Just checked my emails and the situation was that he transferred it to
me, in the sense that i wanted to push a fix, but then before I came
to that he released a fix of that situation, in general i am fine with
taking over and making a new updated release, i dont even recall what
was my problem back in the days, but i am still open for maintaining
the module, if ryochin is not interested. Of course also happy if he
want to continue :D.

Am Sa., 19. Sept. 2020 um 23:44 Uhr schrieb Neil Bowers
> Hi Torsten,
> I’m one of the PAUSE admins. I’m working on resolving situations where CPAN 
> distributions have ownership split between two or more people, or missing 
> indexing permissions, and various related issues.
> Net-FTPServer is one such curious case. Three different people released it 
> over the years, most recently user RYOCHIN, who did three releases in 2012. 
> These are the most recent releases.
> RYOCHIN has first-come on the lead module Net::FTPServer, but on all of the 
> other modules, you (GETTY) have the first-come permission and RYOCHIN doesn’t 
> even have co-maint.
> My best guess is that you planned to take over Net-FTPServer, and RYOCHIN 
> meant to transfer all permissions to you, but one got missed. Or maybe it was 
> BRONG or RWMJ, the other two who have co-maint? And you never got round to 
> doing any releases.
> There are at least two ways to resolve this:
> If you don’t plan on doing any release, I could transfer your first-comes to 
> RYOCHIN and re-index his last release (to clear up all the "UNAUTHORIZED" red 
> text on MetaCPAN). If neither you nor RYOCHIN plan to do a (further) release, 
> but at least leaves everything in a better state.
> I could transfer RYOCHIN’s first-come to you, give him co-maint on all 
> modules, and still re-index his last release. Then you’re good to do a 
> release, and everything’s tidied up in the meantime.
> I’ve copied Okamoto-san (RYOCHIN) on this, in case my guess at history is 
> entirely wrong.
> Are you both happy for me to progress as per step 1?
> Cheers,
> Neil

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