Re: [Bulk] Insertion point

2011-06-06 Thread Isaac Obie
Hello Ray and all, There's another option. One could sit on Snow Leopard for a while and give Lion a chance to work out the bugs Isaac - Original Message - From: Ray Foret Jr To: Sent: Monday, June 06, 2011 10:20 PM Subject: Re: [Bulk] Inser

Re: Insertion point

2011-06-06 Thread Isaac Obie
tjr.1 On Jun 6, 2011, at 9:27 PM, Isaac Obie wrote: Hello Ray and all, There's another option. One could sit on Snow Leopard for a while and give Lion a chance to work out the bugs Isaac - Original Message - From: Ray Foret Jr To: macv

Re: transition from pc to mac

2011-06-08 Thread Isaac Obie
Hi Joanne, the best way to learn is to just roll up your sleeves and do it on a daily basis! don't put pressure on yourself by setting deadlines and obstacles. Just do it daily. when I wanted to learn MSDOS years ago, I just did it a little bit each day. Before long I was doing nicely. And you

Re: multiple email accounts?

2011-06-08 Thread Isaac Obie
Hello Kliph, You know, you can have a mailbox for each account. For example: I have onne for Verizon, Gmail and Apple mail. So you won't need to worry about which one to answer first. Just go to the different mailboxes and answer all the mail there. You seem to be quite active in your imac. If

Re: boiceover since last update.. grrrr

2011-06-27 Thread Isaac Obie
Colin, Where do I find the update version? Thanks. Isaac - Original Message - From: "Red.Falcon" To: Sent: Monday, June 27, 2011 8:30 AM Subject: Re: boiceover since last update.. g Hi Eric! I've just updated and my version is 10.6.8! Have a look to see if you've got that option

Re: Mac Mini.

2011-07-03 Thread Isaac Obie
Hello, As an owner of a mini mac, I can safely tell you you have the adapter you need. All you need to do is plug the plug for the monitor in to the adapter you have. I know, I've done it a number of times at home and at the Apple store. Isaac - Original Message - From: "Georges Zayno

Re: Help needed please

2011-07-05 Thread Isaac Obie
Hello Johnny, Go to the Apple menu. Arrow down till you see shutdown. click on that three times quickly and that'll do it! I mean hit the enter key quickly three times. hth Isaac - Original Message - From: "Cakes" To: Sent: Tuesday, July 05, 2011 9:31 PM Subject: Help needed please

Re: Help needed please

2011-07-05 Thread Isaac Obie
Johnny,,, Try the alt key and f5. that toggles it on and off. Apple calls the alt key the command key. Isaac - Original Message - From: "Cakes" To: Sent: Tuesday, July 05, 2011 10:23 PM Subject: Re: Help needed please Hi al, Likee always you guys are the greatest and have come to

Re: how long to charge amacbook?

2011-07-20 Thread Isaac Obie
Hi Karen, I should think three hours would do it. But why not leave it pluged in overnight? And don't give the Macbook any coffee! I have a Macbook! Isaac - Original Message - From: "Karen Lewellen" To: "list voiceover" Sent: Thursday, July 21, 2011 1:23 AM Subject: how long to char

sluggishness in booting

2011-07-21 Thread Isaac Obie
Hi Guys: In the New York times thursday edition of July 21, 2011, David Pogue stated that Apple is aware of the problem and that they plan to fix it in an update. the problem has to do with Ical in an endless loop. Now you know where the article is and can read it for yourself. Isaac -- You rec

lion from the New York times

2011-07-21 Thread Isaac Obie
Hello folks, David Pogue who writes on Apple products is writing a tutorial on Lion! He says the reason it seems sluggishly slow is because of an endless loop in Ical! Get his thursday night July 21 edition of the New York times and you can read the entire article. Isaac -- You received this

Re: rs games and lion

2011-07-27 Thread Isaac Obie
Shawn, Don't you think you may be speaking too soon? It takes time to get responses sometimes. Isaac - Original Message - From: "Shawn Krasniuk" To: Sent: Wednesday, July 27, 2011 10:24 AM Subject: Re: rs games and lion Hi. I too have a problem with Monopoly. I've already sent an e

Re: MOderator Note - Please read

2011-07-28 Thread Isaac Obie
Hello all,,, I think it's a shame that Cara has to babysit grown men and women because they act like babies! this takes a lot of energy from Cara who has an illness! this is wrong! I think you should let Carlyn do her part as moderator and give her some teeth! Let her remove trouble-makers or p

the mac

2010-07-04 Thread Isaac Obie
Hi guys, I use a braille display with the mac mini. It doesn't seem to ick up all the screen things. I heard the VoiceOver say you're in such and such a program use vo shift down arrow to enter the program. the braille display didn't show this. Further, when in messages it doesn't show me the w

Re: iphone 4 with braille displays

2010-07-04 Thread Isaac Obie
Hello Kawal, Is this the brailleconnect series? Not sure what essys is. Thanks. who makes it? Isaac - Original Message - From: "Kawal Gucukoglu" To: Sent: Sunday, July 04, 2010 3:55 PM Subject: Re: iphone 4 with braille displays How about the Eurobraille? I'll be using it with min

Re: the mac

2010-07-04 Thread Isaac Obie
#x27;t show the help text that is announced. To continue reading the line of text, that depends on your braille display. I use a brailliant 80 and to move from left to right on the text, I use the dot 2 to move left and the dot 5 to move right. Kev On Jul 4, 2010, at 3:52 PM, Isaac Obie wrote:

Re: macbook keyboards

2010-07-07 Thread Isaac Obie
Hi Donna, When I was at the Apple store I looked at the Macbooks and I did notice the pro seemed larger than the others. There were several machines there. I wonder if you're near an Apple store and can get in and take a look! I thought the Macbooks keyboards were larger than the windows keyboa

Re: BR503, braille key to voiceover and snow lepard

2010-07-13 Thread Isaac Obie
Hi Heather, I believe there're several manuals. I have the Snow Leopard one with verson ten point six. It's two volumvs and it costs $15 and ten bucks for shipping. It describes the voiceOver commands. You can get the same manual in zipped format off the Apple website as well for free. Isaac -

bluetooth connections

2010-07-17 Thread Isaac Obie
Hi guys, I have a braillino and I use it's bluetooth connection with the Mac mini! It seems to work for a week with me shutting down and turning on again for a week. then it seems to lose the connection the next time I turn on. this is frustrating to me because I need assistance to turn this on a

Re: IBraille

2010-07-22 Thread Isaac Obie
Hi Erik, Got an address(es) to which we may direct such missive? I am a new Apple user and I've yet to learn all the pros and cons. Thanks. Isaac - Original Message - From: "erik burggraaf" To: Sent: Thursday, July 22, 2010 7:00 AM Subject: Re: IBraille HI Mary, Have you tried doing

Re: IBraille

2010-07-22 Thread Isaac Obie
n their time zone could handle it, that would be easier. Otherwise I'll see what I can do. Best, Erik Burggraaf User support consultant, Website: Toll-free: 888-255-5194 On 2010-07-22, at 7:08 AM, Isaac Obie wrote: Hi Erik, Got an address(es) to which we

storage areas

2010-07-22 Thread Isaac Obie
Hi guys, When in textedit, how do I find the storage areas? There's a command that takes you to a list where you need to arrow up and down to locate the different areas like document, hard drive, external storage etc etc. What is that command please? Thanks. Isaac -- You received this message

Re: word processing and spred sheets on ipad

2010-07-26 Thread Isaac Obie
Hi Simon, Is it convenient for you to get to an Apple store near where you live? they have a "genius bar" where they can answer all your questions. You can even make appointments to see the equipment before buying. I plan to check this out before I decide to buy an iphone. Isaac - Original

Re: ram requirement for voice over

2010-07-26 Thread Isaac Obie
Hello Greg, Perhaps four gigs might do nicely. Most Macs come standard with two. But someone told me four gigs was a good size to have. Isaac - Original Message - From: "Greg Aikens" To: "macvisionaries" Sent: Monday, July 26, 2010 7:53 PM Subject: ram requirement for voice over H

Re: macbook versus Macbook pro

2010-07-27 Thread Isaac Obie
Hello Laura, Yes, there's a difference between the Macbook and the Macbook pro. The pro is bigger, has a bigger screen, has more memory, and a bigger hard drive. It has a card reader. the Macbook doesn't have all this. I think the pro is $300 more. could be more. No, VoiceOver doesn't work any

Re: word processing and spred sheets on ipad

2010-07-28 Thread Isaac Obie
ike to have acces to word processing and spred sheets if possible. I wondered how accessible numbers was with vo? Has anyone tried it? And thanks for the thought, but it's just not possible. From: [] On Be

Re: blue tooth on iPad

2010-07-28 Thread Isaac Obie
Simon, Could it be the connections? Sometimes trying to connect these things can be a bear! I've seen connections for some computers that were so delicate, I wondered why they even bothered to go there especially considering how expensive that equipment is. Isaac - Original Message -

Re: Braille Translation Software.

2010-07-29 Thread Isaac Obie
Hello Jesse, There's one called "Louis".From: "Ana G" To: Subject: Louis Braille Translator Date: Thursday, July 22, 2010 5:02 PM The Louis braille translator for the Mac is at the URL on Fred's Head is incorrect. thanks to the person who brought this up.

Re: Iphone and braille note apex

2010-08-06 Thread Isaac Obie
Hello Sonia, If you look in your Apex tutorial, after Options, then u for user guide, in there somewhere it should cover pairing with cellphones. Are you near an Apple Store? I went to one today and we paired my braille display with the iphone 4. So look under options, u for user guide and s

Re: Iphone and braille note apex

2010-08-06 Thread Isaac Obie
ssage - From: "Sonnia" To: "MacVisionaries" Sent: Saturday, August 07, 2010 1:09 AM Subject: Re: Iphone and braille note apex I think i have an idea of how's it's done, the one problem i have is how do i know what the bluetooth pins are for my iphone and apex? Isaac O

Re: Iphone and braille note apex

2010-08-06 Thread Isaac Obie
uot; somehow the iphone can not find any bluetooth devises: it keeps saying "searching" but nothing appears Isaac Obie wrote: Hello Sonia, If you look in your Apex tutorial, after Options, then u for user guide, in there somewhere it should cover pairing with cellphones. Are y

Re: Iphone and braille note apex

2010-08-07 Thread Isaac Obie
and the services offered were things like hands-free and "serial." somehow the iphone can not find any bluetooth devises: it keeps saying "searching" but nothing appears Isaac Obie wrote: Hello Sonia, If you look in your Apex tutorial, after Options, then u for user guide

Re: Iphone and braille note apex

2010-08-07 Thread Isaac Obie
th devices is or 1234, so it was a > guess. But I think you can find it in the manual for the apex. > > Best regards Annie. > On Aug 7, 2010, at 3:31 PM, Isaac Obie wrote: > > > Hello Annie, > > How did you find this pascode? I've been searching for it

Re: Iphone and braille note apex

2010-08-07 Thread Isaac Obie
may need to call apple or humanware and see what the next step would be Isaac Obie wrote: Hello Sonia, I've just come from the Apple Store. I hooked up a brailleconnect12 to the iphine 4. Now it isn't easy to do this. there'are several steps that're not spoken. You really

Re: Iphone and braille note apex

2010-08-07 Thread Isaac Obie
e to? i was thinking about getting a folding bluetooth keyboard (or one of that size whether it folds or not) for my phone but don't know which keyboards work. I want to find one as small as possible so i could keep the phone and tiny keyboard in a small pouch like thing, whatever works... Isaac

Re: Igo stoway keyboard plus iphone4

2010-08-08 Thread Isaac Obie
Hello Sonia, I have a braillenote mpower, a braillino notetaker and the brailleconnect12. I am finding that I am using my notetakers less and less. I can't pair the braillino with the iphone 4. It doesn't support it. The iphone 4 might be a lighter notetaker Who knows at this point? I will

Re: Igo stoway keyboard plus iphone4

2010-08-08 Thread Isaac Obie
Hi Sonia, I am giving that iphone some serious consideration since I bought the brailleconnect12 with a cellphone in mind. I wish I could find a manual for the iphone 4. Know of any? I have a fair manual for the Mac running version 10.6.4 from a place called "Adaptations in San Frnncisco, but I

Re: Iphone 4 manual

2010-08-09 Thread Isaac Obie
Hi Sonia, No m essage came through. Isaac - Original Message - From: "Sonnia" To: "MacVisionaries" Sent: Monday, August 09, 2010 12:01 PM Subject: Iphone 4 manual Isaac Obie wrote: Hi Sonia, I am giving that iphone some serious consideratio

Re: Iphone 4 manual

2010-08-09 Thread Isaac Obie
ed it out it works, just copy/paste the following in to your address bar: Isaac Obie wrote: Hi Sonia, No m essage came through. Isaac - Original Message - From: "Sonnia" To: "MacVisionaries" Sent: Monday, August 09, 2010 12:

Re: Gizmodo: Giz Explains: How Blind People See the Internet

2010-08-25 Thread Isaac Obie
Jerry, How do I find the article listed in this email? I went online but I can't find the article? What might I be doing wrong or not doing? thanks Isaac - Original Message - From: "Brett Campbell" To: Sent: Tuesday, August 24, 2010 5:51 PM Subject: Gizmodo: Giz Explains: How Blind P

Re: iwork

2010-08-25 Thread Isaac Obie
Hello Anne, Is there a demo of iworks 09? Where might it be? Thanks. Isaac - Original Message - From: "Anne Robertson" To: Sent: Tuesday, August 24, 2010 10:19 AM Subject: Re: iwork Hello Scott, You can get the information about font (type, size, colour) with VO-t in Pages, despit

Re: iphone recording quality

2010-08-26 Thread Isaac Obie
Hello Paul, Phone quality can vary from unit to unit as well as from company to company. I've heard the iphone and I am not impressed with it's sound quality. My Samsung has much better quality imho. So this is one I think you need to judge for yourself. My local Apple store has iphones in stock

scroll areas

2010-09-06 Thread Isaac Obie
Hi all: I get a list of messages in a scroll area. After I read one, I can't figure out how to get back to the original area in order to arrow down to the next message to read. I've tried command W and command Q and when I reopen the area, I am sent back to the same old message. What might I be

Re: scroll areas

2010-09-06 Thread Isaac Obie
and+j again to take you back to the headers, and then you can scroll up or down to the next message! If you are not on about emails I do not know if this works for what you are trying to do! anyway I hth :-] Colin Skype focus_66 On 6 Sep 2010, at 08:21, Isaac Obie wrote: Hi all: I get a list of

can I change subscription to this list?

2010-09-06 Thread Isaac Obie
Hi guys: Since this is a list of invitation only, is it possible to change your subscription once you're on? Thanks. Isaac -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "MacVisionaries" group. To post to this group, send email to macvisionar...@googlegroups

Re: can I change subscription to this list?

2010-09-06 Thread Isaac Obie
0 12:01 PM Subject: Re: can I change subscription to this list? Isaac, Check the bottom couple lines appended to every GoogleGroups list message. HTH. Geoff - Original Message - From: Isaac Obie To: Sent: Monday, September 06, 20

Re: IOS 4.1, blutooth keyboard and the iPod Touch as a notetaker for school?

2010-09-14 Thread Isaac Obie
Hello Sandy, We already have an affordable braille display called "Refredhable Braille" from American Printing House for Blind for $1,600 with 18 cells. That's the most affordable I've seen yet! Isaac - Original Message - From: "Sandy Tomkins" To: Sent: Monday, September 13, 2010 1:

Re: IOS 4.1, blutooth keyboard and the iPod Touch as a notetaker for school?

2010-09-14 Thread Isaac Obie
Simon, When I tried Pages in Apple class, I didn't find it so accessible. what eid we do wrong? We found textedit much easier to use. Isaac - Original Message - From: "Simon Fogarty" To: Sent: Tuesday, September 14, 2010 3:03 AM Subject: RE: IOS 4.1, blutooth keyboard and the iPod To

pairing a braillenote with the mac?

2010-09-26 Thread Isaac Obie
Hi guys: How does one pair a braillenote with the Mac? We almost got it but we're missing something. It says paired, then it drops the ball for some reason. We got it to find three macs! thanks. Isaac -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "MacVisiona

Re: pairing a braillenote with the mac?

2010-09-26 Thread Isaac Obie
a problem paring a new Brailliant 40 and I have an open report with APple. I would like to know all the steps including the info about the display, so that I may include it if appropriate. Please contact me off list if you prefer. Thanks, On Sep 26, 2010, at 1:10 PM, Isaac Obie wrote:

Re: pairing a braillenote with the mac?

2010-09-26 Thread Isaac Obie
wait for my Braillino. I will post if it pairs easily and holds the pairing after I get it. Thank you again. Musically, Allison My birds are winged blessings, they help me soar! On Sep 26, 2010, at 5:45 PM, Isaac Obie wrote: Scott, We did perform these steps.. I have t

Re: pairing a braillenote with the mac?

2010-09-26 Thread Isaac Obie
out the Braillino. I will hopefully have mine tomorrow. Have a great evening. Musically, Allison My birds are winged blessings, they help me soar! On Sep 26, 2010, at 7:01 PM, Isaac Obie wrote: Alllison, My braillino pairs easily and it holds the pairing nicely! We

Re: Microsoft Office 2011 and VoiceOver

2010-09-27 Thread ISAAC OBIE
Hi Kawal, Frankly, I don't like programs like MS Word because it's too big for what I want to do. It's huge, clumsy and plain a pain in the posterior. I love notepad! I think Notepad can do all I want including cleaning up a file. Now when I really get in to the Mac I think Text edit might do th

Re: Microsoft Office 2011 and VoiceOver

2010-09-27 Thread Isaac Obie
ive, I will also take the opportunity to include this link in my post. It is to Pages reviews on On Sep 27, 2010, at 5:51 AM, ISAAC OBIE wrote: Hi Kawal, Frankly, I don't like programs like MS Word because it's too big for what I want

Re: Microsoft Office 2011 and VoiceOver

2010-09-27 Thread ISAAC OBIE
Heppe here: Notepad isn't enough for me, so I am hoping that the Apple alternative to Office is comparable. Regards, Cheree Heppe - Original Message - From: "ISAAC OBIE" To: Sent: Monday, September 27, 2010 2:51 AM Subject: Re: Microsoft Office 2011 and VoiceOver

to nicolai

2010-10-04 Thread ISAAC OBIE
Nicolai, Your messages are not opening for me. This has occurred several times this am. thanks. Isaac -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "MacVisionaries" group. To post to this group, send email to To unsubscribe from thi

Re: to nicolai

2010-10-04 Thread Isaac Obie
t; with his email address. If I read his mail on my iPod Touch of iPad I'm not aware of the security certificate, but I can view this in the headings under Apple Mail if I choose to examine this on my Mac. HTH. Cheers, Esther On Oct 4, 2010, at 03:55, ISAAC OBIE wrote:

Re: to nicolai

2010-10-04 Thread Isaac Obie
quot;Signed" with his email address. If I read his mail on my iPod Touch of iPad I'm not aware of the security certificate, but I can view this in the headings under Apple Mail if I choose to examine this on my Mac. HTH. Cheers, Esther On Oct 4, 2010, at 03:55, ISAAC OBI

Re: voiceover manual for IOS4?

2010-10-05 Thread Isaac Obie
Hi all, Bookshare has many of David Pogue's books, but I am not finding any of them useful at all. I see no mention of voiceOver in them at all. I find them boring and really useless. the best I've found thus far is that voiceOver getting started manual or user guide and that's really a feferen

Re: Turning sound back on

2010-10-09 Thread Isaac Obie
Hello Ronald, I found it under audio in voiceover help menu, but it's only a toggle. I can't find the command for turning it on again. I once had this problem and I solved it by going up and down that list in braille... Perhaps Anne Robertson or Ester can help us out here. Isaac - Original

Re: please don't turn this in to a debate, just need information

2010-10-11 Thread Isaac Obie
Hello Heather, It's just like years ago I asked the state for Window Eyes. I was told, "We only have Jaws". So it was Jaws or nothing! So I got in the habit of buying my own equipment. But some states are giving Macs nowadays. I know one list member who received a Macbook pro and is extremely ha

Re: CD burning options on the Mac and another Amadeus question

2010-10-11 Thread ISAAC OBIE
Erik, Where might I find Simply Burn? Thanks. Isaac - Original Message - From: "erik burggraaf" To: Sent: Monday, October 11, 2010 12:41 PM Subject: Re: CD burning options on the Mac and another Amadeus question Hi John, There really is nothing like simply burns for cd's on the mac.

Re: Can keyboard only navigation ever be...

2010-10-12 Thread ISAAC OBIE
Neil, why don't you wait a couple of weeks and try the Macbook pro before selling your laptop? You've intested lots of time setting it up... Give the Macbook pro a week or two first before selling your topnotch notebook... just a suggestion. Isaac - Original Message - From: "Neil Ba

Re: switching to the mac, snowlepard the missing manual and the voiceover guide

2010-10-12 Thread Isaac Obie
Hello Heather, If the .brf file is broken, then try the other one. I've forgotten the name. Oh, the daisy! try the daisy file. that is in braille as well. It even gives the print pages. Or is that the daisy with images? Try those files.. Isaac - Original Message - From: "heather kd5cbl

Re: Handytech

2010-10-13 Thread Isaac Obie
Hello Carolyn, Handytech now sells macs and when you buy one, you get their tutorial for Macs. they've developed a dvd that they sell for 470 for their training. they offer workshops as you mentioned. three day workshops on the mac. they seem to be expanding this all over the country. I hear th

Re: Handytech

2010-10-13 Thread ISAAC OBIE
ve real credence to our claims that we are not, after all, dependent on separate but equal, special, extra training by carefully selected experts, who thrive based on the separate is necessary modality. Regards, Cheree Heppe - Original Message - From: "Isaac Obie" To:

Re: Bringing back an iTunes library

2010-10-16 Thread ISAAC OBIE
Hi Colin, What library is this please? I haven't explored Itunes yet. That's next. Thanks. Isaac - Original Message - From: "Colin M" To: Cc: "Colin M" Sent: Saturday, October 16, 2010 7:35 AM Subject: Re: Bringing back an iTunes library Hi James! I can not be certain but on my hd

Re: braille display help

2010-10-18 Thread Isaac Obie
Allison, Did you ever get your braillino yet? I am still waiting to try that braillenote with a Macintosh when the teacher and I have time. He's been out so we've had to make up for lost time. Isaac - Original Message - From: "Allison Manzino" To: Sent: Monday, October 18, 2010 3:5

Re: braille display help

2010-10-18 Thread Isaac Obie
iously awaiting the arrival of the Braillino counting down the days! Musically, Allison My birds are winged blessings, they help me soar! On Oct 18, 2010, at 4:00 PM, Isaac Obie wrote: Allison, Did you ever get your braillino yet? I am still waiting to try that braillenote with a Macintosh when

Re: braille display

2010-10-18 Thread Isaac Obie
Hi, You don't need a braille display to improve your reading speed. You could always get a braille book or braille magazine and find good reading mateials! there's ESPN the Magazine, PC World, the computer magazine, There's a chess magazine, there're various other magazines and books to be had

the fn key?

2010-10-19 Thread Isaac Obie
Hi guys: What does the "FN" key do? I've never had occassion to use it yet. Thanks. Isaac -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "MacVisionaries" group. To post to this group, send email to To unsubscribe from this group, sen

Re: the fn key?

2010-10-19 Thread ISAAC OBIE
2010, at 15:43, Isaac Obie wrote: Hi guys: What does the "FN" key do? I've never had occassion to use it yet. Thanks. Isaac -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "MacVisionaries" group. To post to this group, send email to macvisi

Re: Bluetooth Mini keyboard for the Mac and I phone 4.

2010-10-19 Thread ISAAC OBIE
Hello Kawal, I thought someone said this unit was advertised on the iphone list? And Ibrahim mentioned something called connext v? in the UK? I've forgotten the one he mentioned. And here's one I think Ester may have reviewed, but don't hold me to that cause I am not sure From: "Anne Robertson"

Re: braille display

2010-10-19 Thread ISAAC OBIE
Erik, Don't forget the Refreshabraille from aph! It has 18 cells and it's both bluetooth and usb and it's less than two grand! Isaac - Original Message - From: "erik burggraaf" To: Sent: Tuesday, October 19, 2010 6:01 PM Subject: Re: braille display Uh, I think I looked at the seik

Re: for eric B re braille display

2010-10-20 Thread Isaac Obie
Hello Carlyn and others, When I bought my Mac mini, I didn't ask rehab. Reason is I don't need it for work so I just bought it. And now I am helping a friend buy a refurbished Macbook. Sometimes we just do things for ourselves. I did it for the challenge! Isaac - Original Message - Fr

Re: Isaac off topic

2010-10-20 Thread ISAAC OBIE
Julie, I understand what you're saying! I just bought another braille display and I am going to try to match it up with a Macbook for a friend of mine. I am going to need to use a usb to serial cable. It's going to cost some money though! Firrst I've got to get the unit repaired. then I have to

Mac question

2010-10-21 Thread ISAAC OBIE
Hi Esther, Sometimes when I am doing things on the Mac mini it'll say busy. then it'll show a blank line or something. then after I press keys it'll say busy again. What's this with the busy? I used to see it quite a bit before I turned off airport. Thanks. Isaac -- You received this messag

Re: ilife 11

2010-10-21 Thread ISAAC OBIE
This morning while I was at the Apple store, I heard there was a guy there who is in accessibility. He started asking me questions, but since I didn't have my equipment setup for this, I just couldn't follow him. I was told that he was in accessibilities. I started to tease him cause that's what

Re: Mac question

2010-10-21 Thread ISAAC OBIE
r than connect wirelessly? I have some sstrange busy problems with Safari, I have tried to use a cable to my router, but I did not see any improvement, but maybe I have to disable airport? Claus - Original Message - From: "ISAAC OBIE" To: Sent: Thursday, October 21, 2010 1

Re: Messed up my Itunes library

2010-10-22 Thread Isaac Obie
Hi Mark, How about restoring it from your backups? I'd think that would be the easiest way to do that. Isaac - Original Message - From: "Mark BurningHawk Baxter" To: Sent: Friday, October 22, 2010 5:40 PM Subject: Messed up my Itunes library While importing some new items into Itun

Re: handytech Braillino and Iphone

2010-10-22 Thread Isaac Obie
Allison, It won't work! Braillino is not listed on the iphone list of devices. We tried it in class! No go! Isaac - Original Message - From: "Allison Manzino" To: "Mac Visionaries" Sent: Friday, October 22, 2010 9:03 PM Subject: handytech Braillino and Iphone Hi everyone, I wanted

Re: Anyone try the iPod 6th gen?

2010-10-22 Thread Isaac Obie
Scott can you elaborate on how it makes a great internet platform and why you haven't used your radio since? And that sprint overdrive must cost a fortune a month! I think about sixty bucks if I remember correctly. Isaac - Original Message - From: "Scott Granados" To: Se

Re: Anyone try the iPod 6th gen?

2010-10-22 Thread Isaac Obie
for that. I have not tried this personally but plan on it next year. Things like the web browser are pretty good and most apps are accessible. How's that? On Oct 22, 2010, at 9:29 PM, Isaac Obie wrote: Scott can you elaborate on how it makes a great internet platform and

Re: handytech Braillino and Iphone

2010-10-23 Thread ISAAC OBIE
e, I think that the braillino will be supported in the 4.2. Best regards Annie. On Oct 23, 2010, at 3:40 AM, Isaac Obie wrote: Allison, It won't work! Braillino is not listed on the iphone list of devices. We tried it in class! No go! Isaac - Original Message - From: "Allison

Re: Jumping to different podcast feeds in Itunes

2010-10-24 Thread Isaac Obie
Hello Allison, How abbout trying command number three? that should put things in listview then all you'd need to do is arrow up and down??? Isaac - Original Message - From: "Allison Manzino" To: "Mac Visionaries" Sent: Sunday, October 24, 2010 12:39 PM Subject: Jumping to different p

How do you save email messages with the Mac?

2010-10-24 Thread Isaac Obie
Hi guys: How does one save email messages with the Mac? Can I edit them with Text Edit and clean them up? Get rid of the greater than and such? Thanks. Isaac -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "MacVisionaries" group. To post to this group, send email

Re: How do you save email messages with the Mac?

2010-10-25 Thread Isaac Obie
n the Braillino. I'm loving it. Happily, Allison My birds are winged blessings, they help me soar! On Oct 25, 2010, at 2:29 AM, Isaac Obie wrote: Hi guys: How does one save email messages with the Mac? Can I edit them with Text Edit and clean them up? Get rid of the greater than and

Re: How do you save email messages with the Mac?

2010-10-25 Thread Isaac Obie
VoiceOver utilities? Happily, Allison My birds are winged blessings, they help me soar! On Oct 25, 2010, at 8:17 AM, Isaac Obie wrote: Allison, Have you setup shortcuts to control your Mac with the Braillino yet? Thanks! Isaac - Original Message - From: "Allison Manzino" To:

Re: How do you save email messages with the Mac?

2010-10-25 Thread Isaac Obie
ul day. Cheerfully, Allison Sent from my iPhone On 25/10/2010, at 10:05 AM, "Isaac Obie" wrote: Allison, My apologies about the Braillino controlling the Mac. I think I may be forgetting it is from the windows side of things. You might want to ask Handytech about that one.

Re: Microsoft Office 2011 period

2010-10-26 Thread ISAAC OBIE
Hello folks, Why are you folks wasting so much valuable time and bandwidth with Microsoft bashing? It doesn't change a thing! Will the moderators have to step in again and say let's get on with Mac issues and stop the Microsoft bashing? Besides, with as much money as Microsoft has, I find it har

Re: braille embossers?

2010-10-27 Thread ISAAC OBIE
Hi ERik, Why do you think the Index would be a weak solution? I've no plans just yet to use my VErsabraille duo. It has parallel and I believe serial ports. the Index would need usb ports to work with the mac. What're you thinking besides working with Louis? Isaac - Original Message -

Re: what is garage band?

2010-10-30 Thread Isaac Obie
Hi Chris, It's a musical program that lets you play, create, design music from various instruments. It's how some rock bands get started in music. so in esssence it's all about music and there're a lot of musicians on the list who're Mac users! Many of them are professional musicians so their t

Re: A braille translation error

2010-11-01 Thread ISAAC OBIE
Hello Kawal, Itself is written xf. There's no "s" in there. Isaac - Original Message - From: "Kawal Gucukoglu" To: "macvisionaries" Sent: Monday, November 01, 2010 4:33 AM Subject: A braille translation error Hi All. This is meant for the Apple braille list but I haven't got the E

Re: OT Going to seriously cry now

2010-11-05 Thread ISAAC OBIE
Hi May, Hard drives may crash, but the info can be retrieved even though the drive has crashed. They do have data recovery services. Isaac - Original Message - From: "May McDonald" To: Cc: ; Sent: Friday, November 05, 2010 6:36 PM Subject: OT Going to seriously cry now Ok, I'm

Re: accessibility of MacBook Air

2010-11-08 Thread Isaac Obie
n NVDA is a free screenreader. Isaac - Original Message - From: "Brian Miller" To: Sent: Monday, November 08, 2010 7:40 AM Subject: RE: accessibility of MacBook Air At risk of getting of us topic for this listserv, may I ask what is NDVA? I've not heard of this screen reader -- is i

Re: accessibility of MacBook Air

2010-11-08 Thread ISAAC OBIE
Neill, You mean a usb memory stick? I saw the Macbook Air and I saw no place for a card. I only saw two usb ports, one on each side. Isaac - Original Message - From: "Neil Barnfather - TalkNav" To: Sent: Monday, November 08, 2010 9:36 AM Subject: Re: accessibility of MacBook Air h

Re: Re;what is nvda?.

2010-11-08 Thread Isaac Obie
Hello Chenelle, Your messages start out with "sent from my iphone" then the message is run together with sent from my iphone. I just thought you'd like to know this. Isaac - Original Message - From: "Chenelle Hancock" To: Sent: Monday, November 08, 2010 2:04 PM Subject: Re;what is n

Re: accessibility of MacBook Air

2010-11-08 Thread ISAAC OBIE
Pete, It's a thousand bucks! I priced it last week! that $900 figure is missleading. It's a thousand bucks. It's $999. It's a neat little package! I want one. Isaac - Original Message - From: "Pete Nalda" To: Sent: Monday, November 08, 2010 2:45 PM Subject: Re: accessibility of M

finding files in documents?

2010-11-09 Thread Isaac Obie
Colin, Ah, I feel dumb today. I've got a file in documents I'd like to retrieve. I went to finder, I interacted with the sidebar table. then I found documents. then I found the browser. It said one item. Now how do I find the file? I feel so silly cause I can't find that silly file. thanks!

Re: feature suggestion for braille key assignments.

2010-11-10 Thread ISAAC OBIE
Erik, Interesting comments. I wish I knew more about all this, but I just bought a big bc40 the other day so I've got a bit of learning to do. but isn't the joystick already emulating the arrow keys? that part I am not clear on. Isaac - Original Message - From: "erik burggraaf" To:

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