I had written up a lot of detail on this some time back which you can find in the mail archives. Short version is that in the most recent minis they now bog down unless a monitor is detected. The cheap fix used to be to get a mini to NTSC/PAL adaptor which made the mini think it was hooked up to something, but the analog stuff has been dropped from the modern minis. I was able to work around this by getting a DVI->VGA adapter and a VGA->NTSC adapter. Worked out well since we did want it hooked up to the TV anyway so the kids can get their Elmo fix. The detect is actually done by sending signals down certain pins and getting something back on other pins. With nothing hooked up this detection fails and weird stuff starts happening. A cheap used VGA display is probably the cheapest solution. They used to sell VGA terminators but every place I found on the web had them discontinued. There are tutorials out there on how to make your own if you know somebody who is good with a soldering iron. I think these might be the right things for $33, which is really steep for what should be a $5 plug.


Simon F wrote:
No one is ever forced to purchase something they don't need. Purchasing
something you didn't need is a personal choice.

If you purchased a mac mini and then needed a screen / monitor for it, think
about who actually made you get the mini, you could have got a mac book or I

-----Original Message-----
From: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
[mailto:macvisionar...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Dan Roy
Sent: Sunday, 11 July 2010 6:50 p.m.
To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: Using a Mac Mini without a monitor

Please, spare us this!

While I think it would be nice if the mini worked without a monitor, please,
don't give us this stuff about being forced to buy something you don't need.
Personally, I have a vary old monitor which I keep around just in case I get
in to trouble where sighted assistance is necessary.  I am sure that most of
us who came from windows know that does happen from time to time to even the
best of us. So, even though I have never yet had a problem on the mac where
sighted assistance was definitely necessary, I have learned that having a
vary inexpensive monitor around is a good idea regardless.

You can buy a used 1 for $50 or less, especially an old 15 inch LCD or
something like that.

On my mini, I have found that any old monitor would solve the problem and
didn't even have to be turned on.  So, I hope we don't go off on the whole
needing a monitor thing, because, it's really trivial!

On Jun 27, 2010, at 4:29 PM, Chris Moore wrote:

Why is it sluggish without a monitor?  That does not make sense.  Why
should someone blind be forced into paying for a monitor they can't see and
running up extra electricity costs.
Tell apple they need to think more about their green policies!

I would love to know what accessibility at apple think of that one.
On 27 Jun 2010, at 22:21, Courtney Curran wrote:

I've never used a monitor with my Mack mini. Even with setup, I didn't
use a mouse, but it was kind of tough, without the mouse plus, I didn't
really know much about the Mack. But other than that, my Mack Mini works
fine without the monitor, kind of sluggish with Safari though.
On Jun 27, 2010, at 4:30 PM, Cody Hurst wrote:

I"m not so sure that a monitor is required, although it might be for the initial setup. I can say for sure a keyboard and mouse are required
for the setup. I think when I had my mini back in 08 that it was required
but I'm unsure On Jun 27, 2010, at 3:47 PM, Aman Singer wrote:
Hi, all.
I find myself in some difficulty. I have available to me one of the new Mac Minis. However, I do not have a monitor at all times. Before I obtain the unit, I should like to know whether it would be possible to use it without a monitor. If so, are any settings required? If not, when is the check for the monitor done? Is it just at boot up, or is it done periodically throughout the use of the
Thanks in advance.

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