Hi Yanick,

>       I'd like to humbly request co-maint for App::PAUSE::cleanup. I've tried 
> to poke the author, ROKR on both his github profile and the associated gmail 
> email 2 months ago, and didn't hear back from him. His latest CPAN module 
> update is from 2010 and there is no github activity since January 2017, so it 
> seems likely he's awol for good.
>       Fwiw, I'd like the co-maint to be able to update `pause-cleanup` to 
> work with the latest changes of PAUSE[1]. At it stands right now, it's no 
> longer in working condition.

I’ve just given you co-maint on App::PAUSE::cleanup. Thanks for taking it on.

I’ve copied Robert on this email: Robert, if you don’t want Yanick to have 
co-maint, I can reverse this.


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