The Dropbox site is pretty good in IE, but horrible in Safari. Not sure if
that’s Dropbox’s fault or Safari’s, but I suspect Dropbox.
> On 13 May 2015, at 5:10 pm, Jonathan Mosen wrote:
> If it has, I've not seen any evidence of it yet. In my experience it's still
> as hideous as ever. Perha
If anything, it’s more stable than the last full release.
> On 8 Jun 2015, at 1:49 pm, Sadam Ahmed wrote:
> For those of you running either the public or private builds of the current
> beta software is it stable enough to run?
> I was running it when I had 2 Macs here, b
Yes, that happened here too. However, what I do is I use Notification Centre.
This speaks messages when they come in, and my other trick is that when I
interact with my conversation table, I hear the message I want to reply to and
just type. I find that it leaves me in the table and new messages
I'm trying to pair my Apple wireless keyboard in Mavericks. I've done all the
obvious things like turning all other Bluetooth devices off etc, but when I
enter the code, which is always 12345678, and press return as expected, I get
an error saying wrong code. Am I missing something really o
> The Constantly Barefooted Ray, still a very happy Mac and Iphone 5 user!
> On Nov 19, 2013, at 2:50 PM, David Taylor
> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm trying to pair my Apple wireless keyboard in Mavericks. I've done all
>> the obvious things l
On the Mac I use YoruFukurou for Twitter. You can search on night owl if that
is easier. For FB I use MenuTab Pro for Facebook. While this is a menubar app,
you can set it so that you press control-f and it comes to the foreground. It
basically gives you the web interface, though you can ea
I'm having a wierd issue with the latest version of VLC running in Mavericks
where it simply won't play when I select Airplay. It will play to all other
devices. The other thing is that in its Airplay setting, I don't see any way of
configuring which of my airplay devices it uses. Can anybo
Right arrow expands them for me.
On 26 Nov 2013, at 03:30, Jessica D wrote:
> Maybe open the disclosure triangle.
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Nov 25, 2013, at 10:27 PM, Jonathan Mosen wrote:
>> Hi everyone, I'm stumped by an issue my partner is having on her Macbook Air
Hi, as I said the other day on here, I use MenuTab Pro for Facebook. This is a
menubar app that has a keystroke to bring it up, set to control-f by default,
and lets you see the desktop or mobile interface, and switch between them at
any time. I prefer the desktop for most things, but love the n
oes this
> mean?
> Thank you for this suggestion.
> Mark
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of David Taylor
> Sent: Thursday, November 28, 2013 7:04 PM
> To: macvisionaries@
I am trying to map an NVDA key on my MacBook air but can't work out exactly how
to do it using Sharp Keys. Could somebody give detailed insructions on how to
find an insert key and how to select, save, the grave key, to remap to please?
None of the special keys like that seem well labelled
remaps can be undone by deleting the entries and pressing "write to registry".
> Note: In the Add process, it is important to select the keys from the list
> and not from the "type key" field.
> There is a podcast on this process found on Do a si
>> registry".
>> Note: In the Add process, it is important to select the keys from the list
>> and not from the "type key" field.
>> There is a podcast on this process found on Do a site search
>> for "sharpkeys".
- I know I'm not. Anyway, as
> long as you got something going, that's what matters.
> On Dec 3, 2013, at 11:30 AM, David Taylor
> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Thanks for this. I did manage to set this up, though I can't find the grave
>> ke
I now have my Windows 7 VM working really nicely, except that I can't see any
external drives, regardless of format, my CD drive included. Could anybody tell
me how to fix this please? Yes, it is a more seemless VM so I can copy from
externals into it through Mac, but would be nice to get d
se me if
> I get this wrong.
> Kind regards,
> Kawal.
> On 7 Dec 2013, at 16:25, David Taylor wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I now have my Windows 7 VM working really nicely, except that I can't see
>> any external drives, regardless of format, my CD d
I've now found that vo-shift-space brings up a few items and now, in Mavericks,
vo-space on the preferences brings up a menu with lots of info and you can get
into preferences from there.
On 14 Dec 2013, at 23:58, Teresa Cochran wrote:
> Odd. I can't use the simulated click,
Yes, my fix only works in Mavericks as far as I know. Option click may well be
your friend.
On 15 Dec 2013, at 01:22, Mike Arrigo wrote:
> That worked, thanks. I wish you did not have to option click it though, this
> menu should appear any time you click it in my opinion.
> On Dec 14, 2013, a
vo-command-j or if using quick nav and single letter navigation just j
On 15 Dec 2013, at 02:31, don bishop wrote:
> Hi,
> Is there an easy and quick way to locate a field on a web page where you need
> to enter data such as a username or even a search argument.
> Currently wi
If you are using the desktop layout you type the at sign @ and then start
typing their name. When you've typed enough, it will be filled in for you and
you simply press return to enter it.
On 20 Dec 2013, at 16:23, Traci Duncan wrote:
> Hi all,
> Anyone out there that uses
I'm having weird issues that I can't even begin to describe with my system
voice, and the voice for the time, while the same voices are fine in VO. Is
there a way to completely reset the system voice configs to defaults without
having to do anything dramatic like a reinstall?
adjust the system voice settings in the text to speech tab.
> HtH,
> teresa
> Sent using Alpine messaging system in Mac OS X Terminal
> On Sat, 21 Dec 2013, David Taylor wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm having weird issues that I can't even begin t
ant you can do command f5 to disable it. The same command enables it
> again. It's a toggle command.
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Dec 21, 2013, at 12:46 PM, David Taylor wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm having weird issues that I can't
you get?
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Dec 21, 2013, at 1:03 PM, David Taylor wrote:
>> That doesn't fix the issues, I need something more fundamental. For
>> instance, I select Alex, and get something very very weird sounding.
>> Ch
so I go back to
my question.
On 21 Dec 2013, at 18:51, Jessica D wrote:
> have you done a restart?
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Dec 21, 2013, at 1:42 PM, David Taylor wrote:
>> I can't describe it, something very high pitched so I can't tell yo
Hi, simply interact with the grid and use vo-left or right to move by day, and
vo-up or down to move by week, remembering your command-left and command-right
to move by month. Using tab, you can move through your appointments during the
selected month too.
On 26 Dec 2013, at 22:28,
I've never had that particular message, but I do get times when VO will
randomly say whatever I last had highlighted when I was on the desktop, and all
my mouse settings are right!
On 27 Dec 2013, at 20:54, Kawal Gucukoglu wrote:
> Have never had the Apple submenu message. Running the latest
This is a feature of the Twitter website, whatever OS you use. It works very
well for us, but in my view is not as efficient as Yoru. They do come in useful
from time to time though.
On 29 Dec 2013, at 21:30, Brian Fischler wrote:
> Hey all,
> Not sure how new this is but
Does she have Fusion in her menubar? If so, she could command-tab out of it and
close Windows from there. If not, she could simply close Fusion with command-q,
and re-open it when needed. I would guess that doing command-w from the Windows
desktop would work too. Is she in Unity or full scr
I don't use full screen mode. I simply press control-g to focus on Windows and
when I use a Mac shortcut it goes to Mac, but you can change all the settings
related to this. The only downfall with my setup is I can't use alt and control
at the same time with Voice Over on. There are so many opti
Use the main site rather than the mobile site, or use MenuTab Pro in desktop
mode. The newsfeed is the first heading level 2, and each item is a heading
starting with the person's name. I use quick nav so it's down arrow to get to
the heading then right arrow to hear the actual text.
On 1 Jan 2
Donna Goodin wrote:
> Hi David,
> thanks. I've always used the main site rather than the mobile site--sorry,
> should have clarified that--but I've never used MenuTab. I'll give it a try.
> Best,
> Donna
> On Jan 1, 2014, at 10:37 AM, David Taylor wrote
Which version of OS X are you using? With Mavericks, I started finding I had to
hold the power button for a second or two to get the dialog, and for 6 seconds
to force a shut down.
On 1 Jan 2014, at 16:48, Hope Paulos wrote:
> Hello all. I am, for some reason, not experiencing the
y I've been getting these weird pop-ups containing my
> notifications. But I'm unable to do anything with it, that is, I can neither
> open the pop-up menu, nor make it go away. Does MenuTab give you access to
> that?
> Cheers,
> Donna
> On Jan 1, 2014, at 10:57
It's a menubar app so that is what happens. Press control-f and the app will
pop up, where you can get at the site and check and chenge all your settings.
On 1 Jan 2014, at 17:50, Donna Goodin wrote:
> Hi all,
> so I just downloaded and installed MenuTab Pro. When I open it, al
You just vo-space on it, or up/down in my case using quick nav!
On 1 Jan 2014, at 21:26, Donna Goodin wrote:
> Hi all,
> I see the text that says "Toggle between desktop and Mobile Mode" but see no
> way to do it. When I interact, VO just says "No visible title to interact".
> TIA,
> Donna
You need to enable Quick Nav which is in the Commanders section of the VO
Utility, and then enable first letter quick keys. When you want to actually
type you either turn off quick nav, using left and right together (assuming you
selected this option in the quick nav settings) or interact, then
r, so giving precise instruction is really
not possible in a lot of situations.
On 2 Jan 2014, at 01:27, Donna Goodin wrote:
> I tried that, but no change was reflected by VO. Is that normal?
> TIA,
> Donna
> On Jan 1, 2014, at 5:22 PM, David Taylor wrote:
>> Y
estion was unreasonable.
> Best,
> Donna
> On Jan 2, 2014, at 4:06 AM, David Taylor wrote:
>> Correct. The label of the button remains the same. If you had gone to the
>> HTML area and investigated, you would have noticed the change. Given that
>> the label is togg
between posts on my news feed.
> On Jan 2, 2014, at 5:06 AM, David Taylor wrote:
>> Correct. The label of the button remains the same. If you had gone to the
>> HTML area and investigated, you would have noticed the change. Given that
>> the label is toggle, one would
Check in your audio menu, under audio devices. Personally, however, I find it
quite unreliable and have taken to simply plugging the computer into my hifi
with a long lead and controlling it with a wireless keyboard. I actually find
this better for hearing speech and music at the same time
When I tried the plug in it only half worked. I can play ogg streams in iTunes,
but not open ogg files. Would FLV Crunch convert if you really had to?
On 3 Jan 2014, at 13:26, Caitlyn and Maggie wrote:
> Um.. Nope!
> I tried the plug in yesterday and it’s not mavericks compatible. I also
Command-c to copy to clipboard, then command-shift-a to move to the apps
folder, then command-v to past the app in there. Then go to either your
desktop, or use command-shift-c to go to computer, find the disk image, and
eject it. Sounds like quite a few steps, but actually only takes a couple o
Exactly what I did, and I'm yet to try a Mac app that has caused me a problem
that I couldn't fix, so I'd say it would be safe for most people most of the
time. Nice option to have for people who are really not aware though.
On 5 Jan 2014, at 20:28, Shawn AKA BBS wrote:
> I went ahead and turn
That is really useful. Why I hadn’t thought of those things I’ve no idea. I can
now add appointments again, so thank you
On 9 Jan 2014, at 10:45 pm, Tim Kilburn wrote:
> Hi,
> There are actually a number of methods you can use to set end dates of
> repeating events.
> First way, when set
Actually, you’ve picked pretty difficult sites to start with there. Twitter,
for instance, has all sorts of available keystrokes for reading things, but VO
isn’t perfect on there, usable but not perfect. Most Google sites have become
awful and most of us don’t use an awful lot of Google fe
Bear in mind that the quick nag toggle of left/right arrows is not turned on by
default, and actually, using it really simplifies web navigation.
On 10 Jan 2014, at 09:33 pm, Ray Foret Jr wrote:
> April, make sure you are pressing control+shift+Option+down arrow. That’s
> ho
I would suggest a different approach. You should read the Getting Started Guide
which is also in the help menu, and learn to use the commands help which is in
the same place, or vi-h-h, in other words, hold down the vo keys and press h
twice. This would explain much of this to you, and if y
> Hi David Taylor,
>Thanks for your information. I will keep that in mind and try to
> figure out what it means. I posted on another thread what I'm really thinking
> about this. As a writer, I will have to be able to use Twitter. So I will be
> creating a step-
Hi, press command-o to open the disk image. I can’t remember if it’s an
installer or an app inside, if an app, copy that to your apps folder, if an
installer, hit command-o again and run it. Then close the disk image, eject it
and delete it. Many apps are packaged inside disk images rather than
; but it wouldn’t let me do that either, it seemed to be a text element. How
> do you know whether it is an installer or an application?
> Many Thanks Lee
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Da
If you do a time machine restore, you are likely to also restore whatever is
causing your problems. If you possible can, do a clean install and take the
time it take to set things back up again from scratch, provided you know how to
get your data from Time Machine without doing a restore. I thin
in parts of the system, such as mail accounts or YoruFukurou preferences
> and logins. I can redo everything if I have to, but the more I can simply
> copy back in the better. Thanks.
> On Jan 13, 2014, at 1:43 PM, David Taylor wrote:
>> If you do a time machine restore, y
I’ve got my old Macbook Air working again while my newer one is away. I was
surprised to find that my BT keyboard was already connected to it, despite it
having been restored, it must be because they both have the same device name or
something. However, I find that when I leave the Mac for
You don't need to buy Growl to do that, you can use Notification Center. I've
set up a shortcut key to get me straight in there. as I have for Launchpad, F11
and F12 respectively as they are easy, and I disabled the existing functions to
get rid of the conflicts. This is all done in the Key
Seems you have to fill in a capture to search their forums. Is there a link to
a download file you can send to the list, or is it a case of get the main
client first and upgrade to the beta from within it?
On 17 Jan 2014, at 14:23, isaac wrote:
> Team speak and team talk are
Hi, that doesn't have the beta on it as far as I can tell though, so this
doesn't answer my question.
On 17 Jan 2014, at 14:31, isaac wrote:
> Here is the link to the team speak downloads for mac
> On Jan 17, 2014
Press command-[
On 17 Jan 2014, at 15:38, regina alvarado wrote:
> Good morning. Haven’t quite gotten things sound wise the way I want them, but
> getting closer because of your help. Thanks. Have a simple question. When in
> Safari, if I am interacting with the HTML and links, ho
Transmit is very good, it costs quite a bit but not found anything else
anything like as accessible and easy to use.
On 18 Jan 2014, at 13:26, Devin Prater wrote:
> If you can spare the money, transmit is good from what I've heard.
> Tim Emmons wrote:
>> Hi guys. I'm lookin
1. Interact with the file list.
2. Go to the first file you want to select.
3. Press vo-command-enter (Mavericks) or command-vo-space (all other versions)
which will deselect the file you are on.
4. Press the same again to start selecting.
5. move, ensuring you use vo-arrow keys through your f
If you notice, it should say Menu after every item. If you either press enter
or right arrow, you are then taken into the menu and need to arrow to a choice
and select it in any of the usual ways.
On 19 Jan 2014, at 15:00, Donna Goodin wrote:
> Hi all,
> When I press VO-F1 twic
It is whatever you set it to, in the preferences of Menutab. See if you can get
into its prefs from menu extras and check that you have it enabled. You might
find that the app is not launching at start up in which case control-f won't
work until it is launched. You can open it, then check this t
No nuance voices support pitch or intonation changes.
On 21 Jan 2014, at 12:41, Donna Goodin wrote:
> Hi all,
> I decided to take advantage of the three-day weekend to finally upgrade to
> Mavericks. Overall, I’m happy with the upgrade. Though I haven’t had much
> time to loo
I have emailed Apple Accessibility about this in the past. I have noticed that
only some Nuance voices are affected, Serena being one, Moira not much at all
On 22 Jul 2014, at 15:58, Alex Hall wrote:
> The problem seems to be when using Nuance voices. Even if none of
Hi, I would seriously suggest you have cursor tracking turned on. It makes life
a million times easier in most situations. You're much better leaving it on,
and turning it off when you need to. I created a keyboard command that is
easier to reach for doing so.
On 31 Jul 2014, at 17
I haven't heard anything, but given the fact that they have shut down loder
versions and 3rd party apps now, and given that call quality seems to have
dropped off recently to me, don't be surprised if it suddenly appears. At
least, now, they have the least excuse ever for it not to.
You will also have to close anything else that is using Webkit. If you have
this as your default browser, this could include, for example, MenuTab Pro for
Facebook, or any other app that uses HTML style interfaces.
On 16 Aug 2014, at 06:48, Maria and Joe Chapman wrote:
> Hi.
Couple of points here. Firstly, if you delete all the built in keystrokes, you
have to do a lot of finger contortions that you don't actually need to do,
given that the mac keystrokes are much easier to reach than the windows ones. I
would advise people to keep them, they can actually come
You'll learn more from the geting started guide, which you'll find in the VO
help menu, which you were told how to access in the tutorial when you first
started VO and would find a great help anyway. Mac isn't like Windows, just let
Apple show you how to do things. Then you learn how software do
Utorrent is fine for me.
On 20 Aug 2014, at 14:54, Bill Holton wrote:
> Yes, exactly. If anyone is running this successfully, can you contact me off
> list so I can ask some questions?
> Thanks.
> From:
> [mailto:macvi
2014, at 9:00 PM, Kliphton Senior
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> That's why I prefer the sharp keys way.
>>>>>> Frustrated with your Mac, I-device, or AppleTV? New user and want quick
I went into system prefs and reorganised the system keyboard shortcuts, so now
I have keyboard commander for my most common apps, but f12 brings up launchpad
which I use for everything else. You just type a few characters and it finds
apps containing them and you can pick what you want. Works pe
er really used the launchpad much, because it mostly
> just seems like a duplication of the dock. I'm assuming from your message
> that you do use Launchpad. What do you see as being the advantages of it
> over the dock?
> Thanks,
> Donna
> On Aug 24, 2014, at 12:19 PM, D
Works fine here, I have option-i for iTunes working just fine.
Sometimes, however you open iTunes, you get that dialog, and the next time, you
can open it the same way and not get it at all
On 25 Aug 2014, at 07:11, Christopher Hallsworth
> Because if you press the option
Sorry, this is completely wrong. There is *no* conflict in using keyboard
commander at all. Keyboard Commander will only take over one of your option
keys, and only for the keystrokes you add. This means your other option key is
still avaliable for all combinations you might want, and even
Right, I have worked out what the issue is. When you press option-i to launch
iTunes, you must release both keys at the same time. If you hold the option key
down for too long, you'll get the choose library dialog, but if you let both
keys go together, you won't.
You recei
It worked for me but have heard of others having problems. I'd just try again.
Also, you really, really, don't need pro.
On 5 Sep 2014, at 09:29, Kawal Gucukoglu wrote:
> Morning.
> Now I have caught up with most of my E-mail lists, and have read the most
> important things, I
You don't need to go to the Apple site, just use the VO help menu, VO-h. People
should take a good look at everything in there. It is mentioned in the getting
started guide.
On 7 Sep 2014, at 22:09, Caitlyn Furness wrote:
> If you go to the voice over manual online on apple's site, there is an
This is why I open messages with return, and close them with either delete, if
that's what I want to do, or command-w. OS keystrokes are often easier than VO
On 13 Sep 2014, at 02:57, Janine Smith wrote:
> Hi.
> When I am in mail moving from the message table over to the
Even Apple say that Time Capsules are too slow to use to open content from, but
if you have more than one Mac, you can set them all up to use the same Time
Capsule and it will organise itself as neded so that each machine has a unique
set of backups.
On 13 Sep 2014, at 13:30, Alex Hall wrote:
Replying from Lion. All is well so far.
On 20 Jul 2011, at 14:12, David Hole wrote:
> Hi.
> Just tried to buy, but it's got unavailable :( Hopefully it's just the
> servers that can't handle the pressure...
> -David
> On Wed, Jul 20, 2011 at 15:06, James Malone wrote:
>> Yep, sur
It said they weren't there when I first tried, but they are now!
On 20 Jul 2011, at 17:27, Brandon Misch wrote:
> same here except i can't get the new voices to download.
> On Jul 20, 2011, at 12:07 PM, David Taylor wrote:
>> Replying from Lion. All is well s
I'm playing with the new layout too. I just use Quick Nav a lot more than I
used to in mail. I wonder if quite a few of the changes will make me default to
having quick nav switched on most of the time now. I certainly like the way the
preview is working for me as there are quite a few mess
ten into that quicknav thing, even since the
> beginning of Snow leopard. Can't seem to get the hang of it. Maybe that it's
> true, that you can't teach an old dog new tricks.:-)
> /Krister
> 21 jul 2011 kl. 14:11 skrev David Taylor:
>> Hi,
>> I'
Don't forget that as you have Quick Nav on, you can just turn it off with left
and right to type, or you can interact with down and right and stop interacting
with down and left. As a first attempt at single letter navigation, this is way
ahead of where most others were on their first try, and I
I think I'll end up with 3 or 4 basic activities. One will be the default
settings with one or two things changed that I have all the time. One will be
for navigation, where I'll have quick nav turned on, single letter enabled, and
so on, which will run by default in all browsers and in all
I thought it worth commenting on a couple of the new features in Lion.
Firstly, I haven't seen much coverage of the new support for ARIA Landmarks and
live regions. These additions give us two extra really powerful features on
many newer websites and web apps. Safari seems to support these
Well, I must admit, I'm tending to leave a load of pages I check regularly in
Safari open all the time now and quite like the feature. I think cmd-w is a
keystroke we might need to get into the habit of using in Safari. I'm sure the
option will be there soon if it isn't now, but cmd-w will
I must admit it took me a while to come to terms with the new Skype, but think
I'm there now. The trackpad is definitely my friend on this one!
On 23 Jul 2011, at 14:31, Donna Goodin wrote:
> Actually, whether I should upgrade was one of the things I've been wondering.
> Good to hear that
work, not that I've missed any of them yet.
On 23 Jul 2011, at 15:38, Donna Goodin wrote:
> Hi David,
> Glad to hear this. Can you say more about how you use the trackpad in Skype?
> TIA,
> Donna
> On Jul 23, 2011, at 10:33 AM, David Taylor wrote:
That's something I need to play with more as I had busy messages a lot before
anyway. At least now it recovers from them without having to restart VO.
On 23 Jul 2011, at 17:45, Mary Otten wrote:
> Dave, somebody reported on this list that having "live regions" checked in
> the vo u
Which would all make web based chat and apps better than any Mac app currently
is, especially if you can do neat things like have a live region with apps like
Adium in the future if VO will support that, saving the need to rely on Growl.
I think FB chat on the website may end up being the way to
I've had to switch to the main Facebook site and find it perfectly easy to use
since I can't get VO on Mac to click the like or comment image. On iPhone I do
still use a mix of mobile site and apps. Don't think I'd switch back to mobile
site on Mac even if they fixed it now.
Actually the trackpad interface is pretty different. I find it really useful
for skipping around a screen but still use the keyboard for an awful lot of
On 25 Jul 2011, at 23:59, Teresa Cochran wrote:
> I'm considering using the trackpad much more, as it would better simulate
> wi
I just go to Downloads on my dock and get to them from there, and I find it the
easiest way to find and open them too.
On 26 Jul 2011, at 14:35, Ricardo Walker wrote:
> Hi,
> maybe your download is too short for you to catch the button. If your
> downloading a file that finishe
It's nice to see somebody being generally positive on here! With regard to your
questions, I can only say that my ordinary Macbook, the nice White one that you
can't get any more because it apparently isn't good enough, runs just fine.
There's the odd task that takes longer or makes it run hot t
Another good post. I'm experiencing the pitch change with Nuance and have
indeed emailed accessibility. Given that 10.7.2 is already seeded, I'm sure
10.7.1 can't be far from hitting us. Frankly, what we need to do is let them
know about the VO issues so that hopefully in the future VO users who
w it's either
> the macbook air or the macbook pro. I also have the last generation of the
> white macbook. The macbook air is great for portability, but it lacks a
> couple features I would want, a dvd drive and an ethernet port.
> On Jul 26, 2011, at 2:03 PM, David Taylor
Couldn't agree more. I came back on here to be able to keep up with people's
experiences of Lion and nothing more, and that has been useful, but every new
OS brings changes, fact. My way of dealing with mail was to try the new layout
and wait to see what tips I found, and in the main I really li
s going to
> be fixed. It might not be reproducible by the company or the bug you
> reported might not be of high priority to them so don't get addressed until
> after the public release if at all.
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter & Skype: rwalke
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