On 1/2/23 22:22, Nathan Carruth wrote:
Does a softraid(4) crypto volume require metadata backup? (I am
running amd64 OpenBSD 6.9 if it is relevant, will probably
upgrade in the next few months.)

I understand FreeBSD GELI (e.g.) requires such a backup to protect
against crypto-related metadata corruption rendering the encrypted
volume inaccessible.

Neither the OpenBSD disk FAQ nor the man pages for softraid(4) or
bioctl(8) have anything to say about the matter. Web searches also
turn up no relevant information.

Storage requires backup.
Encrypted storage is (by design) more fragile than unencrypted storage.
Sounds like you are trying to protect against ONE form of storage
failure and avoid the solution you really need to have: a good backup
system, to deal with *all* forms of storage failure.

I'd suggest a good backup system...to deal with ALL forms of data loss.
Yes, encrypted storage implies a certain care has to be taken with the
backups as well, you need to pick a solution that is appropriate for
your needs -- or accept that yeah, stuff will go bye-bye someday.

I don't see a benefit to trying to protect against some single failure
mode when all the other failure modes still exist.  If you have good
backups, you are good.  If you don't, dealing with a 1% problem isn't
going to change much.


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