Correct. VoiceOver is going to have multiple audio sources support in iOS10
and, for your reference, tvOS 10.
On 2 Sep 2016, at 04:12, David Chittenden wrote:
> According to info I have read, this will be possible in iOS 10.
> David Chittenden, MSc, MRCAA
> Email:
I will be interested to see the headphones they have with the new phones when
they are released.
I use my current ones for pretty much everything when I'm out and about
including using my MBA so people don't hear it talking or so I can hear things
with out the surrounding noises
If these n
If you try using one you might actually change your mind about that.
And if the idea of putting a sim card in to a watch comes true with the next
version then phone gone.
-Original Message-
From: []
On Behalf Of Mike
Hi Folks,
Just going to add a thought in here.
Any one thought about the future and what's going to happen in it?
If everyones getting upset because apple have made the first move towards
getting rid of the headphone jack in devices then what the hell is going to
happen next,
Well if this f
Hi Mary,
I’m not a hearing aid user but surely the adaptor is going to allow them to
use the aids with the phone?
However what's going to happen when your using the adaptor plugged in to the
lightening port and you have your headphones plugged in to the adaptor also and
then you want to char
I also have this watch and the only thing I have against it is I forget to set
it in meetings to not ring if I get a call.
I'd really like to see a new version have a sim card slot so I could use the
watch as an independent device without the phone.
Or even you get both options.
I can see what your saying however are you not pushing things looking at legal
options when other options are available to yo.
I would think that if people put it to apple abot the adaptor needing a
lightening port for charging while using the headphone jack surely they would
Yes, it will be interesting to see, For me as well. I am not one of those who
buy the latest and greatest Devices right away anymore, either. LOL. I used to
be, but I have grown a lot, and learned not to be like that anymore. As people
say, only time will tell what happens.
Take care, and have
This can actually be done now,
I use Sonos from my mac book air and iPhones & iPods and the music goes through
the sonos speakerds but the voiceover speech comes through the MBA or pod etc
so the sonos speakers is where the music only plays even works great with a
Bluetooth speaker where the s
Well, I've gotten rather into Android and Linux a lot lately, although I
still use my iPhone for reading email until I can find a mod for my
device that'll give me Android 6 or 7, so if Apple does something I
don't like, I have options I can turn to.
On 09/02/2016 04:06 AM, Portia Scott wrote
No, Express VPN and several other services like it are designed to encrypt and
lock down all communication so that when you are at a coffee shop or other
public wireless hotspot your communications with the network can't be tampered
with. If you consider the internet a set of pipes (Scott will
As far as the VPN software being resource hogs, no not really with the
following caveat. Your network will be slower because everything is being
redirected through a host out on the network somewhere. So it adds steps on to
your packet’s trip. What you lose in performance you gain in encrypti
I personally could care less what the memory size is. All my content is
streamed so I don’t use much of it other than for application memory. Whether
it’s 16, 32, or 256 GB it’s all the same. The only thing I find is the higher
memory units have a better resale value.
> On Sep 1, 2016, at
Mary, i could be way wrong here but I thought the Samsung S5 at least had a usb
port where you attached the headphones with an adapter. I could be remembering
wrong though.
> On Sep 1, 2016, at 11:26 PM, Mary Otten wrote:
> Samsung tried what? Samsung did not remove the headphone jack. They
Um, money has nothing to do with this.
What’s the real factors are size / thickness and durability. You can seal up
that lightning port against water and damage easily and it’s a thinner package
than a headphone jack so you can shave a millimeter or 2 from the thickness
which really is a big d
Hello all. I'm going to address several messages at once on this thread.
Jonathan: you are 100% correct about the access issue for those of us
who wear hearing aids and who are blind. Sadly, the market is rarely
designed wit our needs being considered because, as you say, we're
such a small minorit
Jonathan, now you’re just writing stuff to read it later, that’s just nutty.
You make it like some huge personal assault against the great and mighty
Jonathan Mosen, please, we’ve seen an adapter is going to exist so you have
your precious 1960s technology.
In the end, probably 3 people are
I believe he’s wanting to do this from the Mac which he can do now using midi
audio setup in the utilities section, I think it’s called audio midI and gives
you fine control over the audio including the sampling rate, filter bit depth
and type, and sources and their mappings. This would be a pl
Oh I found a good amount on Mac Rumors and on redmond pie. The most recent
article was on Redmond Pie I believe and had good coverage of the changes
coming. Rumors of course.
> On Sep 1, 2016, at 4:02 AM, Simon Fogarty wrote:
> So where are you seeing the info on these new devices?
> I
The end is coming, the end is coming! Ever see those signs people
carry around? And everyone who comes to my door tell me the same thing
and they want to let me know what to do. Really? Why is it that people
cannot stay focused on the here and now and get the most out of life
right now? When
I’m wondering if anyone knows of a good, stereo, headset for the mac that is
bluetooth, but will use the built-in bluetooth of the mac rather than a dongle.
When I use a headset with a dongle I get a lot of very bad cutting out of VO
while doing anything involving transferring files over the net
Scott, you might be right. I certainly don't remember anything like that. Of
course, 2 1/2 years ago, I was not exactly following android, having an Nexus
seven that I mostly used for just reading books. On the other hand, if Samsung
tried that, you think there would be more talk about it in the
Streaming is nice, but call me old-fashioned. I still like to have stuff
actually on the phone. I also like to have stuff actually on the computer.
Cloud is nice. Local storage is still what I like better.
Sent from my iPhone
> On Sep 2, 2016, at 5:26 AM, Scott Granados wrote:
> I personall
What good is a Sim card slot if you don't have an LTE radio in the watch?
According to all the rumors, and of course they are just that, there's not
going to be an LTE radio in the next watch.
Sent from my iPhone
> On Sep 2, 2016, at 1:53 AM, Simon Fogarty wrote:
> I also have
Hi Kristeen, Well I love my B&W p5 wireless! Its the best sounding and
most comfortable set of headphones I've ever owned. Its kinda pricey,
list price is $400 but you can usually find it on for about
half that price.
HTH Jeff
On 9/2/16, Kristeen Hughes wrote:
> I’m wondering if anyone
Logitech makes great wireless headsets. We used them all the time at my
employer for audio and video conferencing and they were very solid with laptops
and desktops.
For a more cell phone type stereo bluetooth headset option check out the
Plantronics Backbeat for stereo and the voyager Legend
Hi, my girlfriend works for the I can connect program and she always
recommends the Logitech h800 Bluetooth headset. you can find this headset
for about 70 bucks here:
This headset comes with both a dongle and a full Bluetooth radio. a switch
on the side allows you to fl
Mary, there are some watches now that have this feature that simon speaks of.
You’re exactly right a radio would need to be included. For the watch, not
necessarily full LTE but HSPA+ or something may do the trick. The Samsung Gear
had a 3G radio included and I’m not sure what’s in the Gear S
Definite +1, the only down side of this headset is it feels a little flimsy but
it’s not, don’t let that fool you. I have one that’s out lasted gear that cost
twice as much. Great suggestion, +1!
> On Sep 2, 2016, at 12:26 PM, Erik Burggraaf wrote:
> Hi, my girlfriend works for the I can c
See I’m on the opposite end of that spectrum. In fact I’m wondering why I have
a terabyte of storage in SSD on my laptop when I have so much attached storage
to the network. I have my folders like documents for example mapped on my
laptops so that documents automatically drop in to iCloud and
I saw the rumors about the LTE coming to the watch. Then subsequently, there
were other ones saying it wasn't going to happen because of the battery draw.
They're adding a GPS. That will use the larger battery that is supposedly also
coming. But not enough juice for both the GPS and the radio ac
Hi Scott, I am sort of in the market for a stereo headset for my cell phone
but I have never been able to find quite what I want. are you talking about
the Plantronics BackBeat Fit? it's a little more money than the Logitech
but it looks like it might be close to what I need. unfortunately the
I guess it's kind of like owning your own CDs or albums. I have ripped all of
mine in to iTunes. And I stream on the go. But I still like having those copies.
Sent from my iPhone
> On Sep 2, 2016, at 9:35 AM, Scott Granados wrote:
> See I’m on the opposite end of that spectrum. In fac
This is okay for music and allows clear hearing of ambient and generated sound
Try the Aftershocks products.
Sent from my iPhone
> On Sep 2, 2016, at 07:31, Kristeen Hughes wrote:
> I’m wondering if anyone knows of a good, stereo, headset for the mac that is
> bluetooth, bu
I believe this is the arrogrant person who described me as a troll
because I tried to represent the issues of hearing impaired issues so I
am not at all surprised by the ignorance and callousness of this reply
to Jonathon.
Heaven help us if this is how members of our community turn of on dea
I have noticed that the person in question often speaks with the bravery that
comes from being out of arms reach of those he so freely insults.
Not a very appealing character trait.
Sent from my IPhone
> On Sep 2, 2016, at 2:24 PM, David Griffith wrote:
> I believe this is the arrogr
There comes a point at which we can keep the fires raging, or let
them die out. This might be that point, eh? Its too easy to keep taking
potshots at one another, much harder to pull back and let things cool off.
From E.T.'s Keyboard...
Are We Alone in the Universe?
WTF is an arrogrent? Is that like a loud Mexican a loud immigrant? My mother
had a bunch of them move in across the street, loud parties but man the best
That being said, yes, you were being a troll then and I’m sorry to say you’re
still under the bridge.
You’re all bitching over a pro
Any time Phil I’m happy to back up any way you wish what I say.
You’ve been an equal coward for years hiding behind your keyboard so I call
your BS.
> On Sep 2, 2016, at 2:42 PM, Phil Halton wrote:
> David,
> I have noticed that the person in question often speaks with the bravery that
> c
I’ve heard back and forth the construction on these is dodgy and then I hear
it’s improved. What’s your feelings on them? Do the Aftershocks hold up to
heavy use?
> On Sep 2, 2016, at 1:24 PM, Cheree Heppe wrote:
> This is okay for music and allows clear hearing of ambient and generated
Hi there,
So the model I saw I believe was the pro. To take you back a ways, I was a big
fan for a long time of the over the ear 590 type which these were similar but
more modern.
I just went over to the plantronics site itself to try to find you some more
useful info and there are many backb
Hi Scott,
I agree that we don't know what the adapter will do, since it's not out.
However, should it turn out to be the case that the adapter will not allow for
simultaneous headphone usage and charging, this would be a problem for the use
case the Jonathan outlined, would you not agree? Theref
How is the minority being adversely affected when the 7 is not even
on the market?! Seriously, some people are quite nervous about the
future if not downright frightened. (smiles)
From E.T.'s Keyboard...
Are We Alone in the Universe?
On 9/2/2016 12:26 PM, Mary Ot
I thought I made it clear, I said if it turns out that the adapter does not
allow for this use case. If, you know, conditional. We will know in a week.
Given all the leaks that are coming out, my guess is that the adapter is not
going to do what is required. But since we don't know yet we have t
I think the issue of charging and using the port though is not equivalent to
the loss of braille access. Loss of braille access is an all or nothing deal.
The charging thing is an inconvenience at worst and at best a product for
someone to produce to solve the problem. There are many people
Posting this here as it impacts every iPhone user.
Verizon activated carrier aggregation or LTE advanced across it’s network this
week. This feature bonds multiple channels together in to a single fast
bundle. This allows the connection to optimize for indoor or outdoor use,
different bands a
The "wait and see" has been suggested for months. During that time,
the doom and gloom has been rampant. Next week will either bring relief
and sanity back, or a new wave of madness will ensue. Its a vicious cycle.
From E.T.'s Keyboard...
Are We Alone in the Universe?
hi David, there is certainly some bullying and personal attack that goes on
here, but sadly that's the nature of a lot of email lists. People think they
can drown people out because they have nothing better to do than to post
multiple messages that become increasingly personal as the flaws in th
I have a bluetooth headset for get what is called at the moment. It is
great for music. I will try to get the name of it. I got it at
microsenter for around $100. HTH.
On 09/02/2016 10:31 AM, Kristeen Hughes wrote:
I’m wondering if anyone knows of a good, stereo, headset
Saw that. And I looked on the list of cities and lo and behold, Eugene
Springfield is actually there. Nonetheless, I still have a very bad taste in my
mouth from recent experience with Verizon. So I'm not going to be changing.
Sent from my iPhone
> On Sep 2, 2016, at 1:08 PM, Scott Granad
Yes and no,
I have a 6s+ 128 gig retail buy outright here in nz is approx. 1800 dollars.
Now if I asked for 900 for my phone that would be high enough that someone
would just say I’ll buy the 64 gig model which in most cases is only a couple
of hundy more.
Or they get the 6s version of the 7
The samsungs do use micro USB for charging,
Are you meaning that as a connection media for headphones?
I have a feeling I’ve seen something like that in a phone recently.
Talking about Samsung,
They just recalled all their note 7 devices due to some of them having burst in
to flames,
And that’s what she said!
From: []
On Behalf Of Scott Granados
Sent: Saturday, 3 September 2016 12:31 AM
Subject: Re: Some interesting rumours regarding 3.5 mm jack issue on the iPhone
Hi Scott and others,
As I've said I'm not a hearing impaired / aid user and I appreciate things
must be more difficult for you guys and girls in that area.
However this is going to be a new device and can you tell me that when the
first iPhones came out that they catered for you guys first of
There are lights?
From: []
On Behalf Of Scott Granados
Sent: Saturday, 3 September 2016 12:35 AM
Subject: Re: Some interesting rumours regarding 3.5 mm jack issue on the iPhone
It's ok for you,
You can just phone home and get the other ETs and Elliott to come get you,
these guys wont be able to hear the phone ringing!
I love people telling me I need to be saved because the world is going to end.
If it's going to end, why save me?
Sorry shouldn't laugh, it's
Hi Kristeen
Yeah I've got a bose Bluetooth stereo headset that I use when I want to cut
myself off from the world and chill doesn't have a dongle just connects
to what ever the BT source is.
I have it paired by default to my iPad and iPhone as it allows for 2 devices
but it does conne
Hi Mary,
Most likely but I'm still allowed to dream,
It will come out with time once they shrink the devices they need to make it
-Original Message-
From: []
On Behalf Of Mary Otten
Sent: Saturday, 3 Septem
What's really important is that I phone home and am saved. The loss
of a headphone jack is a non-issue for me because I will continue to use
it. I am not bloody well needing to buy a 7. So even though I am hearing
impaired and need the jack, I also know once the 7 has been released,
there wi
Hi Mary,
Like anything it will take time to get everything to work as one with good
battery life.
But it will come.
-Original Message-
From: []
On Behalf Of Mary Otten
Sent: Saturday, 3 September 2016 4:59 AM
To: ma
Life is like a box of chocolates.
Shit melts everywhere in the sun!
-Original Message-
From: []
On Behalf Of E.T.
Sent: Saturday, 3 September 2016 10:34 AM
Subject: Re: Some interes
I am just wondering what is a good DAISY player for the Mac?
Chris Grabowski
Mystic Access
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Point well taken.
Sent from my IPhone
> On Sep 2, 2016, at 2:50 PM, E.T. wrote:
> There comes a point at which we can keep the fires raging, or let them die
> out. This might be that point, eh? Its too easy to keep taking potshots at
> one another, much harder to pull back and let thing
Maybe Scott but I'm not the one calling people trolls and other fun little
insulting names. I'm just recognizing your crappy behavior towards other people.
Sent from my IPhone
> On Sep 2, 2016, at 3:09 PM, Scott Granados wrote:
> Any time Phil I’m happy to back up any way you wish what I sa
Oh it probably will come. Frankly, I'm not in that much of a rush. As I said, I
haven't seen the killer use case that would make me go out and spend a few
hundred more bucks. But when the next one comes out, I hope to find a detailed
review somewhere with a slant towards what is accessible, whic
No. Life is a bowl of cherries.
From E.T.'s Keyboard...
Are We Alone in the Universe?
On 9/2/2016 4:14 PM, Simon Fogarty wrote:
Life is like a box of chocolates.
Shit melts everywhere in the sun!
-Original Message-
This is doable without the audio/midi setup utility. When you connect the
bluetooth speaker, all sound will be routed thru it. You can reset this in the
sounds submenu for your BT device to route all sound to the mac speakers. Now
VO should be coming through the mac. The go to the sou
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