What might be even more scary. For yall is that apple is actually involved with 
some tech for self driving cars.
If you live in at least Scandinavia, there are 3 whelled look a like cars you 
can drive with out a license, so the only thing we need is a way to measure  
the things around us, which is what i am  working on with 1 more.
So hopefully soon you will know of some folks who drives. Even if blind.
Plus, many of us have a sighted partner , where we navigate the person, it is 
not surprise to me however apple maps is more exact, ive used it when i was 
studying to become a nurse, it have never let me down.

Sent from my iPad

> On 26 Feb 2018, at 07.16, <myguidedo...@gmail.com> <myguidedo...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
> Interesting however, how many blind people do you know who drive?  Mind you, 
> some only can see out of one eye and have a driver’s license.  Scary when you 
> think of it. 
> David & his pack of dogs. Benny, no longer with us, Champ, Kendra, Richie, 
> Sheena and Carmine.
> From The Diamond Touch dog Rehabilitation Center.
> 1-844-21PUPPY   
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