
I'd argue that the only people that look stupid are those people who
reffuse to use a piece of software because of its target market. You
should use what ever application works best for you; if that turns out
to be a mainstream twitter client thats great, if it turns out to be a
(For want of a better term) blind client thats great.
I do agree that its great that we have more mainstream applications
being made available for us, but I'd venture to guess that not that
many (If any) mainstream twitter clients have the same sort of
interface that qwitter has.
For me, this is something I've grown to like. Perhaps I along with
everyone else who use it instead of spending time trying to get
another client to work are contributing to the typical image of a
blind person that you seem to hate so much. I disagree with this, but
it has the potential to become very off topic, so I'll reitterate that
people should use what ever is best for them, both on and off the
computer. Completely dismissing something because its a blind piece of
software is rediculess, try thinking about what you've said but
replace blind with another minority and see how it sounds.

On 11/07/2011, James Malone <james.9...@gmail.com> wrote:
> While I appreciate the work you are doing there Jonothan, I still
> don't completely see the need for something that doesn't display
> tweets as you read them, and focus on the blind comunity. I for one
> refuse to use blindness apps for the most part, because it sort of
> makes us look stupid. Its almost like saying,
> "Hey, apparently blind people can't use my twitter app, because there
> is one little checkbox that isn't where it should be and its not
> described enough, therefore I need to waste pointless time looking
> then changing it, just so there can be that perfect kept in a shell
> zone once more."
> and I mean really, does anyone really care these days if your tweeting
> at work? Hey, I know heaps of people that do this, and most people
> aren't stupid. As long as you get your work done and can have a good
> tweet, then why not. Hell, apple will probably end up integrating a
> Twitter client into Mac OS at some stage. Anyway, rant over.
> On 7/11/11, Ricardo Walker <rwalker...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> with boxcar for Mac, you can reply to mentions and DMs from anywhere.  All
>> you need to do is assign a keyboard shortcut to bring it up in the boxcar
>> app.
>> Ricardo Walker
>> rwalker...@gmail.com
>> Twitter, Skype, & AIM: rwalker296
>> www.mobileaccess.org
>> On Jul 10, 2011, at 8:38 AM, Ashley Cox wrote:
>>> Yes, agreed. Perhaps, if someone were to create the twitter application I
>>> describe below (how about calling it tweeter?), there could be a
>>> keystroke
>>> that was global, that when pressed would pop up a dialog in which you
>>> could compose a tweet.
>>> I do find sometimes that the ability to read tweets from anywhere is,
>>> while great, distracting
>>> Perhaps another keystroke could be added that popped up a dialog with the
>>> timeline
>>> On 10/07/2011 13:18, Missy Hoppe wrote:
>>>> Very well said. The only thing I'd like to add is that the thing I like
>>>> best about qwitter is that it runs in the background;
>>>> you can just use it where-ever you are on the computer without having to
>>>> alt-tab to it first. So, if you're writing a
>>>> document, or playing a game for example, you can just check tweets
>>>> without losing your place in whatever program you were in.
>>>> Apart from that particular convenience, Yorufukuru on the mac does meet
>>>> my needs quite adequately.
>>>> Anyway, what is described below sounds perfect to me, but if qwitter
>>>> were
>>>> to be ported to the mac somehow, I'd only use it
>>>> over what is already available because of its ability to just run in the
>>>> background. I hope that makes some kind of sense.
>>>> Missy
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> From: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
>>>> [mailto:macvisionaries@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Ashley Cox
>>>> Sent: Sunday, July 10, 2011 5:46 AM
>>>> To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
>>>> Subject: Re: Porting qwitter to mac?
>>>> I see what you're saying. The only reason I wanted to see a port of
>>>> qwitter was simply because it provides features that most of the other
>>>> twitter clients do not, or if they provide those features they are
>>>> either more hidden away or in the wrong place.
>>>> It would be great if someone would write a twitter client that had 4
>>>> columns lined up; timeline, direct messages, mentions, and sent. Then
>>>> you could add more columns for specific people who you are interested
>>>> in, so only there tweets showed up. Then a simple tweet box. The ability
>>>> to follow people, unfollow people, and a button to go to their twitter
>>>> profile. You could customise the time before new tweets are received.
>>>>   That's it; that, in my oppinion, would be the perfect twitter client.
>>>> Many of the other clients (including qwitter itself) have a lot of
>>>> unnecessary features. For example, not to diss qwitter in any way, but
>>>> who needs to do a bing search from a twitter client? If I wanted audio
>>>> tweets, I would use one of the services already available... and my
>>>> twitter client definetly doesn't need a stopwatch build in.
>>>> Just my thoughts.
>>>> On 10/07/2011 10:20, Krister Ekstrom wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> Look, i don't want to diss your product, Jonathan but i must ask the
>>>>> list this: Do we really need a blind specific Twitter
>>>> client? Wasn't it so that we chose the Mac platform to get away from
>>>> blind specific solutions and be more standard, thus
>>>> being able to more easily communicate with sighted people on equal
>>>> terms?
>>>> I can understand the need for one or more blind
>>>> specific solutions in the PC world, but here? Am i naive, stupid, living
>>>> on another planet?
>>>>> /Krister
>>>>> 9 jul 2011 kl. 19.41 skrev Jonathan Chacón Barbero:
>>>>>> Hello,
>>>>>> there are some problems to develop a ported version of Qwitter:
>>>>>> * keystroke management is very different in OSX than Windows... We
>>>>>> have
>>>>>> to rewrite all modules about keyboard
>>>>>> * window dialog management is very different in OSX.
>>>>>> * there are few diferences in IO file system for OSX and Windows
>>>>>> well, I have a good news... I'm developing Blindtweet for OSX. It is a
>>>>>> twitter client for OSX managed using keystrokes and
>>>> it uses speech capabilityes to show the twiter information.
>>>>>> I hope finish it for september and it will be in the Mac app store
>>>>>> Regards
>>>>>>  Jonathan Chacón Barbero
>>>>>>    Accessibility, usability and new technologies consultant
>>>>>> Phone: +34 679953948
>>>>>> e-Mail: jonathan.cha...@telefonica.net
>>>>>> Blog: http://www.programaraciegas.es
>>>>>> Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/jonathanchacon
>>>>>> LinkedIn: http://es.linkedin.com/in/jonathanchacon
>>>>>> Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/jonathan.chacon.barbero
>>>>>> Messenger: tyf...@hotmail.com
>>>>>> Skype: Tyflos_
>>>>>> FaceTime: jonathan.cha...@telefonica.net
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