The answer too your ebooks needs seems to be a program called calibre.
Not sure if we can use it yet, but just curled it, will write more if it works.
On 4/22/12, Annie Skov Nielsen wrote:
> Hi.
> Do any of you know an application for the mac, that can convert mobi to
> epub, htm
bi files.
> On 4/24/2012 1:14 PM, Annie Skov Nielsen wrote:
>> Hi.
>> I have tried calibre, it is not accessible.
>> Best regards Annie.
>> Den Apr 24, 2012 kl. 1:27 AM skrev sandi sørensen:
>>> Hey.
>>> The answer
i who is not in the least a geek just cause she got 8 macs in
one huge cluster.
On 4/25/12, Annie Skov Nielsen wrote:
> Hi Sandi.
> Great. Will you not need sighted assistance to turn on the command line in
> calibre?
> Best regards Annie.
> Den Apr 25, 2012 kl. 1:
be able too explain the proper operation of the program for these who
needs more help:)
and aint that what the life is about if you are a geek helping others? :)
On 4/25/12, sandi sørensen wrote:
> hi annie, nope i thought about that when i wrote it , since i can see
> what is on the m
> If you do this often and don't want to type that long path, just symlink
> ebook-convert to somewhere on your $PATH (e.g. /usr/bin).
> sudo ln -s /Applications/calibre.app/Contents/MacOS/ebook-convert /usr/bin
> On 4/25/2012 1:37 PM, sandi sørensen wrote:
As others have said thanks for the info, what i am more interested in
though, is the quality of the ocring.
After my eye operation i got the option to study too become a nurse.
And let me put it like this, scanning over 4000 pages with a
optic-book is far from fun. I will keep the whining about
t the exhibits, so
> here is the information on it. The phone number of the company is
> 978-635-0202. I called this number, and the lady was more than happy for me
> to tell this list the number.
> Eugenia Firth
> gigifi...@sbcglobal.net
> On Jul 4, 2012, at 2:55
hi, as a whole i will say that given size and all it is pretty
responsive. I have used Airs since they came out, why?
Im a thin girl so it was the only option for me, have not tried too
use a vitural machine on it though, but since it have a Flash drive i
am 90% sure that should not give you any pr
Hi bill.
tell me step-by-step what you want me to do.
If it works fine when VO is turned off it is not a Voiceover related
problem though, but of course your backup with time machine should
work just fine.
I have a 20 gb Usbdrive that i am willing to test it on, if you give
me clinical instruction
you have mac irssi too, you just install the app like usual :)
use it all of the time and if you use say and grep you have self
speaking as well :)
On 1/6/12, Emrah wrote:
> Hello there,
> I personally use a command line / Terminal based app called Irssi.
> You will need Macports to
hi, i tried to make espeak work with VO for some time ago... but do
to work keeping commin i had to lay off, i never got an "acceptable
way of doing it" And right now i am down to locking the gps on the
iphone so it gets more exact, so not sure when if i at all will be
back to doing it.
hi, i am not sure you can convert a whole library at a time but
single converts, no problem.
Usually i do that from the terminal. an example would look something like this.
cp file from its start location too the location where you ahve the
app laying, on my box it is /Applications/c
e files path.
> Best regards Annie.
> Den Sep 26, 2012 kl. 11:46 AM skrev sandi sørensen :
>> hi, i am not sure you can convert a wholelibrary at a time but
>> single converts, no problem.
>> Usually i do that from the terminal. an example would look s
> Do I need to move my files into calibre, or can I do the cd command to
> another folder and then do the convertion?
> Best regards Annie.
> Den Sep 26, 2012 kl. 11:46 AM skrev sandi sørensen :
>> hi, i am not sure you can convert a wholelibrary at a tim
"peeks in"
morning ya'll, list of output formats will follow later today, first
of all i need to get a few coffs and a few smokes, i am not kidding, i
am driving on 3 cyls outta 12.
For Cheryl. if you have any problems with the converted books, simply
just write .txt after the convert command. A f
>> It ought to be possible to make a script or a service, but I do not know
>> how to do that.
>> Best regards Annie.
>> Den Sep 28, 2012 kl. 10:09 AM skrev sandi sørensen :
>>> "peeks in"
>>> morning ya'll, list of output
I have read on the internet that it should be
>>> possible to convert a folder containing more files, but they do not write
>>> the command out there.
>>> It ought to be possible to make a script or a service, but I do not know
>>> how to do that.
the subject says it all, what do you use for navigating on your iphone?
Have tried navigon but since there is no maps where i walk it is kinda
interestingwhen walking too a waypoint.
You received this message because you are subscr
this email came through dated January 7
> 2001. Is
> your clock set correctly?
> CB
> sandi sørensen wrote:
>> the subject says it all, what do you use for navigating on your
>> iphone?
>> Have tried navigon but since there is no maps where i walk it
cool. How do you know when you have for example walked 1.4 kilometer?
On Oct 13, 2009, at 8:08 AM, May McDonald wrote:
> I haven't tried navigon yet but would like to. Right now I use the
> maps app that's already on the phone and it works just fine for me.
> On 7-Jan-
it back to the
> correct time.
> CB
> sandi sørensen wrote:
>> interestingly enough its not just you;)
>> it says the same at my end it changes everytime the computer runs low
>> on battery and disconnects from the net, which it does quite often.
>> Ab
>>>>> On Oct 13, 2009, at 5:11 PM, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:
>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>> I have a question that's been plaguing for a little while now.
hi all.
Think i will cheer in as well.
When i started with the mac, it is now over 2 years ago I was quite
skeptical. I needed a os where i could just use it with out knowing a
ton of commands, I had at that time used windows after coming from
linux, and okay jaws was quite cute and all that
Navigon works,however if you are at an location where there are no
maps it gets tricky.
But if you follow a map it should be okay. I use it when i walk our
dogs, i tried another one as well for another area with no map it
works as well but is way more hard to use cause you have too see
not sure if you can change the putters id, i suggest getting a used
minni and try it out,
On Oct 28, 2009, at 2:19 AM, Yuma Antoine Decaux wrote:
> Hi list,
> I am trying to install mac osx sl server on my macbook, but i get an
> incompatibility error at the beginning saying t
First of all happy new year everyone.
For about 2 years ago i started playing alittle with a flight
simulator called flightgear, it have been beyond fun and thrilling,
and we have come along way. -To begin with it was things
piped on a continually basis over too first say, th
well get your fav irc client then point it too
irc.flightgear.org join #flightgear and #fg_cantene
we could use this list for it of coruse but trust me it would create a
petabyte of spam, therefore the irc need
xchat works with voiceover. IIRC
On Jan 2, 2010, at 6:43 AM, Mark BurningHawk Baxter
hi Ginny, i doubt it is voice over that is the cause of it, have had
my mac book air since they came out and first now am i about to go and
change too an ssd, instead of its usual hd.
hopes that answers it, else write again :)
On May 31, 2010, at 3:03 PM, Ginny Owens wrote:
On Jun 17, 2010, at 4:06 PM, Michael Thurman wrote:
themac is great if you dont plan on doing any irc
tried xchat and macirssi?
i have used it for over 2 years works perfectly
and don't expect much if anything in the way of amateur radio
software. theonly ham radio softwar
hi. I use textedit for all my ebooks, that goes for lit, pdf, rtf,
etc ,etc
When i am in a document in textedit, and just want it to start
reading, i type
ctrl option a
thats it
On Jun 19, 2010, at 6:26 AM, kary johns wrote:
As the subject says, what’s the best way to read eBooks on t
try getting a hold of it from /dev/
On Jan 11, 2010, at 6:17 AM, Scott Howell wrote:
James, I perhaps should be more clear.
The issue is I cannot find a way to address the device. To explain
further, the flash drive when mounted, shows up as /dev/disk1s1.
However, to properly address t
LInux distros? I have to admit that I am not that familiar with the
newer file systems, which is my fault for letting my knowledge get
Can you please clarify what you mean?
On Jan 4, 2001, at 1:41 PM, sandi sørensen wrote:
try getting a hold of it from /dev/
On Jan 11, 2
Nick, if you want a stable, and little working client google for
macirssi. it works, and you can trick it so you get speech on
incomming messages. Pretty handy if you are on freenode and am on some
of the bigger channels and am too lazy too read up;
On Jan 12, 2010, at 2:22 AM, N
interesting , i use xchat on the 2 mini's and irssi on the air. Where
of course it works , henze why i use it ;)
On Jan 12, 2010, at 8:32 AM, Pete Nalda wrote:
Hi all,
Well, since my initial post about loosing accessibility with x-chat
Aqua, I did find that by interacting with the Text
hi, i know i have blonde hair but usually it is not so obvious.
I am in doubt... it is when the computer is on you are in doubt? else
i am really confused.
Selution. we hack the speech so it makes a loud sound when you hit a
special key.
On Jan 21, 2010, at 4:20 PM, Carolyn wro
use a scanner if you ***really*** wanna read it.
I use my scanner constantly and hate wasting time on scanning them,
but if you fly rc planes like i do and wanna be good thaht is the way
to go, cause i simply can not get them as ebooks.
On Feb 1, 2010, at 5:25 AM, Jess wrote:
hi all.
For some days ago some one asked me if espeak could be used as the
default voice on the mac so well can it ?
I am considering looking in too it to see what can be done about it.
I can see too ways 1 make it natively show up in the voiceover voice
selection or 2 make a hack around it.
enough for a start at least.
Greg was it not you who actually tried making it native at some point ?
On Mar 7, 2009, at 9:42 AM, Greg Kearney wrote:
> I vote for making them native voices.
> On Mar 1, 2009, at 11:37 AM, sandi sørensen wrote:
>> hi all.
into it at Curtin but had to stop do to other issue here. We
> did not get very far. The basic process is to make a sysnsisier for
> each vendor of voices. There is sample code for doing this in the
> developer tools that come with the mac.
> Greg
> On Mar 1, 2009, at 1
eyond believe:)
On Mar 7, 2009, at 10:36 AM, Brandon Misch wrote:
> i would like to see other voices free ones that is working with voice
> over including the festival voices if there can be a festival
> installer.
> On Feb 28, 2009, at 10:59 PM, sandi sørensen wrote:
> Thanks,
> Alex,
> On 7-Mar-09, at 11:39 AM, Scott Howell wrote:
>> Yep, there is a package on I believe the second DVD. I dont' have my
>> DVD handy, but I think it is in a folder called extras or optional
>> packages. You
he project I am speaking of.
> I invite anyone to join the project. All research will be posted for
> the enjoyment of all participants, but as I said, stay tuned.
> Thanks,
> Alex,
> On 28-Feb-09, at 11:39 PM, sandi sørensen wrote:
>> hi.
>> Alex
to VIPBC.org for the details. This is the project I am speaking
>>> of.
>>> I invite anyone to join the project. All research will be posted for
>>> the enjoyment of all participants, but as I said, stay tuned.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Alex,
Hi alex.
So lets have it.:)
what needs too be done is the perl interface and the error while
compiling ?
the next lines kinda gives it self, that is perfectly acceptable for
me but would it be for jane on 14 years old ? not likely.
sandis-macbook-air:ISpeak-0.1 sandi$ ./installer.sh
But but i did not ... it will get changed though.Also my mail came out
quite abit more cold then i intented it sorry bout that :)
Alex in other words im all for it. It is a good reason too reinstall
the lil-mini.
On Mar 9, 2009, at 9:26 AM, Alex Jurgensen wrote:
> Hi,
> San
hey would it be smart too pul our heads together at
irc.freenode.net:#ispeak ?
On Mar 9, 2009, at 9:36 AM, Alex Jurgensen wrote:
> Hi,
> in porting all these eSpeak Voices and all to the Mac we at VIPBC.org
> want to give you the chance to name them. We need at least one male
> and
You're inluck! apple have that already.
google speech manaer and see what comes up.
On Mar 9, 2009, at 10:45 AM, louie wrote:
> Hi all,
> I am looking for a text to speech program that has a mark up
> langwitch. I want to embed commands for voice, rate, etc.
> Thank you for any help.
from what i can see so far what needs too be done are:
first and most important make the espeak interact with the native mac
i just set up a computer that can handle the stuf just in case
something goes down the drain. I will try a few things to morrow and
see if it works. I b
actually we are doing better than that ...
I have espeak working with voiceover ... i just cant adjust the rate
of speaking ... yet.
I must be blind. All the answers i needed was in front of me all the
time !
On Mar 9, 2009, at 11:25 PM, Alex Jurgensen wrote:
> Hi,
> All,
> We are making
009, at 10:34 AM, Brandon Misch wrote:
> how did you get it working with vo?
> On Mar 3, 2009, at 9:32 PM, sandi sørensen wrote:
>> actually we are doing better than that ...
>> I have espeak working with voiceover ... i just cant adjust the rate
hey. Still working like a mad girl on the espeak project... it is not
as much ... if it works more... can the blonde see the logic behind
the madness?
Greg I'll assure you ill cheer up more than usual when it works but
the examples simply dont make sense. Or if they do i am missing the
On Mar 31, 2009, at 3:16 AM, Søren Jensen wrote:
> Well, have you ever upgraded the ram in your mac?
Yes 2 times . no problem at all
> I find it much
> harder than the HP machines. I'm wandering how you would replace your
> hard drive.
well... read a manual? but to put it short. and we here
not sure it have anything to do by being blind.
But as you might also know it can be hard to "see" the screws" try
for example having to change the cdrom drive being blind.
It can be done indeed but I would not call it a easy task. At least i
know i said many quite unfeminine words when
I am not sure if you rander the varenty by doing it your self but the
mac i did it on was more dead than alive and i had not applecare for
it so it had to get some sandicare instead.
If anyone need more help Let me know. But the really frustrating part
is the screws that holds the harddrive
in a machine or anything for that
> matter. Yep, all sorts of fun little screws out there to mess with.
> On Jan 11, 2009, at 3:52 PM, sandi sørensen wrote:
>> I am not sure if you rander the varenty by doing it your self but the
>> mac i did it on was more dead than ali
*blushes all the way to her blonde mane... i got em out yes but ... it
was ... hard...
Now of course... they are not set so tight... just in case i have too
do the same again:)
On Mar 31, 2009, at 2:40 PM, Scott Howell wrote:
> Thanks Cara, I suspected that is what they were. I
Cara prolly a little flat one?MMM wondering if it is only me who is
thinking of flat-line for planes it would be straight-8
I just know i had to make up new er words as i ran out of doable once.
i am not sure if it had to do with blonde ness... usually i use to
hide my speedy mind behind ditzy
Portfolio at:
>>>> http://www.onemodelplace.com/CaraQuinn
>>>> On Mar 31, 2009, at 11:15 PM, Alex Jurgensen wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> All,
>>>> I need to upgrade the dis
look at it. -apologies…)
>>>>> Talk with you soon!…
>>>>> Smiles,
>>>>> Cara :)
>>>>> ---
>>>>> Follow me on Twitter!
hey. :)
just for the record... keep in mind that. The law never mind if you
are blind of unable to use the little cute netbook without osx on it
says it is illegal to do it.
Meaning that apple can at anytime and with all right law in hand and
all that sue your cu***. With that said. Would i
r v. Apple in google. Apple is attempting to prevent Psystar
> from selling clone computers with retail versions of Leopard
> installed. Apple claims that their license only extends to Apple
> branded hardware.
> On 4-Apr-09, at 4:50 AM, sandi sørensen wrote:
> http://www.BlindPerspectives.net
> Chris Gilland: Admin and founder of Blind Perspectives
> Phone: Toll-Free: 1-877-222-0049 - Mon-Fri 8AM-5:30PM Eastern Time
> (Closed
> on holidays)
> Sales: sa...@blindperspectives.net
> Billing: bill...@blindperspectives.
i am sitting here with my 2 mbas... wondering how would you make it
smaller? and lighter?
so back to the topic.
osx seems to be as we all knows a mix of something apple have made and
something apple have indeed not made. And as others have said before
me if they did not sell the computer
i have not been reading the total license when i have installed the
os on the air or other macs i have. I'll admit it i am sooo close
to doing it.
Only thing that is holding me back is ..."what if ?"
Tiffany obviously would gain a million more access too the device and
i mean c'
hi greg.:)
you ask, what is the latest in respect to espeak on the mac?
As i wrote i did some digging in to it however cause of lag of time i
have not gone much ferther.
what you can do"
pipe stuff in to it from most terminal apps obviously you know that i
I dont know when i will come
hi the subject says it all. Anyone who knows if we can read ebooks on
our iphones?
It should be doable i just went too nasas site today and was able to
read their pfds just fine but was wondering if i can download them
too the iphone and read it locally.
hi,, if mind serves correctly you have a item in the disk utility menu
called "create bootable disk"
For some time ago i had too totally reinstall my lil pretty air. Now
of course i knew i had SL laying on the usb key that was provided with
the mac book air so i knew that i was home free.
If no one
hi, i do agree with Christine.
and what ever that man was totally awesome. for more than one reason.
1. he made it possible for a blind person too use her or his computer
without sighted assistance.
2. he have so far known where the market will run.
For not long ago i had a chat with a danish blind
the best will be to start using the dummies books, and this is not
meant in any sarcastic manner. The reason might be that the books if
there are any " have not checked" might explain in depth to you why
you are doing as you are.
also a little know how about C will not hurt you the smallest. :
hi, before you start reading, are you interacting with the textedit?
if not, that could be the golden thing as for why it don't work.
i believe i use the mouse, or as we call it the trackpad, i flick down
with 2 fingers, and it start reading. When I'm done, i stop and press
ctrl-option-f3 too hear
Well, of course depending on what you need your iPad to do, it might work.
Let’s see, reading, browsing, i guess we all know the answer to those ones.
But if you wanna use it as your Host for Vst instruments, i think you will be
very disappointed.
I have a IPad Pro, i think it is the 9 inch, and t
Maybe a stupid question, but does all the watches have voiceover? I thought it
used your phones voice.
Sent from my iPad
> On 8 Oct 2017, at 20.30, John JD Denning wrote:
> The one thing I like about my new Apple Watch Series 3, is it is not
> sluggish. I have the original Apple Wat
Have just used Maps on a IOS 11 IPhone,
Not one single problem.
I wonder what she do wrong?
Sent from my iPad
> On 13 Oct 2017, at 15.57, Scott Berry wrote:
> You guys complain about these things but never report. Report these to:
> http://www.apple.com/feedback
> Or if they are tr
Well, let me put it like this, there is a reason i have not updated my IPhone,
It is updated on my IPad however, where it works gorgeously, and swimmingly,
for that matter.
Sent from my iPad
> On 13 Oct 2017, at 21.01, Shawn Krasniuk wrote:
> Hi Donna. Unfortunately, Apple stopped sign
g or not working
> on?
> Is it working better on a 7 or 6 etc,
> Full info here folks might help with correcting the issues.
> From: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
> [mailto:macvisionaries@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of sandi sørensen
> Sent: Saturday, 14 Oct
gt; That was what really weirded me out. Having it on turn by turn didn’t help.
> I’m about to install the update to 1103, so hopefully that will fix the
> problem. If not I’ll try what Mark suggested.
> Cheers,
> Donna
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Oct 14, 2017, at
Hi, lets start with your question, obviously if your friend can remove DRM from
a book you should be able to do it , too.
Find out how he do it , and we can take it from there.
I too am educated a RN, registered nurse, so me and all sorts of aids in that
regard is really close.
I live in Europe D
I mean if you just wanna use a few sentences, surely you can remember them, and
just write them?
Sent from my iPad
> On 14 Oct 2017, at 15.43, Michael Busboom wrote:
> Hello Mark,
> I hope that wherever you live, and wherever you are, you are having a nice
> weekend.
receptive to new operating systems. I just don't think IOS 11 is an
> improvement in any way, shape or form.
> Donna
>> On Oct 14, 2017, at 5:27 AM, sandi sørensen wrote:
>> Do we know if an IPad with IOS 11 have turn by turn, finding a Gf with a car
>> is
I'll be curious to see what happens now that I'm back home.
> Thanks for checking with your friend about rolling back to IOS 10. I'll be
> curious to hear what you learn.
> Cheers,
> Donna
>> On Oct 16, 2017, at 4:00 AM, sandi sørensen wrote:
e cellular connectivity version.
> Yes, the internal GPS may still work, but you don't have live access to the
> Maps database, thus the problem.
> Later...
> Tim Kilburn
> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
> On Oct 16, 2017, at 05:16, sandi sørensen wrote:
;s pretty obvious to everyone that he is lost. :) And we have similar
> jokes here. Lots of jokes about men getting lost and being unwilling to ask
> for directions. At least mine uses a GPS. lol
> Cheers,
> Donna
>> On Oct 16, 2017, at 6:16 AM, sandi sørensen wrote:
Well, they could have a point, I didn’t know that you could Bootstrap the
device and reinstall the Os, from scratch
Sent from my iPad
> On 19 Oct 2017, at 23.23, M. Taylor wrote:
> Hello Everyone,
> After reading the replies to my original thread on this subject, my friend
> and I went
Hi, lets turn the conversation back on track.
iPad or with IOS 11 really takes care of most of my needs these days.
Would i wanna use it for a long read? Yes,
How about browsing.
Works okay.
Also works for documents, and mails. And medical documentation, that i need to
write , sometimes.
Sent f
> within PDF files, reading tables etc. The Mac is supposed to have improved on
> that score as well, but that would be a different thread.
> Mary
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Oct 28, 2017, at 11:39 AM, sandi sørensen wrote:
>> Hi, lets t
, reading tables etc. The Mac is supposed to have improved on
> that score as well, but that would be a different thread.
> Mary
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Oct 28, 2017, at 11:39 AM, sandi sørensen wrote:
>> Hi, lets turn the conversation back on track.
he Mail app. I was kind of hoping that either within
>>> Safari or within the Mail app, that reading of PDFs would have been
>>> improved.
>>> Mary
>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>>> On Oct 28, 2017, at 1:00 PM, s
Warning i have really hard stands on security, so if you a crybaby dont read
any further.
Simon, why not, she used her dads phone, she should not have done it , dad
should have prevented her from doing so,
You work for Apple, you take your responsibility seriously. End of Storry.
Her father is s
>> And besides it’s in the apple contract that releasing info such as this will
>> be in breech of the contract.
>> So nothing wrong in my book, although I just hope it teachs the kid a lesson.
>> *From:*macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
>> [mailto:macvis
Hi, the IPhone is a little like a Labrador, super cutesy, and definitely eager
to do anything you can throw at it , i had one when i was. In home nursing , it
saved my tail and gorgeous mane more than once.
At least maps works, but then again, don’t expect any heavy lifting, it is not
what it is
Use ssh, and terminal, also known as Bash.
It is a little geeky to set up, but i promise you once done you can do 10
different things at the same time
SandieSent from my iPad
> On 10 Nov 2017, at 05.15, Tim Kilburn wrote:
> Hi Simon,
> If they both get upgraded to High Sierra, then you'
There is a better hack, get a router with better broadcast...
Sent from my iPad
> On 14 Nov 2017, at 17.21, Eric Oyen wrote:
> took them long enough to catch up to where us real hardware hackers (ham
> radio operators) have long since been. :)
> -eric
>> On Nov 14,
Hi,i have a more thanusual hard time following this one, let me by all means
Have i think at the time of writing ,iPhone IPad, and god may know how many
computers, okay, lets be realistic 10, all signed in to the same Apple ID.
Of course the first time I signed in with a new device, i go
Hi, i have not used the Mac much of late for Ebooks.
On the Mac i have done different things, scanned them with a book scanner , and
read them , made pubs into rtf documents and read them too, it depends on the
format you are using i guess.
Sent from my iPad
> On 19 Nov 2017, at 0
I am not surprised, why say it , if you can type it?
I remember when i lived in Copenhagen, it took me 11 seconds to order my fav
Sent from my iPad
> On 4 Dec 2017, at 17.05, Georgina Joyce wrote:
> Hello all,
> Just one of the advantages that the disabled community have co
Have anyone successfully tested its gps capabilities, with and with out an
We need the iPhone in denmark at least until they find out how to make it an
stand alone thing , but am wondering if there is anything gained in getting the
3 over the 2...
Sent from my iPad
> On 27 Dec
I have tried Via nav, and i guess if you are not off hiking, it might work,
will have to try more though.
I am curious, what does others in europe use if you are out in the country...
Sent from my iPad
> On 7 Jan 2018, at 22.10, David Chittenden wrote:
> There are some transit systems w
What might be even more scary. For yall is that apple is actually involved with
some tech for self driving cars.
If you live in at least Scandinavia, there are 3 whelled look a like cars you
can drive with out a license, so the only thing we need is a way to measure
the things around us, which
What i am wondering , is, what is the price for an workable android tablet,
that i would actually be able to use?
Do they work out of the box?
If we are not allowed to talk about it here, let me know.
Sent from my iPad
> On 1 Mar 2018, at 06.39, Karen Lewellen wrote:
> Gosh I'm hon
How much health does the watch track, though?
Sent from my iPad
> On 16 Apr 2018, at 06.23, lenron brown wrote:
> I have waited this long, so I guess I will just wait for the 4 I would
> hate to buy the 3 now, and have the 4 be so much better
>> On 4/15/18, David Chittenden wrote:
>> Fir
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