Re: Dual Boot versus Virtual Machine

2014-01-17 Thread Chris Blouch
Dreamer Doll ke7nwn E-mail- On 1/17/2014 1:25 PM, Chris Blouch wrote: You can set up a mac to 'dual boot' where you partition your hard drive in two pieces with Windows on one and MacOS on the other. Then Apple's BootCamp tool lets you pick which one you w

Re: Looks like Windows is also heading toward full screen reader built in

2014-01-17 Thread Chris Blouch
I wonder why they went with WindowEyes. Maybe less outcry when the #3 gets picked for inclusion. As it normally goes for $900 a pop I could see MS giving them $9 each which would be made up for in quantity. Last WebAIM survey had Primary Screen Reader use with Jaws at 49%, WindowEyes at 12% and

Re: Dual Boot versus Virtual Machine

2014-01-17 Thread Chris Blouch
i can call it? Take care 17. jan. 2014 kl. 22:25 skrev Chris Blouch : You can set up a mac to 'dual boot' where you partition your hard drive in two pieces with Windows on one and MacOS on the other. Then Apple's BootCamp tool lets you pick which one you want to start up. When ru

Re: Dual Boot versus Virtual Machine

2014-01-17 Thread Chris Blouch
talking about a windows computer. Take care 17. jan. 2014 kl. 23:21 skrev Chris Blouch : The little I do in Windows didn't require a dedicated Bootcamp setup so I've always used VMs. The other nice thing is the virtual windows hard drive is just a (large) file. So I keep a maste

Re: step by step, please and a recommendation on whether need to buy monitor

2014-01-17 Thread Chris Blouch
Piles of them here on newegg: I have an ancient Altec Lansig set with a subwoofer which sounds quite nice. CB On 1/16/14 3:39 PM, Alex Hall wrote:

Re: ftp server

2014-01-18 Thread Chris Blouch
Because OSX is built on Unix, if you don't mind playing around in terminal, you can ftp or sftp to any site to put or get files. No special client needed. CB On 1/18/14 8:04 PM, Jessica Moss wrote: Can you upload to someone's server with that though? I've never seen the option to do that. O

Re: Ftp client for the mac.

2014-01-18 Thread Chris Blouch
Don't forget about the tab key to autocomplete a filename. For example, if I need to cd into a directory called My Special Stuff, from the terminal I can type cd and then type My and then hit tab to have it match the rest, turning it into My\ Special\ Stuff/ and then I hit enter. If there is is

Re: Serious Mail Busy Problems in Mavericks All of the sudden

2014-01-18 Thread Chris Blouch
This was on another thread but are you running any sound add-ons like Sound Flower? Some have had issues with it interfering with the coreaudio libraries and causing their system to slow down. CB On 1/19/14 12:35 AM, Brian Fischler wrote: Yes, Command F5 was the first thing I tried it does no

Re: Ftp and Terminal mode

2014-01-21 Thread Chris Blouch
right. The basics are cd to change directory into the one you want, ls to list the contents of a directory and get Filename to transfer a filename from the remote machine to the directory you were in when you started the ftp command. If you are in a folder but want to move back up to the parent

Re: Enlarging menus

2014-01-21 Thread Chris Blouch
OSX has a general screen magnifier. Turn it on in the System Preferences under Accessibility and then Zoom. Usual thing is to hold down control and do a two-finger stroke up and down to increase/decrease zoom on a trackpad or control+roller-wheel on a mouse with one of those. There are a bunch

Re: Fwd: [aiphone] STATE OF THE ART; A Library Of Listening, Made by You

2011-06-23 Thread Chris Blouch
Original article is here: CB On 6/23/11 11:42 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote: Hi, I'm just sharing this with the list. I think many will find this extremely useful. Ricardo Walker Twitter, Skype,& AIM: r

Re: Is it possible to connect HDMI or Mini DisplayPort output to RCA inputs? [Was, Re: Adapter Question Again For Mac Mini.]

2011-07-05 Thread Chris Blouch
Sounds like your portable tv has two stereo audio inputs and one composite video input. You probably won't find a single box that will do it all but instead will need to go in stages. First you'll need an HDMI to VGA adapter and from there you can find VGA to NTSC composite adapters. I found on

Re: NAS or USB?

2011-07-05 Thread Chris Blouch
I just have an external Firewire drive hooked to my Mac Mini. The Mac can share out the drive as an SMB volumen (Windows file share) so you should be able to get to everything on it from the PC just as easily. Another thing to consider is how reliable the storage has to be. If the drive fails,

Re: NAS or USB?

2011-07-05 Thread Chris Blouch
, you'll never want to have it any other way. On 05/07/2011, Chris Blouch wrote: I just have an external Firewire drive hooked to my Mac Mini. The Mac can share out the drive as an SMB volumen (Windows file share) so you should be able to get to everything on it from the PC just as easil

Re: Mac Mini, Monitor and Bluetooth Headset

2011-07-05 Thread Chris Blouch
If I recall correctly the main issue was the Mac scans for what kind of monitor is hooked up and will continue to try until it finds something. That perpetual scan will turn the machine to sludge. So if your HDMI screen answers back to the mac, even if that input is not selected on the TV, then

Re: Thunderbird Email Client

2011-07-06 Thread Chris Blouch
Nope. Like Firefox they have not hooked it into Apple's accessibility APIs. Unlike the Windows version nobody seems interested in funding the Mozilla foundation to do the work for the Apple platform. At least Apple has no need to since they provide a perfectly serviceable mail app. Maybe that w

Executing from present working directory -> was Compiling C++ in terminal

2011-07-06 Thread Chris Blouch
Let me dust off my old unix geek cap for a bit. The basic problem here is that the 'shell' looks in certain places to find things to run and usually your current directory (written as ./) is not in the list. Those places are defined in a shell variable called PATH (all upper case). You can see

Re: Usb or NAS revisited

2011-07-06 Thread Chris Blouch
One snag with backing up to a remote time machine volume is to make sure that the volume is dedicated to time machine. TM will keep adding backups until the volume is full and then start deleting the oldest editions. Before I realized this I had tried to use a data drive that had my itunes and

Re: Is This Possible And How?

2011-07-06 Thread Chris Blouch
Over a network you can mount Mac file shares on your PC. On the Mac you'll need to turn on File Sharing in the Sharing Preference and go to Options to turn on Share files and folders using SMB and then enable which accounts on your mac are allowed in from Windows. Once all that is done from you

Re: Is This Possible And How?

2011-07-07 Thread Chris Blouch
You can find that in the Preference Network pane on your Mac. The Status will say Connected and then continue on to read the IP address. It's also repeated further down after the text "IP Address". CB On 7/6/11 5:58 PM, Georges Zaynoun wrote: Ok, then how do I know which address did the mac g

Re: Is This Possible And How?

2011-07-07 Thread Chris Blouch
Usually you can only format local drives. Why do you need to format it if you can already access it? You can format a drive on the Mac but it only does FAT and exFAT, not NTFS. I guess I missed that last part in your original email that you wanted to access the drive on your Mac from your PC to

Re: Restoring files from a Time Machine Backup

2011-07-08 Thread Chris Blouch
Two bits I wanted to clarify here to make sure you're not getting unexpected results. First is to be sure you've got a separate drive for your time machine backups. This should be obvious but if you're backing up to the same drive as the original data and that drive fails you lose your backup

Re: Target Mode.ion?

2011-07-08 Thread Chris Blouch
Note that Macs don't support target mode over USB. Only Firewire and Thunderbolt connections. So if the other machine only has USB you'll be out of luck. While it may exist I doubt there is a USB to Firewire converter as it would require lots of processing to connect the mismatched speeds of th

Re: Executing from present working directory -> was Compiling C++ in terminal

2011-07-08 Thread Chris Blouch
d drop a script file they could probably also drop a new .profile to alias ls to their bad script located somewhere else less noticeable. CB On 7/7/11 4:42 PM, Geoff Shang wrote: On Wed, 6 Jul 2011, Chris Blouch wrote: export PATH=./:$PATH That adds the ./ location plus all the existin

Re: Restoring files from a Time Machine Backup

2011-07-08 Thread Chris Blouch
th of dailys (about 20) would add another 200GB. So my backup set wasn't going much beyond a month or so when it should have last much longer. CB On 7/8/11 5:17 PM, Geoff Shang wrote: On Fri, 8 Jul 2011, Chris Blouch wrote: First it will make incremental backups once an hour until it fil

Re: cleaning up mac?

2011-07-09 Thread Chris Blouch
Normally you won't need to defrag the drive on OSX. Just to check the basics, did you empty the trash after you got rid of the virtual machine? CB On 7/9/11 11:01 PM, Kliph&Sharrie wrote: Okay, how do you defrag your hard drive? And what other tools can I use to get rid of things I'm not usin

Re: last fusion question, I hope!

2011-07-09 Thread Chris Blouch
VMWare installs something called VMWare Tools after you have installed whatever Windows or Linux OS you wanted. These tools make the video/audio/mouse etc. hook in better with the Mac. It's been too long since I did a Win7 scratch install but I suspect that until the VMWare tools are installed

Re: ASF streaming format won't play in anything I have.

2011-07-09 Thread Chris Blouch
Generally having Flip4Mac installed will allow QT to handle .asf streams unless they are encrypted (DRM). In that case Microsoft has not released their stuff on Mac so it can only be unencrypted on Windows. The joys of proprietary copy protection. CB On 7/9/11 5:43 PM, Mark BurningHawk Baxter

Re: cleaning up mac?

2011-07-11 Thread Chris Blouch
t on your hard drive when you open that window. CB On 7/10/11 7:28 AM, Kliph&Sharrie wrote: Yes I did, and then I restarted the mac. but it's still showing me the same amount of space that I had before I deleted the vm machine Sent from Minister Miller's IPhone On Jul 1

Re: A question about reading subtitling with VO

2011-07-13 Thread Chris Blouch
Seems like hotspots would do the trick but I couldn't get it to work. Under the hood there is a span with a class of "captions-text" which I assume is where my hotspot is attached when I set one. But when the next caption is inserted, instead of updating the text inside that span the entire spa

Re: Flash to HTML5; Can it be done?

2011-07-14 Thread Chris Blouch
Flash is a tricky thing, videos or otherwise. There has been an ongoing spat where Adobe has not hooked Flash into Apple's accessibility APIs so there is no voiceover access to flash widgets. Why this happened is another topic of discussion but even if they did, the results would be mixed to po

Re: flash why is it such a pain?

2011-07-15 Thread Chris Blouch
Thought I just posted this in another thread so I'll post again with a bit more detail. Flash can be accessible on platforms that use the MSAA (Microsoft Active Accessibility) APIs which means not on the Mac. Adobe also supports the newer cross platform IAccessible2 accessibility APIs so it al

Re: Remote support on the Mac

2011-07-15 Thread Chris Blouch
This comes up every now and then and last I heard there wasn't a way that also transmits the audio. Lots of solutions which send over the visuals and give remote mouse/keyboard control. Maybe I missed it in the thread last time. I've done it with somebody running a concurrent speakerphone sessi

Re: flash why is it such a pain?

2011-07-16 Thread Chris Blouch
et it right. Just wasn't sure how much of this was common knowledge. CB On 7/16/11 1:38 AM, Teresa Cochran wrote: Thanks for that exposition, Chris. It should really be in a blog or wiki. Much appreciated. Teresa On Jul 15, 2011, at 9:52 PM, Chris Blouch wrote: Thought I just posted this

Re: Live regions what are they - was Re: Voice over lag and other lion issues

2011-07-25 Thread Chris Blouch
I think I can fill in some gaps here. I haven't upgraded to Lion yet but I do know about live regions on web pages. This is part of the w3c spec for ARIA or Accessible Rich Internet Applications and has been supported on other browser on other platforms for some time now. Generally it's used fo

Re: Live regions what are they - was Re: Voice over lag and other lion issues

2011-07-25 Thread Chris Blouch
ive region with apps like Adium in the future if VO will support that, saving the need to rely on Growl. I think FB chat on the website may end up being the way to chat for many of us though. Cheers Dave On 25 Jul 2011, at 15:48, Chris Blouch wrote: I think I can fill in some gaps here.

Re: A question about reading subtitling with VO

2011-07-26 Thread Chris Blouch
4] On Jul 13, 8:24 pm, Chris Blouch wrote: Seems like hotspots would do the trick but I couldn't get it to work. Under the hood there is a span with a class of "captions-text" which I assume is where my hotspot is attached when I set one. But when the next caption is inserted, ins

Re: Anyone running lion on 1 gb of ram?

2011-07-27 Thread Chris Blouch
More specifically, Apple requires 2GB RAM. It's in their spec sheet here: CB On 7/27/11 10:03 AM, Anne Robertson wrote: Hello Matthew, Unfortunately, 1 gb of RAM is insufficient to run Lion. Cheers, Anne On 27 Jul 2011, at 15:50, matthew dyer at work

Re: Looking for an accessible DVD ripper

2011-08-01 Thread Chris Blouch
Might want to give RipIt a try. They have a free demo version to download which lets you do a couple rips before you have to buy it. Purchase cost is $25. It's main thing is to copy protected disks but it will also do compression to create versions for ipods and such. http://thelittleappfactor

Re: Just my thoughts regarding CCC Carbon Copy Cloner

2011-08-02 Thread Chris Blouch
Wish I had noted this before. My manager just got a new Macbook so we used CCC to migrate everything from his old Macbook to the new one by putting the new machine in target mode and then cloning it all via firewire. Worked well but we never did figure out how to get to the status thermometer a

Re: File associations

2011-08-02 Thread Chris Blouch
If you select the document file and do a Get Info (Command-I) you will find a section pretty far down called Open With. This could be a collapsed disclosure triangle. If you expand it (spacebar) you'll find a pop up button to choose which app you want that document to be opened with. A little f

Re: Mac mini

2011-08-03 Thread Chris Blouch
I have a DVI to VGA and then a VGA to NTSC converter on my Mini and it always thinks there is a screen hooked up. Works well and it connects to our old TV so the kids can watch DVDs on it or whatever. Since NTSC doesn't provide a way to detect if you're hooked up the Mac always thinks it is. T

Re: Mac mini

2011-08-03 Thread Chris Blouch
and Magic Trackpad. Take Care John Panarese On Aug 3, 2011, at 1:55 PM, Chris Blouch wrote: I have a DVI to VGA and then a VGA to NTSC converter on my Mini and it always thinks there is a screen hooked up. Works well and it connects to our old TV so the kids can watch DVD

Re: A few questions before buying my first Mac

2011-08-03 Thread Chris Blouch
While I don't know as much about the current configs, I do know that they have a built-in speaker. Not sure there has ever been a Mac that didn't have some kind of speaker in it. The audio output is a standard mini headphone jack so your typical PC speakers or whatever will work fine. It is act

Re: Recommendations for app

2011-08-03 Thread Chris Blouch
When connecting to Windows file shares I usually have to put into the "connect to server" an URL that looks like this: smb://server_ip_address/share_name Then it asks for the username and password and I'm in. CB On 8/3/11 4:55 PM, erik burggraaf wrote: What error do you get when you try to c

Re: Mac mini

2011-08-03 Thread Chris Blouch
-- From: [] On Behalf Of Chris Blouch Sent: Wednesday, August 03, 2011 4:41 PM To: Subject: Re: Mac mini Right, as far as the Mini knows it is hooked up to a monitor, which happes to be the VGA to NTSC adapter.

Re: sluggishness in booting

2011-08-03 Thread Chris Blouch
I'm assuming you mean this article: CB On 7/21/11 11:30 PM, Isaac Obie wrote: Hi Guys: In the New York times thursday edition of July 21, 2011, David Pog

Re: sluggishness in booting

2011-08-03 Thread Chris Blouch
it is about the. And that was it, if I remember well. Is this a problem on the site, or in my brain? I'm interested to read it, so maybe I should turn to the safari reader? Any ideas? Thanks. Paul. On Aug 3, 2011, at 11:18 PM, Chris Blouch wrote: I'm assuming you mean this article

Re: Seeing shared folders on other computers?

2011-08-04 Thread Chris Blouch
Dunno, how do you connect to it from other PCs? I suspect the share would be your login username and maybe you can just leave the password blank. CB On 8/4/11 5:40 AM, mr z sinno wrote: hi, what if my windows has one account but no password? best On 20 Jul 2010, at 16:19, Chris Blouch

Re: Looking for an accessible DVD ripper

2011-08-04 Thread Chris Blouch
1 12:53 AM, Paul Henrichsen wrote: Thanks. Got it. It's half the price of DVD Remaster pro. I wonder which is better? On Aug 1, 2011, at 11:31 AM, Chris Blouch wrote: Might want to give RipIt a try. They have a free demo version to download which lets you do a couple rips before you

Re: Mac mini

2011-08-04 Thread Chris Blouch
rdware switch with a button or one with software controls to switdch between my current PC and the mini? -Original Message- From: [] On Behalf Of Chris Blouch Sent: Wednesday, August 03, 2011 5:13 PM To: macvisionaries@goo

Re: Looking for an accessible DVD ripper

2011-08-04 Thread Chris Blouch
st be bought from the app store. Lately, it seems that most apps I want, I have to buy outside of the app store and put on my credit card. Sad when I have iTunes credit in the store. On Aug 4, 2011, at 8:07 AM, Chris Blouch wrote: The one is better which does what you want :) RipIt's

Re: Mac mini

2011-08-04 Thread Chris Blouch
DVI. Can get a 22" Viewsonic with speakers for about $130, so may just do that. -Original Message- From: [] On Behalf Of Chris Blouch Sent: Thursday, August 04, 2011 1:21 PM To: S

Re: Mac mini

2011-08-04 Thread Chris Blouch
or Parallels, do you? Trying to figure which will work best with Window-Eyes. -Original Message- From: [] On Behalf Of Chris Blouch Sent: Thursday, August 04, 2011 3:09 PM To: Subject:

Shoutcast iPhone app accessible

2011-08-04 Thread Chris Blouch
Dunno if anyone tried this out yet but the SHOUTcast Radio iPhone app seems to be pretty accessible with voiceover. I know one of the developers for this app so if you try it and notice any snags please drop me an email. I went through it with him pretty thoroughly and didn't notice any snags b

Re: Looking for an accessible DVD ripper

2011-08-05 Thread Chris Blouch
it? Interested to hear. Regards, Paul. On Aug 4, 2011, at 5:07 PM, Chris Blouch wrote: The one is better which does what you want :) RipIt's web site claims a that it is guaranteed to work and they will even go out and buy a DVD to test if you have trouble with getting one to rip. Their f

Re: web sites using flash

2011-08-08 Thread Chris Blouch
You can look up my previous summary of the issues with Flash and accessibility but it boils down to no access for Mac and iOS machines and limited access on Windows, only if pains are taken to make it accessible. You also limit search engine discover since Flash is not generally crawlable by Go

Re: ] New Open Office 3.3.0 (fwd)

2011-08-08 Thread Chris Blouch
Ummm, OO 3.3.0 came out January 11. Is there an even newer version somewhere else? CB On 8/8/11 12:56 AM, Karen Lewellen wrote: For fans of the program here. Karen ... is available for download

Re: looking for an sfv checker

2011-08-08 Thread Chris Blouch
IS SFV used anymore? Why break a file into lots of little pieces making the user have to jump through all those hoops to reassemble? Can you just find the same file somewhere else that is intact? CB On 8/7/11 11:41 AM, erik burggraaf wrote: Hi, I'm disgruntled with checksome plus because sinc

Re: Looking for an accessible DVD ripper

2011-08-08 Thread Chris Blouch
the disk in the drive. Do you have any idea if this is something I can correct? From holland, Paul. On Aug 5, 2011, at 9:12 PM, Chris Blouch wrote: Sorry for the delay, had to find a DVD to try this with as it's been a while. Generally the buttons you need appear in the window after a D

Re: looking for an sfv checker

2011-08-08 Thread Chris Blouch
ed? Ebony Consulting at accessibility Unconference Toronto. To read more and subscribe, Visit: Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194 or on the web at On 2011-08-08, at 11:30 AM, Ch

Lion bad Nvidia drivers

2011-08-08 Thread Chris Blouch
Just stumbled upon this article which notes bugs in the video card driver in OSX 10.7 which can cause some machines to have issues waking from sleep and other odd behavior. I wonder if this is the cause of some of the hard to reproduce and/or random VO issues folks have been running into. Appar

Re: can't play audio captias

2011-08-10 Thread Chris Blouch
Different sites implement captcha (audio and otherwise) in many different ways. What site's captcha was giving you trouble? CB On 8/10/11 1:55 AM, chad baker wrote: hi i can't play audio captchas in safari java is installed i go to the link saying listen to the numbers i did the command and n

Re: Safari and Lion

2011-08-10 Thread Chris Blouch
These are ARIA (accessible rich internet application) roles which provide more semantic meaning to what a particular spot on the page really is. You can read more about the available roles in the W3C's ARAI specification here: The spec for th

Re: flash work arounds in safari 5.1?

2011-08-10 Thread Chris Blouch
On the click to flash they recommend using the CLicktoPlugin which allows ClicktoFlash to work. There is a pre-built ClickToFlash 2.3.3 download link here: which seems to be working in Safari 5.1 for me. It downloads a plugin file which

Re: some wonderful findings in Lion

2011-08-11 Thread Chris Blouch
Just verified that App Store is not an option in the Open With context menu for a document in 10.6. I'm still holding out for 10.7.1 before I jump. Just a habit I've learned over the years. CB On 8/11/11 2:42 PM, Jessica and Goldina wrote: hey guys! I found a couple of awesome things in Lion

Re: Burney to the rescue?

2011-08-12 Thread Chris Blouch
I thought Eamon was an old Apple II adventure environment. If so, you could try some of the other Apple II emulators like Virtual II, KEGS and Sweet16 and the Bernie II emulator you already mentioned. I've not tried any of these with voiceover but worth checking into. Most are free or have demo

Re: iMac display questions

2011-08-13 Thread Chris Blouch
As far as using it as a dumb VGA display, there is no "video in" on the iMac. You could do some screen share stuff like VNC to access your your PC screen remotely on the Mac over a network, but that's probably not what you were asking for. CB On 8/13/11 4:11 PM, Ed Worrell wrote: Hello liste

Re: Burney to the rescue?

2011-08-13 Thread Chris Blouch On 2011-08-12, at 4:43 PM, Chris Blouch wrote: I thought Eamon was an old Apple II adventure environment. If so, you could try some of the other Apple II emulators like Virtual II, KEGS and Sweet16 and the Bernie II emulator you already mentioned. I've not tried any of

Re: iTunes 10.4

2011-08-15 Thread Chris Blouch
I never used that feature but the help for iTunes says to use Time Machine to make backups of your library. I guess they decided to not reinvent the wheel and just use the backup system they already wrote elsewhere. CB On 8/15/11 1:44 AM, ezzie bueno wrote: Hello list, I hope you all had a

Re: charger Compadibility

2011-08-15 Thread Chris Blouch
While not quite the same setup my MacBook Pro charger works just fine in my wife's old little MacBook and vice versa. Main thing is that her power supply is not quite as big (physically and wattage) so it takes longer to charge up my laptop if I'm using her power supply. I would assume similar

Re: going from an MBP to a MacBook Air

2011-08-15 Thread Chris Blouch
Having shlepped my MacBook to work for many years I found that it wasn't that big a deal in a nice backpack. I used to use those computer bags with a shoulder strap but it started bothering my shoulder. I finally picked up one for cheap from Megamacs and have really liked it. Very comfortable a

Re: mac mini 2011 info

2011-08-15 Thread Chris Blouch
If true this would be a great thing. In the past the mini has fruitlessly search for a monitor when not connected to one, bogging down the system in the process. Maybe the server version is different since it might often times be sitting in a rack 'headless'. CB On 8/15/11 11:29 AM, Bill Holt

Re: going from an MBP to a MacBook Air

2011-08-15 Thread Chris Blouch
using it for times when I want a lot of portability. Cheers, Donna On Aug 15, 2011, at 10:09 AM, Chris Blouch wrote: Having shlepped my MacBook to work for many years I found that it wasn't that big a deal in a nice backpack. I used to use those computer bags with a shoulder strap but it start

Re: accessible cd burning cd software

2010-07-13 Thread Chris Blouch
Strange. When you click the Burn Disk button the popup should have three options: Audio CD (default), MP3 CD or DataCD. Sounds like you somehow got the second option selected. CB chad baker wrote: Hi is there any accessible cd burning apps that are accessible? I tried burning a cd in itunes b

Re: Time Machine and Boot camp

2010-07-13 Thread Chris Blouch
I don't use bootcamp but I do know that Time Machine backs up files, not partitions, blocks or whatever underlying structure of a storage device. Soo, if the Windows partition shows up as a folder of files on the Mac side then I would think Time Machine will back it up. Of course you'll have to

Re: Reading the Status Bar in Various Applications

2010-07-13 Thread Chris Blouch
In Open Office, are you sure that the line number/location is shown or do you have to turn that on in some preference. You should be able to stop interacting with the main edit window (scroll area) and then navigate to the status bar which says things like Page 1/2 or whatever. CB Rajesh wrot

Re: Receipt Requests in Mail

2010-07-13 Thread Chris Blouch
I don't know how accessible they are but you might want to check out these other Mac mail clients. Since Thunderbird shares its codebase with Firefox I know it won't work with voiceover, but maybe some of these others will. Outlook, as part of Mac office, is also not accessible since the entire

Re: Converting text to MP3 with Automator

2010-07-13 Thread Chris Blouch
Not sure exactly how they did it but from the unix shell you could use the say command. So, for example, you could do say -o testfile "Now is the time" and you should get an audio file in aiff format with spoken words in the current voiceover settings. To pull the text to speak from a file cal

Re: shortcut key for opening documents folder

2010-07-14 Thread Chris Blouch
If you explore the menu bar in the finder you'll find a bunch of these shortcuts under the Go menu such as Applications, Utilities and Desktop. CB Donna Goodin wrote: Oh, thank you! I knew I wasn't imagining this! :) Take care, Donna On Jul 14, 2010, at 9:08 AM, Chris Moore wrote: Donna,

Re: shortcut key for opening documents folder

2010-07-14 Thread Chris Blouch
Even better, you can do command-space which brings up spotlight and just type a few characters of the file you're wanting. It will then, more or less instantly, show a list of matches. You can navigate this list to get to the specific file. Search on Windows was always horribly slow to the poin

Re: playing a radio station with the mac

2010-07-14 Thread Chris Blouch
They are using Windows Media for their stream. Since this is a proprietary format made by Microsoft for Windows it doesn't generally work well on any other platform. That also means nobody can make a player for another platform since the way it all works is a company secret. Not sure why they a

Re: shortcut key for opening documents folder

2010-07-15 Thread Chris Blouch
gory is checked under Spotlight preferences. I kept wondering why it didn't find my grocery list, then I opened Spotlight preferences and saw that the "documents" category was unchecked. On Jul 14, 2010, at 11:11 AM, Chris Blouch wrote: Even better, you can do command-space

Re: transferring stuff between pc and mac

2010-07-15 Thread Chris Blouch
Yup. Macs for years have had built-in crossover sensing so even if your PC doesn't you'll still be fine connecting them directly together. As Onathan noted, the Mac has a priority system for which route to take to reach another machine so if they are both on the wireless network and that is lis

Re: can a mac read miny cds?

2010-07-15 Thread Chris Blouch
More than just lost, it can get stuck. Friend of mine did this and had to take his mac to a shop to get the thing out. Why do they still make those mini-CDs when a blank CD is something like 5 cents? CB Chris Moore wrote: Sorry no, Macs contain slot loading drives so a mini CD/DVD would get l

Re: iPhone signal loss

2010-07-15 Thread Chris Blouch
I guess we'll find out at their press conference tomorrow at 10AM pacific time. Maybe the lawsuit caught their attention.

Re: iPhone signal loss

2010-07-16 Thread Chris Blouch
;s attention. I drop more calls than I do pounds on a diet! Ok, so my diet has been afailure lately, but so has at&t in my book. Carolyn - Original Message - *From:* Chris Blouch <> *To:* macvisionar

Re: iPhone signal loss

2010-07-16 Thread Chris Blouch
esent, but since everyone will appear to be getting less signal all the time, it won't be as noticeable. On 15/07/2010, Carolyn wrote: Now if only someone could get at&t's attention. I drop more calls than I do pounds on a diet! Ok, so my diet has been afailure lately, but so ha

Re: youtube to mp3 converter

2010-07-16 Thread Chris Blouch
I couldn't find a simple single step way to do it. Had to download the video first, which is just mpeg4. Then loaded it into Quicktime 7 (which has a lot more Save As options) and saved it as Audio AIFF. That gave me a standalone sound file which I could load up into itunes to make into an mp3.

Re: live commentary of today's Apple Press conference

2010-07-16 Thread Chris Blouch
At least they are giving away a free case to all the iPhone 4 users. That takes care of the immediate problem. Seems like they pulled it off pretty well. CB Darcy Burnard wrote: Hi all. I know this is extremely short notice, but today at 1 P.M. eastern, 10 A.M. pacific, we'll be doing a live

Re: youtube to mp3 converter

2010-07-16 Thread Chris Blouch
If you have the video loaded on the youtube page in Safari, open up the activity monitor with option-apple-a. That is the list of all the pieces that make up the page in a table. If you hunt through there there should be one very large item (size is the second column) which is the video file it

Re: ichat question

2010-07-16 Thread Chris Blouch
I had to use Window Chooser (vo-f2 twice) and then pick the invitation window. Then I had to do a mouse click (Vo-shift-space) to activate it. Once there I could click the accept button. They could have made that a lot easier. CB joseph wrote: hi i tried to use ichat but i could not answer

Re: youtube to mp3 converter

2010-07-16 Thread Chris Blouch
senger: <> Yahoo! Messenger: cin368 AIM: cincinster On Jul 16, 2010, at 8:57 PM, Chris Blouch wrote: If you have the video loaded on the youtube page in Safari, open up the activity monitor with option-apple-a. That is the list of all th

Re: youtube to mp3 converter

2010-07-16 Thread Chris Blouch
. CB Sarah Alawami wrote: I could not find the url when I tried that youtube link. actually it was a different one. lol! but copying the address resulted in an error when I did manage to find it. S On Jul 16, 2010, at 11:57 AM, Chris Blouch wrote: If you have the video loaded on the youtube

Re: youtube to mp3 converter

2010-07-16 Thread Chris Blouch
That's a good step forward. At least you have the file now, even if it is an FLV. CB Sarah Alawami wrote: Yep i did it and it saved as an flv file. vlc was the only thing that would play it. lol! On Jul 16, 2010, at 1:00 PM, Chris Blouch wrote: That URL could be different based on

Re: youtube to mp3 converter

2010-07-16 Thread Chris Blouch
You're saying the gazzump site didn't work? I just tried it before I sent the email. CB Sarah Alawami wrote: Unfortunately the link I tried said it was only available for premium members and i tried to download it as an mp3. Um? did the site change? S On Jul 16, 2010, at 11:57

Re: Using a Mac Mini without a monitor

2010-07-16 Thread Chris Blouch
I had written up a lot of detail on this some time back which you can find in the mail archives. Short version is that in the most recent minis they now bog down unless a monitor is detected. The cheap fix used to be to get a mini to NTSC/PAL adaptor which made the mini think it was hooked up t

Re: youtube to mp3 converter

2010-07-19 Thread Chris Blouch
k to the vid I was trying to convert. a beautiful piece if you ask me. lol! S On Jul 16, 2010, at 1:25 PM, Chris Blouch wrote: You're saying the gazzump site didn't work? I just tried it before I sent the email. CB Sarah Alawami wrote

Re: iPhone signal loss

2010-07-19 Thread Chris Blouch
re in the message edit field. This is done with a double tap and hold. Similar to the gesture when wanting to delete an app. hth On Jul 16, 2010, at 1:38 PM, Chris Blouch wrote: Hmm. I just updated mine to 4.0.1 with no problems. The updater mainly said it was to address the incorrect signal

Re: webkit question

2010-07-19 Thread Chris Blouch
Webkit nightly is intended for developers so they force the home page to theirs which has information about the latest builds and such. While they might have some hackery to get around this it might just be easier to hit command-shift-h to jump to your home page. CB chad baker wrote: Hi i'm

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