> Just a thought.
> Harry
> On Apr 21, 2013, at 12:49 PM, Kerri wrote:
>> Hello. I run across this when I'm reading a long document line by line.
>> On 2013-04-20, at 11:26 PM, Steve Holmes wrote:
>>> I've been noticing for the past
I may have come late to this little party, but what is in common with epub and
iTunes? Are these books somehow readable in iTunes? I don't quite understand
the naming or meta data being changed in iTunes for an epub book.
What am I missing:)?
On Apr 21, 2013, at 10:26 AM, Esther wrote:
> Hi A
>> Twitter:@apple2thecore
>> www.appletothecore.info
>> On Apr 21, 2013, at 11:37 PM, Steve Holmes wrote:
>>> I just looked over at my magic trackpad and flicked around a bit to be sure
>>> it wasn't pressed down or stu
Hi after reading some 80 messages in this thread, I thought I would
put up some observations I have found so far with the Kindle app and
my iPad Mini. First off, I could get continuous read to work only in
landscape mode. When in portrait, it would read a page or two and then
stop every time. Flick
tap in the center of the screen.
> You're correct that in general the landscape view of the iPad works better
> for many purposes, even when both portrait and landscape modes are
> selected.
> HTH. Cheers,
> Esther
> On 8 May 2013, at 07:12, Steve Holmes wrote:
I like File Manager; it is available in the App store of course and sells for
something like 9.95 US. It integrates with Dropbox and maintains a nice file
structure on the local device and you can create folders and import and export
files to appropriate apps on the device.
On Jun 3, 2013, at 7
I'm using.
On Jun 4, 2013, at 8:05 PM, Danny Noonan wrote:
> I found over 300 responses to File Manager and none in the first hundred for
> that price. Do you know developer or have an AppStore address for it?
> Thanks.
> Danny.
> Sent from my iPhone
This may sound like a complicated solution but what if one could set up Hazil
and create a rule to monitor the Download folder and have it play a sound file
whenever a new file is added to that folder.
On Jun 5, 2013, at 3:00 AM, "Chris Gilland" wrote:
> Good grief am I the third! person to ag
Likewise, I have never had any issues sending messages from Mail in
Lion or Mountain Lion. I use gmail with IMAP to receive and of course
SMTP to send. The only thing I have ever experienced is I usually
hear a swush sound when messages are being sent and sometimes, I'll do
the send with Command-
Just curious, how do you guys find some of these other shortcuts? When I went
into the menus while on the apps folder, I did not see even a menu item for
putting the file on the doc. I saw one for putting it on the sidebar
(Command-T). When I looked around in the help menu for the finder, I di
I use checkbook pro available from the mac app store. It is very accessible
but I'm still new to it so dunno about interacting with banking systems online.
On Aug 26, 2012, at 5:00 PM, Grant Hyde wrote:
> I am not having any luck finding a banking program that is workable with VO.
> I have b
The latest version of this fine twitter client now sports tweet marker support
which essentially bookmarks your last read tweet so that other twitter clients
can pick up at that point. This feature works beautifully when I leave my spot
in yorufukurou and get on my iPod with tweet list. Tweetl
How accessible is lastpass on the mac and IOS devices? Have people on
the list here tried it at all? So far, I found the website to be a bit
tricky to deal with from Firefox on a yucky windows machine. I won't
be back to my mac until this evening.
Any ideas or comments?
You received this mes
o let me know if you
> figure out how to get it to work, as I was looking to get a twit
> marker program, but I think they are paided, and wanted to find out
> how accessible they were before purchasing one. Thanks
> On Aug 28, 9:02 am, Steve Holmes wrote:
>> The latest versio
I heard a while back that their website was not very accessible and
the person who tweeted about it was using windows. So I have a
feeling it is inaccessible on all platforms. this is rather pathetic
given this pertains to disabilities and they can't do any better than
Sorry, this didn't a
Is there a Mac version of this program too? I know they have one for
the IOS platform.
On 8/31/12, Neil Barnfather - TalkNav wrote:
> For radio, from anywhere around the world, including the BBC, and this works
> very wel, I use Tune In Radio, I use the Pro version, but, the none Pro is
> fine.
I'm not sure if it is a total crash of VO, loss of speech or some kind
of modal dialog that doesn't talk. But I have had 3 or 4 incidents
where I come up to the Mac Mini and wake it from a sleep state. I
hear sounds that mail updated with new messages and whatever but after
that, no speech. Only
d f5 trick that Ricardo suggested worked
> well for me too. Here's the thing though. I was having some other issues that
> caused me to nuke and pave my system. Since then I have not had any problem
> with this. I know it's a hassle but you might consider a fresh install.
Another way I followed users with this client was to simply type "F @user"
without the quotes. That worked for me a couple times.
On Sep 2, 2012, at 5:28 PM, Buddy Brannan wrote:
> Yeah, cmd+u, then type the username. You'll get that user's timeline, so same
> instructions as before.
> --
> B
ing this problem.
> I wonder if it could be mail in the background.
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Sep 2, 2012, at 5:09 PM, Steve Holmes wrote:
>> I did an upgrade up from Lion to Mountain Lion. Since then, I have updated
>> to 10.8.1 when it came out. I hav
The problem with this method is the time it takes to enter a sequence of
numbers. If for example, you want to call a conference bridge and have to
enter a multi digit pin, the sequence would often time out as it takes time for
you to tap tap around on that number pad. That's where an edit box
I didn't have any finder folders disappear on me when I upgraded to Mountain
Lion either. You really should double check your view settings though; they
shouldn't have changed but I did notice some options being reverted when I
upgraded to Mountain Lion in the Mail app.
On Sep 6, 2012, at 12:2
Yeah, I think the way this list is managed is extremely inefficient. If the
individuals are so busy they can't keep up, then maybe they should get some
help from other assistant moderators or something. Eight months is really
On Sep 8, 2012, at 10:24 PM, Brandon Olivares wrote:
The closest thing I've seen so far when using a Refreshabraille 18 on my Mac
was with iTunes in the music table. Braille seems to read the entire row each
time you move up or down where speech will speak the current cell in that
table. It would be nice to get Braille to read just the cell inst
I don't know if it is just me or not but this message appears to be truncated.
I think another message from this same source was also truncated. Might wanna
look into it.
On Sep 11, 2012, at 9:38 AM, Maccessibility wrote:
> Maccessibility has posted a new item, 'Google Releases Official YouT
On a related subject, where can I find a good tagging program that I can use on
files before iTunes grabs them? Yes, you can tag a file after it is loaded in
iTunes but then you have to go and find the file first. It would be much
easier if I could use an stand-alone app or something to tag the
Does anyone know if this will integrate with any other apps like on the iPhone?
I realize sandboxing may prevent this but I have EZ Feeds on my iPod and I
haven't set it up yet but it would be nice to be able to go back and forth
between the Mac and the iPod.
On Sep 12, 2012, at 4:58 PM, Sarai
I haven't set anything up yet but if the full screen has to be sent to someone
in order to solve the CAPTCHA, what's to prevent critical information elsewhere
on that screen from being sent along? I mean things like account numbers,
passwords, and the like. After all, this usually comes up when
I just got notified of iTunes 10.7 being available this evening and I took it
then. My mac caught it in the normal run of the mill check for updates
automatically so I went for it. Just has compatibility with IOS version 6.
On Sep 13, 2012, at 4:03 AM, Kawal Gucukoglu wrote:
> I tried updati
I installed Xcode last spring under Lion and basically forgot about it since;
it is at the root of my homebrew setup for unix commands. I see now that after
upgrading to Mountain Lion that my installation of Xcode is no good anymore.
It is version 4.2.1 or so and claims that it needs a version
ple others as well, so make sure you save
> everything important in /developer before continuing if you decide to
> uninstall old versions as I did.
> On Sep 15, 2012, at 5:45 AM, Steve Holmes wrote:
>> I installed Xcode last spring under Lion and basically forgot about it
;t tried these
> installations myself, and the link could be for an older version.
> However, manually installing the command line tools should work, and
> if run into problems at least you will know where to start looking for
> answers as far as homebrew goes -- that's the stic
weeks, by default in
> time order. You could always edit the rules to change the time
> interval, or to make your own smart playlist criteria.
> HTH. Cheers,
> Esther
> On Sep 14, 8:23 pm, Steve Holmes wrote:
>> On a related subject, where can I find a good ta
7;t tried these
> installations myself, and the link could be for an older version.
> However, manually installing the command line tools should work, and
> if run into problems at least you will know where to start looking for
> answers as far as homebrew goes -- that's the sticking
I could imagine many reasons to block flash from pages. Just like java and
javascript. These things execute code from other people's websites on your
computer. I would only want to allow such scripting engines to run code from
known and trusted websites. There is a Firefox plug-in called nos
I decided to take a look around the message headers on my box and I could see
to whom the message was sent but I could not see the date nor could I find a
way to expand the full header fields like you can in other mail clients. Is
this just not available in Apple Mail or am I missing something
y-to, dates, mail servers, and so on.
> On Sep 17, 2012, at 11:19 PM, Steve Holmes wrote:
>> I decided to take a look around the message headers on my box and I could
>> see to whom the message was sent but I could not see the date nor could I
>> find a way to expand
I haven't had this happen on my Mac Mini running Mountain Lion here. The only
similar thing I experience regularly is when getting out of the notifications
area from Menu Extras. But that is a different thing, probably and I think
others have noticed this too. Not a big deal to me really.
Yes, Tweetlist is an excellent app. I've been using it for almost a year now.
On Sep 19, 2012, at 7:44 AM, Søren Jensen wrote:
> Well, the people behind TweetList do care about accessibility, and it seems
> as they are testing the app before any update release. :)
> Best regards:
> Søren Jense
The only time I've ever seen this is when that is the correct situation and
there are really no windows open. You can get this by pressing Command-W one
too many times; like close the message and then pressing it again while in the
message list. You can end up in "no man's land" so to speak. I
The thing I don't like about this business of cross posting is that these lists
are high volume as it is now and this just clutters up things more. I have a
hard enought time keeping up with macvisionaries let alone any other lists.
On Sep 21, 2012, at 11:35 PM, Kawal Gucukoglu wrote:
> Thanks
When I get prompted for passwords or any of that, I just whip out my bluetooth
keyboard and filled it in. I got that prompt this last week and all went fine.
On Sep 22, 2012, at 11:48 AM, Eugenia Firth wrote:
> Hi Sharee
> Do you know that if you are using touch typing the lower left-hand thin
When it comes to automatic interaction with HTML content, it has always worked
even up through the update to 10.8.2 on my Mac mini. Unfortunately this
morning was the first time I started having some issues with this working
properly. I recall recycling VO off and back on and then it has been
The best way to review current VO key assignments is to do VO-H twice and you
will be in the Commands menu with 14 sub menus. Just drill down into all of
these and you will see all possible VO commands and what keys are assigned to
them. there are even some commands which are probably less ofte
Another thing I discovered to be on the mac is PostgreSQL which is a very
powerful SQL oriented database. I discovered the related binaries to be
available from the terminal but the server isn't running by default. I intend
to investigate this further in the near future. Only thing here is yo
Hey, I downloaded the last pass plug-in for Safari and installed it by pressing
Command-O but I can't figure out how to access anything in it. I looked
through all the Safari menus and the only thing I found was lastpass menu bar
in the View menu; I checked it but still nothing changed.
I agree with you fully.I aggree with you fully. I don't know if it is
this difficult with all mailing lists with ML Mail or if just this
one. One thing I have done to reply to the current message is to do a
reply to all (Command-Shift-R I believe) and then edit the To: and Cc:
fields so that only
I have really come to love Instapaper! I've been putting a bunch of stuff up
there from tweets over the past year and the website is fair enough but I just
got into using the iOS app for it and it is fantastic.
Thanks also to Esther for explaining how the bookmarklet works; I would like to
I've run into a similar problem while using column view; it is probably same
behavior that is being told about list view. Where it is most problematic for
me is if I have previously expanded a folder like Documents and then left arrow
to come out of that, it is still selected and is thus the fo
e a better option then to copy the address to the
>>>> clipboard.
>>>> All the best
>>>> Jürgen
>>>> Am 28.09.2012 um 18:08 schrieb Donna Goodin :
>>>>> Yuck, I agree with you
I wonder if Docuscan Plus could deal with this. Yes, that program costs $299
US but might be worth the money to crack this crap.
Oh, did I tell you? I hate DRM!
On Sep 28, 2012, at 5:06 PM, Lisette Wesseling
> Hi all
> I recently bought a book from Kobo which I thought was in epub but
That means that also you can find many texts at bookshare in case you live in
the US; just look for the O'Reily collection. I don't know if they are
restricted to US readers or not.
On Sep 29, 2012, at 1:15 PM, CJ Daniel wrote:
> Hi,
> Download Xcode from the app store. It's a complete ID
I really like Open Office in Linux (Libre to be exact) in Linux it is a bloody
shame that a11y has been broken since Lion. I had actually hoped we might have
gotten closer with Mountain Lion but I think the people at Oracle or whoever
took over for the LibreOffice fork are at fault here.
On Se
Help!!! Something terribly wrong with navigation of tables or something. When
I go to the below site and try and navigate the table, I can't go down through
the remaining rows. While inside the table of books, I use the VO-Arrow keys
to try and go on down past row 2 but it appears to be going
I just went to a familiar transit site and looked up a bus schedule and that
table navigated just fine. So it is the table on the Take Control Books site
that doesn't work for me.
Any ideas out there on how to get around their table?
On Sep 28, 2012, at 5:37 PM, Esther wrote:
> Hi All,
r delay checked in the Verbosity category, Announcements
> tab, in VoiceOver utility. Oh yes, and set the delay to zero.
> Cheers,
> Anne
> On 30 Sep 2012, at 18:30, Steve Holmes wrote:
>> Help!!! Something terribly wrong with navigation of t
t;> On Sep 30, 2012, at 07:07, Anne Robertson wrote:
>>> Hello Steve,
>>> I've just had a look at this table and it's a total mess! I can get further
>>> down through it by using mousekeys, but the VoiceOver cursor won't go
I thought I heard that too but I tried it recently on an iPhone 4S and it did
not work there. I don't know its upgrade history, nor was I aware of what mode
the phone was in at that moment. I was shown the phone in a case and I thought
I'd be smart and see if VO would turn on with triple click
This may have been asked before but I don't recall answers just now. I'm
wondering if there are any apps for the Mac to read epub books ala iBooks
fashion? Sure Ibooks is fine on the iPod but when I'm home in front of my mac,
I would like to be able to read them there instead without altering f
That's an interesting background; I thought there was more to it than that.
Problem with using a browser is you can't do the kind of things that you can do
in iBooks like precise bookmarking, annotation, and browsers don't keep their
place like iBooks would do either. I'm just surprised there
it are either broken or hijacked.
> Teresa
> On Oct 1, 2012, at 3:50 AM, Steve Holmes wrote:
>> That's an interesting background; I thought there was more to it than that.
>> Problem with using a browser is you can't do the kind of things that you can
I really wish you guys would stop spamming the list! We get enough traffic on
this list without receiving news letters about your company.
On Oct 1, 2012, at 7:00 AM, Scott Rumery wrote:
>> Delivering Access™ Newsletter
>> Apple Accessibility Consulting,
I will give bookle a try. So far, most of my ePub books are all DRM-free from
other sources outside Apple. Yes, iBooks for the mac would be the best because
you could then sync books and bookmarks over iCloud like you can between iOS
This will do for the time being.
On Oct 1, 2012,
I really wish they would fix the tables all over their site. Even my personal
library of books thus purchased is a mess too. VO will not go down past the
first detail row in the table. It jumps from row 3 back up to row 1 even if
you have a dozen rows in the table. I have never seen this ano
To move a file, first select the file in Finder and copy to clipboard with
Command-C; then go to the folder where you want to put it; then press
Command-Option-V to paste and delete original in same keystroke.
To rename the file, just hit the return key and type in the new name or edit
what is
I've never done anything with Growl since I began using a Mac last spring.
With the improved notification center in Mountain Lion, I don't see any value
in it anymore. Maybe I'm missing something but what notifications I've seen,
all works fine with base stuff.
Not sure if this helps your sit
Yeah, I had an elusive system dialog sitting around here for a while and could
never seem to access it. I knew the update for 10.8.2 had been recently
announced so I decided to manually look for it through the app store and after
applying that, I haven't seen that dialog anymore. I'll have to
The last time I looked there, it was so incomplete, I had no idea how to
install, let alone use the thing.
On Oct 3, 2012, at 3:42 PM, Buddy Brannan wrote:
> Hi,
> For a DAISY player, try Olearia:
> http://www.cucat.org/projects/olearia/
> --
> Buddy Brannan, KB5ELV - Erie, PA
> Phone: (8
I recently bought ID3 Edit and it is quite powerful. I haven't spent a lot of
time with it yet but it supports both V1 and V2 tags. I'm plowing through over
600 messages from this list alone right now so can't find the exact location of
this file; it is not in the App Store. There was a messa
And to add to the comment below, you then turn actual quick nav on and off by
pressing the left and right arrow keys at the same time. VO will speak "quick
nav on" or "quick nav off".
On Oct 6, 2012, at 6:56 PM, Alex Hall wrote:
> 1. With vo on, press vo-f8 to open the vo utility.
> 2. Select
Humm, that's strange. I have two gmail controled accounts here and I just
looked in my Mail setting preferences and I keep all messages on the server.
When I send messages, they normally will be kept in the Sent folder on gmail
and that is mapped to my Sent box in Apple mail. I also have filt
This might sound a bit geeky because I'm going to suggest a command to use in
Terminal. So here it goes.
1. Go into the Terminal app
2. Type cd followed by the name of the folder you want to work in.
3. You can verify which folder you're actually in by typing 'pwd' with out the
quotes and see t
Yeah, I had this very experience last year when I bought my Mini. I started
out with a bluetooth keyboard and then I ran into the chicken or egg question.
How do you pair the keyboard without speech and how do you start VO without a
paired keyboard? So I went back to the Apple store the next
I also had numerous issues with not having a monitor connected to my Mac mini.
Got a lot of "Finder Busy" messages whenever I accessed Dropbox and I had some
other wierd situations that simply went away when I hooked one up. Your friend
could buy the cheapest monitor possible and these issues
For best results, interact with the message; so after you open it, press
Shift-VO-Downarrow and then you can use the various VO commands just given in
this thread.
On Oct 25, 2012, at 5:37 PM, Alex Hall wrote:
> When you open a message, you are focused on the content adn can use the
> command
Yes, if I understand your question correctly, just hit Command-I while in
iTunes and focused on the file(s) in question. This will open a file
information dialog; select the Info tab and then just VO-Right arrow through
all the options that you can change. You can change for example, track tit
No torrents are not illegal themselves. It should depend on what is referenced
by them. You can use torrents to pull fully legal copies of linux
distributions for example and there is absolutely nothing wrong with getting
On Nov 4, 2012, at 10:38 PM, Shawn Krasniuk wrote:
> Hi Chris.
Just curious, did you get your reboot problem solved yet? This sounds like an
interesting problem. Never had to reset PRAMs yet but wonder.
On Nov 5, 2012, at 4:58 PM, Alex Hall wrote:
> Okay, I'll put ml on a thumb drive and see what happens. I've never done this
> before, so it might take
It appears to me that most of you who are being bothered by this skumbag are on
gmail. Gmail has an excellent setup for rules and such. Just set up the rule
as previously suggested but use "mark as spam" as the targetted action. I love
the spam filters from gmail. And if these are all fallin
I've had this happen with Mail and Yorufukurou and in both cases, restarting
the respective program cleared things up; not sure why this happens.
On Nov 25, 2012, at 11:36 PM, Jürgen Fleger wrote:
> Hi Andrew,
> happens regularly to my MacBook Air as well. Seems to me to be a bug. Restart
401 - 480 of 480 matches
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