Hi Dmitry,

>> I wonder if you could help me with me trying to take over an abandoned perl 
>> module
>> where the author's email is abandoned as well. I was trying to to subscribe 
>> to
>> modules@perl.org, but neither my subscription mails nor normal mail with the 
>> the question
>> seem to go through. The module in question is MojoX-JSON-RPC, and I'll also 
>> paste the reasoning
>> from original mail below.
> I have asked Henry if he’s ok for you to have co-maint. Please give me a few 
> days to try and resolve this.

Turns out it didn’t need a few days. Henry is happy for you to have co-maint, 
so I’ve just given you co-maint on MojoX::JSON::RPC and the other packages in 
the dist.

Thanks to both of you, Henry (Bcc’d) and Dmitry.


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