
Bear in mind that the quick nag toggle of left/right arrows is not turned on by 
default, and actually, using it really simplifies web navigation.


On 10 Jan 2014, at 09:33 pm, Ray Foret Jr <rforet7...@comcast.net> wrote:

> April, make sure you are pressing control+shift+Option+down arrow.  That’s 
> how you start interacting.  One more point.  You might want to make sure 
> quick nav is off.  Here’s how you can tell.  press your left and right arrow 
> keys together.  Do this without pressing either control or option.  You want 
> to do this until you hear Voice OVer say “quick nav off”.  
> Sent from my Mac, the only computer with full accessibility for the blind 
> built-in!
> Sincerely,
> The Constantly Barefooted Ray, still a very happy Mac and Iphone 5 user!
> On Jan 10, 2014, at 2:42 PM, April Brown <aprilbrownwr...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi Greg Aikens,
>>       I don't know.  That time I heard it say HTML, and 
>> Control+Option+Shift+ arrow just beeped again.  It got stuck up there in the 
>> title at one point.  Will this actually read a post to you ?  Is it supposed 
>> to?
>>        I have to put it down for the night.  Timer to feed the animals and 
>> me.
>> Thanks,
>> April
>> On Friday, January 10, 2014 3:06:54 PM UTC-5, Greg Aikens wrote:
>> Hi April,
>> Are you interacting with the web page before you try to navigate it?  You 
>> need to move to the part that says html view and interact with it using 
>> Control+option+shift+down arrow.  Then you should be able to use VO+left and 
>> right arrows to move through the page.  Interacting is confusing at first 
>> but not bad once you get used to it.  If you need a more in depth 
>> explanation of interacting, let us know.
>> Thanks,
>> Greg
>> On Jan 10, 2014, at 2:57 PM, April Brown <aprilbr...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hello Ray Foret,
>>>      All the directions say VO + left or right should work.  However, it 
>>> only beeps if you do that.  And I don't know why.  Even the up and down 
>>> arrow cause it to beep.
>>>       Actually, this is my first Mac, and I had to re-label my bumblebee 
>>> keyboard.
>>>       Thanks!
>>> On Friday, January 10, 2014 2:51:06 PM UTC-5, Ray Foret jr wrote:
>>> April, sounds like you need to relax and try this.
>>> IF you press VO+left or right, you can navigate any web page usually just 
>>> fine with voice OVer.  I will not nor can I provide step by step 
>>> instructions for every little operation.  That’s not the best way to learn 
>>> Voice OVer anyhow.  The best way is the way you started:  by just doing it. 
>>>  So, let me give you the following things.
>>> 1.  Do you know what I mean by pressing VO+left or VO+right?  What I mean 
>>> is the key combination of control+Option+left, right up or down arrow.  So, 
>>> whenever someone here tells you to press say VO+right, for exampel, what 
>>> they will mean is that you should press control+Option+left or right.  
>>> Surely, you know the Apple keyboard enough to know that your option key is 
>>> right next to your control key and on its right.
>>> Pressing VO+space will be the usual way to click on a web page link or 
>>> activate something.  In some cases, however, the return key will be used to 
>>> open some web streams.  That is a case by case thing you’ll just have to 
>>> play with it.
>>> 2.  Keyboard help.  To get in to keyboard help, press VO+k.  Now, with 
>>> keyboard help on, you can type what ever you wish to type and you will be 
>>> informed what each key or group of keys does and this includes many Voice 
>>> Over commands also.  To get out of keyboard help, press escape.
>>> 3.  To get help with Voice Over at any time, press VO+h.  For a list of all 
>>> Voice OVer commands, Press VO+h twice.
>>> That should help to get you started good.
>>> Sent from my Mac, the only computer with full accessibility for the blind 
>>> built-in!
>>> Sincerely,
>>> The Constantly Barefooted Ray, still a very happy Mac and Iphone 5 user!
>>> On Jan 10, 2014, at 1:43 PM, April Brown <aprilbr...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Please help me.
>>>> I can design a website with HTML and CSS sheets, working links, and 
>>>> shopping cart, and  can't figure out how to make VoiceOver work.
>>>> I've probably read every online manual I can find.  And still, it's a no 
>>>> go.
>>>> I spent probably two hours on it today.  Somehow, it did almost work in 
>>>> Mail.
>>>> As for the Internet.  I tried every key combination listed in all the web 
>>>> manuals I down loaded and printed to no avail.  Sure, it would the top 
>>>> line that says  "
>>>> File, Edit,"  etc...  One time, I even got it to read the left pane in 
>>>> Twitter.  I still cannot get it to read posts in Twitter, these forums, 
>>>> Google Plus, or Facebook.
>>>> Can someone please treat this old web designer like someone who has never 
>>>> turned on a computer and tell me the steps to use VoiceOver to read a 
>>>> simple webpage.  I figure, if I can learn to use it on Twitter, I can 
>>>> figure the rest out.  If I can just figure out how to get it to leap from 
>>>> the menu bar to the web page.
>>>> Than k you,
>>>> April Brown
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