What good is a Sim card slot if you don't have an LTE radio in the watch? 
According to all the rumors, and of course they are just that, there's not 
going to be an LTE radio in the next watch.

Sent from my iPhone

> On Sep 2, 2016, at 1:53 AM, Simon Fogarty <> wrote:
> I also have this watch and the only thing I have against it is I forget to 
> set it in meetings to not ring if I get a call.
> I'd really like to see a new version have a sim card slot so I could use the 
> watch as an independent device without the phone. 
> Or even you get both options.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of christopher hallsworth
> Sent: Friday, 2 September 2016 6:20 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Some interesting rumours regarding 3.5 mm jack issue on the 
> iPhone seven
> Hi Mary
> I have the Apple Watch Sport myself and like it a lot. Yes, watchOS 3.0 will 
> have some great new accessibility features, but for now you can turn a 
> setting off that wakes the screen when you raise your wrist. I have done 
> this, and the watch no longer interrupts my daily living. I can dine for 
> example and the watch will not go off. The setting can be found under general 
> > wake screen.
>> On 1 Sep 2016, at 17:50, Mary Otten <> wrote:
>> I guess I'm still with the folks who haven't really seen the utility, or at 
>> least the really over whelming use case for having the watch. Perhaps the 
>> next iteration will change my mind. Admittedly one reason for my reluctance 
>> on this score has been the fact that I am probably one of the few people who 
>> still uses a braille watch. I despise talking time devices that go off at 
>> the most inopportune times, such as during a meeting at Cetera. With the new 
>> 2.0, will be getting the ability to have the vibrating feedback to tell the 
>> time. So that is a step in the right direction. I guess I just haven't seen 
>> the killer use case yet.
>> Mary
>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On Sep 1, 2016, at 8:14 AM, Scott Granados <> wrote:
>>> You have to get a watch to get it but I find my absolutely critical now.  
>>> It’s so nice to be able to quickly flick and get the latest pop on your 
>>> watch or be able to walk away from your phone and just access quick data 
>>> nicely on your wrist.  For sited users, being able to glance down say while 
>>> driving even or in various settings where you don’t want to break your 
>>> focus for a full look at your phone.
>>>  Another nice set of features are the health features.  Even a gentle tap 
>>> on the wrist to just stand up and move around and stretch hourly or 
>>> motivation to meet your workout goals.
>>>  You can quick respond again from your wrist to messages or take a quick 
>>> call.  It’s hard to explain.  Also, the Apple watch is more independent 
>>> than people think.  Since version 2.1 I believe it was given WiFi functions 
>>> so it can join your home network or other WiFi networks with some caveats 
>>> and work independently from the phone including placing and receiving calls 
>>> if your carrier supports WiFi calling which my carrier does fully.  
>>>  To be clear, I was with you and then I got one as a gift and now I don’t 
>>> know what I’d do with out it and I’m dead excited to see watch 2.0 next 
>>> week.
>>>> On Sep 1, 2016, at 10:01 AM, Mike Arrigo <> wrote:
>>>> I've never really understood the point of the Apple watch, sure it can run 
>>>> apps, but so what, my phone does that, and the watch requires a phone 
>>>> connection to do most things anyway, totally redundant.
>>>> Original message:
>>>>> Hello Mary,
>>>>> My point is simply that, unlike the era of Jobbs, the market, plays an 
>>>>> active role in what the future brings.  We, as consumers, have 
>>>>> alternatives and it's when we begin to explore these alternatives that 
>>>>> companies pay attention.
>>>>> Given Apple's issue with iTunes for Windows and its politically 
>>>>> ridiculous decision to unilaterally put albums in its users' accounts, 
>>>>> I'm not so certain that just because it decides something it better will 
>>>>> make it so.
>>>>> I remember the fan fair Apple made about its watch--they thought it would 
>>>>> change the lives of the world.  Well, as far as I can tell, my world 
>>>>> hasn't changed one bit either with or without it.
>>>>> As far as Samsung is concerned, I don't think they'll be so quick to 
>>>>> follow Apple's lead in the coming future.  As one of the executives of 
>>>>> Samsung recently said, "Samsung is at its best when it leads, not when it 
>>>>> follows."
>>>>> My personal position is to just sit back, wait, and see.  Fortunately for 
>>>>> me, I no longer have the desire to run out and purchase the latest device 
>>>>> just because it is the latest.
>>>>> Mark
>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>> From: 
>>>>> [] On Behalf Of Mary Otten
>>>>> Sent: Wednesday, August 31, 2016 12:33 PM
>>>>> To:
>>>>> Subject: Re: Some interesting rumours regarding 3.5 mm jack issue on the 
>>>>> iPhone seven
>>>>> Hi Mark,
>>>>> Of course, only time will tell. But I think you are wrong about the 
>>>>> disappearing headphone jack. For one thing, Samsung put back the storage 
>>>>> card thing, but did not put back the user replaceable battery. Also, if 
>>>>> the other rumor is true, Apple will be including compatible earbuds with 
>>>>> the new phone, as well as an adapter to make it possible for people to 
>>>>> use other headphones. Given the prevalence of Bluetooth these days, I 
>>>>> suspect that the headphone jack will in fact be gone from iPhones 
>>>>> forever. Other device makers are already moving in this direction. So it 
>>>>> isn't just Apple. In fact, they will not be the first ones to market 
>>>>> without a headphone jack on the phone.
>>>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>>>>> On Aug 31, 2016, at 11:05 AM, M. Taylor <> wrote:
>>>>>> Well, as for me, I'm going to sit back and see how the market accepts 
>>>>>> the new iPhone 7 trans a separate earphone jack.
>>>>>> When Samsung attempted to make its devices thinner by (1) removing the 
>>>>>> removable battery and (2) removing the ability to add auxiliary memory 
>>>>>> to its flagship phones, it soon reversed its decision as the market, 
>>>>>> effectively, rejected the devices in favor of other companies who kept 
>>>>>> those features.
>>>>>> A couple of years ago, when Apple decided to remove the ability for iOS 
>>>>>> devices to have their photo content immediately available to PC users 
>>>>>> upon attaching the device to the computer, the marketplace went crazy 
>>>>>> and vowed to turn to Android if Apple insisted on forcing people to use 
>>>>>> iTunes in order to manage photos.
>>>>>> Like Samsung, Apple immediately reversed itself by restoring this 
>>>>>> feature in the subsequent release of iTunes.
>>>>>> So, I'll just wait and see for, unless 7 is a complete hit, something 
>>>>>> tells me that iPhone 8 will bring the jack back (smile).
>>>>>> Mark
>>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>>> From: 
>>>>>> [] On Behalf Of Bill Gallik
>>>>>> Sent: Wednesday, August 31, 2016 9:43 AM
>>>>>> To: MacVisionaries E-Mail List
>>>>>> Subject: Re: Some interesting rumours regarding 3.5 mm jack issue on the 
>>>>>> iPhone seven
>>>>>> When all the “hubbub” concerning Apple removing the earphone jack first 
>>>>>> appeared I was certain they (Apple) was going to provide an adapter so 
>>>>>> potential customers would be able to use their existing earphones with 
>>>>>> the iPhone 7. This coming to light does not surprise me in the least.
>>>>>> ****************
>>>>>> - Bill & Leader Dog Holland
>>>>>> - "The problem with people who have no vices is that you can be pretty 
>>>>>> sure they are going to have some pretty  annoying virtues."
>>>>>> - Elizabeth Taylor, 20th Century Screen Actress, (1932-2011)--
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