Re: Apple ID issues on the IPhone.

2012-02-28 Thread Red.Falcon
Hi there! I know you mentioned quite a lot of the fields! But was one of them the [miss, Mr. Mrs.] and so on field! If I remember right this does not speak and you might have to select something and see what it says after! And if it is the wrong item go again until you find the right one! For a wh

Re: toggle number words/digits

2012-03-01 Thread Red.Falcon
Hi Traci! OK just open verbosity with vo+V and arrow left or right until you find numbers and you can change it to words with the up/down arrows! Then just press escape! Colin On 1 Mar 2012, at 19:04, Traci wrote: > Hi all, > > Is there a way to toggle the way VO speaks numbers? > > I was read

Re: select all command for the IPhone?

2012-03-05 Thread Red.Falcon
Hi Jessica! OK I might have this wrong, but on your Iphone are you on the [all mail folder] if so this might be your problem! That Gmail [all mail] can hold all of your history! So if you can go to where you pick the folder you wish to be in, [Gmail account] if you are on [all mail] change it to

Re: Need help with skype.

2012-03-08 Thread Red.Falcon
Hi Michael! Just a little tip! After someone has typed there first message and then goes to the html field and scrolls to the end message! If at that point they turn off cursor tracking with [vo+shift+f3 ] then during a conversation all they have to do is just start typing and they will be put s

Re: Slide to unlock?

2012-03-22 Thread Red.Falcon
I'll just like to add my thanks for this! I could never get it to work either! Now no problem! Cheers Colin On 21 Mar 2012, at 23:14, Kawal Gucukoglu wrote: > Thanks Daniel. > > It worked. > > Kawal. > > On 21 Mar 2012, at 10:40 PM, Jane wrote: > >> I double-tap where it says to slide to unl

Re: Problem with Skype

2012-03-27 Thread Red.Falcon
Hi there! It works by tabbing from field to field! hth Colin On 27 Mar 2012, at 18:56, Rahul Bajaj wrote: > Hi all, > > When I try to log in to Skype, I don't see any space for putting my username. > There's a combo box, but when I interact with it, VO doesn't say anything. > When I try to move

Re: High contrast on and off?

2012-04-05 Thread Red.Falcon
Hi there! Yes there is a con flicked! But it is with the Hotspots that command if you have a hotspot set at number 8 or any other will Describes the item at that hot spot! Also I have found that the command to switch from one to the other is unchecked in Keyboard shortcuts in the main Keyboard s

Re: Posting a picture that I took on my IPhone 4S to mhy Face Book account

2012-04-12 Thread Red.Falcon
Hi Paul! When I've pressed the photo button in Face book there are options to take video or take picture and another to choose from library! I do not have any pictures on mine but maybe if you select that option it might take you to yours! and you can pick from there! hth Colin On 12 Apr 2012, a

Re: VoiceOver practice mode

2012-04-15 Thread Red.Falcon
Hi there! Also there is the quick start tutorial which starts from the beginning you open it with VO+command+f8 and just follow the steps! You can leave it at any time with escape and go back to it for further practice! hth Colin On 15 Apr 2012, at 15:14, Anne Robertson wrote: > Hello Marc, >

Re: question about Macbook Pro

2012-04-20 Thread Red.Falcon
Hi yes that is right ! When you open the keyboard Commander there is already some preset options in there! Like right option T [to tell you the time] Right option s [to launch safari] and right option [for mail] And a couple of others! Also when you open VO utilities' in the general heading you

Re: trouble using a mouse in snow leopard

2012-04-20 Thread Red.Falcon
Hi Shannon! OK add shift to that command! VO+shift+space! That should do it! Colin On 20 Apr 2012, at 14:55, Shannon Dyer wrote: > Hi, all. > > I'm having kind of a strange problem that I'm hoping someone here can help > with. > > I'm running snow leopard on a MacBook, and Safari is the browse

Re: Finder Background image

2012-04-20 Thread Red.Falcon
Hi Traci! I've got a Snow leopard as mine! You can change it in system pref's under desk top and screen savers! If your intending to use your own picture I suppose it will have a option for you to use one from a library! I just used one of the options that are there! I wonder if there is a Lion i

Re: Delete and forward delete.

2012-04-24 Thread Red.Falcon
Hi there! Use the fn key with the delete key! And using the option key as well deletes a word so fn+option+delete forward deletes a word! And Option+delete deletes a word! hth Colin On 24 Apr 2012, at 13:51, Jenny Keller wrote: > where is the forward delete key on the wireless Mac keyboard w

Re: Function Key Remapping.

2012-04-26 Thread Red.Falcon
Hi there! Could you say what you did and what you tried to set up? Colin On 26 Apr 2012, at 15:18, Emilio Hernandez wrote: > Hello everyone, > > Does any one know how to successfully remap function keys F13-F19? > I've looked in system preferences/keyboard/keyboard shortcuts/application > short

Re: Data Detecter

2012-04-27 Thread Red.Falcon
Well as far as I can tell! there is no way to stop it! I'm not sure if it can be tamed in the custom verbosity settings in VO utility! But it would be nice to have the option to turn it on or off! Maybe a suggestion to them nice people at Accessibility! Colin Unless someone knows different! :] O

Re: blindmicemegamall movie vault and illegal file-sharing allegation

2012-04-28 Thread Red.Falcon
Hi there! Well although it is not perfect [but nothing is] We here in the UK have audio description available on our normal TV services! each company has to provide a certain amount of Audio description and like Subtitles it can be turned on or off! I agree that Itunes should have more content!

Re: Someone instant messaged me in skype, but I don't know how to find the message

2012-04-29 Thread Red.Falcon
Hi there! Well if you found the person with the guide from the other message then a little tip for you to hold a I M chat! If when your on the person you wish to chat with! 1, find the html in there profile and interact with it! 2, Arrow down through all the stuff until you get to there message [

Re: Garage band and ringtones

2012-04-30 Thread Red.Falcon
Hi there! This might help! >From Esther a while ago! use an AppleScript called "Make Ringable" that you can get from Doug Adams' "AppleScripts for iTunes" web site: This is a Mac-only solution. You can read the short description of the

Re: Skype on the Mac made accessible?

2012-05-01 Thread Red.Falcon
I'm with the people who get the home screen! And I cannot see how to make it contacts only either! I do have it tied to facebook! Colin On 1 May 2012, at 16:51, Jenny Keller wrote: > I can't get it to start in the contact list either, but there are a lot of > things that my mac does that don't m

Re: Mac Mail question

2012-05-01 Thread Red.Falcon
Hi there! You can also open VO+shift+m and in that menu arrow down to the move sub menu! And there is also a move again which is set to the last mailbox you sent something to! hth Colin On 1 May 2012, at 22:57, Kirsten Edmondson wrote: > Thanks, I was looking in the wrong menu then. > > On 1 M

Re: Skype on the Mac made accessible?)

2012-05-01 Thread Red.Falcon
Hi Jenny! would you like skype to tell you who has left a message or do you prefer having a sound! Because you can tell skype to speak events in stead of playing a sound! Colin On 1 May 2012, at 20:53, Jenny Keller wrote: > sorry, sounds way to complicated for something that trivial. > > Jenny

Re: Data Detecter

2012-05-03 Thread Red.Falcon
wrote: > I wonder why Apple chose to use that phrase instead of just the word “link”, > which you hear on a Windows machine when you encounter a link. > > From: > [] On Behalf Of Red.Falcon > Sent: Friday, Apri

Re: MenuTab

2012-05-06 Thread Red.Falcon
Hi there! OK I have mine open at log in! And it starts on that quit app button! But I also have it in my doc and when I launch it from there either with vo+space or enter it also goes to the quit app button! I do not get No windows! Hth Colin On 6 May 2012, at 10:22, Rahul Bajaj wrote: > Hi, >

Re: Adding Stuff To the Dock: How'd I Miss This?!

2012-05-06 Thread Red.Falcon
Hi there! Well I can help with that! When sitting on the Item you wish to move just hold down Option+command then arrow with either left or right and voice over will tell you what you are moving and what you are moving past! In my case I use up and down arrows because I've got the doc on the lef

Re: CD's question

2012-05-10 Thread Red.Falcon
Hi there! OK you can make a playlist in Itunes then when you've got it the way you want then arrow past the table of tracks and you should find a option to burn to disc! hth Colin On 10 May 2012, at 16:14, Stacey Robinson wrote: > Hi, how do I make a music cd on the mac that will play in a ster

Re: CD's question

2012-05-10 Thread Red.Falcon
burn to disk anywhere. > > On May 10, 2012, at 10:22 AM, Red.Falcon wrote: > >> Hi there! >> OK you can make a playlist in Itunes then when you've got it the way you >> want then arrow past the table of tracks and you should find a option to >> burn to disc

Re: How can I receive any messages that I post to this group so I know they go through?

2012-05-10 Thread Red.Falcon
Hi there! You can also make your own address book card and in one of the menus in address book is the option to make that card your card! And when you've got that set up you can then in mail pref's under composing you can set the option to automatically bcc myself then any message you send will

Re: Making cd's without using iTunes

2012-05-12 Thread Red.Falcon
Hi Stacey! OK I do not know why Itunes has made the playlist in its own way! When I make one the songs end up in the order that I add them to the list! But I do put them in 1 at a time! But as for finding the burn option when sitting on the name of the playlist in the sources table then if you int

Re: Screen Reader Usage survey

2012-05-12 Thread Red.Falcon
Hi there! Yes in deed! I also filled it in! Colin On 12 May 2012, at 23:33, Kawal Gucukoglu wrote: > Yes Neil, > > A was the latest one as I recall eric or someone sending it. > > Kawal. > > On 12 May 2012, at 08:13 PM, Neil Barnfather - TalkNav > wrote: > >> was it the latest survey, as th

Re: any tips for working with the latest skype?

2012-05-14 Thread Red.Falcon
Hi Donna! I have not seen anyone reply to this! Have you got it sorted! I cannot help with the numbers question but in the window after selecting Contacts from the table there is options to show what you want to see! Like online contacts only or skype or [in my case] face book and even all contac

Re: Time Shortcut Key

2012-05-26 Thread Red.Falcon
Hi there! You might find it a bit slow unless you've got Keyboard commander on! Also you will need to check the [vo controlled by apple scripts ] you can do this [if you haven't already] by opening vo utility [vo+f8] and you should be on the general heading just scroll to that check box and check

Re: Time Shortcut Key

2012-05-26 Thread Red.Falcon
Hi Stacey! It is the same command! If you can find a message in this thread from me you can get directions to set up Keyboard commander to get it working properly! Colin On 26 May 2012, at 20:23, Stacey Robinson wrote: > What is the shortcut for this on the macbook? > On May 26, 2012, at 8:59 AM

Re: Time Shortcut Key

2012-05-26 Thread Red.Falcon
Hi again! OH I thought all Mac books had the same layout as the wireless keyboard! So what do you have to the right of your spacebar then? Colin On 27 May 2012, at 00:12, Stacey Robinson wrote: > I don't have a right option key on my macbook. > On May 26, 2012, at 2:53 PM, Red.F

Re: Time Shortcut Key

2012-05-26 Thread Red.Falcon
2012, at 00:12, Stacey Robinson wrote: > I don't have a right option key on my macbook. > On May 26, 2012, at 2:53 PM, Red.Falcon wrote: > >> Hi Stacey! >> It is the same command! >> If you can find a message in this thread from me you can get directions to >&g

Re: Time Shortcut Key

2012-05-27 Thread Red.Falcon
27/05/2012, at 7:59 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote: > >> Slow? I would say so. You can't check the time with the keystroke at all >> if keyboard command isn't on. :) >> >> Ricardo Walker >> >> Twitter:@apple2thecore &g

Re: Garageband podcast

2012-06-05 Thread Red.Falcon
Hi Stacey! OK I went from this link in this message and they are there look for getting started with garage band! If you have not used the web rota you can call this up with VO+U and if your on links just start typing G E and you will be left with the Garage band links so just press vo space to

Re: interacting was question for all voice over trainers: trouble interacting with items

2012-06-06 Thread Red.Falcon
Hi and if they get the hang of quicknav! You can also interact with down/right arrows pressed together and left/down arrows to stop interacting also pressed down together! And just for info up/down arrows together is the same as vo+spacebar! hth Colin On 6 Jun 2012, at 21:19, Mark BurningHawk Bax

Re: interacting was question for all voice over trainers: trouble interacting with items

2012-06-06 Thread Red.Falcon
Hi there! Well vo+W reads the word vo+WW spells the word vo+www spells the word with those words like tango bravo and so on! hth Colin On 6 Jun 2012, at 21:58, Mark BurningHawk Baxter wrote: > This is one way in which VO is a little bit awkward; that sometimes you have > have to interact two le

Re: skipe

2012-06-11 Thread Red.Falcon
Hi there! Adium was good for doing facebook chat and others! But you can do facebook chat within Skype now if you tie facebook to Skype! Colin On 11 Jun 2012, at 21:57, Kimsan wrote: > Lol, I thought it did. What the heck did I get adium for then? > When I log into adium I think I see my fb cont

Re: Safari Web Page Navigation

2012-06-13 Thread Red.Falcon
Hi I do not know if this is what you want! But command+right arrow goes forward a page and left arrow goes back a page! And command+left bracket goes back and right bracket goes forward a page! hth Colin On 13 Jun 2012, at 15:23, Søren Jensen wrote: > Hi. > > That depends if the command opens w

Re: question about iPhone training

2012-06-18 Thread Red.Falcon
Yes I found in my store to be to noisy I wonder why Apple stores have a quiet room[s] for this use! Colin On 18 Jun 2012, at 13:54, Les Kriegler wrote: > There are 2 issues to consider about one on one training at an Apple store. > First, while the reps have heard of VoiceOver, it doesn't mean

Re: Upgrading to lion from snow leopard

2012-06-19 Thread Red.Falcon
This came from Apple! Apple today announced that OS X Mountain Lion, the ninth major release of the world’s most advanced desktop operating system, will be available in July. Mountain Lion introduces more than 200 innovative features, including the new Messages app, Notification Center, system-

Re: Upgrading to lion from snow leopard

2012-06-19 Thread Red.Falcon
Hi Daniel! Well I've noticed the UK prices are the same so on the face of things it looks like we pay more! Do not be surprised if it is £19.99P in the UK app store! But [and I'm not sure] our American friends have other cost's after purchase!! Colin On 19 Jun 2012, at 15:04, Daniel McGee wrote

Re: Moving to top of message table

2012-06-20 Thread Red.Falcon
Hi there! That command works here OK! I'm using a Wireless Keyboard so need the FN key as well! So I hold the FN+VO with my left hand and do Shift+left/right arrows with my Right! Also I've got a Keyboard shortcut to do the same thing! So all I do is press right option+1 to go to top and 2 for t

Re: Moving to top of message table

2012-06-20 Thread Red.Falcon
k Air Mail > > On Jun 20, 2012, at 2:38 PM, Lisette Wesseling wrote: > >> Ok well that doesn't work for me. I wonder what I've got screwy in my >> mailbox. I still can't see my on my mac mailboxes. So something is very >> weird with mine. >> Ho

Re: Moving to top of message table

2012-06-20 Thread Red.Falcon
ottom. What have I missed? > > Les > On Jun 20, 2012, at 6:31 PM, Red.Falcon wrote: > >> OK Yes there is the trackpad option as well! >> But if you want the Keyboard version here it is! >> I'll do it as if someone needs it from the beginning! >> >

Re: Moving to top of message table

2012-06-20 Thread Red.Falcon
> On Jun 20, 2012, at 6:55 PM, Red.Falcon wrote: > >> The only thing I can think of is you might have picked the wrong item in the >> menu! There is the go to End and go to most visible end! >> Just check which one you have! >> And if you got the right option of co

Re: Moving to top of message table

2012-06-20 Thread Red.Falcon
Colin On 21 Jun 2012, at 05:17, Les Kriegler wrote: > I am using Lion and in the Keyboard Commanders table, I do not see an option > for Jump Submenu. > > Les > On Jun 20, 2012, at 7:25 PM, Red.Falcon wrote: > >> Sorry this could be my fault! >> Try picking t

Re: removing items from the Dock

2012-06-24 Thread Red.Falcon
Hi Sarai! OK when sitting on the item in question in the doc! Open VO+shift+M and in that menu will be remove from doc! hth Colin On 24 Jun 2012, at 03:06, Sarai Bucciarelli wrote: > Hi: > How do you remove items from the dock? > > -- > You received this message because you are subscribed to th

Re: Forward deleting?

2012-06-25 Thread Red.Falcon
Hi Johnny! You can also add the option key to fn+delete to forward delete by word! And of course option+delete. deletes by word! hth Colin On 25 Jun 2012, at 09:37, Johnny Angel! wrote: > I just wish to say thank you to Ann and everyone who has been kind enough to > answer all of my questions.

Re: what's the keyborrd short cut to get to the top of message lists in mail? sorry ive foregotten it.

2012-06-25 Thread Red.Falcon
Hi there! OK if you mean about the suggestions already made they work on a MB! Either the trackpad version or the Keyboard commander shortcuts! hth Colin On 24 Jun 2012, at 15:28, trahern culver wrote: > thanks but what about if you have a macbook? > > -- > You received this message because yo

Re: what Voiceover bugs people want or are hoping will be fixed or squashed in Mountain Lion?

2012-07-02 Thread Red.Falcon
Hi there! I do not know if this is something you might find useful! But open VO+H+H will bring up vo commands and in the first option general there is add pronunciation in which you can put in the first field the word you want to change then in the second field write it so it sounds the way you

Re: what Voiceover bugs people want or are hoping will be fixed or squashed in Mountain Lion?

2012-07-02 Thread Red.Falcon
Hi there! Of course this is with Lion! Not in snowy kitty! Colin On 3 Jul 2012, at 00:53, Rachel Feinberg wrote: > If you don't already have this set, you can go into voiceover utility, to the > commanders area, and then to the quick nav tab. And check the box that says > 'enable single key web

Re: Todo app that can sync with iOS

2012-07-15 Thread Red.Falcon
Hi Christina! Yes you do have Dash board! If you have not changed anything pressing F12 should launch it! and pressing it again should close it! I'm also on Snowy kitty! But I've disabled the dashboard in my Keyboard pref's!so F12 does not launch dashboard for me! I cannot remember if you need to

Re: How do I owngrade a voice?

2012-07-26 Thread Red.Falcon
Hi there! I do believe you can just uncheck that voice in where you set it up and check the one you wish to use! Also Somewhere in your home directory library [I think] is where you can find where the voice's are kept and can get rid of them if you want to make more space! And any other voice's

Re: Moving Messages in Mail with Mountain Lion

2012-07-26 Thread Red.Falcon
Hi there! If I remember right! There is a command to move messages using there place in favourites but I cannot remember what the full command is! So something with command4 to move that message into what ever mailbox you might have there! Or something command8 if you need to put it there! Sorry

Re: safari clicking?

2012-07-30 Thread Red.Falcon
Hi there! I do not think this is a security thing but something that has not been put in place correctly by the people who made that page! I have had it myself but not for a while! But it should not happen so maybe a note to that site's customer services or the dev! hth Colin On 30 Jul 2012, at

Re: assigning mailbox to cmd+number strokes?

2012-07-30 Thread Red.Falcon
Yes you put the said mailboxes into the favourites bar and with the right command can change there place so you can put one on a set number if you like! hth Colin On 31 Jul 2012, at 00:04, Mark BurningHawk Baxter wrote: > Just as you can type Cmd-1 to go directly to the Inbox messages table, CMD

Re: dictation success!

2012-07-31 Thread Red.Falcon
Hi there! Sorry but I did not see you mention if you calibrated the Mac to your voice this should be helpful! Colin And that feature has been around for a long time It is on my iMac Still on snowy kitty which I got 2009 and it was there then! Colin On 31 Jul 2012, at 16:59, Neil Barnfather - Tal

Re: group for audio buffs?

2012-08-01 Thread Red.Falcon
Hi there! To help you a bit! When sitting on a track list the columns like title,artist and album and so on! If you press Command+j you will get all the options you can set to show and of course remove! just tick the ones you want and uncheck any you don't! One of the options is [Kind] so that wil

Re: Using and copying to TextEdit and downloading files [was Re: Very Disappointed with Mountain Lion]

2012-08-02 Thread Red.Falcon
> Hi there! I would just like to say that I went to set up a text edit shortcut as described by Esther! But was surprised to find that my copy of Nisus writer had already put one in the services so I'm going to see if I can add a shortcut command to that! So if any of you have Nisus then you migh

Re: Safari and returning to last spot on page

2012-08-04 Thread Red.Falcon
Hi there! OK if the place you need to get back to is always the same maybe web spots might help or even that sweet spot option just a thought! Colin On 4 Aug 2012, at 22:24, Alex Hall wrote: > I wondered the same thing, but have not yet found a solution. For your > information, though, Chrome do

Re: dictation help

2012-08-04 Thread Red.Falcon
Hi there! I am not speaking for Caitlyn: but I she might also want speakable items because she mentioned the list of phrases to say! that Caitlyn is not the same as Dictation, hth Colin On 5 Aug 2012, at 00:15, Mark BurningHawk Baxter wrote: > Caitlyn: > I am not much into bossing people around,

Re: finder frustrations

2012-08-07 Thread Red.Falcon
Hi Alex! I suppose you are using arrows to open the folders! OK when you get to that folder instead of using arrow open with Command+O and you should have only that folder open and not end up somewhere else! hth Colin On 7 Aug 2012, at 02:05, Alex Hall wrote: > Hi all, > I was looking through m

Re: ML Safari and tables

2012-08-07 Thread Red.Falcon
Hi! Just in case see if you can do it with locking the VO keys [VO+semi colon] and then using just the arrow keys get through the table! But remember to unlock! *smile* Colin On 7 Aug 2012, at 14:42, Neil Barnfather - TalkNav wrote: > that might make sense if the issue was only when using the

Re: Infovox ivox mananger/voices

2012-08-08 Thread Red.Falcon
Hi well I suppose it can be down to what your used too! I'm not to keen on any! But the Queen Elizabeth is absolutely hilarious! Colin On 8 Aug 2012, at 15:28, Esther wrote: > Hi Krysti, > > You can sample the Infovox iVox voices yourself to check the quality at the > AssistiveWare web page: >

Re: Knowing when there are attachments

2012-08-11 Thread Red.Falcon
Hi Bill! Under the VO+M menu in the view sub menu there is collums and in there are options to check and uncheck and one of them is Attactments! So you can choose to remove any you did not want as well [I got rid of Buddy from mine] I'm still on Snowy kitty so do not know if it is different on yo

Re: Connecting Skype and Facebook

2012-08-11 Thread Red.Falcon
Hi there! If you go to that table and select contacts come out of it and then there is options to pick like Online only or facebook and just skype only just pick the one you want! On 11 Aug 2012, at 23:29, Brian Fischler wrote: > Hey, > > Interesting as if I stay in the Facebook html content s

Re: Previous/Next word and Editing: Need help figuring this Mac setting out.

2012-08-13 Thread Red.Falcon
Hey Alex! Yes you got it! And it is under Verbosity! Hth Colin On 13 Aug 2012, at 17:45, Alex Hall wrote: > It might be the cursor setting. I think it's in the vo utility under > verbosity, but cannot be sure. Anyway, it is a setting that tells vo > to speak either the item the cursor goes over,

Re: turning on attachments viewing in ML Mail

2012-08-13 Thread Red.Falcon
Hi there! The only thing I can think of is are you using the new view in Mountain kitty! That could be the difference but I'm still on Snowy kitty so cannot check! Hth Colin On 13 Aug 2012, at 23:54, Ioana Gandrabur wrote: > Am I guessing right that you check or uncheck things in message atribute

Re: Two questions about virtual machines and a brief intro

2012-08-15 Thread Red.Falcon
Hi there! I cannot answer about using windows stuff [never have used it] but I do know that parallels is not accessible so do not let anyone sell you it! Hth Colin On 15 Aug 2012, at 17:39, Damashe Thomas wrote: > Hello List, > > My name is Damashe Thomas and I am fairly new to the macvisiona

Re: Podcast App for Mac

2012-08-19 Thread Red.Falcon
Hi Marc! You can set up a shortcut under commanders in VO utility [VO+f8] You can choose to either use a keyboard or trackpad or if you have one Numpad! Also if you have not already got any commanders running under VO+f8 in general select the [allow VO to be controlled by Applescripts] checkbox!

Re: Mouse right click

2012-08-22 Thread Red.Falcon
Hi I would just like to add that the 2 feet at the front underneath the Magic Trackpad are what gives you that click down! When your Mac is off pick up the track pad and you will see that you can push both feet! I'm not sure but I think someone once mentioned that if you click down at the left c

Re: Stopwatch on the i-phone?

2011-11-15 Thread Red.Falcon
Hi Jennifer! You should have Utilities folder and in there should be Clock! Open it and there should be 4 tabs at the bottom world clock, alarm, stop watch and timer! hth Colin On 15 Nov 2011, at 15:37, Jennifer Perdue wrote: > Is there a countdown timer on the i-phone. Could someone tell me wh

Apple's AssistiveTouch Helps the Disabled Use a Smartphone -

2011-11-15 Thread Red.Falcon
Hi all! Well some of you have said you've got Motor-control problems! So I wonder if this would work with vo! But it is Apple doing there thing! Colin Qapla! Chegh chew jaj Vam jaj Kak Apple’s Assi

Re: Facebook

2011-11-17 Thread Red.Falcon
Hi Ricardo! Well they changed it again! [ what a surprise! ] Not! Well I found a unlabelled button just after a home link near the top and clicked it and the next window brought up account settings privacy and then log out! Log out button is labelled so bringing up vo+I should find it! hth Colin

Re: Facebook

2011-11-17 Thread Red.Falcon
. >> >> Ricardo Walker >> >> Twitter & Skype: rwalker296 >> >> >> On Nov 17, 2011, at 7:04 AM, Goodin, Donna wrote: >> >>> Also, if you make sure that the button that says "Keep m

Re: Facebook

2011-11-17 Thread Red.Falcon
t; Twitter & Skype: rwalker296 >>> >>> >>> On Nov 17, 2011, at 7:04 AM, Goodin, Donna wrote: >>> >>>> Also, if you make sure that the button that says "Keep me logged in" is >>>> unchecked, you can just cl

Re: Logitech Solar Keyboard for Mac

2011-11-19 Thread Red.Falcon
Hi there! You can also tab to that check box! Colin Qapla! On 19 Nov 2011, at 11:03, Scott Howell wrote: > Scott, this functionality is not keyboard specific. > The option does exist and you might be just missing it. > Make sure you have the keyboard tab selected and VO will indicate when this >

Re: Logitech Solar Keyboard for Mac

2011-11-19 Thread Red.Falcon
Hi Scott! Can you set up another account and see if those settings are in that one! If so then your account might be corrupted and I think there is a fix somewhere! You only have to set up a guest account just to check! hth Colin On 19 Nov 2011, at 17:43, Scott Rumery wrote: > Ok I just went to s

Re: Logitech Solar Keyboard for Mac

2011-11-19 Thread Red.Falcon
ions? > > Scott > On Nov 19, 2011, at 12:59 PM, Red.Falcon wrote: > >> Hi Scott! >> Can you set up another account and see if those settings are in that one! >> If so then your account might be corrupted and I think there is a fix >> somewhere! >> You only

Re: Is there a command to capture the screen with voiceover?

2011-11-19 Thread Red.Falcon
Hi Bill! If you have your keyboard commander switched on there is the shortcut key X set to send a screen shot to mail! If that helps! Its already put in for you along with the say time key and the shortcuts for mail and safari! All you need to do is turn on the commander and in vo utilities unde

Re: Is there a command to capture the screen with voiceover?

2011-11-19 Thread Red.Falcon
Hi CHUCK! I'm using snowy kitty myself! :] hth Colin Qapla! On 19 Nov 2011, at 23:11, CHUCK REICHEL wrote: > Hi Red.Falcon, > Are you talking about Lion? > Is this the same for Snow Leopard also? > > CHUCK REICHEL > 954-742-0019 >

Re: Other Mailinglist

2011-11-20 Thread Red.Falcon
Hi Jürgen! I do not know if this is the one your thinking of but here's the link to the page where you can subscribe! Just go to the part to fill in your details! hth Colin On 20 Nov 2011, at 15:41, Jürgen Fleger wrote: > Hi, > > d

Re: VoiceOver becomes unusable when running script

2011-11-21 Thread Red.Falcon
Hi Ray! I've had a play in text edit pressing all the keys with right option! And it does in deed look like each key does something with the option key pressed! And I know that setting up a shortcut key for Itunes can also have a issue with the right option key! So my suggestion is to run that s

Re: GarageBand Guru, help please!

2011-11-22 Thread Red.Falcon
Hi Jessica! Here are 3 links for some pod cast's about Garage Band that might help! > > From Ricardo Walker! > Part 1. > > > Part 2. > > > Part 3. > http://dl.d

Re: Disabling reopening last visited file on app specific basis in Lion?

2011-11-23 Thread Red.Falcon
Hi all, Well here's a couple of other views about this! I hope you find them of use! Thanks to those who wrote them! [Not me! :] ] I didn't really like either of the ideas that have been mentioned for preventing safari from reopening windows from the last session, so I went looking for somethin

Re: VoiceOver becomes unusable when running script

2011-11-28 Thread Red.Falcon
Hi Ray! And Esther if reading this! Ok someone else was looking for a script to do the word count and I posted the script that was given here! I also mentioned the vo con flicked and suggested the track pad idea! The person came back and said he also had the vo problem, but he had another solutio

Re: Burning Itunes purchases to CD?

2011-11-28 Thread Red.Falcon
Hi! Well I like a good 12 inch myself! I've recently been tracking down 12 inch collections and have got back a lot of my old 12 inch collection that I lost years ago! But I do like all sorts! Even this modern stuff! :] Colin On 28 Nov 2011, at 17:38, Mr. L. Alexander wrote: > ah yes. now we're

Re: interesting bug in voiceover with numbers and apostrophes

2011-11-29 Thread Red.Falcon
Hi Paul! I'm on snowy kitty! And I've got my punctuation set to most! What I here is 1 hundred 3 thousand 5 hundred! >From the one you gave as an example no 39 here! hth Colin On 29 Nov 2011, at 21:52, Paul Erkens wrote: > Dear listers, > Before I start bugging Apple with what I think is a bug, I

Re: Safari Does Not Like This Site

2011-11-30 Thread Red.Falcon
Hi Scott! Well I went to the site and was able to get the location and hours frame up! And back to the home page! Now I'm running snowy kitty and just updated Safari today! But I did have a little bizzy bizzy when trying to move by headers with quick nav! hth Colin On 1 Dec 2011, at 00:45, Scott

Re: sending to multiple addresses

2011-12-03 Thread Red.Falcon
Hi Kirsten! A bit late on this subject! But you can also bring up your address panel with command+option+A and go to the table of addresses! When interacting with it just arrow down through the list and when you get to one you wish to use, just press enter and continue down through the list doing

Re: Using VoiceOver to copy songs in home sharing

2011-12-04 Thread Red.Falcon
Hi Robert! OK if I understand where your coming from! Try this in the main hd library find where the tracks are and open it with command+O then cycle to finder with command+` then open your directory to where the shared folder is and open it also with command+o and if I've got this right you can

Re: learning how to copy text on Safari

2011-12-05 Thread Red.Falcon
Hi there! I've set up a keyboard commander stroke to copy last phrase to clip board! So I only have to press right option+C instead of vo+shift+C! Also I sometimes have to use vo+l to read the line to get all the info! But when you've copied it then you paste as normal! Colin Qapla! On 6 Dec 2011,

Re: Watching live TV on a Mac.

2011-12-06 Thread Red.Falcon
Hi there! Although it is not only on the Mac over here is a company [Sky] and there sat boxes do have accessible menus and channels and you can set things to record [but I think ] you have to do that online! And I'm not sure if the Iphone app for them is vo friendly but if it is then you can als

Piezo new app from audio hi jack people!

2011-12-07 Thread Red.Falcon
Hi all! Someone posted about this and I thought some of you might be interested! You can get this from the app store! But this link will give you more info! Colin Qapla! Chegh chew jaj Vam jaj Kak -- You received this messag

Re: MacLegion 2011 Winter Bundle includes Nisus Writer Pro and MacGourmet + 7 other apps for $49.99

2011-12-10 Thread Red.Falcon
Hi there! I've grabbed this as well! It only cost just over 32 pounds and I got MacScan included! Cheers Esther! Colin On 11 Dec 2011, at 00:31, Buddy Brannan wrote: > I just got this myself. Perfect excuse to go ahead and get off the fence and > get Nisus Writer. > -- > Buddy Brannan, KB5ELV -

Re: Combo box driving me crazy

2011-12-11 Thread Red.Falcon
Hi Christine! Well I took a look at the site as well! Although I'm in the UK I also got exactly the same results as you! Now I do not know if this is a vo or safari or even the sites problem if a windows user can use the site OK then it might indeed be a vo problem! I can only suggest [if you have

Re: Num Pad Accessory

2011-12-12 Thread Red.Falcon
Hi there! I do not know if this is an option for you! And having no knowledge of those types of keyboard, but you can use Num pad commands using the numbers on a standard keyboard and the arrows! So if you switch on the Num pad commander and press down arrow and number 1 should give you something

Re: Funny iPhone story

2011-12-14 Thread Red.Falcon
Classic! :] On 14 Dec 2011, at 17:11, Teresa Cochran wrote: > That was funny. I can well imagine such a thing happening. It has, as a > matter of fact, since I used to be an access-tech trainer. I got lots of > those interesting comments. :) > > Teresa > > "We are made of star-stuff"--Carl S

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