Hi Kimoto-san,

I’m emailing you wearing my PAUSE admin hat.

Your SPVM distribution used to include a module called SPVM::Std, and so you 
have the first-come indexing permission on that package.

It looks like you also released it with SPVM::std (different only in the case 
of “std” vs “Std”) at some point.

Currently when you release do two releases with different versions of the same 
package name, differing only in the case, you can end up with first-come on 
both packages.

So you also have first-come on SPVM::std.

We’re changing this behaviour in PAUSE soon, so that if you released SPVM::std 
and then SPVM::Std, all permissions would be automatically updated to refer to 

In preparation for this we’re resolving all the existing clashes in PAUSE.

Normally I would suggest dropping your permission on SPVM::std, but I wonder if 
we should also drop the other one?
If I look in the CPAN Index, I see that SPVM::Std refers to 
K/KI/KIMOTO/SPVM-0.0338.tar.gz, an old release of your distribution.

This means that if someone ran “cpan SPVM::Std”, they could accidentally 
install an old version of SPVM, overwriting perhaps a more recent version. Not 
very likely, but still probably not good.

So in fact I have three suggestions:
Are you happy for us to drop the first-come permission on SPVM::std? I can do 
this on your behalf, or you can do it?
Would it make sense to drop the first-come permission on SPVM::Std as well, 
since you’re not using it?
Could you delete all the old releases from your PAUSE author directory please? 
This will not only free up some space, but removes the possibility of an old 
release appearing in the CPAN Index.

If you’re happy with one or more of these, you could do them yourself via the 
PAUSE web interface, or I can do them on your behalf.

Please ask if you’ve got any questions about any of the above.


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