Hi Neil,

Thanks so much for working to clean this stuff up.  Everything should move to 

I believe we're in a similar situation with GnuPg-Interface, which should, 
ideally, also all be indexed under BPS.

I'm ok with old releases going away, but have always appreciated having the 
history around. PAUSE really can't cope with having the historical uploads 

On Sun, Aug 23, 2020, at 9:18 AM, Neil Bowers wrote:
> Hi Alex, Shawn, Thomas, and Jesse,
> I’m one of the PAUSE admins. I’m tidying up distributions that have shared 
> first-come ownership, since PAUSE tries now to not let this happen — it 
> maintains the permissions profile on the lead module, regardless of who 
> releases (in the past the releaser would get first-come on newly added 
> modules). Jifty is one of these distributions, caused by multiple people 
> doing releases over the years, and adding / dropping packages.
> You’ve all done releases of Jifty, you have indexing permissions, and all of 
> you have old releases in your PAUSE author directory.
> The user BPS has the first-come indexing permission on all packages apart 
> from Jifty itself, which JESSE has. There’s a mixture of different people 
> with co-maint.
> In addition to the latest release (from ALEXMV) there are three old releases 
> of Jifty in the CPAN Index, because package names were dropped / renamed.
> To resolve this:
>  1. Should JESSE’s first-come on Jifty be transferred to BPS, or should all 
> of BPS’s first-comes be transferred to JESSE?
>  2. To resolve the old releases appearing in the index, TSIBLEY and SARTAK 
> could delete all releases in their PAUSE author directory, and ALEXMV could 
> delete all old releases. I can schedule these deletions on your behalf, if 
> you’d like? You would get a confirmation email from PAUSE.
> Are you happy to delete all old releases, and to let me know how to resolve 
> the first-come permissions please?
> Cheers,
> Neil

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