Hello all,,,
I think it's a shame that Cara has to babysit grown men and women because they act like babies! this takes a lot of energy from Cara who has an illness! this is wrong! I think you should let Carlyn do her part as moderator and give her some teeth! Let her remove trouble-makers or put them on moderator status! This means their posts don't reach the list unless the moderator approves! It's a shame that people need to moderate adults who feel like throwing a temper tantrum!
It detracts from those who want to learn.
----- Original Message ----- From: "Cara Quinn" <modelc...@gmail.com>
To: <macvisionaries@googlegroups.com>
Sent: Thursday, July 28, 2011 6:50 PM
Subject: MOderator Note - Please read

Hi All;

Firstly, Mark is due to post a mod note as well today, so I'll let him speak for himself.

For myself, I want to first apologize for being away / quiet for several weeks. The last two and a half or so have been taken up with quite the persistent and annoying little illness. So I haven't been keeping touch with the lists much.

HOwever, in the short time that I've had today to go through just the scantest few posts, I've already seen enough to warrant this additional mod note. So here goes.

Despite some speculations here about the purpose of the list being to drive traffic to blogs or that the mods no longer care about the quality / rules of the lists; let me just say that nothing could be further from the truth, and frankly I'm simply amazed at the level of derision that some listers have begun showing and sharing on this list.

-This is a mailing list; moderation teams change and grow all the time on such lists and forums. This is no excuse to start rumors or mistreat eachother. Just because a mod might not be there every single second of every day, doesn't mean that the list guidelines and etiquette go out the window.

Now please know, I'm not talking to new listers here, so much when I say this, but really to those of you who have been around here a while, and who ABSOLUTELY know better. If you want to trash the list,the people on it, or the mods, then please, by all means, go right ahead, but for God's sake, do it off the list! lol! Know what I mean?

Please seriously have just the slightest bit of courtesy for eachother and for the list itself. If you no longer wish to be here, you know how to leave. But please please please be adults and don't go ruining this valuable resource for others whom may really like it or need it. That's not fair and it's disrespectful in the extreme.

Regardless of whether we post list guidelines or not, I'm really talking here about just plain, general, basic good ole' netiquette. Treat others as you would like to be treated. YOu're all smart peeps here! YOu can do this! -KNow what I mean?… :)

Now please; I'll be catching up on tons of email, please do treat eachother with courtesy and respect?…

I thank you for your time and will get back with you soon.

Have a great day / evening, wherever you may be!…


Cara :)
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