why did you send it to the list if you know her email address? Fyi,
its marri...@gmail.com.
On 02/12/2011, Ricardo Walker wrote:
> I don't even think she's on this list.
> Ricardo Walker
> rwalker...@gmail.com
> Twitter & Skype: rwalker296
> www.mobileaccess.org
> On Dec 2,
This won't really solve your problem, but I thought I'd let you know
that as of a couple of days ago, this stopped working on pc's as well,
so its not a Safari / osx thing.
On 14/12/2011, Ray Foret Jr wrote:
> Anybody ever try to use the audio verification on E-bay where you ha
He did say that a mac or pc would be treated as a device so I can see
why you might think so, but he didn't mention that *exact* feature.
Hopefully you will be able to do this though.
On 07/06/2011, Ricardo Walker wrote:
> No,
> They said nothing about iBooks coming to the Mac. He said your iB
Also, I'm fairly sure thatit will be the big companies that apple are
talking to like the bpi that will be dragging there feet.
Then again, if people at the BPI think its illegal to rip your own
cd's for personal use, I don't think Apple will get anyware quickly.
This topic will probably stray of
System builder (Or more comonly known as oem) products are exactly the
same as the retail version but as you said, they're a bit cheaper.
You're only meant to buy one with a piece of hardware that can be used
to upgrade a system such as memory, although between you, me, the list
and the rest of the
ll it work? Thanks.
> Kliphton SR
> (twitter) http://twitter.com/kliphton72
> (Marriage Blog) http://cm-i-t-real-world.blogspot.com
> (Google Voice) 657-229-2105
> Sent from my IMac
> On Jun 20, 2011, at 7:25 PM, Ben Mustill-Rose wrote:
>> System builder (Or
That sounds like a problem with disk io, not a lack of ram.
Problem is, if there is one fairly technical computer word that
consumers are aware of, its ram, so shops / people who don't really
know what they're talking about suggest a ram upgrade for everything.
I would be willing to put money on th
Why though? Surely that conflicts with saving money?
On 25/06/2011, Kaare Dehard wrote:
> Hi folks, I just saved my pennies and maxed out my machines as much as
> I can afford. macbook pro and imac all with 8.On 2011-06-25, at 12:45 PM,
> Geoff Shang wrote:
>> On Sat, 25 Jun 2011, Neil Barnfat
I don't mean to start the ram argument up again, but now that you've
been using the system for a while, do you notice a speed increase and
if so, where abouts?
Well done on the installation; hardware can seem a bit scary but it's
actually great fun once you've done a few installations.
On 29/06/2
Get a nas. Chris is correct in saying that you can just share a usb
drive, but most nas units come with other desirable features like an
http downloader, bit torrent support, ftp server, dlan server and
iTunes support.
You're basicly getting a very small (But probably not as small as the
mini to be
I'll answer this on list since people are wanting to use iTunes with a nas.
Like any other nas, the linkstations have a web interface that lets
you control its features and setup shares. It does have some client
software for pc and mac, but it doesn't really do that much; all it
does on windo
I've done this before; you'll be wanting a firewire a to a cable. It's
actually a great feature that comes in handy every now and again.
On 08/07/2011, Scott Howell wrote:
> I am not aware of such an adapter to go from USB to firewire or the other
> way. Actually there would be little advantage i
If I've understood you correctly, the comcast device is doing dhcp for
all of the computers on the network, but the computers are actually
connecting through the airport; you're wanting to make the comcast box
act just as a modem and nothing else because of the airports ip
reservation featu
I'd be interested in knowing why you connected an extra router to your
router as opposed to a switch? It seems overly complicated
considdering that a cheap unmanaged switch would have done the same
thing and probably would have given you gigabit.
On 11/07/2011, Ben Mustill-Rose
I'd argue that the only people that look stupid are those people who
reffuse to use a piece of software because of its target market. You
should use what ever application works best for you; if that turns out
to be a mainstream twitter client thats great, if it turns out to be a
(For want o
I've slept on this one.
Is it possible to set the scope of the dhcp on the comcast device so
that it will only ever assign 1 ip address? This should mean that its
dhcp server just won't respond to any requests for ip's from clients
after its 1 ip has been assigned, leaving the airport to do all th
I have to disagree with Daniel.
4.2.9 fixes a security problem; to suggest that someone shouldn't
upgrade to it is missleading.
On 27/07/2011, Cody wrote:
> The iPhone 5 is said to be released either late August or September. It does
> not make sense to release a completely new version of IOS an
This would probably get more answers on the viPhone list, but to
answer your question, yes, this is meant to be possible if you
jailbreak your iPad.
Note that I haven't tried the program that is meant to make this work
so I can't really comment on its accessibility, but it *should* be ok.
You shouldn't really have to worry about this sort of stuff.
If you have 2 devices which it sounds like you do, your modem will in
most cases get an ip from your isp without you having to do anything.
It doesn't matter what ip address your router has since it would be an
internal 192.xxx ip.
You're router is your default gaitway.
Like I said in another message, you're worrying way too much about it.
On 06/07/2010, Kevin Mattingly wrote:
> Josh,
> It will be the same on windows or on the Mac. Go with for the
> gateway. I suspect you can't go wrong with that one.
> Kev
So, to iether of you, based on how many points you have at the moment,
how long do you both think it will be until you can claim a free apple
I'm always pretty skeptical about this sort of stuff - I'm sure they
do ship what they claim to, it's just that its usually quicker to save
up 1 an
y actually need
>>> to restock is an indication that this place is legit, also not to mention
>>> that people on youtube actually show the packing material they send i.e.
>>> box, packing slip and tape that lockerz use when shipping items. and they
>>> are based in
Just install the vista driver for the wireless under 7, it should work.
I have an older system running 7 and I'm using xp drivers for the
sis650 ethernet, 7 is very good like that.
On 11/07/2010, gene wrote:
> Hi guys well I know it's kind of out dated but I'm trying to install vista
> on my macb
This is probably going to be one of those things that I give up on
after a couple of days.
You can watch a video 5 times, giving you a total of 10ptz.
Lets say that you do this with 5 videos a day if that's even possible,
giving you 50ptz a day, plus 2 for check in.
This means that if you did this
y time, I might as
>> well try to get myself some cool murch. if you can use 2 computers to
>> watcht the videos and double the fun/points let me know
>> On Jul 11, 2010, at 4:26 PM, Ben Mustill-Rose wrote:
>>> This is probably going to be one of those thi
11, 2010, at 4:36 PM, Cody Hurst wrote:
>> since at this moment I have nothing else to do with my time, I might
>> as well try to get myself some cool murch. if you can use 2 computers
>> to watcht the videos and double the fun/points let me know
>> On Jul 11, 2
I assume that before you disided to clutter up a mac list with what is
more or less a windows question you made sure that his games worked in
windows 7 on a pc?
Just saying.
On 13/07/2010, Josh Kennedy wrote:
> Hi
> Ok with running windows7 in bootcamp I have been trying all day long and
> windo
The feedback from the software update will be interesting to say the least.
People will appear to be getting less signal all the time, regardless
of if they are left handed or not. The issue of signal los will still
be present, but since everyone will appear to be getting less signal
all the time,
So long as your mac can run tiger your good to go. Any new mac will be
fine; i've run vo on 256mb before.
On 28/07/2010, Mike Arrigo wrote:
> Any mac you will purchase, unless you buy a fairly old one that is used will
> have more than enough memory to support voice over, so you should be fine.
Most, infact all of these instrument apps require vo to be off, unless
you tripple tap to emulate a normal single tap.
I'm a fan of morphwiz atm, plus the dev is in the process of making it
fully accessible.
On 30/07/2010, Chris Snyder wrote:
> There is also an app called Accordio. It's a piano s
g on some ideas I have floating around in my brain. Any other bits
> about the app you like to share, please feel free here or directly to me at
> scottn3...@gmail.com.
> Thanks,
> On Jul 30, 2010, at 10:36 AM, Ben Mustill-Rose wrote:
>> Most, infact all of these inst
I'm not really a disney fan, but it was still a very interesting read
- talk about being determined!
On 08/08/2010, Cara Quinn wrote:
> Hello All;
> I wanted to let you all know of a blog I've started, called Blind
> Controversial. this may seem off-topic for these lists at the outs
Incase people are reading this from the archives, every macbook / mbp
contains an intel chip meaning that they should all work with sl.
On 14/08/2010, Mike Arrigo wrote:
> Isn't it awesome to be able to install the operating system without sighted
> help? Does this macbook have the multitouch tra
Perhaps the router only support 802.11n devices and your 11g mac is
not able to connect to it?
Just a hunch; I haven't really kept ontop of the apple product lines
as of late, so i'm not sure if there shipping with 11n now.
On 15/08/2010, Josh Kennedy wrote:
> Hi
> I am at a friend's house and he
If you do a search for "your eyes" without the quotes, it will take
you to the first line of the article there by skipping all the rubbish
thats before it.
It's a pretty interesting read, although I don't really agree with the
hole most iPhone apps are inaccessible thing. Also, did anyone notice
re is over 100,000 apps in
> the iTunes store. You think there is at least 50,000 accessible apps? Keep
> in mind a lot of these apps are video games.
> On Aug 25, 2010, at 7:55 AM, Ben Mustill-Rose wrote:
>> If you do a search for "your eyes" without the quotes, it w
Have you considered just making sound recordings with the voice memoes
app and videoing things with the camera? If you use the facebook ap,
you'll be able to post pictures as well as status updates to your
profile regarding where you are and what your doing, and then, once
you have all the
Most if not all of us would like this to happen and it's been mentioned before.
However, the powers that be have clearly stated that it won't happen
under the pretense that it's beneficial to dialup users if only part
of the story was included.
No comment.
On 11/09/2010, Ricardo Walker wrote:
> I
Wanted what exactly?
On 19/09/2010, Daniel McGee wrote:
> hi everyone, subject line says it all. After posting about it a while ago I
> was wondering since then has anyone who would like this in apple's future
> updates of there I OS software emailed.
> apple@
> accessibility.com
> Just wonderi
It won't come with voiceover; all that we have learnt is that it's
running a customised version of ios which can be jailbroken, although
this almost surtainly does not translate to us getting vo.
What we'll see is 3rd party addons to the front row type application
that enable services that the dev
;> about
>>> 3 months. lol!
>>>>> S
>>>>> On Sep 28, 2010, at 8:03 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>> The remote app for IOS is accessible. I w
dnesday, 29 September 2010 2:55 p.m.
>> To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
>> Subject: Re: New Apple TV runs IOS 4.1
>> Can't one, in Theory, use the iPhone as a remote for it though? There
>> is a remote app for the iPhone.
>> GF
My understanding is that whilst you are able to code in xcode, running
the program in the iPhone simulator will not be accessible. The
suggested workaround is to sign up to the developer program, although
$100 does seem a little bit steep to here vo say hello world.
If you have jailbroken
It has been my experience that even if accessibility did know about an
upcoming feature, (Which they probably won't), they will be unable to
tell you about it; it's just the way that Apple works.
I'm sorry to hear about your loss of sight; but in this situation, I
think it would be best if you wer
it may take some sighted help to set it up, but I wonder if that
>> would work at all. I should go get one and try it out.
>> GF
>> On Oct 9, 2010, at 11:21 AM, Ben Mustill-Rose wrote:
>>> It has been my experience that even if accessibilit
> On Oct 9, 2010, at 2:29 PM, Ben Mustill-Rose wrote:
>> I think someone posted a response that they got from accessibliity a
>> couple of weeks ago where they were informed that the remote app
>> wouldn't work. I can't find the exact message right now, but it was
No one's going to have one of these since they were only released yesterday.
I personally don't really see the point; it's a portable mac with very
mid range specs with a good battery. It's apples answer to the netbook
except you could by 3 netbooks for the same price as one of these.
On 21/10/20
I have the r700 and it's great; can even take an i7 if you have the money.
On 22/10/2010, Simon Fogarty wrote:
> They are a great little machine, but although they can do everything,
> Someone like me that wants power and portability they just aren't yet
> suitable.
> I would prefer the new To
I think if you have one of the really expencive golftown i7's you can
get upto 6 cores, but I'm pretty sure that you can't get that in a
note book.
I think some more quad notebook parts will be introduced with sandy bridge.
On 03/11/2010, Jonathan Cohn wrote:
> For those hardware crazed individu
bout that unless I
> misunderstood. Could be two processors I have no idea the physical
> configuration.
> On Nov 3, 2010, at 12:04 PM, Ben Mustill-Rose wrote:
>> I think if you have one of the really expencive golftown i7's you can
>> get upto 6 cores, but I'
You can't record stuff on this generation of apple tv though or at
least not locally. I guess it could write to someware on the lan, but
this device doesn't even include a tuner; more or less everything is
from apple.
On 22/11/2010, Scott Granados wrote:
> First, Apple TV actually works unlike uv
>From wikipedia:
Apple TV is a digital media receiver made and sold by Apple Inc. It is
a small form factor network appliance designed to play IPTV digital
content originating from the iTunes Store, Netflix, YouTube, Flickr,
MobileMe or any Mac OS X or Windows computer running iTunes onto an
What more did you want to get from the video Kev?
For the people who haven't been able to get it to play, Esther kindly
posted a direct link to the video on youtube. I don't have it to hand,
but it was near the begining of this topic.
On 24/11/2010, Scott Howell wrote:
> I am using a Mac and Safa
Theres not really any point in backing up the ios installers.
1: If your thinking of being able to downgrade to something older
using this method then it won't work.
2: If you're worried that you might some how break your phone and are
wanting to preserve the files to do a factory restore theres no
; downgrade to what ever was before the IOS upgrade.
> On Nov 30, 2010, at 3:15 PM, Ben Mustill-Rose wrote:
>> Theres not really any point in backing up the ios installers.
>> 1: If your thinking of being able to downgrade to something older
>> using this method then it wo
Both apple tv's are just boxes; you provide the tv and apple provides
the device you connect to it.
On 02/12/2010, Marlaina Lieberg <1guide...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Scott,
> Is this the little box or is it an actual tv? I know they do have a real tv
> with a picture and such.
> Marlaina
> On De
I don't really like replying when I don't know the exact answer, but
you could always take the format part out of the answer file. Mine
sits at the partitions screen waiting for me to do something.
Obviously key sequences are vaguely important here, but just hit enter
a few times and you should be
Theres a guy at the rnib working to make it better although its not
perfect. I'm not sure if he's publisising that he's doing stuff with
it so i'm not sure what I can say.
I'll get in contact with him.
On 20/10/2009, Scott Chesworth wrote:
> Hey Dan et al,
> The most recent version of Logic
I don't have an answer about a antyvirus solution, but have you
considdered shoving all the studio pc's onto there own vlan for
On 21/10/2009, BlindMacMan wrote:
> Hello!
> I must agree with James on all accounts... ProtectMac is the best and
> most accessible antivirus program I
Lots of people have.
Moderation say that they will implament things that are in the best
interest of the community, yet even though lots of people asked for
the full text to be included, its not happening.
It all boils down to promotion. I've been on josh'is site quite a few
times and I feel that
Are you interested in putting mp3's of your audio guides on the
touches and giving them out to visitors? If your guides consist purely
of audi files and no applications, have you considdered purchasing
shuffles instead? Its going to be a hole lot cheaper and some blind
people may find them less in
I still need to speak to my friend to see if he'll share his scripts
to make logic accessible.
Will do that asap; it would make more sence to use logic as apposed to
garage band given its feature list and the low price.
On 03/11/2009, anouk radix wrote:
> Hello, I was thinking now that there
t you're itching to use it.
> Cheers
> Scott
> anouk radix wrote:
>> Hello, Logic is sort of the full version of garageband, right?
>> Greetings, AnoukOn Nov 3, 2009, at 11:13 PM, ben mustill-rose wrote:
>> >
>> > I stil
I wish I found that sort of thing every time I cleaned my house!
On 10/11/2009, Dan Eickmeier wrote:
> Yes, I think there is a version of the Airport utility for Windows.
> On Nov 9, 2009, at 9:18 PM, Frank Ventura wrote:
>> Thanks that is good information.Is there a configuration utility
CAll me a newbe / geek, but I could have swarn that all of the 10 ip's
were reserved for private use only? Look at the ip's in the original
to see what I mean.
On 14/11/2009, hank smith wrote:
> - Original Message -
> From: "Mail Delivery Subsystem"
> To:
> Sent: Saturday, November
If the drive is a user replaceable part, it won't void anything. If I
were in your situation I would just take the drive out and usb it to
another machine, but i'm not sure what osx does about accessing
encrypted files - ie: all your data?? The other problem your going to
have is that you probably
for safety reasons.
> On 15/11/2009, ben mustill-rose wrote:
>> If the drive is a user replaceable part, it won't void anything. If I
>> were in your situation I would just take the drive out and usb it to
>> another machine, but i'm not sure what osx doe
fine. It
> isn't confidential for work or anything. *smile* I also want to save
> a folder to my desktop but that one's not too important. It's really
> too bad that I can't just start up my Mac or connect the two somehow
> to do this stuff instead of messing aro
;> the like.
>> -Original Message-
>> From: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
>> [mailto:macvisionar...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of ben mustill-rose
>> Sent: Sunday, November 15, 2009 11:14 AM
>> To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
>> Subject:
Everyone needs to chill out and take a few seconds to look at what's
going on here.
Firstly, whilst apple do like there money, there not stupid. They kno
that if this were to ever happen, the amount of protesting by there
users would cause them such bad pr eventually that it wouldn't be
worth doin
Since you don't seem to want to take the computer to apple, you really
do not have anything to loos if you try Scots method, which has worked
for me using slot loding drives, along with alex who used to be on
this list.
Does anyone kno if the mac mini's have the little hole next to the
Hey all.
Guess who's just been given a mac mini, which quite honestly is the
best computer I've ever touched! However all is not well, this mini
seems to be getting a bit hot and bothered - ie: when doing anything
intense it will get hot then shutdown; I understand this is actually a
I w
All I can find is the fake diary entry, so I'm assuming this isn't
going to happen. For the moment.
On 03/05/2010, Scott Howell wrote:
> Adobe has no legal grounds as far as I can tell and would look rather stupid
> trying to force Apple by going to court. Of course when you know your
> products
If they did do this, a much better solution would be to have it off by
default but allow it to be turned on if you knew what you were doing.
AT the end of the day, I don't like flash, html5 is great, I totally
agree. However, the fact of the matter is that despite what steve
says, lots and lots of
When people talk about tethering, it usually means that they are going
to connect a phone to another device via usb or something.
Obviously this isn't possible between the iPhone and the iPad.
If there is an app that will take the 3g that the iPhone gets and then
uses the wireless to make a
What would the case solve though?
I also have the vo freezing problem on my touch; I expected it to be
at least partly fixed on the ipad.
On 05/05/2010, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:
> Hi,
> Just one question.
> Why not get the iPad case and put it in there? That just seems like a
> logical soluti
Not portable in the sense that you could carry it to work.
How many times do we have to say to people that a mini is not portable?
On 05/05/2010, Courtney Curran wrote:
> Hi,
> Since a new Mack mini apparently must have a monitor, are there any portable
> monitors like USB monitors or something.
Yet another boring lawsuit. I really think this type of thing is just
to see who can score browny points against another company; it's not
really in the interest of consumers, despite what nokia will tell you.
On 08/05/2010, Sarah Alawami wrote:
> Subject: NOKIA - Nokia sues Apple in Wisconsin fo
I agree with Scot - this will die, but I think it will die in a secret
office after an expencive meal plus drinks and will involve a large
amount of notes - after all, that's what nokia's after really.
On 10/05/2010, Ricardo Walker wrote:
> Agreed. :)
> On May 9, 2010, at 7:34 PM, Scott Howell wr
It's an interesting read and I'm not about to disagree with someone like him.
Thanks for the link; your right - he has come up in an hci module I've
just finished.
On 11/05/2010, olivia norman wrote:
> Interesting, I've heard of him, but haven't read his work previously.
> Thanks for sending.
You don't usually use a torrent client to find stuff, you use a
torrent site that contains torrent files which open in the client
which are then downloaded.
I'm assuming your trying to download lots of music which is in the
public domain, so my suggestion for a torrent site would be
I'm not sure what your asking; so long as the iMac can run tiger it will run vo.
On 17/05/2010, Karen Lewellen wrote:
> anyone running a voiceover solid os x edition on an imac?
> will send the data specifics if that Will help.
> thanks,
> Karen
> --
> You received this message because you are
; if it is an intel processor it will run snowy just fine, and voiceover as
>>> well.
>>> On 2010-05-17, at 6:42 PM, Karen Lewellen wrote:
>>>> Tiger, but not snow leopard?
>>>> presently its running os 9.22, so I did not even know it could run
ld assume that 10.5 or
>> 10.6 would be preferable over tiger.
>> Cameron.
>> -Original Message-
>> From: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
>> [mailto:macvisionar...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Ben Mustill-Rose
You said:
now now, technology is only doorstop material when it no longer serves
its function.
I agree with this and own several older macs myself. However, people
(Not you poticually, just people in general) should be realistic about
what there hardware can and can not do.
pt has been accessible f
To the person asking about logic.
It's been posted before on the list, but essentially, the link where
you can download the scripts is
On 18/05/2010, Ben Mustill-Rose wrote:
> You said:
> now now, technology is only doorstop material when i
e way I do them, smiles.To you, my setup is outdated
>> technology.
>> For me it is the right tool, and will continue to be the right tool, until
>> it can no longer allow me to do my craft.
>> as for how apple has met the needs of professionals like me, I invite you
for the sake of everyones sanitty on the list, shal we just agree to
disagree on this one Karren?
To answer your original question, if the iMac has a 600mhz cpu, it
will be able to run tiger (The first version of osx with voiceover)
well enough but will not be able to run leopard or snow leopard -
More often than not, it is possible for blind people to carry out
hardware modifications or repairs on laptops.
You didn't state which macbook you had; apple put the memory in
different locations sometimes. More often than not, it will be on the
bottom of the computer or underneath the keybo
It depends on how confident you are.
At the end of the day, it's a memory replacement. It's not like your
going to be replacing a lcd or a motherboard.
If you want to have a bit of fun whilst learning and don't mind the
tinyist risk in the world that you might break your macbook, then go
for it. Ho
It will be a normal sata ii 5400 rpm drive. There not designed
exclusively for the mbp's, so you can go onto a pc components website
and buy a normal & cheep 7200 drive.
On 03/06/2010, Ricardo Walker wrote:
> Hi kimberly,
> look under apple in the menu bar. Go into about this Mac.
> hth
> On
l never again open my MacBook if I can
> help it.
> Bryan
> -Original Message-----
> From: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
> [mailto:macvisionar...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Ben Mustill-Rose
> Sent: Wednesday, June 02, 2010 8:18 PM
> To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.c
> I haven't opened a 2010 MBP. Maybe Apple improved the screws and access
> panel. Maybe this is just how things must be in order to have a thin MBP.
> Bryan
> -Original Message-
> From: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
> [mailto:macvisionar...@google
What on earth are you going on about Mike? The iPhone in the uk at
least is no way near the cheapist accessible solution.
On 21/06/2010, Maxwell Ivey Jr. wrote:
> Hello; good point. I only asked because someone posted earlier that
> there is now a bluetooth keyboard you can use with the mac. I
Apple themselves don't usually stream there keynotes; its usually
sites like mac roomers that have someone there reporting so admitidly
with out looking at the page, I'm pretty sure this isn't what it
On 27/01/2010, Simon Fogarty wrote:
> It’s called a tablet,
> Apple have seemingly
Thanks for this.
The iPhone os though. gr. Since its probably going to cost a fair
bit more than the iPhone, surely I should be able to put what I want
on it?
On 27/01/2010, Chris Blouch wrote:
> In a CNBC interview about earning with Terry McGraw. Video is here:
> http://www.cnbc.com/id/15
again i don't see the point. an iphone and or ipod can do almost
> anything so why waste money and efforts having a tablet. getting the
> iphone to multitask and work like a normal phone i.e. alowing me to do
> several things at once is preferable
> On 27 Jan 2010, at 1
Hey all.
This is a bit ot, but I kno there are a few linux / unix users on here
(Not including osx), so I figgured I should do my bit and pass it on.
Hope you don't mind.
-- Forwarded message --
From: Joanmarie Diggs
Date: Sun, 07 Feb 2010 15:19:23 -0500
Subject: An Open Letter t
Hey; sorry to everyone that this does not concern:
A friend subscribed to this list some time ago but as of yet has not
been confirmed.
Would it be possible for you to do this? he's using googlemail and his
address ends in 1988.
Sorry I had to send this to the list, but I didn't have your address
ITs probably just a simple ip block, just weight until your isp
changes your ip address.
On 01/03/2010, Charlie Doremus wrote:
> Max,
> I was able to go there with my iPhone
> Aloha,
> Charlie
> On Feb 28, 2010, at 7:37 PM, "Maxwell Ivey Jr."
> wrote:
>> Hello list; I need a little help h
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