but neither my subscription mails nor normal mail with the > the question > seem to go through. T

Re: [Dmitry Karasik] problems with and taking over abandoned modules

2018-06-26 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Dmitry, >> I wonder if you could help me with me trying to take over an abandoned perl >> module >> where the author's email is abandoned as well. I was trying to to subscribe >> to >>, but neither my subscription mails nor normal mail with the >> the question >> seem to go

Re: Seeking co-maint on HTML::Form

2018-07-26 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Olaf, > I’ve tried to contact GISLE via email to request co-maint on March 23, 2018 > and also via RT: on > Feb 9, 2018. I > have not gotten any response. > > We’ve already moved most of his web-related modules to the libwww-perl Github

Re: Seeking co-maint on HTML::Form

2018-07-31 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Olaf, > So, I’m asking for co-maint for OALDERS and ETHER on the modules listed at > > > HTML::Form > HTML::Form::FileInput HTML::Form::IgnoreInput > HTML::Form::ImageInput > HTML::Form::Input > HTML::Form::KeygenInput > HTML::Form::ListIn

Re: Adopting Dist::Zilla::Plugin::FFI::CheckLib

2018-08-09 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Graham, > I am interested in doing some basic maintenance on > Dist::Zilla::Plugin::FFI::CheckLib, which is listed in PAUSE as being > ADOPTME/first-come. As the author of FFI::CheckLib, which this plugin > interacts with, I have an interest in updating the plugin to work with new > featur

Re: Email to cpan author is bouncing

2018-08-12 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Karl, > Nicholas Clark suggested I contact you to try his private address to make > sure he's ok, and notify him that his public address isn't working > > The public address is I just emailed Father C, and so far it hasn’t bounced. I’ll let you know if I hear anything back,

Transfer of first-come on LWP & friends to OALDERS

2018-08-13 Thread Neil Bowers
After discussion with Gisle Aas (GAAS), I have just transferred the first-come permission on the packages associated with libwww-perl and the other distributions managed by the libwww-perl github organisation to OALDERS. Gisle isn’t maintaining these packages any more, so we agreed it made sense

First-come permissions owned by LWWWP

2018-08-17 Thread Neil Bowers
As part of the ongoing rationalisation of the LWP distributions and github org, Olaf and I had a look at packages where the first-come is assigned to LWWWP. This pause ID is associated with the libwww-perl mailing list, and shouldn’t really have permissions. Talking to Olaf, it seems that no-one

Re: First-come permissions owned by LWWWP

2018-09-07 Thread Neil Bowers
Last month I wrote: > As part of the ongoing rationalisation of the LWP distributions and github > org, Olaf and I had a look at packages where the first-come is assigned to > LWWWP. > > This pause ID is associated with the libwww-perl mailing list, and shouldn’t > really have permissions. Tal

Fwd: Module-Runtime maintenance

2018-09-11 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Zefram, I’m one of the PAUSE admins. As you’ve hopefully seen, Matt Trout has requested co-maint on Module::Runtime, with a plan to make specific changes (see below). Are you happy for him to have co-maint? If so, I can grant him co-maint on your behalf. If you don’t want co-maint granted,

Re: request co-maint for App::PAUSE::cleanup

2018-10-04 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Yanick, > I'd like to humbly request co-maint for App::PAUSE::cleanup. I've tried > to poke the author, ROKR on both his github profile and the associated gmail > email 2 months ago, and didn't hear back from him. His latest CPAN module > update is from 2010 and there is no github acti

Re: New module

2018-10-24 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi, > I would like to adopt/take unicode name on cpan. I already sent proposal […] > > As permission page says, name is owned by GAAS: > > > I'm trying to contact Gisle Aas for about half of year, but I have not > got any response neither from address on cpan, ac

Re: Request to adopt DateTime::Calendar::Julian

2018-10-24 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Tom, > I am interested in adopting the DateTime-Calendar-Julian distribution, by > Eugene van der Pijll (CPAN id PIJLL). […]. > > A couple years ago I adopted DateTime-Calendar-Christian, by the same author. > I was unsuccessful at contacting the author […]. > > Are you willing to grant co-

Re: New module

2018-10-25 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Pali, > I would like to adopt/take unicode name on cpan. I already sent proposal > and started discussion what it should do and what not on perl5-porters > mailinglist: > > > > […] > > As permission page says, name is

Re: New co-maint for Text::MediawikiFormat, Text::MediawikiFormat::Blocks

2018-11-11 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Ron, > As before, I can't see Text::MediawikiFormat::Block, so I'm hoping MANWAR can > get access to it via Text::MediawikiFormat. Where a package only has a co-maint, like this one: Text::MediawikiFormat::Block,DPRICE,c This is a job for Andreas for to add a first-come permission.

Granting co-maint on Socket::MsgHdr

2018-11-29 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Mike, I’m one of the PAUSE admins. Felipe Gasper (pause id FELIPE) has asked if he can have co-maint on your Socket::MsgHdr module, so he can release a bug fix. You would remain the acknowledged author in the documentation. Are you happy for him to have co-maint? If so, I can do that on you

Re: take over Socket::MsgHdr?

2018-11-30 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Felipe, > I’d like to take over [Socket::MsgHdr] so that I can fix the dynamic-loading > bug. I got in touch with Mike, the author of Socket::MsgHdr, and he said: > That's fine, thanks, and probably overdue. > > Felipe, please take a look at the long idle x.y.z_02 devel branch, which I > re

granting co-maint on your DateTime::Format::Roman module

2018-11-30 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Eugene, I’m one of the PAUSE admins. Jean Forget (PAUSE id JFORGET) has requested co-maint on your DateTime::Format::Roman, so he can fix the installation problems. Are you happy for him to have co-maint? If so, I can give him co-maint on your behalf. Jean is an experienced CPAN author — h

Re: Request to adopt DateTime::Calendar::Julian

2018-11-30 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Tom, >>> I am interested in adopting the DateTime-Calendar-Julian distribution, by >>> Eugene van der Pijll (CPAN id PIJLL). […]. >>> >>> […] >> >> Please give us a week or so to try and get in touch with him, via various >> routes. >> >> If I haven’t heard back from Eugene by 1st November

Co-maint on Net::SAML2

2018-12-19 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Chris, Would you be happy to give me co-maint on Net::SAML2? There are quite a few of us using it in production now, and a lot of us have our own patched versions. It would be good to merge everything’s work into the CPAN release. My PAUSE id is NEILB. Cheers, Neil

Re: Request to adopt DateTime::Calendar::Julian

2018-12-20 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Tom, I have just given you co-maint on DateTime::Calendar::Julian — thanks for taking this on. I didn’t get any response from Eugene, so theoretically there’s a chance he could come back and ask for this to be rescinded, but that seems unlikely. Cheers, Neil

Re: Requesting a co-maintainer status on DateTime::Format::Roman

2019-01-24 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Jean, > Currently, the module DateTime::Format::Roman does not compile. > Its latest release dates back from 2004 and the module is mentioned > in Neil Bowers' list of CPAN adoption candidates: > > > I would like to remedy this situation an

Re: ISHIGAKI would like co-maint on PPI

2019-01-24 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Christian, > Perfectly fine with that and asked ADAMK to elevate him here: > Since i'm only comaint myself i > can't give it to him. > > However that was 3 weeks ago without any response. > > If we can't raise ADAMK, maybe a PAUSE admin will hav

Re: Requesting a co-maintainer status on DateTime::Format::Roman

2019-01-25 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Jean, >>> Currently, the module DateTime::Format::Roman does not compile. >>> […] >>> >>> I would like to remedy this situation and release an up-to-date >>> version of this module. A new release is nearly ready on GitHub: >>> >>> >>> I have t

Granting co-maint on Amazon::S3

2019-01-25 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Timothy, I’m one of the PAUSE admins. Rob Lauer would like to get co-maint on your Amazon::S3 module, so he can release some bug fixes. He said he’s tried to contact you a couple of times. If you’re ok with this, we can give him co-maint on your behalf. Are you happy for the PAUSE admins to

Re: request permission transfer for Digest-Skein

2019-01-30 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Erwan, > I want to become a maintainer or a co-maintainer for Digest-Skein . > > Since my last mail , facts did not change , maintener is unresponsive . > > I opened : > a ticket on rt.cpan.orgFeb 2017 > a pull request on

Re: request permission transfer for Digest-Skein

2019-02-11 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Erwan, > I want to become a maintainer or a co-maintainer for Digest-Skein . > > Since my last mail , facts did not change , maintener is unresponsive . I’ve also not managed to get in touch with the author of Digest::Skein (Radosław Zieliński), so I’ve just given you co-maint on it. Tha

Re: Apache::DB (not longer working) fix

2019-03-05 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Dirk, > Apache::DB is no longer working for Perl >= v5.21.5 . Broken in commit [perl > #122445] use magic on $DB::single etc to avoid overload issues) > I uploaded a fix to cpan ( > > ), but will

Dropped your co-maint on Mail::Sendmail

2019-03-29 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Abe, As per the discussion on this ticket, I have just dropped your co-maint on Mail::Sendmail, which was causing some indexing confusion, both for PAUSE and MetaCPAN: Cheers, Neil

Re: Apache::DB (not longer working) fix

2019-03-31 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Doug, > I've been long gone as the maintainer, yes I'd be happy to have Dirk take > ownership of these modules. Thank you. Dirk: you now have first-come permissions on all three packages in the Apache-DB distribution. If you re-index your upload, it should now get indexed. Thank you for ta

Re: Granting co-maint on Amazon::S3

2019-04-11 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Tim, > My apologies. I don't check this email really. Yes, go ahead. Thanks — Rob now has co-maint on Amazon::S3 and Amazon::S3::Bucket. > Actually I haven't been been doing any Perl work in a number of years and > would prefer to turn all of my CPAN projects over to anyone that is > inter

Fwd: Test::Spelling Adoption Request

2019-04-14 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Jesse & Shawn, I’m writing this wearing my PAUSE admin hat. Hi Jesse & Shawn, Chase Whitener (CAPOEIRAB) would like to get co-maint on Test::Spelling, so he can fix some issues — see below message. Jesse has first-come on this module, but Shawn did most of the releases, which is why I’m em

Re: Test::Spelling Adoption Request

2019-04-17 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Chase, > I'd like to request adoption of the Test::Spelling distribution. I'm > told the current maintainers, SARTAK and JESSE, are no longer doing > Perl work. I’ve now had a response from Jesse, Ivan, and Shawn, all of whom have ok’d you getting co-maint, so I’ve just adding you to the co-m


2019-04-23 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Vernon, > Any thoughts on the request below? > > Is this the right place to send my request? It is! My apologies for the delay. I’ll deal with this in the next few days, and definitely by the end of the weekend. Cheers, Neil > > Regards, > Vernon Lyon > > From: Vernon Lyon mailto:vl...@

Dropping your first-come permission on Yancy::Backend::SQLite

2019-04-25 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Doug, You currently have the first-come indexing permission on both Yancy::Backend::SQLite and Yancy::Backend::Sqlite. From 06perms.txt: Yancy::Backend::SQLite,PREACTION,f Yancy::Backend::Sqlite,PREACTION,f The one that’s indexed is Yancy::Backend::Sqlite, so without even looking at

Duplicate PAUSE indexing permissions on SPVM::Std and SPVM::std

2019-04-25 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Kimoto-san, I’m emailing you wearing my PAUSE admin hat. Your SPVM distribution used to include a module called SPVM::Std, and so you have the first-come indexing permission on that package. It looks like you also released it with SPVM::std (different only in the case of “std” vs “Std”) at

Re: Dropping your first-come permission on Yancy::Backend::SQLite

2019-04-25 Thread Neil Bowers
> Yes, that's correct and yes, go ahead. Great — I’ve dropped the now-unused permission. Cheers, Neil

Re: PAUSE permissions clash between URPM and urpm [TVIGNAUD]

2019-04-25 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Thierry, I’m one of the PAUSE admins. I emailed you back in August 2017 about an issue in PAUSE that we were hoping to resolve, and are looking to complete the resolution of very soon. > I’m working through tidying up permissions conflicts that have been caused by > the fact that PAUSE now

Confusable / clashing modules in Net-Async-Slack

2019-04-26 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Tom, I’m emailing you wearing my PAUSE admin hat. I’m emailing you about your Net-Async-Slack distribution, and I’ve copied Paul Evans, since he has co-maint. The Net-Async-Slack distribution includes two modules: Net::Async::Slack::Event::ReconnectURL Net::Async::Slack::Event::Recon

Re: Duplicate PAUSE indexing permissions on SPVM::Std and SPVM::std

2019-04-27 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Kimoto-san, > 1 and 2 is OK. drop the first-come permission SPVM::std and SPVM::Std. I have just done that, thank you. > I will [delete old releases] today. Thank you. Cheers, Neil

Re-dropping PAUSE indexing permissions on VMS::stdio

2019-04-27 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Steve, Back in February 2017 I emailed P5P about dropping the VMS::stdio shim (leaving VMS::Stdio in place) and dropping the PAUSE indexing permissions on VMS::stdio, leaving the permissions on VMS::Stdio in place:

Re: PPI admin rights and such

2019-04-30 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Christian, > Can you please move all the PPI modules belonging to ADAMK to MITHALDU? I’ll do this tonight, and confirm when done. Cheers, Neil

Re: PAUSE permissions clash between URPM and urpm [TVIGNAUD]

2019-05-01 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Thierry, >> Do you know how people are likely to install your distributions? Will they >> do it using a CPAN client, or using a linux package? Even if you believe >> most people will install from linux packages, we still want the most likely >> behaviour to work on CPAN as well. > > They us

Re: PAUSE permissions clash between URPM and urpm [TVIGNAUD]

2019-05-01 Thread Neil Bowers
> Sorry I miswrite: > I wouldn't rename to (that would break a lot of > existing software), > I only plan to provide a stub module) Ah, ok. This will still result in the CPAN Index only including whichever of URPM and urpm was most recently released. If you’re not real

Re: PAUSE permissions clash between URPM and urpm [TVIGNAUD]

2019-05-02 Thread Neil Bowers
>> Once our proposed change is released, then PAUSE would index whichever of >> URPM and urpm was most recently released. If you’d prefer that URPM is the >> module that’s always indexed, you could just ensure that the “urpm” module >> is never indexed. The easiest way for you to achieve this wo

Re: PAUSE: Request co-maint for vars::i

2019-05-08 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Chris, > Can you give me co-maint for vars::i please? This was written by D. H. > (PODMASTER), and last released in Nov. 2003. > > I emailed D.H. on Mar. 28, and again 2 weeks later, but haven't had any > reply. I tried to track him down via Internet searches but without success. > Searchin

Updated your PAUSE email address

2019-05-08 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Chris, I’m one of the PAUSE admins. This is to let you know that I’ve updated your PAUSE account to have your current email address. I had previously tried to track you down, so happy that Vernon sent us your new email address. Are you happy for us to give permissions to Vernon for any of


2019-05-08 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Vernon, > I've been contacting an old colleague of mine CJONES, about giving me > permissions for a new module, but he has not logged into PAUSE in a long time > and now no longer has access to his previous email address. > > As he's upgraded his career and is now brewing full time… An upgr

Re: Ilya, MP3::TAG vs MP3::Tag

2019-05-08 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Andreas, I meant to look into this at PTS, but somehow … > Can you still reconstruct what your intention was? Or do you know what > we should do now to resolve this TAG vs Tag issue? Ilya says it is not a > showstopper but actually we still have something to do if it pops up > again. The pro

Re: PPI admin rights and such

2019-05-12 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Christian, > Hello dear CPAN admins, i just realized that Adam already CC'd you on this. > Can you please move all the PPI modules belonging to ADAMK to MITHALDU? I’ve just transferred first-come on all modules in the PPI dist to you, so Adam now has co-maint on those. Cheers, Neil

Re: PAUSE: Request co-maint for vars::i

2019-05-14 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Chris, I have just given you co-maint on vars::i. I haven’t been able to get in touch with PODMASTER (“D.H.”), but given the effort that both you and I have put in to find him / getting in touch, I happy to interpret that as “not really bothered with Perl/CPAN these days”. Obviously there’s

Fwd: PAUSE account for my crypto nickname

2019-07-31 Thread Neil Bowers
I forgot to cc this alias, so for the record: > Begin forwarded message: > > From: Neil Bowers > Subject: Re: PAUSE account for my crypto nickname > Date: 31 July 2019 at 09:18:54 BST > To: cc32d9 cc32d9 > > Hi S, > >> Mark Nunberg is no longer able to

Re: Perl CPAN: transfer permissions request.

2019-08-07 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Oleg, > I'd like to upload fast full-featured Date module (in C/XS, new version of > Panda::Date), and the ideal name for it is "Date". I would appreciate if you > could transfer ownership from inactive author to me. If this is a new release of Panda::Date, why not continue releasing it unde

Re: IPC::Shareable

2019-08-07 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Steve & Mike, I’ve just added Steve as co-maint on IPC::Shareable and IPC::Shareable::SharedMem Cheers, Neil

Re: Adopting TheSchwartz

2019-08-07 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Akiyama-san, Apologies for the delay in processing your request. > TheSchwartz has not been released for a long time, ADOPTME is assigned > as primary. > My company is still using this module and I'm interested in maintaining > it. Can I transfer first-come permission to me? > > Takumi Akiyama

Re: Perl CPAN: transfer permissions request.

2019-08-11 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Oleg, Have you consider Date::XS for your module, for consistency with Time::XS, URI::XS, and Export::XS, all of which you’ve recently released? And no-one has any permissions on Date::XS either :-) Cheers, Neil

Re: Dist::Surveyor ancillary module permissions

2019-08-13 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Dan, I realised that I never replied to this, although I acted on it: > It appears that while Dist::Surveyor's permissions were transferred to > ADOPTME, the other modules in the distribution had first-come dropped. Could > the modules listed below be assigned first-come to ADOPTME in case th

Re: HTML::Clean

2019-08-14 Thread Neil Bowers
ainece of this module. Thank you! > > Regards, > Pavel > > > > ср, 7 авг. 2019 г., 17:45 Neil Bowers : > > > Hi Pavel, > > > > > > I’m one of the PAUSE admins. > > > > > > Are you still keen to take on maintenance of HTML::Clean? I

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