Yes, please do. I do everything I used to do in Perl using python or go
these days.

Thanks and regards,

On Thu, Sep 10, 2020 at 7:11 AM Neil Bowers <> wrote:

> Hi Sam,
> I’m one of the PAUSE admins. I’m working on resolving all the cases where
> a distribution has the first-come permissions shared between multiple
> people. PAUSE tries to make sure this doesn’t happen now, but in the past
> it was easy for it to happen, when someone with co-maint adds a new module
> to a distribution.
> For the Set-Object distribution, you have first-come on the lead module,
> but Reini (RURBAN, copied on this email) has first-come on the reat. He has
> also done all releases since 2013, so I wonder if it makes sense to give
> him co-maint on all modules?
> If you’re happy with this, I can do it on your behalf. You’ll retain
> co-maint. Is that ok?
> Cheers,
> Neil

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