tyler, you learn something new everyday, blush i had totally forgotten
about that option.
Don't it need more than just the soft link?


On 4/25/12, Tyler Spivey <tspi...@pcdesk.net> wrote:
> There's one minor change you can make, to avoid copying the book.
> From your example, ebook-convert is in
> /Applications/calibre.app/Contents/MacOS, so in your downloads folder you
> can do:
> /Applications/calibre.app/Contents/MacOS/ebook-convert file.mobi .epub
> (or .txt or whatever format you want it in). This avoids cluttering up
> calibre's directory with your books.
> If you do this often and don't want to type that long path, just symlink
> ebook-convert to somewhere on your $PATH (e.g. /usr/bin).
> sudo ln -s /Applications/calibre.app/Contents/MacOS/ebook-convert /usr/bin
> On 4/25/2012 1:37 PM, sandi sørensen wrote:
>> hi annie, nope i thought about that when i wrote it , since i can see
>> what is on the monitor now. I turned the monitor off so i was sure
>> that the instructions i gave you would work with voiceover.
>> If it is too geeky for you i might be able too make a script for you
>> so you can say stand in your "download" folder and just have the books
>> made there, instead of coding and copying the files too the other
>> location like i did in the last mail, but if you have any problems let
>> me know and i will happily help you.
>> Note, it seems that epub files are split into chapters where mobi
>> files are just one huge html  file.
>> here is a better example, and if you follow that it should work,
>> however if it don't, you are welcome too mail again.
>> in this example i am assuming that your books are in your download folder
>> 1: stand in your books folder with the epub file or mobi file and type
>> the following.
>> cp file.mobi /Applications/calibre.app/Contents/MacOS
>> 2: type ebook-convert file and a name of the folder for the book.
>> ebook-convert file.mobi sandi
>> Okay that was the hard part, of course now i am not sure how much bash
>> or as it is called on a mac terminal you are used to use, but this is
>> relatively easy, i believe i have made it so if all goes wrong and you
>> are suffering from an anxiety attack you can just paste the commands
>> in. :)
>> at least that  is my intention by writing it as i do.
>> I have used it on 2 books so far and it seems to work okay, to be
>> really honest i was about to find a hack so i could extract the files
>> from the books i have bought before i read about the program on
>> google, so thank you for getting me a kick where it counted:)
>> but again write if it don't work, if you want me to explain it in
>> danish just write me privately and ill happily do so. :)
>> /sandi  who is not in the least a geek  just cause she got 8 macs in
>> one huge cluster.
>> On 4/25/12, Annie Skov Nielsen <annieskovniel...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hi Sandi.
>>> Great. Will you not need sighted assistance to turn on the command line
>>> in
>>> calibre?
>>> Best regards Annie.
>>> Den Apr 25, 2012 kl. 1:14 PM skrev sandi sørensen:
>>>> hey, thanks works :)
>>>> to annie
>>>> see my example below  for instructions .
>>>> jadzias-MacBook-Air:MacOS jadzia$ ./ebook-convert test.mobi      sandi
>>>> 1% Converting input to HTML...
>>>> InputFormatPlugin: MOBI Input running
>>>> on /Applications/calibre.app/Contents/MacOS/test.mobi
>>>> Parsing all content...
>>>> Forcing  test.html into XHTML namespace
>>>> Referenced file 'images/00007use.jpg' not found
>>>> 34% Running transforms on ebook...
>>>> Merging user specified metadata...
>>>> Detecting structure...
>>>> Flattening CSS and remapping font sizes...
>>>> Source base font size is 12.00000pt
>>>> Removing fake margins...
>>>> Cleaning up manifest...
>>>> Trimming unused files from manifest...
>>>> Trimming u'images/00016.jpg' from manifest
>>>> Trimming u'images/00015.jpg' from manifest
>>>> Creating OEB Output...
>>>> 67% Creating OEB Output
>>>> The cover image has an id != "cover". Renaming to work around bug in
>>>> Nook
>>>> Color
>>>> OEB output written to /Applications/calibre.app/Contents/MacOS/sandi
>>>> Output saved to   /Applications/calibre.app/Contents/MacOS/sandi
>>>> jadzias-MacBook-Air:MacOS jadzia$
>>>> On 4/24/12, Tyler Spivey <tspi...@pcdesk.net> wrote:
>>>>> None of you found ebook-convert which comes with calibre?
>>>>> I don't have a mac, but this should work: go to your terminal, cd to
>>>>> the
>>>>> right place, and do:
>>>>> ebook-convert file.mobi .epub
>>>>> If your shell can't find it, just specify its path. Once done, it'll
>>>>> put
>>>>> an epub in the same place you ran it from.
>>>>> Obviously, this won't work with drm infested mobi files.
>>>>> On 4/24/2012 1:14 PM, Annie Skov Nielsen wrote:
>>>>>> Hi.
>>>>>> I have tried calibre, it is not accessible.
>>>>>> Best regards Annie.
>>>>>> Den Apr 24, 2012 kl. 1:27 AM skrev sandi sørensen:
>>>>>>> Hey.
>>>>>>> The answer too your ebooks needs seems to be a program called
>>>>>>> calibre.
>>>>>>> Not sure if we can use it yet, but just curled it, will write more if
>>>>>>> it
>>>>>>> works.
>>>>>>> /sandi
>>>>>>> On 4/22/12, Annie Skov Nielsen <annieskovniel...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi.
>>>>>>>> Do any of you know an application for the mac, that can convert mobi
>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>> epub, html text or rtf. I have tried stanza, but it will not work
>>>>>>>> very
>>>>>>>> well.
>>>>>>>> I have played a little with calibre, but it is inaccessible. Do any
>>>>>>>> of
>>>>>>>> you
>>>>>>>> know an application that would solve that problem.
>>>>>>>> Best regards Annie.
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