Hello Ray and all,
There's another option. One could sit on Snow Leopard for a while and give Lion 
a chance to work out the bugs....
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Ray Foret Jr 
  To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com 
  Sent: Monday, June 06, 2011 10:20 PM
  Subject: Re: [Bulk] Insertion point

  All that does is cause Voice Over to always show you what is to the right of 
the curser.  It WILL, NOT, make the Mac curser move like the windows curser.  
You must remember, even if you choose this option, the Mac curser is still the 
Mac curser.

  The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!

  Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!

  Skype name:


  On Jun 6, 2011, at 9:14 PM, Johchi wrote:

    Hi Ray and all,

    Isn't there an option on the Mac where you can make the cursor movement act 
just like it does in Windows?


    On 6/1/2011 4:38 PM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:

      Here's something that might prove a big help to you.  Where-as in 
windows, the curser is directly beneath each character you right, on the Mac, 
the curser is immediately to the right of each character you type.  think, if 
you will, of the old electric typewriter.  On an electric typewriter, as you 
will recall, the typing ball causes a letter to be typed and then moves over to 
the right to type the next character.  Well, the Mac curser's behavior is 
rather more like that old typing ball than a windows curser.  if, for example, 
you type the word "apple" as soon as you type the letter a, the Mac curser will 
be found just to the right of that letter a.  This will allow you to type the 
p, just like the old  typewriter ball.  What you are seeing is not a 
characteristic of Voiceover, rather, it's a fundamental difference in how the 
Mac handles curser movement for everyone.  So, to get back to the "apple" 
example, let's say you put in too many p's.  How to get rid of the third p? 

    IF you use command+left, this should put you back at the beginning of the 
line; and, assuming you've typed the word "apple" at the beginning of this 
line, the word also.  IF the word is in the middle of the line, just use 
VO+left or right till you locate the beginning of the word.  Now, move the 
curser right letter by letter.  IF, IF you have the curser moving to the right 
and you hear, "space", followed by "a", that tells you that the curser is now 
just to the right of the letter a and is in place to either delete that A or 
type another letter to the right of that a.  So, now, you want to find that 
extra p in apple.  Just press the right arrow till you hear that third p 
spoken.  Now, press the delete or backspace key.  Here's what you just did.  
When you moved to the right of that second p, you heard the third p and were 
then to the right of it.  Now, when you backspaced over that third p, you 
caused the curser to behave just like the self-correcting key on an electric 
    writer.  The curser deleted that third p and then moved in to it's position 
so that now, the curser is just to the left of the l and to the right of the 
second p in the word apple.



      The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!

      Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!

      Skype name:




      On Jun 1, 2011, at 3:22 PM, David Eagle wrote:


        I'm sure this has been asked on this list loads of times but I must

        ask, since I can't find the answer in Google. I have used windows for

        years, I use windows everyday at work. I cannot come home and suddenly

        get to grips with the way that Voice-Over deals

        with cursoring through text. I'm sure you know what I mean. If I was

        using a windows computer with or without a screenreader,

        I could edit text both the same way. My head is hurting with the new

        way of cursoring through text and I'm making so many mistakes; It is

        taking me ages to write simple documents. Is th--



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