Re: nsd listening on localhost is zone transfer possible transfer ?

2023-08-04 Thread Nick Holland
a change on one machine before breaking everything...and then waiting for the next refresh cycle to fix it. Nick.

Re: Mouse not working via KVM switch

2023-08-17 Thread Nick Holland
types (my "good" one seems to plug/unplug the mouse/keyboard, but has a great keep-alive for the monitor). Nick.

Re: Stuck in X start and crash loop

2023-08-17 Thread Nick Holland
mpt. But NOW you might be able to CTRL-ALT-F1 back to the CLI. WORST CASE, reboot the machine, and boot in single user mode. # mount -a # export TERM=vt220 ...fix it Nick.

Re: volatility or something like that in the future ?

2023-08-19 Thread Nick Holland
enBSD should become Linux Reinvented Badly. That's offensive. Nick.

Re: desire for journaled filesystem

2023-09-06 Thread Nick Holland
just wouldn't have been a thing if it was running FFS. It was literally "features" taking down a customer facing system, over and over. You are trying to "fix" a non-problem by making things more complicated. Not gonna work they way you expect. Nick.

Re: is down?

2023-09-23 Thread Nick Holland
On 9/23/23 13:42, S V wrote: Any info on state? It is down for me and web checkers. It is back up now. Seems my monitor's alert to text me is handled as spam by my cellular service now. Sorry for the downtime! Nick.

httpd stopping

2023-09-23 Thread Nick Holland
problem? (I've got a pair of machines here. I've flipped over to the other after reving it up to -current (yesterday's snapshot, but machine that failed twice is still at the snapshot that failed for now). Nick. OpenBSD 7.3-current (GENERIC.MP) #1360: Fri Sep 8 19:01:03 MDT 2023

Re: I nuked my filesystem

2023-09-26 Thread Nick Holland
s created (and your daily output e-mails might be of use there), you might get lucky recreating the disklabel. You might want to start by imaging the remains of the disk to another drive before going any further so you can try again if you guess wrong. But yeah. You need a good backup. here's mine: ksh shell script + rsync + another computer and big disk. Nick.

Re: sftp activity logging?

2023-09-28 Thread Nick Holland
ks in advance. Try this, perhaps? man sftp-server, options of interest may include -f, -l. You will probably have to have a /dev/log inside the chroot, which also means the "nodev" option is not your friend. Nick.

Re: OpenBSD 7.4

2023-10-15 Thread Nick Holland
seen "Long Term Support" Linux releases used in, I've become absolutely convinced LTS is just a BAD IDEA and I'm thankful OpenBSD doesn't do that. Nick.

Re: Slow relink in 7.4

2023-10-17 Thread Nick Holland
leases ago, but after KARL and library relinks1, I found that on i386, 384MB was required to prevent swapping during the kernel and library relink at boot. I'm assuming it is "worse" now, and worse yet on amd64. Nick.

Re: Upgrading from 7.3 to 7.4 with sysupgrade

2023-11-16 Thread Nick Holland
s probably flawed. So I'd really suggest, just don't worry about it, just do an upgrade, let it install everything, and be done with it. But if you don't like the way sysupgrade does things, don't use that tool. Nick.

Re: Three more orphan packages

2023-11-16 Thread Nick Holland
sily. You could also read and understand rc(8) and find what is going on by following the startup process. Nick.

Re: a couple question about my fde setup

2023-11-20 Thread Nick Holland
ou will have to reinstall to switch boot modes (technically, no, but if you have to ask, yes). Nick.

Re: Auto-install over network using UEFI

2023-11-23 Thread Nick Owens
On Tue, Nov 21, 2023 at 7:03 PM Chris Narkiewicz wrote: > > I'm experimentin with auto-install over network using linux libvirt > (qemu). > > I managed to load pxeboot in BIOS mode and I'm wondering if UEFI > is supported. > > According to this blog, I should load BOOTX64.EFI instead of pxeboot. >, maintenance

2023-12-19 Thread Nick Holland
. Nick.

Re: Post (snap) update emails: fsck errors and (in)security output

2023-12-20 Thread Nick Holland
SO happened, and was dismissed as "part of the upgrade noise". This wasn't OpenBSD nor was it a "security event", but it did delay the detection and repair of a redundancy failure issue because one line was missed in a sea of thousands of lines of "yeah, that's exp

Re:, maintenance

2023-12-23 Thread Nick Holland
On 12/19/23 15:38, Nick Holland wrote: Hello,,, and will be unavailable for site maintenance starting Thursday, December 21 about 6:00am ET (UTC-5) and hopefully be back up and running by Saturday, December 23, 6

Re: self-hosted script?

2023-12-24 Thread Nick Holland
don't suck. :) These are not official, but they are run by one of the people who run the official sites. They will go away once the official site is back up and running. Nick. On 12/23/23 11:16 AM, Nick Holland wrote: On 12/19/23 15:38, Nick Holland wrote: Hello,, cvsweb.o

Re: timing out via HTTP & HTTPS

2023-12-30 Thread Nick Holland
Tuesday or Wednesday next week (Jan 2-3). In the meantime, as Eric pointed out, are available as temporary fill-ins. Nick.

Re:, maintenance

2024-01-03 Thread Nick Holland,, are all back up and running. Snapshots and packages should be up to date, now, too. My apologies for the inconvenience. Nick. On 12/19/23 15:38, Nick Holland wrote: Hello,

Re: Communication between hosts on different network interfaces

2024-01-06 Thread Nick Holland
houldn't be allowed to touch the trusted machines, but unlike your situation, the untrusted machines don't need to be accessed by the trusted. Small machine, two NICs. One NIC is DHCP to the trusted network, NAT and DCHP server on the untrustedv side, maybe a logging DNS server. Block all from the untrusted to the trusted subnet, pass everything else (internet). These don't need those inbound static routes. Nick.

Re: GENERIC.MP#1600 last snapshot cvs cant create tmp subdir

2024-01-17 Thread Nick Holland
irm the problem with but other servers are fine. So it does appear to be a problem on itself. - todd Yes. the cvs checkout tmp directory was filled on That has been fixed. My apology for the issue. Nick.

Re: Adaptec 8405 SGL drivers these days?

2024-01-26 Thread Nick Holland
based system. (no ads!) Nick

Re: how to play bytebeat on openbsd?

2024-02-02 Thread Nick Owens
back when i used to mess with these, i frequently used `sox` to play the 8-bit samples. it can do the sample conversion for you to whatever the system needs. On Fri, Feb 2, 2024 at 11:08 AM Omar Polo wrote: > > On 2024/02/02 18:41:46 +, wrote: > > hello > > > > I've

Re: [answered]Re: how to play bytebeat on openbsd?

2024-02-03 Thread Nick Owens
hing up? > > does this only mimic bytebeat, and is not true 8-bit technique to get > realistic bytebeat? > > On Fri, February 2, 2024 9:15 pm, Nick Owens wrote: > > back when i used to mess with these, i frequently used `sox` to play the > > 8-bit > > samples. it can do the

Re: questions about RAID5C, RAID6, RAID6C, can Openbsd be a good storage-server OS?

2024-02-04 Thread Nick Holland
GHT just find that multiple stand-alone systems will give you better redundancy for some applications. RAID helps if your disk fails, but there are a lot of other things that fail on storage servers, and for SOME applications, having a whole other machine ready to roll is a better solution. Granted, my FIRST choice is TWO machines running RAID storage, but that's not always practical. Nick.

Re: many serial ports

2024-02-08 Thread Nick Holland
he same problem. And thinking about it, I don't recall having to reboot the system the FTDI device is attached to in a while due to port lockup, so maybe it's fixed in the OS, maybe it has become so automatic to me, I just do it and don't log it in my brain). Nick.

Re: Saving UKC> list output

2024-03-15 Thread Nick Holland
to get out of config) CTRL-D (to get out of script) ta-da! output in 'typescript'. config does some of what boot -c does from a running system. script captures screen input and output. man config man script Nick.

Re: UKC> disable "smth"

2024-03-16 Thread Nick Holland
Linking (KARL). There are fixes for this, HOWEVER, I'm not sure what your goals are here in tweaking your kernel like this, but I'm guessing breaking KARL isn't your biggest problem you are about to create for yourself. This probably isn't something you want to be doing. Nick.

Re: Bash instead of ksh

2024-04-01 Thread Nick Holland
ll. But as a system administrator, you will generally find benefit in knowing the native tools. During the week for a living, I administer Linux machines, and use bash. In evenings and weekends, I work with OpenBSD and pdksh. I really have no issue switching between the two. Nick.

Re: Bash instead of ksh

2024-04-02 Thread Nick Holland
ple to do? What is it that you see bash doing so much better than stock pdksh? Nick.

Re: Bridging firewall with online update/upgrade

2024-04-03 Thread Nick Holland
from there. That would have the benefit of remote administration, too. Nick.

Re: ipv6 assistance

2024-04-06 Thread Nick Owens
On Sat, Apr 6, 2024 at 8:10 AM Sonic wrote: > > Running -current on my router and finally (after years) decided to move into > using ipv6. > I added "inet6 autoconf" to hostname.em0 (also has "inet autoconf") and I get > a link local address: > = > # ifconfig em0

Re: 7.5 NO hard drive?

2024-04-08 Thread Nick Holland
OpenBSD 7.3 as well, so something changed on your computer, I'm suspicious your CMOS battery has died, and the system came back up in the defaults, which include this RAID "feature". Nick.

Re: OpenBSD 7.5 bsd.upgrade hangs after sysupgrade

2024-04-08 Thread Nick Holland
ts -- copy it to /bsd75, for example, then "boot bsd75 -s" (the -s is so it doesn't try to go multi-user with a mixed new kernel/old userland/packages). If that seems happy, just do a "remote upgrade", using the "Manual Upgrade (without the install kernel)" process in Nick.

Re: Upgraded to 7.5: vfs.ffs.dirhash_dirsize no longer exists and large directory ere veeery slow

2024-04-11 Thread Nick Holland
code was ugly, and it made it difficult to actually improve the code. Nick.

"cdio cddbinfo" broken?

2022-07-25 Thread Nick Holland
nyone confirm/refute? Nick. OpenBSD 7.2-beta (GENERIC.MP) #644: Sat Jul 23 19:59:20 MDT 2022 real mem = 34340835328 (32749MB) avail mem = 33282711552 (31740MB) random: good seed from bootblocks mpath0 at root scsibus0 at mpath0

Re: OpenBSD 7.1 : reorder_kernel: failed

2022-08-02 Thread Nick Holland
ix the problem by bringing everything back in sync (I'm assuming you are running 7.1-release, if you are running a snapshot, just run "sysupgrade" and move to a new snapshot). Nick.

Re: recommended partitions to backup with dump

2022-08-24 Thread Nick Holland
ired applications, then copying over the config files and the data directories. Thus I tend to be partial to rsync backups using the --link-dest option rather than dump(8)s of file systems. Both have their place, and they really aren't competitors. I have a sample starting point rsync --link-dest script here: Nick.

Re: Is OpenBSD suited for old Dell Precision T5500 (Dual Xeon X5675, 72GB RAM)

2022-09-06 Thread Nick Holland
hort: you have a potentially good machine. I have no idea of the condition that yours is actually in, but "Run OpenBSD on a T5500? Yes". Nick. OpenBSD 7.2-beta (GENERIC.MP) #702: Sun Aug 21 00:29:07 MDT 2022 real mem =

Re: Is OpenBSD suited for old Dell Precision T5500 (Dual Xeon X5675, 72GB RAM)

2022-09-07 Thread Nick Holland
d'ed zeros over the drive, and now I've got no issues with it. I've been able to extend the life of flakey SSDs the same way (don't say "write fatigue", these drives haven't had a fraction of the writes to be worried about "write fatigue". They just weren't good drives). Plus...probably not a bad idea to know what data is on a USB drive anyway. Nick.

Re: Swap on SSD's (with softraid 1+C)

2022-09-07 Thread Nick Holland
on RAID1+C, and some potential advantage. You might wish you did, you are unlikely to wish you didn't. Nick.

Re: softraid disk read error

2022-10-18 Thread Nick Holland
a discovery of a bad spot and locks it out and replaces it with a spare. I've had some success with this process, actually, though it's a bad idea. :) Nick.

Re: Installing OpenBSD on new Chromebook

2022-10-29 Thread Nick Holland
MAY be tricks you can do, but you can put a lot of time and effort into forcing something to install OpenBSD and then find out X doesn't work. Or there's no functioning network. Or both. Nick.

Re: Can I undo OpenBSD GPT partition table and recover my data? was: Triple booting Windows/Debian/OpenBSD?

2022-11-03 Thread Nick Holland
tried doing this in a while. Now repeat after me: multibooting is hard. Never do it on a system that you aren't prepared to completely reload... Nick.

Re: Ctrl key doesn't interrupt boot

2022-11-14 Thread Nick Holland
machine accept a PS/2 keyboard? If so, does CTRL work as expected there? Nick.

Re: Keyboard won't work during OpenBSD 7.1 or 7.2 installation.

2022-11-23 Thread Nick Holland
might shed some clues. But some of these specialty machines (including some virtualization products) are built and tested to certain OSs and not much regard is given to other system or the reference designs. Nick.

Re: Configure OpenBSD for remote server rarely used

2022-11-27 Thread Nick Holland
imum life" is NOT one of them, it's pretty mainstream. From your elaboration on your goals, just leave it alone. By trying to make it a super-efficient system, you are going to increase your downtime and failure in a number of ways. Nick. On 27 Nov 2022, at 15:50, Jan Stary

Re: PC Engines APU alternative for OpenBSD - 2022h2

2022-12-01 Thread Nick Owens
hardkernel makes the odroid-h3/h3+. i haven't used this new generation, but my home firewall is an odroid-h2+ (the previous generation) and i use it with their 4-port pci nic addon card for a total of 6 rge(4) interfaces. they work good so far in veb(4). there's uart on the pin header but i've neve

Re: sysupgrade fails with "FAILED" when "verifying sets"?

2022-12-12 Thread Nick Holland
4 is broke..but of course, that's what you probably want. (good time to upgrade your other platforms!) Nick.


2023-01-02 Thread Nick Holland
omething. (Goal is to re-acquaint myself with CARP. I can accomplish that goal with a "buffer" machine between the CARP/PFSYNC FW and the outside Internet, but if I can skip the extra machine and get the benefits of redundancy, I'd like to do so). Nick.

Re: Softraid crypto metadata backup

2023-01-02 Thread Nick Holland
lure modes still exist. If you have good backups, you are good. If you don't, dealing with a 1% problem isn't going to change much. Nick.

Re: obsd install initial boot process slowed down

2023-01-04 Thread Nick Holland
quot;slow" mean? I've got encrypted partitions running on 1GHz class netbooks, which I'll admit is painful, but it's not the crypto that is the core problem. So you have to show what is different in your configuration than mine. Nick.

Re: 回复: Softraid crypto metadata backup

2023-01-04 Thread Nick Holland
right now, I see both are missing drives...and I'm not sure why, I suspect there's a good reason. But fdisk output is NOT there, and I'd rather prefer it be there too on fdisk platforms). Nick. Thanks! Nathan Does a softraid(4) crypto volume require metadata backup? (I am runni

Re: (video) obsd install initial boot process slowed down

2023-01-05 Thread Nick Holland
t want to try it with BIOS/Legacy. That's an old enough machine that UEFI might not have been the optimal way to boot that machine. You could see if there's a newer BIOS for your computer. Nick.


2023-01-08 Thread Nick Holland
On 1/6/23 02:31, Christer Solskogen wrote: On Mon, Jan 2, 2023 at 5:14 PM Nick Holland wrote: hiya. Goal: home (i.e., DHCP external network config) redundant firewalls with CARP and PFSYNC. Totally doable. I've been running it like that for the last 7 years at home. My ISP doesn&#

Re: Query on openrsync(1)

2023-01-11 Thread Nick Holland
es what you want, absolutely, give it a spin. If it doesn't...either install the package or grab the source code to openrsync, add what you need and submit it. :) I think there was some talk about ultimately naming it rsync, but unless it is 100% feature compatible (and I'm not sure I'd consider that a good thing), that will cause confusion in my world. Nick.

Relinking to create unique kernel... failed!

2023-01-13 Thread Nick Templeton
Ever since upgrading my machine to 7.2 I've been unable to relink my kernel, anybody have any idea why? I was reminded of this when I attempted to apply the latest errata today: $ doas syspatch Get/Verify syspatch72-009_xserver... 100% |*| 4384 KB00:01 Installing patch 009_xserver

Re: Relinking to create unique kernel... failed!

2023-01-13 Thread Nick Templeton
e" via bsd.rd and what do you know, things seem to be running smoothly again, relinking/reodering and everything. I may have a failing harddrive, but for now this immediate problem seems to be resolved. Thanks! -Nick On Fri, Jan 13, 2023 at 2:00 PM Crystal Kolipe wrote: > > On Fri, Jan

Re: Max number of NICs

2023-01-23 Thread Nick Holland
is a old citrix appliance with a six port NIC and two onboard ports, for eight em(4)s. Nick.

Re: Calculating VMs/CPU

2023-02-05 Thread Nick Holland
our host i3 could be maxed out with a web browser, so the VMs you run are going to have to be minimal and your expectations modest. Nick.

Re: Performance optimizing OpenBSD 7.2

2023-02-15 Thread Nick Holland
Not sure how true it was "back then" or now, but if better performance is seen with fewer cores, this might be why. Nick.

disk integrity checking

2023-02-22 Thread Nick Holland
an entire 'c' partition of a disk that's doing "other things" at the same time, including a layers of softraid? Nick.

Re: Tor daemon is unable to connect to the Tor network

2023-03-14 Thread Nick Owens
works ok here. i installed tor- on my 7.2 home gateway, no special setup. i have not done any fiddling with login.conf. maybe you can set "Log debug syslog" and see what comes out? fugu$ uname -a OpenBSD 7.2 GENERIC.MP#6 amd64 fugu$ grep '^[A-Z]' /etc/tor/torrc Log notic

dhcpd user-class and vendor-class

2023-03-14 Thread Nick Owens
hi, dhcpd.conf(5) has two undocumented options i experimented with recently for doing pxe boot on my lan. for example, one might write the following: # iPXE client user-class "iPXE" { filename "menu.ipxe"; } to configure a iPXE script as the boot file for

Re: Home folder default permission

2023-03-23 Thread Nick Holland
home directories, but that kinda defeats a point of a multi-user system, that people might just want to collaborate with each other. Nick.

Re: Unable to receive dhcplease from ISP

2023-04-01 Thread Nick Holland
oblem, but you never indicated you power cycled the modem...which I have found critical for the last 20+ years. Nick.

Re: Help for another wiped out disklabel

2023-04-13 Thread Nick Holland
e, back your data up, put either a UEFI or MBR partition table on it, and then use the rest of the disk for your backup. With modern disk sizes, the amount of space you "save" isn't worth the first time this happens to you. Nick. (who went back to look at your dmesg to make sure it wasn't a sparc64 :)

Re: File system is full after using dd

2023-04-15 Thread Nick Holland
tiny. But if you have 1GB to spare, it is probably too big. I did learn to regret a 200MB root because OpenBSD grew a lot over around ten years that I used that install. Nick.

Re: dmesg and sensors for ODROID H3

2023-04-18 Thread Nick Owens
On Tue, Apr 18, 2023 at 7:28 AM stolen data wrote: > > Everything seems to work. Only caveat noticed is that the firmware is > UEFI-only with no CSM/legacy mode, and it will only boot an OpenBSD > installation from GPT which must contain an EFI system partition holding > the bootloader. great cho

Re: SATA disk identify taking 10 seconds to give me output

2023-04-20 Thread Nick Holland
e different types of hardware on a VM anyway? Put your virtual disks on the hw that works best for you. So many questions would be answered with a dmesg... Nick. Nick.

Re: openbsd firewall configuration for extreme hostile environment

2023-05-01 Thread Nick Holland
ive decisions, stupid managers, bad applications, indifferent users (in roughly that order). But it won't be your firewall that is the entry point, nor a resource for the attackers. As others said, be realistic about what the firewall does and doesn't do for your security. Your firewall isn't how bad guys are getting into your systems. Set up properly, it will slow 'em down, and perhaps slow the spread from one vulnerable system to another. Nick.

Re: Very slow smtp connection to

2023-05-03 Thread Nick Holland
ail vps as ok and still slows my "mail server" (with existing PTR)? If there are no delay... ugh, guess I'm out of luck with my ISP ? But then again why vps is ok? Thanks in advance for any suggestions! man spamd It's running on the OpenBSD mail server. also look up "Greylisting" with your favorite search engine. Nick.

Re: What is the best way to move a VM to a bigger image?

2023-05-07 Thread Nick Holland
st someone this forgetful? Nick.

carp flapping

2023-05-11 Thread Nick Holland
ff00 pf.conf includes this before any other "quick" statements: pass quick inet proto carp all Is there something I'm missing? Incorrect expectations on my part? Nick. dmesg: OpenBSD 7.3-current (GENERIC.MP) #1175: Wed May 3 08:19:33 MDT 2023 dera...@amd64.openbsd.or

Re: carp flapping

2023-05-12 Thread Nick Holland
On 5/12/23 03:28, Stuart Henderson wrote: On 2023-05-12, Nick Holland wrote: Here's the problem I've seen: I have my two machines flipping state randomly(?). This bothers me because that means it is breaking people's downloads. Longest period betweek flips was less than

Re: carp flapping

2023-05-28 Thread Nick Holland
Followup... On 5/12/23 08:17, Stuart Henderson wrote: On 2023-05-12, Nick Holland wrote: ... I had several other people suggest network problems. I'm not going to say "impossible" or even "unlikely", but my understanding is that the two machines are both plugged int

Using pf route-to to Route Network Traffic a tun interface and Replying from it

2023-05-30 Thread Nick Andersen
Hi Folks, I am writing to seek assistance regarding an issue I am experiencing in trying to route my Personal Computer's network traffic to a TUN interface. My objective is to modify some of its content and subsequently return the traffic back. So far, I have successfully created a TUN interface

softdep / softraid RAID1 issue?

2023-06-04 Thread Nick Holland
ut I suspect there's still a bug there. I am happy to put the '&' back and gather more information next time it happens...if someone tells me what info to gather. Nick. Machine that has had problems, but fixed by no longer backgrounding the rm -r $OLDEST backup: OpenBSD 7.3-curr

relayd filter

2023-06-05 Thread Nick Bouliane
there another way to express this another way ? thank you, Nick

Re: relayd filter

2023-06-06 Thread Nick Bouliane
On Tue, Jun 6, 2023 at 11:08 AM Paul Pace wrote: > On 6/5/23 3:15 PM, Nick Bouliane wrote: > > Hi, > > > > in relayd.conf I'm trying to do : > > > > pass from path "/something.html" > > > > If I individually specify the &q

paket tag, veb0, virtual machine and relayd

2023-06-06 Thread Nick Bouliane
: pass path "/something.html" tagged VM1 It doesn't work. If I try to match only the path it works, only the IP it works, etc... but the tag doesn't match. Is it supposed to work ? Does the veb strips the tag ? thank you, Nick

Re: paket tag, veb0, virtual machine and relayd

2023-06-07 Thread Nick Bouliane
On Wed, Jun 7, 2023 at 4:38 AM Stuart Henderson wrote: > On 2023-06-07, Nick Bouliane wrote: > > I have a bridge veb0 to which is connected tap1, the interface of a > virtual > > machine. > > On the bridge I have a rule for tap1: > > pass in on tap1 src 11:22:

Re: media on full screen in current

2023-06-13 Thread Nick Holland
the actual output of this activity. Nick. (1) this may require bringing the system up in single user mode. /usr/local probably can be done without single user mode but many other mounts will require it)

Re: encrypted_hdd_data_recovery(OpenBSD_7.3)

2023-06-17 Thread Nick Holland
esign, encrypted storage is more fragile than unencrypted storage. Nick.

Re: Wrong SHA256 sums for latest snapshot

2023-06-20 Thread Nick Holland
times. Kinda easy to see how things like this not only happen, but are kinda expected. For snapshots, you might want to pick a favorite local mirror and use that. I doubt you will see a huge difference in performance for an install or upgrade. Nick.

Re: Which hardware for a firewall?

2023-06-20 Thread Nick Holland
s. Honestly, though, I'd suggest just recycling an old PC and a surplus network card (or multi-port card, depending on how people toss stuff out around you). If you want "the best choice", this is probably it. Nick.

Re: encrypted_hdd_data_recovery(OpenBSD_7.3)

2023-07-01 Thread Nick Holland
On 6/30/23 08:30, soko.tica wrote: Thanks NIck, How do I exactly try to unlock the disk with bioctl command? I do not have the appropriate disk to try to rebuild it. I am trying it from openbsd 6.9 bootable usb. The encrypted hdd was 7.3. don't do that. I'm not aw

Re: Intel DRM error on T 440

2023-07-08 Thread Nick Holland
fication that something was worked around (or at least, didn't behave as expected) -- if there are no other symptoms. Nick.

Re: remote management

2013-05-13 Thread Nick Holland
. Don't compromise your machine with a bad remote console. Nick.

Re: softraid: adding volumes, CPU requirements, RAID5

2013-05-20 Thread Nick Holland
ice this recovery stuff before going into production), but yes, RAID5 rebuild is still not there, so I would NOT recommend going this route. However, a nice little RAID1 system to start, hopefully leaving you two SATA ports for the next generation/upgrade disks. Nick.

Re: Header files for C/C++ development [SOLVED]

2013-06-03 Thread Nick Holland
think they will need. Nick.

Re: Compiler error building 5.3

2013-06-07 Thread Nick Holland
On 06/07/13 03:58, John Tate wrote: > Just curious would have going into /usr/src/gnu/usr.bin/binutils and doing > make and make install have made it possible to build 5.3 on 5.2? Read again, starting at the very top. Nick.

Re: max RAM

2013-06-15 Thread Nick Holland
I had a chance to briefly play with a monster amd64 system. 511GB worked, 520GB didn't. Machine had 1.5TB RAM in it and took over five minutes to "initialize memory", before even starting the POST, so that's as far as I got. It is entirely possible that this was HW dependent.

Re: down?

2013-06-25 Thread Nick Holland
On 06/25/13 07:12, Killman BOFH wrote: > Apparently a problem with DNS A record > > is down but is up! > congrats, you just rediscovered that those are two different machines. Nick.

Re: Non-intel desktop/laptop

2013-06-25 Thread Nick Holland
whatever. Hey, I love oddball hw more than most people, but be realistic... multi-year old tech is multi-year old slow. Apple hasn't built a G5 in many years (2006). Sun kept (started?) building the U25/U45 long after they were being whooped in performance by very cheap consumer stuff, and the power consumption and noise levels on some of this stuff is stunning. Nick.

Re: OpenBSD Doesn't Support 64-Bit Intel

2013-07-01 Thread Nick Holland
27;t, it is not likely a processor issue. amd64...well, some of the Intel chips, you just need (or it is easier) to test to find out if you got the right bit of magic. Nick.

Re: OpenBSD Doesn't Support 64-Bit Intel

2013-07-02 Thread Nick Holland
support should work. Nick.

Re: softraid: adding volumes, CPU requirements, RAID5

2013-07-02 Thread Nick Holland
On 07/02/13 17:07, Jean-Francois Simon wrote: > Le 20/05/2013 13:46, Nick Holland a écrit : >> On 05/20/13 00:52, Hugo Osvaldo Barrera wrote: ... >>> 3) The man pages report RAID5 as experimental. I'm curious, why >>> is this so? Is it just not-very-thoroughly test

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