Re: VmWare Fusion and Windows Installation

2012-03-05 Thread Keith Watson
Les, You install Fusion and then use Fusion to create a Winblows Virtual Machine. Keith On Mar 4, 2012, at 8:41 PM, Les Kriegler wrote: > Okay, a question. When our IMAC arrives, I will be installing Windows in > order to run with VmWare Fusion. Which should be installed first? In other >

Re: iPad losing battery power rapidly

2012-04-07 Thread Keith Watson
Andrew, I would take it into the Apple store and have them run some diagnostics on it. 20% overnight is a bit excessive. Keith On Apr 7, 2012, at 1:35 AM, Andrew Lamanche wrote: > Dear Listers, > > I am somewhat puzzled as to why my iPad 2 loses power so rapidly. I > would charge it fully, an

Re: iMovie and Wuicktime

2012-04-09 Thread Keith Watson
Mike, Where can I find these videos? I need to pull in some video from a DV tape and would like to review them before I attempt the import. Thanks, Keith On Apr 9, 2012, at 5:56 PM, Michael Malarsie wrote: > > Greetings! > I have some YouTUbe videos posted about how to do basic editing

Re: Mail Problems, using Lion.

2012-04-14 Thread Keith Watson
Veronica, Try to create another user and setup your mail there. If this works then I would delete and recreate the original user account. I know this seems brute force and it is, but I don't know enough about plist files to tell you to go remove the correct one. Hope this works. Keith On Apr

Re: Mail Problems, using Lion.

2012-04-14 Thread Keith Watson
Also, you might create a gmail account and have it pop your email there. Then use imap on your Mac. This is the way I do it and it works out well for me. Keith On Apr 14, 2012, at 6:44 AM, Keith Watson wrote: > Veronica, > > Try to create another user and setup your mail there. If t

Re: Question about sites using Ajax

2012-04-22 Thread Keith Watson
Sorry, all the sites I frequent use Comet. On Apr 21, 2012, at 8:22 PM, Scott Howell wrote: > All, > > Has anyone encountered problems accessing sites using ajax? I cannot think of > a site immediately that heavily uses ajax. If you know of one I can try VO > out with, please let me know. This

Re: Carbonite

2012-05-12 Thread Keith Watson
Neil, Are you able to access the panel on the left? Last time I attempted to use carbonite I was not able to change between backup and restore because that area was not accessible by Voice Over. Thanks, Keith On May 11, 2012, at 12:12 PM, Neil Barnfather - TalkNav wrote: > I have used it wit

Re: VM Ware Fusion

2012-07-29 Thread Keith Watson
Hi, I haven't had this problem in a long time. But when I did I just used command shift g to bring focus back into the VM window. Keith On Jul 28, 2012, at 11:08 PM, Joseph Norton wrote: > Some times, when that happens, I can use command-tab to go out of fusion, > then, command-tab back in t

Re: Twitter in 10.8 (was: Re: Observations about mountain lion so far)

2012-07-29 Thread Keith Watson
Hi, Well rather than firing up a twitter app and navigating to where you would post, why not just hit the notification center and post from there? They are not trying to do away with your favorite client. They are just making it easier to post to twitter and shortly Facebook without having to o

Re: Funny iPhone story

2011-12-15 Thread Keith Watson
Hi, A better answer would have been that Bill Gates stole the idea for Winblows from Apple. Just sayin' Keith On Dec 13, 2011, at 9:15 PM, Gigi wrote: > Ok guys. > Here is a funny iPhone story that happened to me today. > > I was on the bus using Sendero to make sure I didn't lose track of

Re: Num Pad Accessory

2011-12-15 Thread Keith Watson
Will, you used to have to hold the Voice Over keys and navigate with the arrow keys. Quick Nav basically locks you into Voice Over mode so you don't need to hold down the VO keys. It also allows you to rotate through the rotor. HTH Keith On Dec 14, 2011, at 2:03 AM, Cheree Heppe wrote: > Che

Re: Funny iPhone story

2011-12-16 Thread Keith Watson
in his own > biography. > > Ricardo Walker > > Twitter & Skype: rwalker296 > > > On Dec 15, 2011, at 9:20 PM, Keith Watson wrote: > >> Hi, >> >> A better answer would have been that Bill Gates st

iBooks Author

2012-01-28 Thread Keith Watson
Hi guys, I am attempting to figure out the iBooks Author App. Not going so well. Have any of you tried it? There are a few unlabeled buttons from what I can tell and the interface is a bit confusing. Any help would be welcomed. Thanks, Keith -- You received this message because you are subsc

Re: Using vo with Apple Remote desktop?

2014-01-26 Thread Keith Watson
Hi, I have not tried this solution yet myself. But if you go check out the show notes for the Nosilla Cast at and look at the Jan. 19th show, there are directions for a solution to this problem. It requires jumping through some hoops, but she got it working. Let me know how it g

Re: PDF files and taxes

2014-01-26 Thread Keith Watson
HI, You’re welcome. I just wanted to poke my nose in here and say that. You see, I work for the company that contracted to the GPO/IRS to provide accessible forms. We worked really hard at making this possible and I am glad to see all the good feedback. Keith On Jan 25, 2014, at 4:53 PM, Euge

Re: PDF files and taxes

2014-01-31 Thread Keith Watson
to say that the braille copies are 2012 copies. > > Sincerely, > Gigi > > Sent from my iPhone > >> On Jan 26, 2014, at 6:25 PM, Keith Watson wrote: >> >> HI, >> >> You're welcome. I just wanted to poke my nose in here and say that. You

Re: how to convert unprotected epubs/other ebook formats to txt?

2014-01-31 Thread Keith Watson
Georgina, Can you direct me to a site with instructions and the CLI tools? Appreciate it. P.S. Heard from Kirk lately? Keith On Jan 27, 2014, at 11:41 AM, Georgina Joyce wrote: > Hello, > > I haven't seen any reply. So I thought I would suggest an option that is not > satisfactory in acce

Re: Omni Focus

2014-03-05 Thread Keith Watson
If I were you I would wait a month or so for Omni Focus 2 for the Mac to be release. They are going to start a beta shortly after Mac World. Keith On Mar 4, 2014, at 7:08 AM, Nicholas Parsons wrote: > I've heard that Omni Focus is pretty accessible on iOS. I'm a big fan and > user of task ma

Re: Fusion draining my battery

2014-03-12 Thread Keith Watson
Phil, I had been having this issue as well. I am trying to follow your instructions below but am having an issue. I can find the control key and the option key and the power button. Its that dedication key that I just can't seem to locate. Could you possibly point it out for me? Thanks. BTW:

Re: Accessible and Automated OCR Workflow

2014-03-13 Thread Keith Watson
Nick, Below I will paste a copy of the AppleScript that I use in a Hazel rule that will open a pdf, check to see if it needs to be OCR'd, OCR it if necessary and then move it to another folder to be sorted by other requirements. In PDFPen Pro you can set the preferences to OCR upon opening. I h

Re: Accessible and Automated OCR Workflow

2014-03-15 Thread Keith Watson
Nick, Depends on if ABBY has included an API for AppleScript. I can't tell you as I don't own it. I do know that PDFPen uses ABBY for their OCR. At least that is what I have seen in my Applications folder. As for the tabs in AppleScript. They are just for readability. Keeps the different secti

Re: Apple Script saving .aiff file

2014-03-16 Thread Keith Watson
Tracy, I am not sure why you want to save a file out for this. Maybe a little more context would help. In any case you can add a delay before the say statement. Maybe something like this. beep delay 1 say "Hello World" using "Tessa" Not sure exactly how to incorporate the beep without some Goo

Re: Apple Script saving .aiff file

2014-03-16 Thread Keith Watson
Tracy, Ok, so your later note says that you are doing exactly what I suggested in my earlier reply. Serves me right for not reading the entire thread. Although I do stand by my request for more context. So are you wanting to create a wav file with the beep and the text spoken by that voice in o

Re: Apple Script saving .aiff file

2014-03-16 Thread Keith Watson
Tracy, Ok, so here is what I have come up with. I don’t think that it’s what you want but its a start. set filePath to ((path to home folder as text) & "Documents:") as text set fileName to "foo.aiff" beep delay 0.5 say "Hello World" using "Tessa" saving to filePath & fileName I suspect that yo

Re: Accessible and Automated OCR Workflow

2014-03-16 Thread Keith Watson
Hi, Sorry for the delay in getting back with you on this. The wife had me working all day and am now just catching up with email. so, lets take them one at a time. 1. This script works from a Hazel rule. So you can create a rule on a particular folder with an action that says, if all of the fo

Re: Accessible and Automated OCR Workflow

2014-03-16 Thread Keith Watson
Ooops, don't think I quite answered your first question in full. theFile is an alias to the file that Hazel is performing the action on. So that line of code calls a shell script to look at the file for a specific string. If its there then the file is already OCR'd and nothing needs to be done t

Re: Accessible and Automated OCR Workflow

2014-03-16 Thread Keith Watson
Cmd-Shift-o in the Applescript editor. Is there some other > way to determine whether an API is available? > > Cheers, > > Anne > > > On 15 Mar 2014, at 19:53, Keith Watson wrote: > >> Nick, >> >> Depends on if ABBY has included an API for Apple

Re: Accessible and Automated OCR Workflow

2014-03-17 Thread Keith Watson
Nick, What version of ABBY are you using? I have seen much out there about ABBY FineReader Express. I am sort of interested in which one you have as PDFPen is using a version of ABBY itself but you seem to be getting better results with a stand alone version. Anyway, you may want to take a loo

Re: Accessible and Automated OCR Workflow

2014-03-19 Thread Keith Watson
Nick, You suck! My wife is going to shoot me when she sees our Visa bill next month! I went ahead and bought FineReader Pro and have cobbled together a Hazel rule with an AppleScript that works. What a pain in the butt that was. Had to use System Events for every bloody part of the script. Anyw

Re: Listening to APH Interview on the Mac

2014-04-04 Thread Keith Watson
Use Google Chrome to listen to flash. Its built in so you don't need to install any Adobe crap on your Mac. Keith On Apr 4, 2014, at 1:46 PM, Mike Busboom wrote: > Hi. > > I subscribe to an excellent weekly publication with which some of you may be > familiar. It is called "Flying Blind."

Re: Keyboard Maestro Actions Question

2014-04-05 Thread Keith Watson
Emilio, So you chose the Applications Group and then the Activate Specific Application Action I am assuming. You then need to interact with the Group you just chose in the Macro Edit Detail Scroll Area. By default the Finder Application is selected. VO to the right till you land on the Finder P

Re: Listening to APH Interview on the Mac

2014-04-05 Thread Keith Watson
oogle Chrome, and it worked >> like a charm. Thank you very much. I think that this will be my approach >> in the future. I am still using Mountain Lion but will be upgrading, now >> that most of the gotchas have been addressed. I hope that Google Chrome >> will wor

Re: Keyboard Maestro Actions Question

2014-04-06 Thread Keith Watson
Emilio, Sure, not a problem. My email address is and I would be glad to help out where I can. This goes for anyone out there that is looking to increase their knowledge about using a Mac to automate their lives. I am a fanatic about this subject. Keith On Apr 6, 2014, at 5:58

Re: Keyboard Maestro Actions Question

2014-04-06 Thread Keith Watson
ave that discussion right here since this is an application I know virtually > nothing about. Meanwhile, I'm going to Google it down so I can learn what i > can on my own. > > > On Apr 6, 2014, at 4:28 AM, Keith Watson wrote: > >> Emilio, >> >> Sure, no

Re: Hazel Discussion

2014-04-06 Thread Keith Watson
Nick, Theoretically you could use KM to do what Hazel does. But it would be like using a hammer to chop down a tree. The hatchet is a much better tool for the job. Hazel does a particular type of job well so why not use the better tool. Here let me give you an example of a task that Hazel does

Re: Hazel Discussion

2014-04-06 Thread Keith Watson
Oops, addressed that last note to Nick instead of Deb. Friggin rookie blind guy mistake. Preaching to the choir by addressing it to Nick. On Apr 6, 2014, at 4:27 PM, Nicholas Parsons wrote: > Hi Teresa, > > Automator can create folders which it watches and then performs certain > actions if

Re: Keyboard Maestro Actions Question

2014-04-06 Thread Keith Watson
Lion? Was that less than 7? Keith On Apr 6, 2014, at 7:18 PM, Jim Gatteys wrote: > and what a great old tv show it was too. > > On Apr 6, 2014, at 9:17 AM, Keith Watson wrote: > >> Deb, >> >> Sure, I have no problem with discussing KM or Hazel or any other Auto

Re: Keyboard Maestro question

2014-04-07 Thread Keith Watson
Emilio, Actually I have never used the Record Macro feature of KM. I believe that feature is for sighted folks to move the mouse and click things in the app or whatever. I apologize for the confusion about messing up other keyboard commands. Here is what we were referring to. After adding a m

Re: Keyboard Maestro question

2014-04-07 Thread Keith Watson
Emilio, When you create the Macro you can trigger on thisApplication. Then just set the actions to use System Control actions. You can mute, increase or decrease or a host of other controls. Keith On Apr 7, 2014, at 12:56 PM, Emilio wrote: > Keith, > > Glad to see that you have endured the

Re: Hazel Discussion

2014-04-10 Thread Keith Watson
Nick, You have to build custom tokens that will match on what you are looking for. Its easy once you Grok what is going on but a bear until you do. I probably need to sit down and record something for AppleVis on how its done. Keith On Apr 9, 2014, at 4:56 PM, Nicholas Parsons wrote: > Hey K

Re: 1password accessibility with voiceover

2014-04-11 Thread Keith Watson
Andrew, I have 1Password on both my Macs and my iPhone and iPad. I have used it for years and have had no issues. I sync with both Dropbox and iCloud. I also keep my backup on a thumb drive. No worries. Works great. Keith On Apr 11, 2014, at 4:28 PM, Andrew Lamanche wrote: > Listers, > > Co

Re: Has anyone tried LastPass with VoiceOver on the Mac or iOS?

2014-04-13 Thread Keith Watson
Jamie, Any password manager is a good idea. I never did like the Last Pass pricing model as I would be paying for the rest of my life. I purchased 1Password outright for $50 just over 3 years ago. I currently calculate my cost of ownership at $1.39 a month and that keeps going down as time goes

Re: Changing existing passwords after installing One Password

2014-04-13 Thread Keith Watson
Andrew, My 75 year old father has gone crazy changing all his online passwords after I purchased 1Password for him. I say this because if that old man can do it anyone can. Seriously, here is how I do it. I open 1Password find the entry I wish to change in the Logins area. I then copy the exis

HTML editing

2014-05-15 Thread Keith Watson
Hi all, Looking for input on how any of you who maintain a website are doing it. Specifically are you using a WYSIWYG editor or just a plain text editor and html. Looking to create my own website and fussing with html is getting tedious. Help! Keith -- You received this message because you a

Re: HTML editing

2014-05-19 Thread Keith Watson
e: >> >> Hi Keith, >> >> I am probably not the best person to help because I use WordPress on the >> Tech Doctor podcast site mostly at its defaults. I do use MarsEdit to create >> the show notes including adding links. >> >> Robert Carter >>

Re: Making a copy of a DVD using disk utility

2013-12-29 Thread Keith Watson
HI, Make sure that you change the type to CD/DVD Master in the pop-up. Then you can open the image in Disk Utility and burn it to a blank DVD. HTH On Dec 29, 2013, at 8:20 AM, Andrew Lamanche wrote: > Hi Listers, > > I have an educational DVD which contains several folders, containing short

Re: One more Paprika question

2014-01-03 Thread Keith Watson
You can’t create separate databases for that sort of thing. But you can create categories for them and then store recipes for each in that category. Keith On Jan 3, 2014, at 2:59 AM, Jim Gatteys wrote: > Hi all! > I guess there is no demo version of Paprika? Does anybody know if you can > ha

Re: How To Set A VoiceOver Activity for the Notification Center

2014-09-01 Thread Keith Watson
under CoreServices with no success. If and when I find it I will post here. Regards, Keith Watson 813-760-1381 Twitter: @TKeithWatson > On Sep 1, 2014, at 3:12 AM, M. Taylor wrote: > > Hello Everyone, > > NOTE: > This document assumes that you know

Re: Conversation Participants being Spoken in Yosemite mail

2014-10-21 Thread Keith Watson
Johnathan, So after reading this thread I see that nobody has an answer for you. I am sorry to say that neither do I I would be very interested in finding a solution to this issue as well. Its so damned time consuming that I find myself blowing away all the messages in the mailbox after the fir

Re: Conversation Participants being Spoken in Yosemite mail

2014-10-21 Thread Keith Watson
he messages. > Max > >> On 22 Oct 2014, at 9:21 am, Keith Watson > <>> wrote: >> >> Johnathan, >> >> So after reading this thread I see that nobody has an answer for you. I am >> sorry to say that neither do I I

Re: Conversation Participants being Spoken in Yosemite mail

2014-10-21 Thread Keith Watson
nology eBooks, tutorials and training > <> >> On 22/10/2014, at 11:21 am, Keith Watson > <>> wrote: >> >> Johnathan, >> >> So after reading this thread I see that nobody has an answer

Re: Mail Impressions in Lion

2011-07-23 Thread Keith Watson
Hi guys, Funny enough I have switched from using quick nab in mail to not using it. I now switch between my mailboxes and message area using the tab key and only use quick nab to have the messages in a thread read automatically when they don't. >> I find this to use much fewer key strokes and a

Re: signatures?

2011-07-24 Thread Keith Watson
, Keith Watson On Jul 23, 2011, at 10:10 PM, Kliph&Sharrie wrote: > Okay, I’m loving the new mail so much I’m ready to ditch outlook 2010. Only > thing I can’t figure out to do is how to choose what signature I want to use. > What I mean is, in outlook even if I have a default signa

Re: IMPORTANT: To MacBook Pro Lion Users

2011-07-25 Thread Keith Watson
just speculation at this point. But it would be very unlikely that an issue of this magnitude would not be addressed pretty quickly. Regards, Keith Watson On Jul 24, 2011, at 11:29 PM, Shawn Krasniuk wrote: > I'd like to know if the increase of heat and decrease in battery life when &

Re: IMPORTANT: To MacBook Pro Lion Users

2011-07-25 Thread Keith Watson
Hi, In part yes it would. iCal actually runs as a daemon process and unless you kill the process then it is always running in memory. There are ways to do this but it's not recommended. I myself am waiting for the updates. Regards, Keith Watson On Jul 25, 2011, at 6:49 PM, Missy Hoppe

Re: Getting Mail to behave the way it used to

2010-06-30 Thread Keith Watson
Hi, I have my view setting for threads set to on. So using VO-j may or may not work for me. I don't really know and don't really care. You see when I hit enter on a thread it either opens up all the messages if if have less than 10 in the thread or asks me to be sure I want to open more than 10

Re: Python

2010-06-30 Thread Keith Watson
Hi, I have not found a good python editor for the MAC yet. I cheat. I have a GNU/Linux VM that I use to edit my code with. I am more comfortable with VI anyway. Keith On Jun 30, 2010, at 8:28 PM, Bejarano, Rafael P. wrote: > Hi, > > I've had some limited success with Python for Mac. I've g

Re: Alert: Do not update to new version of Dragon Dictation app -- accessibility issues

2010-07-23 Thread Keith Watson
On Jul 22, 2010, at 11:50 PM, Esther wrote: > Hi all, > > A new version of the Dragon Dictation app just showed up in the app store. > Do not update to this version; nearly all the buttons are now announced as > "Var mobile applicat". Further, although it is possible to still dictate > text

Labeling buttons in an app

2010-07-24 Thread Keith Watson
Hi all, I have run across an application that needs to have some buttons labeled. I can get the help tag from the button using vo-shift-h ok. But cannot for the life of me remember how to label it. Any suggestions? Thanks, Keith -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the

Another VO question

2010-07-24 Thread Keith Watson
Hi, Thanks for the keystrokes for labeling things. I had heard that there was a way to copy the last thing that VO said to the clipboard and then paste that into a field somewhere. I have used the keyboard help to attempt to find that sequence. But have had no luck. Am I nuts or is there really

Re: Another VO question

2010-07-24 Thread Keith Watson
C that will copy to clipboard, and if you do the same but press Z, that will > copy last phrase to an audio file on your desktop. > On 24 Jul 2010, at 14:49, Keith Watson wrote: > >> Hi, >> >> Thanks for the keystrokes for labeling things. I had heard that there was a >


2010-08-22 Thread Keith Watson
Hi all, I am in the market for some network attached storage. I have looked at the Apple time machine and the options provided by Western Digital. I thought I would throw this out there to see if there is anyone using something other than these products. I only have a few criteria that I am tr

Re: anything to switch bluetooth connections?

2010-08-22 Thread Keith Watson
Hi, I may be mistaken in my interpretation of the Apple website. But I thought that the only difference between the mini and the mini server was that the mini came with a dvd drive and the server replaced that with a second drive so that you could raid them. Please correct me if I am wrong, as

Re: the unix shell and mac terminal

2010-08-28 Thread Keith Watson
All well and good to have these tools available on the MAC. The only problem is that VO access to the terminal is cumbersome at best. My solution to this is to run a Debian VM and use speakup. Much better access to it's term there, and if I need to do anything on my MAC i just ssh over and take

Re: the unix shell and mac terminal

2010-08-29 Thread Keith Watson
at if there is enough interest I could put together a generic version of my image with speakup installed and make it available to the public. Keith On Aug 29, 2010, at 2:01 AM, Scott Granados wrote: > Do you have a pointer to a good image? > > On Aug 28, 2010, at 6:29 PM, Keith Watson wr

Re: the unix shell and mac terminal

2010-08-30 Thread Keith Watson
hought that Speakup wasn't available as Debian packages. > > On Aug 29, 2010, at 8:52 AM, Keith Watson wrote: > >> Actually I just googled debian vmware and appliance. I can't remember the >> name of the image, but that should get you something. After getting the

Re: o. t.: Microsoft Office for Mac! Important: read and leave comments!

2013-02-02 Thread Keith Watson
is in the works, as I will no longer pay for an operating system that does not have a built in screen reader that is functional. Regards, Keith Watson 813-760-1381 Twitter: @TKeithWatson On Feb 1, 2013, at 12:59 PM, SaraFord wrote: > Hi all, > > Thank you J.P

Re: o. t.: Microsoft Office for Mac! Important: read and leave comments!

2013-02-03 Thread Keith Watson
> You can have an off day, but you can't have a day off! ---The Art of Fielding > Sent from my Mac Book Pro > > > On Feb 2, 2013, at 9:41 AM, Keith Watson wrote: > >> Sara, >> >> Let me just say that I am encouraged by this thread.

Re: Accessing Hidden Sounds in yosemite

2014-12-21 Thread Keith Watson
Hi, Here is a link to an article that shows you how to accomplish this. Be aware that an upgrade will most likely kill it.

Re: 1password accessibility

2012-08-26 Thread Keith Watson
Paul, Flick to the right till you are on the Web site url and then double tap. That will open the browser inside the 1password app and log you in. Or at least bring you to the page and fill in the user id and password. Then all you have to do is hit the login button. Keith On Aug 26, 2012, at

Re: Losses of Speech or Crashes in Mountain Lion

2012-09-01 Thread Keith Watson
Hi, Just wondering if you upgraded from Lion or did a fresh install? I saw this behavior on my mini during the beta cycle and never did get a resolution out of Apple for it. I had it occur after the release and it seemed to get better after 10.8.1 was released. The command f5 trick that Ricardo

Re: recipes or database app with iCloud?

2012-09-05 Thread Keith Watson
Alex, I use Paprika. They have their own Cloud server and I sync between all my devices and my parents as well. The developers have put a lot into making it accessible as well. Keith On Sep 4, 2012, at 6:05 PM, Alex Hall wrote: > Hi all, > Does anyone know of either a recipes app, or a datab

Re: update on vm fusion 3.0

2010-06-10 Thread Keith Watson
There is a problem with the latest version of Fusion. The sound is basically nonexistent. I would either wait for the next version to be fixed, or get a copy of the last version. 3.0 I believe is what it was. K On Jun 10, 2010, at 3:26 AM, Simon Fogarty wrote: > try windows key and u > so th

Re: problem resolved with vm fusion 3

2010-06-10 Thread Keith Watson
Try going to the settings for the VM and disconnecting the CD there. This way you don't have to shut down the VM. K On Jun 9, 2010, at 11:31 AM, chad baker wrote: > Hi my problem is solved with fusion 3. > I had to shut vo off then open the run box. > Now i'm having trouble ejecting a cd i have

Re: saytext: new OCR app for IPhone

2010-06-27 Thread Keith Watson
It's not a laser camera. It's just a laser barcode reader, and in my opinion they over charge for the thing. I am not going to commit to anything here. But if I can get ahold of a bluetooth barcode reader, the laser type, I would like to port an app that I wrote for the Icon/Braille Plus that do

Re: Considering a Mac, what are the positives and negatives?

2011-08-21 Thread Keith Watson
htening and helpful. Regards, Keith Watson Phone: 813-760-1381 Email: On Aug 20, 2011, at 6:09 PM, Kirsten Edmondson wrote: > Hi, > I am seriously considering the move from a Windows (7) machine onto a Mac. I > have an IPhone so I know how VO works. I visite

Spaces keyboard shortcut disabling

2011-08-27 Thread Keith Watson
Hi, In lion they have added the ability to switch spaces by using the control left and right arrows. Does anyone know how to disable this functionality? It is interfering with my Winblows VM under Fusion. Thanks, Keith -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google G

Re: Spaces keyboard shortcut disabling

2011-08-27 Thread Keith Watson
h directions > left and right. Now close with command w. > > Second, you can also decide to tell fusion to not react to os10 keys. This > can be done in fusion preferences command comma, and then the keyboard > toolbar item. > Hth. > Paul. > On Aug 27, 2011, at 5:40 PM,

Getting to the menu area

2011-08-27 Thread Keith Watson
Hi all, I recall that someone posted a method for getting to the menu area that has the items such as Dropbox and other apps that are up there. I have been looking for those directions but am not able to find them in the history. Can someone repost them please? I need to get up there to see if

Re: Getting to the menu area

2011-08-27 Thread Keith Watson
Never mind this post. Found the threads about it not being accessible under Lion. Wonder if there is any way to find out exactly what icons are up there. Keith On Aug 27, 2011, at 5:26 PM, Keith Watson wrote: > Hi all, > > I recall that someone posted a method for getting to the

Crash Plan

2011-08-28 Thread Keith Watson
Hi, I wanted to kick the tires on Crash Plan yesterday. For the most part installation and backing up initially is somewhat doable. It's getting to the selections on the left of the window that is a challenge. My question to the hive is there a way to have a sighted person move the mouse point

Weather / Temperature Apple Script

2011-09-10 Thread Keith Watson
--- Code Starts Here --- # Script to have Voice Over speak the current temperature. # Written by Keith Watson on September 10, 2011. # # Using lynx get forecast from wunderground and dump to a text file. do shell script "/opt/local/bin/lynx -dump

Re: Weather / Temperature Apple Script

2011-09-11 Thread Keith Watson
elps and best wishes, > > Jonathan > > On Sep 10, 2011, at 10:43 AM, Keith Watson wrote: > >> Hi All, >> >> Disclaimer >> Those of you who choose to follow these steps do so at their own risk. I >> take no responsibility for any prob

Re: Weather / Temperature Apple Script

2011-09-11 Thread Keith Watson
Nope, the intent was to only have the temperature read to you. Not the entire forecast. And I sort of like to have Tessa tell me what the temp is. Being from South Africa on my mothers side it brings back fond memories. Keith On Sep 11, 2011, at 2:36 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote: > Hi, > > You k

Re: Weather / Temperature Apple Script

2011-09-11 Thread Keith Watson
All, Like Scott said, this was an exercise in learning Apple Script and to facilitate the request of another list member. They did not want all the information that the weather widget gave. All they wanted was the outside temperature. If the weather widget works for you then by all means contin

Re: Weather / Temperature Apple Script

2011-09-11 Thread Keith Watson
ay" > command in Lion that is not in Snow Leopard. Does the "r" switch allow you > to specify a speech rate? (That's not something you can do in earlier > versions of Mac OS X.) > > Cheers, > > Esther > > On Sep 11, 2011, at 05:27, Kei

Re: Weather / Temperature Apple Script

2011-09-11 Thread Keith Watson
n script edit, I hit > command-r to see if I did it correctly? > > I'm so excited if I can do this! It is a silly thing, but a feature of > window-eyes I have enjoyed! > > Thank you for working on this. > > Traci > > - Original Message - From: "Keit

Re: Weather / Temperature Apple Script

2011-09-13 Thread Keith Watson
tempActual | textutil -convert txt -stdin -stdout -format html | > sed "s/^/[[rate 900]]/" | say > > CB > > On 9/11/11 5:43 PM, Keith Watson wrote: >> >> Ester, >> >> I did not know that the rate switch was not available in earlier versions of &g

Laptop / Bluetooth vs. Standard Keyboard

2011-09-13 Thread Keith Watson
Hi all, Just a quick question about how you MBP / MBA / Bluetooth Keyboard owners deal with not having your VO keys on the right hand side of the keyboard. I was updating my daughters MB last night and found it to be a pain in the butt not having them available. Thanks, Keith Watson 813-760

Fusion 4, Jaws Video Intercept

2011-09-14 Thread Keith Watson
Hi all, Has anyone successfully upgraded to Fusion 4, installed the new Vmware tools and updated their video intercept? My VM will not start after going through these hoops. Good thing I have a backup of the VM so that I can at least attempt to try again on the morrow. Just curious. Keith --

Re: Fusion 4 and Window-Eyes

2011-09-15 Thread Keith Watson
hough. Scott??? BTW, Robert. Last Christmas a friend of mine asked me if I knew of a blind guy by the name of Robert Carter. Said he went to school with him about a 100 years ago. He's from North Carolina and his name is Jack Hickman. Ring any bells? Keith Watson 813-760-1381 Sent from my iPho

Re: VMWare and lion

2011-09-15 Thread Keith Watson
Hi, That happened to me quite a bit with Fusion 3 and Snow Leopard and Lion both. I have always chalked it up to something getting stuck while passing the key stroke through from the system to the vm. It's annoying but not a show stopper. Hope it gets resolved someday though. Keith Watso

Re: Fusion 4 and Window-Eyes

2011-09-15 Thread Keith Watson
Mike, Did your vm automatically try to install vmware tools even after saying no to the upgrade vm option? No matter what I have done it always seems to want to install. I have to cancel and can then use the vm, but it's annoying. On Sep 15, 2011, at 8:10 PM, Mike Arrigo wrote: > I have windo

Re: Fusion 4, Jaws Video Intercept

2011-09-15 Thread Keith Watson
t around to it. >> I'm experimenting with giving the VM 1 GB of Ram instead of 2. I want to see >> if I can improve performance of Mac applications without causing the windows >> performance to degrade. I'm waiting to settle on a hardware configuration >> before reac

Re: Fusion 4 and Window-Eyes

2011-09-16 Thread Keith Watson
MWare and will probably give Freedom Scientific a call today. Thanks, Keith Watson 813-760-1381 Sent from my iPhone On Sep 15, 2011, at 11:40 PM, Mike Arrigo wrote: > I don't think it tried to do that, since my windows 7 virtual machine works > fine the way it is, I'm goi

Re: Is there a manual eject button anywhere on the MBP?

2011-09-16 Thread Keith Watson
Donna, I am not sure exactly what is wrong or why you cannot get out your dvd. If you can boot the system I would open terminal from the utilities area and run the following sudo eject /dev/cdrom and see if that doesn't help. Keith Watson 813-760-1381 Sent from my iPhone On Sep 16, 201

Re: Fusion 4 and Window-Eyes

2011-09-17 Thread Keith Watson
y were using JFW on a virtual machine on a mac, they said that wasn't > supported. > On Sep 16, 2011, at 6:52 AM, Keith Watson wrote: > >> Mike, >> >> So far neither you or Scott have installed the vmware tools on your >> upgraded vm's and you are workin

Re: Fusion 4, Jaws Video Intercept

2011-09-17 Thread Keith Watson
h, especially as there > is a new version. Even though it seems simple to most people a step by step > walk through would save many people a lot of time and frustration. > > > eric Caron > On Sep 14, 2011, at 9:30 PM, Keith Watson wrote: > >> Hi all, >> &g

Re: Fusion 4 and Window-Eyes

2011-09-18 Thread Keith Watson
Mark, Yes and no. No I have not had any luck getting my original virtual machine to work with Fusion 4. The only way I was able to get it to stay booted was to have my daughter cancel the tools install as soon as the vm booted. This way I was able to get my Favorites off the vm. I never stored

Re: Fusion 4 and Window-Eyes

2011-09-19 Thread Keith Watson
Ok, So I just had VMware tell me to uninstall my screen reader and reinstall. It seems that they think that because I am running JFW 11 and 12 on the same machine that it is conflicting with their video driver. I told the guy that I would do it and return the results, but that I was 100% sure t

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