It could also be that apps like ripit are trading in dangerous waters as
it is officially illegal to break encryption even though you have the
right to make backup copies. But without breaking the encryption (as
feeble as it is) you can't exercise your rights to a backup. Thus the
conundrum. Ripit probably just get away with it because it's not in the
studio's best interest to expend the effort to chase this down. It's
also why I never claim to have used the product :)
On 8/4/11 1:41 PM, Paul Henrichsen wrote:
Hi. I'm pleased that DVD remaster can at least be bought from the app store.
Lately, it seems that most apps I want, I have to buy outside of the app store
and put on my credit card. Sad when I have iTunes credit in the store.
On Aug 4, 2011, at 8:07 AM, Chris Blouch wrote:
The one is better which does what you want :) RipIt's web site claims a that it
is guaranteed to work and they will even go out and buy a DVD to test if you
have trouble with getting one to rip. Their focus is on simple so it's not
going to do all kinds of fancy conversions or copy only selected parts, but it
will get the DVD dumped to your hard drive and from there you have all kinds of
options. Their site also says that using the Compress options makes a fiel
playable in iOS devices and iTunes. Give the demo a try and if it does what you
want you can buy it.
On 8/4/11 12:53 AM, Paul Henrichsen wrote:
Thanks. Got it. It's half the price of DVD Remaster pro.
I wonder which is better?
On Aug 1, 2011, at 11:31 AM, Chris Blouch wrote:
Might want to give RipIt a try. They have a free demo version to download which
lets you do a couple rips before you have to buy it. Purchase cost is $25. It's
main thing is to copy protected disks but it will also do compression to create
versions for ipods and such.
On 8/1/11 1:08 AM, Paul Henrichsen wrote:
Hi, Doug. Will it work with commercial DVD's as far as making a backup copy?
Also, will it allow you to create an m4v file to put onto your iPad or iPhone?
On Jul 29, 2011, at 10:03 AM, Doug Lawlor wrote:
Hi Paul,
Check out dvd remaster. This program should do what you want and is very
accessible. I'm not sure how much it is because when I bought the program it
was on sale for 90% off the list price.
On 2011-07-29, at 1:42 PM, Paul Henrichsen wrote:
Hi, guys. I am looking for an accessible DVD cloning program like Handbrake. I
want to convert DVD's to m4v files I can copy to my iPhone.
If handbrake is accessible, that's great; but is there a better one?
I'd also like a program which will clone the DVD so I can have a backup and put
the original away for safe keeping.
I have clone DVD and Clone DVD mobile along with Any DVD HD from slysoft for
windows, but they are totally inaccessible under windows.
Is there something similar to the slysoft programs that is accessible on the
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