On 10/12/23 13:54, Karel Lucas wrote:
Is it already known when openBSD 7.4 will be released? I would like to
know that, because of a project I am working on.

The answer to your question is already out there, but I offer this
procedural tip:

IF you wish to follow releases, start your project on the PREVIOUS release.
When you think your project is complete, but before going into actual
production, do an upgrade to the active release.

Why?  Because the hardest part of most long-term projects seems to be
keeping things up-to-date.  You shouldn't be putting things into
production and hoping that the upgrade process will be figured out "later",
and maximize you get to put off that "problem".  The upgrade process has
to be core to the design and implementation, and should be tested before
going into production.

This isn't an OpenBSD specific tip, either.  In fact, this is easier on
OpenBSD than most Linuxes, because routine upgrades are part of the OpenBSD
mindset, unlike many linux distros, where upgrades are to be put off as
long as possible via "Long Term Support" distributions.  After watching the
fiascos at every company I've ever seen "Long Term Support" Linux releases
used in, I've become absolutely convinced LTS is just a BAD IDEA and I'm
thankful OpenBSD doesn't do that.


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