On Mon, 30 Sep 2024 14:37:04 +0100
Neil Bowers wrote:
> Hi Gianni,
> Earlier today you released Alt-Crypt-OpenSSL-PKCS12-Broadbean, which
> includes two modules.
That was a mistake, apologies. I've already scheduled the tarball for
If you could delete it sooner, that would be very
Thank you. Can confirm things are all good!
On Fri, Jul 26, 2024 at 1:27 AM Neil Bowers wrote:
> Hi Jeremy,
> I'm one of the PAUSE admins.
> I've re-enabled your account, so you should be able to log in now.
> Cheers,
> Neil
Jeremy Stashewsky - jst...@gmail.com
Hi Jeremy,
I'm one of the PAUSE admins.
I've re-enabled your account, so you should be able to log in now.
Fixed in assign-0.0.17
On Tue, Jun 27, 2023 at 4:39 AM Neil Bowers wrote:
> Hi Ingy,
> I’m emailing you wearing my PAUSE admin hat.
> Your distribution assign defines a number of internal packages, including
> `var`. But the first-come on var belongs to SMUELLER, which is why you ge
Fine with me :) LMK if there's anything else I need to do.
Sent from my iPhone
> On Nov 1, 2022, at 7:40 AM, Neil Bowers wrote:
> Hi Herbert,
> > this is a tiny module and propably not that important but solve a practical
> > issue. Unfortunately its in a rights limbo where only the bi
Thanks for the points. I do a reindex whenever there's a distribution that
has previously been indexed by PAUSE, but suddenly goes missing from the
index, for whatever reason. This has happened several times. But this time
I did a 'reindex *' which is an overkill. I've added a warning and delay to
> I ran "pause reindex '*'" CLI command a few hours ago aftering seeing a
>couple of my distributions not existing on MetaCPAN, which is a mistake.
> Should've just run reindex on the missing distributions instead of all
Three thoughts on this:
1. If you notice that one or more of your dis
Hi Neil & other PAUSE admins,
Sorry for having caused a flood of emails. I ran "pause reindex '*'" CLI
command a few hours ago aftering seeing a couple of my distributions not
existing on MetaCPAN, which is a mistake. Should've just run reindex on the
missing distributions instead of all. The fail
Thanks Kent – I’ve dropped your permission on Bundle::Graphics::ColorNames.
Herbert: it turned out that no-one had a first-come permission on that package
name[*], so I couldn’t transfer it. All permissions are now gone, so you should
be able to release it, and PAUSE will assign the first-come p
Hi Herbert,
> I would also like to adopt Color::Library::Dictionary::XKCD
I have just transferred the first-come indexing permission on this from ADOPTME
to you (LICHTKIND).
PS even though the email does end up in my inbox, please send requests like
this to modules@perl.org, so (
Hi Herbert,
> this is a tiny module and propably not that important but solve a practical
> issue. Unfortunately its in a rights limbo where only the bif admin hammer
> can help. The previous owner (RRWO - Robert Rothenberg) would like to give me
> right but cant since he gave it up, but i cant ge
Hi all,
Both comaint is fine with me, but if Torsten wants a single maint that is also
fine, as long as bugs are fixed and pull requests are answered
On Oct 23, 2021, 18:35, at 18:35, Neil Bowers wrote:
>Hi Torsten,
>I’m one of the PAUSE admins.
>Dmitry Karasik (copied on this email) h
You both really don't wanna write my name right! :D hehe thanks for that.
Dmitry: while you are out of order i organize that your merge request
is dragged in and that we move to a new repo location, if i am done
with this i will come back to you (then without neil and the rest in
CC hehe) so that
Hi Torseten & Dmitry,
I’ve just given you both co-maint on Crypt::Curve25519. Thank you for stepping
up to continue maintenance of this.
Alex: if you’re not happy with this, just the PAUSE admins know, or email me
privately if you’d prefer, and I’ll reverse this.
Okay great!
Then let's agree that two comaints is okay, and we'll discuss the github and
release issues with Torben together separately.
I'll wait for the green light from Neil that the comaint status is delegated,
and after that, when time permits, we shall
release the next version.
Torben: I'
Oh I totally don't stress to get the work alone hehe, we can share it
so i can help, and if you already know what to do you can also just go
for it then, when we get the go of neilb. So all easy! :D
Am Sa., 23. Okt. 2021 um 18:47 Uhr schrieb Dmitry Karasik
> Hi all,
> Both comaint is fine wi
Hi Torsten,
I’m one of the PAUSE admins.
Dmitry Karasik (copied on this email) has also asked to have co-maint on
I also tried to contact Alex to see if he was open to giving co-maint, and said
that a PAUSE admin can do it on his behalf. I haven’t had a reply either.
So we’r
Hi Graham,
I’ve tried a number of times to contact Lukas, to see if he’s happy for you to
have co-maint, with no success.
Consequently I’ve just given you co-maint on Return::MultiLevel.
Lukas: if you don’t want Graham to have co-maint, just contact me privately and
I’ll remove the permissions
Hi Neil and PAUSE admins,
This is in regard to Return::MultiLevel.
I haven't been able to contact Lukas, and have asked around on GitHub,
twitter and IRC to no avail. My original attempt to contact was way back
in March, and then again in July when I CC'd the modules list. I wonder if
I could b
Hi Lukas,
I’m one of the PAUSE admins.
If you’re happy for Graham to have co-maint on Return::MultiLevel, just give
the word and I can give him co-maint on your behalf.
I’m also happy to reassure you that Graham is a reliable CPAN author, and has
adopted a number of distributions over the year
Hello Lukas,
I tried contacting you back in March using your CPAN email, and trying an
email address that I found in the history of the Return-MultiLevel github
There is an open bug against Return::MultiLevel due to a change in
Hi Sergey,
I’ve just given you co-maint on AnyEvent-Pcap, as I’ve been unable to contact
Miki-san, if you don’t want Sergey to have co-maint, just let me know, and I
can revert this.
Dear Neil,
Do we have any feedback from Miki-san?
I suppose 3 months have passed since our first letter to him.
Should we give it more time?
Sergei Zhmylev
Hi Simon,
> > Would you be happy for me to schedule the deletion your 0.06002 release of
> > DBIx-Class from PAUSE, and thus from CPAN? This will stop it appearing in
> > the CPAN Index, but will also move one step closer to resolving all the
> > permissions inconsistencies on PAUSE.
> sorry for
Hi Slaven,
I hope you’re well?
This is just a gentle nudge on this change. This obviously isn’t urgent, but by
early next year this will be one of the last few distributions on my hitlist :-)
On 15 Oct 2020, 18:12 +0100, Neil Bowers , wrote:
> Hi Slaven,
> Normally I’d suggest ma
Thanks Chris and Ashley — I’ll schedule the deletions right after this. You’ll
get a confirmation email from PAUSE.
Shouldn’t be a problem, go ahead with resolving the conflict
Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone
On Saturday, November 7, 2020, 6:30 AM, Chris Burel
Hi Neil,
Go right ahead. I haven't touched the Qt4 code in a long time. Yes, Qt4 was
meant to be a successor to Qt. The Qt bindings at this
Hi Neil,
Go right ahead. I haven't touched the Qt4 code in a long time. Yes, Qt4 was
meant to be a successor to Qt. The Qt bindings at this point are extremely old,
I'd be surprised if anyone is still using them.
> On Nov 7, 2020, at 3:17 AM, Neil Bowers wrote:
> Hi Chris & Ashl
Hi Neil,
Thank you very much for your efforts and time.
I'll wait for any reaction of Miki-san.
As for my first name, both variants are fine. Although the transliteration in
my passport says "Sergei".
Sergei Zhmylev.
> Hi Sergei,
> I have tried contacting Miki-san (PAUSE user MIKI)
Hi Sergei,
I have tried contacting Miki-san (PAUSE user MIKI) to ask if he’s ok for you to
have co-maint on AnyEvent::Pcap.
Please give me a little while to try and get his explicit permission. If I also
fail, then we’ll give you co-maint.
In the meantime, can you answer my curiosity: your ema
Hi Simon, Marcus, and Matt,
At the start of October I emailed you and others about old releases of
DBIx-Class appearing in the index, for modules which don’t have any indexing
permissions. Half of the old releases have been deleted now.
Would you be happy to delete your old releases please? I c
Dear Neil,
I'm sorry to reply too late.
I have just finished old versions of Test-Module-Used distributions.
Takuya Tsuchida
2020年10月15日(木) 6:30 Neil Bowers :
> Hi Tsichida-san,
> Are you happy for me to schedule deletion of the old releases of your
> Test-Module-Used distribution?
Hi Nathan,
I emailed you last month, and in April, about your Perl module
Spreadsheet::WriteExcel::WebPivot. I’m a PAUSE admin, and I’m working to
resolve situations where CPAN distributions clash with other distributions, or
have split or missing indexing permissions.
Would you be happy for m
Hi Tsuchida-san,
Thank you for scheduling the deletion of old releases — much appreciated.
Hi all - I am perfectly happy with whatever you two decide to do, I have been
out the Tk world for a *long* time now. And for that matter the Perl world,
although I still use it a lot.
> On Oct 14, 2020, at 5:32 PM, Neil Bowers wrote:
> Hi Stephen & Slaven,
> I’m one of th
Hi Slaven,
Normally I’d suggest making Tk depend on Tie-Watch, but if your desire to keep
Tk low dependency is strong enough, and also given that you’ve indexing
permissions on both Tk and Tie-Watch, and that Tie-Watch hasn’t had a release
in the last 10 years, it sounds to me like the best tra
Hi Tsichida-san,
Are you happy for me to schedule deletion of the old releases of your
Test-Module-Used distribution?
The latest release would remain in your author directory on PAUSE, and would
still be in the CPAN Index.
All of your releases to CPAN are always available on BackPAN, in your a
thank you a lot!
yes, scheduling old releases for deletion is okay!
Le 29 sept. 2020 12:40, "Neil Bowers" a écrit :
> Hi Vadim,
> I’m one of the PAUSE admins. I’m tidying up situations where modules in a
> distribution have either missing permissions or permissions shared between
> two or more
Hi Vadrer,
> yes, scheduling old releases for deletion is okay!
Great — thank you. I’ll do that now: you’ll get a confirmation email from PAUSE.
Hi Alex,
> I've just scheduled my two DBIx-Class releases on PAUSE for deletion.
Thank you!
One thing I forgot to point out: Peter (RIBASUSHI) has the most recent releases
of DBIx-Class on CPAN. And should anyone want to install an older release, you
can install from BackPAN using cpanm.
Hi Neil, sorry for the late reply. I've just scheduled my two DBIx-Class
releases on PAUSE for deletion. Best regards, Alex Am 2020-10-01 23:59, Neil
Bowers schrieb: > > > Hi Alexander, Andrew, Daniel,
David, Marcus, Matt, and Simon, > > I’m one of the PAUSE admins. I’m working
through situati
Hi Neil!
Great, thanks! Sorry for the late reply.
On Mon, Oct 5, 2020 at 11:24 AM Neil Bowers wrote:
> Hi Shlomi,
> Thanks for the nudge.
> I’ve dropped HANDOFF from XML-LibXML.
> Cheers,
> Neil
Shlomi Fish
Buddha has the Chuck Norris nature.
Hi Chris,
> Neil, I’m sorry I neglected to get back to you; I was thinking about it, and
> then I forgot to come back to it.
Absolutely no worries — we’ve all got more stuff than usual on our minds. Heck,
I’m not even American and I’m distracted by your news!
> As long as it is still in BackPAN
Hi Shlomi,
Thanks for the nudge.
I’ve dropped HANDOFF from XML-LibXML.
Hi Neil and all!
On Tue, Sep 22, 2020 at 4:31 PM Shlomi Fish wrote:
> Hi Neil!
> On Mon, Sep 21, 2020 at 2:05 AM Neil Bowers wrote:
> >
> > Hi Shlomi,
> >
> > I’m emailing you wearing my PAUSE admin hat. I’m working through
> > distributions that had two or more people with first-come permi
Hi Chris,
Are you happy for me to delete your old releases of MP3-Info?
All releases to CPAN are always available on BackPAN. For example, all the
releases you’ve ever done are in your author directory on BackPAN:
This won’t affect what gets ins
Kenneth’s CPAN address bounces. I tracked him down, and had a reply from him:
he’s happy for the files to be deleted, and for his CPAN email address to
continue bouncing.
Hi Matt,
I’ve just rationalised the first-comes on the Catalyst related distributions
that I flagged:
> For Catalyst-Controller-WrapCGI, you have first-come on the lead module and
> one other module, and RKITOVER has first-come on one module. RKITOVER has
> done all releases, so makes sense fo
> Ok. I am good with you deleting old releases out of my user directory.
Thanks John — I’ll do that now. You’ll get an email from PAUSE confirming this,
and letting you know that the files will actually be deleted in 3 days.
Hi Sam,
I see from the reindexing of your most recent release of Tangram that there are
two packages used where someone else has the indexing permission, related to an
entirely different CPAN distribution.
The first of these is "Person", which is part of the Tangram::Springfield
examples. Ther
> Thanks for looking into it. Switch them to HANDOFF please.
Hi John,
> I’m confused about why the Tangram-2.10 release would be in my directory. I
> am not the author of that package.
Sorry, that was a cut & paste error — I’ve been working through a lot of cases
like this.
> If the old releases of Tcl-pTk get deleted from my directory, does that mean
Thanks for looking into it. Switch them to HANDOFF please.
On 20.Sep.20 03:11, Neil Bowers wrote:
Hi Michael,
I’m going to reindex your XPlanner distribution, which will give you
permissions on the packages that are missing any. And I’ll add HANDOFF
to those as well, so that everything’s at l
Hi Sam & Jean-Loius,
Thanks to both of you for getting back to me.
I’ll schedule the deletion of the old releases, which will remove old modules
from the CPAN Index.
If you look at the MetaCPAN page for Sam’s latest release
(https://metacpan.org/release/Tangram), you’ll see that a number of th
Hi Nathan,
Would you be happy for me to do a 0.02 release of your
Spreadsheet::WriteExcel::WebPivot module, so resolve the issue previously
On 5 Aug 2020, 15:57 +0100, Neil Bowers , wrote:
> Hi Nathan,
> I’m one of the PAUSE admins. PAUSE is the system used to upload Pe
Hi Dobrica,
I’m about to schedule the deletion of the old releases of Fuse from your author
directory. You’ll get a confirmation from PAUSE, and the files will be deleted
in 3 days (72 hours).
Once they’re gone, this should resolve the permissions clash.
> Yep, that sounds like the right thing to do here. The 0.03 release is the
> "officially" supported version anyway and it's probably best not to have the
> older releases around at this stage.
Thanks Damion — I’ve just scheduled deletion of the two earlier releases;
they’ll be deleted in 3 day
Yep, that sounds like the right thing to do here. The 0.03 release is the
"officially" supported version anyway and it's probably best not to have
the older releases around at this stage.
Damion K. Wilson
On Sun, Sep 27, 2020 at 12:15 PM Neil Bowers
> Hi Damion,
> I’m one of t
Hi, Neil,
let's go through the list.
On Sun, Sep 20, 2020 at 5:17 PM Neil Bowers wrote:
> Msql-Mysql-modules has 15 modules in the index.
Msql-Mysql-modules is no longer maintained, and has been replaced by DBD::mysql.
> SNMP-Monitor is similar: you have first-come on one module, and there ar
I'm fine with you removing the copies associated with me too. That was
quite a genealogy of the software releases Neil!
PS. Hi Bill & Galen 👋
On 9/19/20 6:44 PM, Bill Birthisel wrote:
Hi Neil,
I'm fine with removing the ancient copy associated with me.
-bill (BBIRTH)
On 9/19/20 5:16 P
Hi Hannyaharamitu-san,
I am going to schedule the deletion of old releases of JSON-RPC from your
author directory. You will get an email confirming this from PAUSE, and be
given 72 hours to reverse this.
Once the old releases have gone, the old modules will be dropped from the CPAN
Index, and
Hi Sam,
I’m going to schedule the deletion of your old releases of HTML-Template. This
will resolve the conflict caused by HTML::Template::DEFAULT still being listed
in the CPAN Index against an old release of HTML-Template.
You’ll get a confirmation email from PAUSE, letting you know this is
Hi Jochen,
Three of your distributions are now marked as available for adoption, and have
consistent ownership.
Msql-Mysql-modules is a different matter, as there’s some conflict on package
names and permissions with DBD-mysql. I’ll deal with that separately, as I
suspect it’s not going to be
Hi Jochen,
Thanks for the updates on the distributions. Given they’re all no longer being
maintained, I’ll mark them as available for adoption.
To do that, I’ll reindex a number of your releases, and delete some old
releases, so there’s no clash in the index.
You’ll get some emails from PAUSE
Hi Neil!
On Mon, Sep 21, 2020 at 2:05 AM Neil Bowers wrote:
> Hi Shlomi,
> I’m emailing you wearing my PAUSE admin hat. I’m working through
> distributions that had two or more people with first-come permissions, or
> where there are modules with no first-come.
> The XML-LibXML is one of
Hi Torsten,
Thanks for getting back to me.
Okamoto-san: do you want to retain first-come permissions, or shall I transfer
> I'm fine with you removing the copies associated with me too.
Thanks Ed — I’ve just scheduled the deletion, which will happen in 72 hours.
> I'm fine with removing the ancient copy associated with me.
> -bill (BBIRTH)
Thanks Bill — I’ve just scheduled the deletion, which will happen in 72 hours.
I’ve heard back from Xan, and as a result have transferred the first-come
permissions back to Xan.
> I’ve given JENDA first-come and dropped my permissions. One less critter
> hanging around in my rescue shelter.
Heh. Thanks for that.
> It was essentially case (a), from when MJD gave up his first-come on
> everything he owned.
Ah. I saw the one MJD co-maint and wondered how that fit into the
Hi Michael,
I’m going to reindex your XPlanner distribution, which will give you
permissions on the packages that are missing any. And I’ll add HANDOFF to those
as well, so that everything’s at least consistent.
And if you want me to just set them all as ADOPTME, let me know, and I’ll do
* Neil Bowers [2020-09-19 17:05]:
> You have first-come on the Interpolation module itself, but JENDA has
> first-come on the rest. JENDA has done most releases, between 0.67 in
> 2002 and 0.74 in 2009.
> But then you also did a 0.74 release in 2018, which you subsequently
> deleted (I can
Just checked my emails and the situation was that he transferred it to
me, in the sense that i wanted to push a fix, but then before I came
to that he released a fix of that situation, in general i am fine with
taking over and making a new updated release, i dont even recall what
was my problem bac
> Neil Bowers 於 2020年9月18日 上午5:10 寫道:
> Hi Audrey,
> I’m one of the PAUSE admins. I’m working through situations where
> distributions have split ownership, and/or have permissions conflict with
> other distributions. Your i18n distribution is one of these, caused by
> earlier re
yes please go ahead and transfer my first-come to MARCC.
Thanks for all your work,
On Thu, Sep 17, 2020, at 00:07, Neil Bowers wrote:
> Hi Damien,
> I’m one of the PAUSE admins. I’m looking at CPAN distributions which have
> split ownership, and trying to resolve them, as PAUSE now
Aha. I should have looked at your Makefile.PL — you have no_index on most of
the IV_* packages in your dist, but the list doesn’t include IV_BOOL. I’m
guessing that’s because you added IV_BOOL in the 0.09 release. Do you want to
add IV_BOOL to the no_index list?
Those other packages are still a
Hi dams,
> yes please go ahead and transfer my first-come to MARCC.
Thanks — I’ve just transferred your first-come on
Method::Generate::Accessor::Role::LvalueAttribute to MARCC.
Hi Neil-san,
thanks for your notice. Deleted old files.
2020年9月15日(火) 6:41 Neil Bowers :
> Hi Ishigaki-san,
> Your Perl-PrereqScanner-NotQuiteLite distribution has an old release
> appearing in the index (0.50), because that was the last release that
> included package autho
Hi Marc,
> I accept your generous offer - I only released those modules as a
> temporary workaround. The only reason I didn't delete them yet is because
> I didn't track which ones have been superseded, so deleting conflicting
> ones is the right thing here.
Thanks — I’ve just scheduled the deleti
Hi Sam,
Are you happy for me to schedule deletion of old releases of HTML-Template from
your author directory?
On 23 Aug 2020, 14:28 +0100, Neil Bowers , wrote:
> Hi Sam,
> I’m one of the PAUSE admins. I’m tidying up distributions that have shared
> first-come ownership, since PA
Hi Marc,
Thanks for getting back to me. I’ve just triggered a reindexing of
Deliantra-Client-2.11.tar.gz, and will check the permissions when it’s done.
> Any idea why this didn't happen the first time it was uploaded?
I’m not sure whether you either didn’t get the permissions, or they have bee
You can create a new PAUSE id and transfer all of JJORE's permissions to
your new id, if you like (or Neil can do it if you no longer have the login
credentials for the old account).
On Fri, Sep 11, 2020 at 2:27 PM m wrote:
> Knock yourself out, JJORE will never release anything again since I've
All of the early releasers of B-Utils are long gone, and the ownership was
split, so I have given first-come on B-Utils to JJORE, as they did the majority
of the recent releases.
The obvious other candidate was ETHER. Depending on who does the next few
releases, if any, we can revisit this
Neil Bowers schrieb am Do., 10. Sep. 2020, 19:29:
> Hi Sam,
> Thanks — I’ve transferred your first-come to Reini, so he now has
> first-come on all modules in the Set-Object.
> Cheers,
> Neil
Hi Sam,
Thanks — I’ve transferred your first-come to Reini, so he now has first-come on
all modules in the Set-Object.
Yes, please do. I do everything I used to do in Perl using python or go
these days.
Thanks and regards,
On Thu, Sep 10, 2020 at 7:11 AM Neil Bowers wrote:
> Hi Sam,
> I’m one of the PAUSE admins. I’m working on resolving all the cases where
> a distribution
On Sat, Aug 29, 2020 at 10:13:17AM +0100, Neil Bowers wrote:
> Hi Dominic,
> Are you happy for me to give Bob Walker first-come permissions on all
> packages in the OpenGuides distribution?
> If you’d rather keep the first-come permissions yourself, that is fine, and
> I’ll make that change
I tried contacting Malcolm (MICB) a few days, but didn’t get any response.
Given that Malcolm hasn’t done any CPAN releases for nearly 20 years, I decided
it was fine to transfer all the first-come permissions on B-C to Reini
(RURBAN). Malcolm retains co-maint on all modules.
Hi Dominic,
> I don't really mind either way. Bob is much more involved day to day but I'm
> still a stakeholder (and FWIW hold other assets such as the project
> domain name - there's probably a different discussion to be had about that).
I’ve just transferred the first-come permissions to Bob.
Hi Dominic,
Are you happy for me to give Bob Walker first-come permissions on all packages
in the OpenGuides distribution?
If you’d rather keep the first-come permissions yourself, that is fine, and
I’ll make that change instead.
On 25 Aug 2020, at 0:02, Thomas Sibley wrote:
Thank you for continuing to maintain PAUSE.
I also prefer to keep history around, but if the historical releases
have to go to make way for better things, please feel free to mark
them for deletion on my behalf.
As well.
This email thre
Hi Neil,
Thank you for continuing to maintain PAUSE. I also prefer to keep
history around, but if the historical releases have to go to make way
for better things, please feel free to mark them for deletion on my behalf.
This email thread is like a little mini BPS reunion. ;-)
On 8/
> Your HTML-Lint distribution is one of these. You have first-come on
> HTML::Lint and HTML::Lint::Parser, and no-one has co-maint. User LEIRA has
> first-come on Test::HTML::Lint, HTML::Lint::Error, and HTML::Lint::HTML4, and
> you have co-maint.
> LEIRA hasn’t done any releases of HTML-L
Hi Darren,
> I have just logged into PAUSE and pruned my account so only the single newest
> version of each distribution is kept and the rest have been marked so they
> will
> be deleted on Friday. Hopefully that will resolve the problem.
Great — thank you for doing that.
> I also deleted the d
Hi Andy,
> I don't think LEIRA ever did any releases, and I haven't heard from her in at
> least a decade. All the HTML::Lint perms might as well go back to me.
Done — you now have first-come on all the modules in the distribution.
Hello Neil,
Thank you for letting me know about this.
I have just logged into PAUSE and pruned my account so only the single newest
version of each distribution is kept and the rest have been marked so they will
be deleted on Friday. Hopefully that will resolve the problem.
I also deleted t
Hi Neil,
Sorry for my delay.
We have already received the announcement from PAUSE via email, we
have no problem with deleting WWW-TypePad from SIXAPART account.
-- shigeta
On Thu, Aug 20, 2020 at 5:13 AM Neil Bowers wrote:
> Hi,
> I’m one of the PAUSE admins. I’m working on tidying
Hi Neil,
Thanks so much for working to clean this stuff up. Everything should move to
I believe we're in a similar situation with GnuPg-Interface, which should,
ideally, also all be indexed under BPS.
I'm ok with old releases going away, but have always appreciated having the
history ar
Hi Jesse,
> Thanks so much for working to clean this stuff up. Everything should move to
> BPS.
> I believe we're in a similar situation with GnuPg-Interface, which should,
> ideally, also all be indexed under BPS.
Thanks — I’ve transferred permissions from JESSE to BPS where there were
> Whichever Karen prefers. I’m easy.
Karen was happy to get first-comes on the dist, so I’ve transferred them from
Stevan and Chris to Karen, with Stevan and Chris retaining co-maint.
Thanks all,
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