On 1/4/23 01:13, Sylvain Saboua wrote:
Hi, my openbsed (encrypted) install is functionning really
well, apart from one thing, that would signal a bug or smth:

The initial boot process, right after I type the security
key in, which displays cyphers aligning in between rotating
semicolumns (I hope this is clear), is slow, on this install.

Nope.  Totally not clear.
What platform, what hardware, dmesg.

Also...no idea what you are talking about.  First boot after
install?  every boot?  during install?

EXACTLY What are you seeing on the screen when it is "slow"?
And what does "slow" mean?

I've got encrypted partitions running on 1GHz class netbooks,
which I'll admit is painful, but it's not the crypto that is
the core problem.  So you have to show what is different in
your configuration than mine.


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