Re: download window with lion

2012-03-20 Thread May McDonald
Hmm, ok when I do that it says show downloads but still nothing. Something else I need to do maybe? On 2012-03-20, at 2:59 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote: > Hi, > > wrong command. Its command option L to bring up the downloads window. > > hth > > Ricardo Walker > > Twitt

Re: download window with lion

2012-03-20 Thread Esther
Hi May, Command-Option-L to bring up the Safari downloads window only works if you do not have your toolbar hidden. If your toolbar is hidden, then even though VoiceOver says "Show Downloads" when you use this shortcut, nothing is displayed. So you might press Command-Shift-Backslash to toggle

Re: download window with lion

2012-03-20 Thread May McDonald
Ah, thanks. Yes I have my toolbars hidden. Ok, I'll fix that. May On 2012-03-20, at 3:24 AM, Esther wrote: > Hi May, > > Command-Option-L to bring up the Safari downloads window only works if you do > not have your toolbar hidden. If your toolbar is hidden, then even though > VoiceOver says "S

Re: Something I just Learned With Skype and Growl

2012-03-20 Thread Elena Brescacin
@shawn: here I am with feedback from last experiments of yesterday with skype and growl: negative result, as always. Procedure: - set growl as default notification center in skype 5.6 preferences - set "speech" as default notification style in growl settings - set speech and enable notification for

Re: Something I just Learned With Skype and Growl

2012-03-20 Thread Lewis Alexander
may I ask what version of growl and skype you are using and also your OS version? this is just so I can conduct a test on this. lew On 20 Mar 2012, at 08:57, Elena Brescacin wrote: > @shawn: > here I am with feedback from last experiments of yesterday with skype > and growl: negative result, as

Re: Something I just Learned With Skype and Growl

2012-03-20 Thread Elena Brescacin
of course! Growl is the last version installed from mac app store. Skype is 5.6. mac OSX lion 10.7.2. I have not updated to 10.7.3 yet, as I heard many negative feedback of voiceover stopping the speech, mails not deleted, and other annoyances bye! 2012/3/20, Lewis Alexander : > may I ask what v

Re: download window with lion

2012-03-20 Thread erik burggraaf
HI may, It's command option L here. Pressing once shows the download window. Pressing again makes it go away. Hope this helps. Erik Burggraaf Currently on ebony promos: Ebony consulting on android accessibility, New drive imaging services available. To read more and subscribe, visit http:/

Re: Something I just Learned With Skype and Growl

2012-03-20 Thread Elena Brescacin
Hi Shawn, I have another doubt about this matter of growl: could it be, that it didn't talk because I was trying to talk to a facebook contact and not a skype contact? I have integrated skype and facebook together; does it confuse the whole system? 2012/3/20, Elena Brescacin : > of course! > Gro

Mac Mini Home Theater Setup

2012-03-20 Thread Tim Hornik
I am in the process of figuring out how to create a home theater set up with a Mac Mini, and wondering what are the components and apps I should get for the Mini, iPad, and iPhone. The set up will be used to due video conf via Skype, Google Plus, and Face Time; pseudo studio via GarageBand; and pla

Re: download window with lion

2012-03-20 Thread Søren Jensen
Hi. On my Macbook pro 15 inch, I can only bring up the downloads folder if I'm running safari in full screen. If I don't have the full screen activated by pressing command ctrl f, then Voiceover just says something like showing the downoads folder. I have not hidden my toolbar. Best regards: Sø

Re: Mac Mini Home Theater Setup

2012-03-20 Thread Søren Jensen
Hi. Well, that's a big question. Do you know all about cables and connections? If not then I need to know what connecters you have access to. I don't know much about external cameras and mikes, so I'll skip that one. Regarding keyboards, I really like Apples wireless keyboard. I don't know any acc

Re: Something I just Learned With Skype and Growl

2012-03-20 Thread Michael Malarsie
You can merge skype and Facebook? How'd you do that? Mike Malarsie On Mar 20, 2012, at 9:31 AM, Elena Brescacin wrote: > Hi Shawn, > I have another doubt about this matter of growl: > could it be, that it didn't talk because I was trying to talk to a > facebook contact and not a skype contact? >

Re: Mac Mini Home Theater Setup

2012-03-20 Thread Tim Hornik
At this point, I have the necessary cables for the video and audio out to the TV and speakers, along with the necessary networking equipment. I used to use a wireless Apple keyboard, but did not like the bulk. I know the newer one have slimmed down, but also looking to see if there might be a chea

Re: Something I just Learned With Skype and Growl

2012-03-20 Thread Elena Brescacin
in skype's last version, 5.6, you can find it out, on a HTML page called "home" I suppose you find it from view menu; there you find the way to connect skype and facebook, honestly I find it as a nightmare rather then a comfort. but, everyone his choice! Back in topic, I'd like some more feedback f

Re: Mac Mini Home Theater Setup

2012-03-20 Thread Chris Blouch
I like the Apple wireless devices for controlling our MacMini hooked up to a TV. I don't use the OSX gesture stuff much so that wasn't an issue for me. Not everything is accessible such as eyeTV for DVR but the Apple DVD player works fine along with iTunes. I use the optical outputs to the home

Re: Something I just Learned With Skype and Growl + Facebook

2012-03-20 Thread Mark BurningHawk Baxter
While I am running Snow leopard here and Growl 32 bit, I notice that I can neither change the voice Growl uses, nor its speed. Thus, I now have a message / system voice, VoiceOver, Growl's voice and, every half hour, Vicky announcing the time. Freaks my friends out. Now, as far as the Skype H

Re: Something I just Learned With Skype and Growl

2012-03-20 Thread Mark BurningHawk Baxter
My suspicion is that Growl is trying to read the messages, but voiceover or any system event at all interrupts and silences it. Has anyone tried with VO Off to see if Growl works better that way? • Mark BurningHawk Baxter • AIM, Skype and Twitter: BurningHawk1969 • MSN: burninghawk1...@hot

Re: Something I just Learned With Skype and Growl

2012-03-20 Thread Elena Brescacin
I have this suspicion too! For example: growl has, on its settings - i do not remember where-, a button called preview which makes you listen the voice you are choosing for notifications. With voiceover on, preview does not talk. with voiceover off, preview talks and loops! till I do not close the

Re: Something I just Learned With Skype and Growl + Facebook

2012-03-20 Thread Elena Brescacin
Mark, the guy who made me hear growl in skype, had snow leopard too. And i have Lion. We tried on line to do the same procedure explained by shawn and nothing happens, my correspondant stayed upset as me (now he does not use growl any longer) so i have no one to help *sigh 2012/3/20, Mark Burni

Re: Something I just Learned With Skype and Growl

2012-03-20 Thread Mark BurningHawk Baxter
In Growl, I can get the Preview button to make a voice, but it's always a voice that sounds very much like Alex, but then, the author's name is right there by the speech, which makes me wonder whether it's another synthesizer template. I can interact with the voices table and change it to anyth

Help on keyboard problem

2012-03-20 Thread Moses Choo
Dear all, I have installed several Bluetooth keyboard recently and have landed my self in a little problem. My last was to install the RIVO Bluetooth keyboard. Now when I do not want to use any Bluetooth keyboard, my iphone keyboard does not seem to respond well. This problem is present

Bluetooth/USB Braille Display Has Different Key Mappings for Each Mode

2012-03-20 Thread Teresa Cochran
Hi, all, I have a Focus 40 Blue, and when I switch it to USB from Bluetooth to charge, it has a much more limited set of key commands. Does anyone else have this problem? Thanks, Teresa "Everything is interesting if you go into it deeply enough."--Richard P. Feynman -- You received this mess

Re: Something I just Learned With Skype and Growl

2012-03-20 Thread Elena Brescacin
maybe growl has some issues in voice support? I'll make some tests next days, then I'll write something to pass to growl support 2012/3/20, Mark BurningHawk Baxter : > In Growl, I can get the Preview button to make a voice, but it's always a > voice that sounds very much like Alex, but then, the

Re: Mac Mini Home Theater Setup

2012-03-20 Thread jason lefevers
Hello might I make a suggestion? Have you thought about just getting a apple tv and using the airplay mirroring feature to do things on your tv and stereo from your iphone and Ipad? currently lion doesn't support airplay mirroring but MT lion is suppost to, enabling you to use your tv as a large

Re: Apple TV

2012-03-20 Thread jason lefevers
Hello I have the 2nd gen apple tv with the updated software that the 3rd gen is using . So far I have not experienced any problems with anything . The only thing was turning on VO the first time I needed sighted assistance to go threw the menus to turn it on , however I think there may be anothe

Re: Something I just Learned With Skype and Growl

2012-03-20 Thread Mark BurningHawk Baxter
No, the problem with Skype is independent of those with Growl; they are just occurring simultaneously. What I *REALLY!* want you to tell Skype is that the audible sounds that announce new messages do *NOT* play, still, if your focus is in the Skype window. Regardless of whether Growl is set to

Re: download window with lion

2012-03-20 Thread Esther
Hi Søren, That's interesting. I'm using a MacBook Air with Lion. When I go to full screen mode by pressing command ctrl f in Safari, my toolbar is displayed even if I have hidden it. I can check this by navigating to the menu bar with either ctrl F2 or VO m, then going to the "View" menu and

Re: Something I just Learned With Skype and Growl

2012-03-20 Thread BUCHERIE Volcy
HI, I'm with skype 5.6 and before with Skype 5.3 with Growl 1.2.2 and my osX.7.3 LION! I didn't find anything to configure skype and growl together; but I didn't find how to add some hotkeyboards to hang in the call. I can't read the messages who arriving to me! To hang up, toput end of the cal

Re: Something I just Learned With Skype and Growl

2012-03-20 Thread Elena Brescacin
I answer you to the matter of growl you find it in growl's settings, applications, then skype. and from skype, preferences, the toolbar, notifications (i do not know the exact english word) and use growl as notification system 2012/3/20, BUCHERIE Volcy : > HI, I'm with skype 5.6 and before with S

Re: Something I just Learned With Skype and Growl

2012-03-20 Thread Michael Malarsie
I have downloaded growl but I am having no success. I know it is supposed to do the work on its own with my apps and such but it won't do anything at all. Any tips for someone who has no idea what to do? Thanks Mike Malarsie On Mar 20, 2012, at 10:32 AM, Mark BurningHawk Baxter wrote:

Re: Something I just Learned With Skype and Growl

2012-03-20 Thread Mike Malarsie
Nothing shows up in the list of applications. Mike Malarsie On Mar 20, 2012, at 11:48 AM, Elena Brescacin wrote: > I answer you to the matter of growl > you find it in growl's settings, applications, then skype. and from > skype, preferences, the toolbar, notifications (i do not know the >

Re: accessible iMovie?

2012-03-20 Thread Michael Malarsie
I have been dong some testing with a few other conversion programs but so far I am not having much success. Sorry for the delay in getting back to you. I will keep trying! Mike Malarsie On Mar 14, 2012, at 12:25 PM, Paul Hunt wrote: > Hello Mike. It looks like MirVideo will convert to the mac

Re: download window with lion

2012-03-20 Thread Søren Jensen
Hi Esther. So you have a Macbook pro 15 inch? Safari works differently with VOiceover on a 15 inch Macbook. I've experienced things like focusing issues in java windows, the mouse getting stuck on the desctop while moving it to the webpage with VO command f5, and clicking by pressing VO shift s

Re: download window with lion

2012-03-20 Thread Esther
Hi Søren, No, I've never had a MacBook larger than 13 inches. And I've never typed more than occasionally on desktop Macs, so I haven't experienced these issues. This sounds like the issues are screen-resolution/size specific. I wonder whether anyone else with the larger Mac laptops can repo

Re: download window with lion

2012-03-20 Thread Matt Dierckens
Hi, I have a 15 inch macbook pro and I to, have these issues where the downloads window doesn't show up. Matt Sent from my mac Twitter: matt692 msn and aim: skype: blindman3221 On 2012-03-20, at 4:09 PM, Esther wrote: > Hi Søren, > > No, I've never had a MacBook larger than 13

Is Piezo Accessible?

2012-03-20 Thread Ezzie Bueno
Hello List: Is the Piezo app accessible? If not, which app could I use as an alternative? I am trying to record activities from other apps, such as Radium. Thank you, Ezzie Bueno Sent from my Macbook Pro (323) 448-0757 Check out daily jokes and more! Facebo

Starting the phone app automatically after unlocking the phone after upgrading to iOS 5.1

2012-03-20 Thread David Hole
Hi folks. I remember the discussion on iOS 5.1 a week ago, and tried to search the group before posting this, but I couldn't find anything related. Since I thought this was a nice idea, I didn't care that much, but right now this is beginning to piss me a bit off... As the subject says... Have anyo

Re: download window with lion

2012-03-20 Thread Ray Foret Jr
Well, for my part, on my 15 inch Mac book pro, the download window has never ever failed to show when required. Not using full screen on Safari by the way. Sincerely, The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!! Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!! Skype name: barefootedray Facebook:

Re: download window with lion

2012-03-20 Thread Lewis Alexander
this does sound like a resolution issue where the required component is not being mapped to the display or voiceover directly. if we all flag this to accessibility and safari bug reporting, then this should come up as a priority fix in mountain lion which as I understand is due out in the next

Re: Starting the phone app automatically after unlocking the phone after upgrading to iOS 5.1

2012-03-20 Thread Wes Smith
David, It's not just the phone app. WHen you touch anywhere on the screen right after you unlock your phone without waiting 2 seconds, it opens things on the doc….it's a bug. On Mar 20, 2012, at 2:39 PM, David Hole wrote: > Hi folks. > I remember the discussion on iOS 5.1 a week ago, and tried to

Re: download window with lion

2012-03-20 Thread Wes Smith
I've never had this issue either and I have a 15 inch Macbook Pro On Mar 20, 2012, at 3:01 PM, Lewis Alexander wrote: > this does sound like a resolution issue where the required component is not > being mapped to the display or voiceover directly. if we all flag this to > accessibility and safa

Re: Help on keyboard problem

2012-03-20 Thread Ricardo Walker
Hi, try going to settings/general/bluetooth and have the phone forget the other BT keyboards you've paired and restart the phone. Ricardo Walker Twitter:@apple2thecore On Mar 20, 2012, at 12:04 PM, Moses Choo wrote: > Dear all, > > I have

Re: Starting the phone app automatically after unlocking the phone after upgrading to iOS 5.1

2012-03-20 Thread jason lefevers
yes I believe this is a bug in the 5.1 update my 4S did not do this untill then. However I think apple may have done it on purpose . It launches the app that is first in your doc. So if you have a app that you want to launch every time you unlock your phone put it first in yourdoc. This only occ

Re: Something I just Learned With Skype and Growl

2012-03-20 Thread elena brescacin
hi mike, very strange! Unfortunately i do not know how to help, apps should show automatically. For shawn and others: here is the result of my last test: I turn voiceover on, and skype uses the integrated notification instead of growl. or, it uses growl but its functionality is re

Re: Is Piezo Accessible?

2012-03-20 Thread John Panarese
Yes it is. I have downloaded and used it. Take Care John Panarese On Mar 20, 2012, at 4:38 PM, Ezzie Bueno wrote: > Hello List: > > Is the Piezo app accessible? If not, which app could I use as an alternative? > I am trying to record activities from other apps, such

Re: Starting the phone app automatically after unlocking the phone after upgrading to iOS 5.1

2012-03-20 Thread Lewis Alexander
this is not a deliberate action. this is a software flaw and confirmed. what is actually happening is a "considered tap" so that as soon as you unlock, the first app you consider tapping calls up the previous app or assigned dock app first. so this is something we need to fix. lew On 20 Mar 20

Re: Is Piezo Accessible?

2012-03-20 Thread Ray Foret Jr
Other than the fact that Audio Highjack Pro goes deep in to Apple's settings, how does it differ from Piezo? Just curious. Sincerely, The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!! Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!! Skype name: barefootedray Facebook: On Mar 20, 2012, a

Re: Is Piezo Accessible?

2012-03-20 Thread John Panarese
It's a very basic recording app. It doesn't really have a lot of bells and whistles, so it's not comprehensive as the other ones. Still, for basic recording, it does a very nice job. Take Care John Panarese On Mar 20, 2012, at 5:34 PM, Ray Foret Jr wrote: > Other th

Re: Abridged summary of - 62 Messages in 15 Topics

2012-03-20 Thread Blake Hardin
On 3/20/12, wrote: > = > Today's Topic Summary > = > > Group: > Url: http://groups

Western Digital My BOok Live Duo and ssh

2012-03-20 Thread Scott Howell
So, Needless to say the WD web interface is not very well done and in fact has irritated me in many ways. So, I had initially setup the device and was able to access it via ssh. However, recently I am no longer able to access the WD via ssh and I continue to get a "Permission denied" message. S

Drobo dashboard, is it accessible?

2012-03-20 Thread Scott Howell
All, I was talking with someone today about nas devices and some issues I have been having. He mentioned the Drobo which I know is pretty expensive and he was explaining that you access the Drobo via a dashboard app that also requires you to install java. I asked if he had ever thought to see i

someone using adium?

2012-03-20 Thread elena brescacin
hello, maybe most of you saw the thread I had with some people about automatically spoken chats in skype program well, maybe I noticed where's the trouble: when voiceover is activated Growl does not talk, while it reads whole messages when it's off! But, I noticed, it is not a growl problem, that

How to keep I Photo from automatically loading

2012-03-20 Thread Frank Tom
On my friend's new I Mac, I Photo keeps loading at startup. I canceled this option via I Photo in the Doc . Is there another area where I have to turn a check box off? Since is goal in life is to get into the BARD website and download magazines by himself, I want to have Safari load automatical

Re: Western Digital My BOok Live Duo and ssh

2012-03-20 Thread Scott Howell
Well an update on the WD ssh issue. I was able to get in via root, but apparently individual users cannot gain access to the device. On Mar 20, 2012, at 6:35 PM, Scott Howell wrote: > So, > > Needless to say the WD web interface is not very well done and in fact has > irritated me in many ways

Re: Drobo dashboard, is it accessible?

2012-03-20 Thread Scott Howell
Well for grins I went ahead and downloaded the Drobo dashboard and it is not accessible and probably because it is java-based. On Mar 20, 2012, at 6:35 PM, Scott Howell wrote: > All, > > I was talking with someone today about nas devices and some issues I have > been having. He mentioned the D

Re: Budgetting programs

2012-03-20 Thread Sean Murphy
Hi, I have downloaded Checkbook and it seems to be very accessible. But I cannot see my transactions. I entered in 2 deposit transactions and they do not appear in the entry table. Ideas? Sean On 19/03/2012, at 5:33 AM, Sarai Bucciarelli wrote: > Hi: > I use Checkbook by Splasm Software. It

Re: Using JAWS and the Focus Braille Display with Windows 7 and VMWare Fusion

2012-03-20 Thread Sean Murphy
Hi, Make sure Focus is added to the Jaws app via the Braille Management tool and tell it is the default Braille display. If the Mac is detecting it and you are telling VMWare to say that Windows should use the display. Then it sounds like a Config in Jaws. Sean On 13/03/2012, at 12:02 AM, Pau

Re: Quicken & other Financial Software

2012-03-20 Thread Sean Murphy
Hi, I have looked at Ibank and I couldn't review the transactions in the table. Savings is another app I have tried. But you cannot edit transactions. So I am also looking for a app that is good for budget management. Sean On 13/03/2012, at 2:58 AM, Bob Boyd wrote: > I’m very interested in th

how to open an attachment in an incoming mail?

2012-03-20 Thread Egbert
Hi all, the subject says it all. i wanne read a letter, that came as attachment, but i don't see how. Can you tell me what to do? And if thats with or without quick navigation? Curious. Egbert -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "MacVisionaries" group.

Re: Something I just Learned With Skype and Growl

2012-03-20 Thread BUCHERIE Volcy
HI! But I didn't find in Growl application tab the skype apply or shall I to go to look for it in my computer? Le 20/03/2012 17:48, Elena Brescacin a écrit : I answer you to the matter of growl you find it in growl's settings, applications, then skype. and from skype, preferences, the toolbar,

Re: Drobo dashboard, is it accessible?

2012-03-20 Thread Doug Lawlor
Hi Skott, As of this writing Drobo Dashboard is not accessible. When you launch the program VoiceOver does not see the program's controls. It would be nice if we could get in contact with the developer and get them to do something about this problem. I havent been able to update a Drobo FS in mo

Re: how to open an attachment in an incoming mail?

2012-03-20 Thread Ricardo Walker
Hi, You can go to the file menu and arrow down and press enter on Save attachments. If you just want to view the attachment, you can press command Y on the e-mail in the messages table. hth Ricardo Walker Twitter:@apple2thecore On Mar 20, 2

Re: Starting the phone app automatically after unlocking the phone after upgrading to iOS 5.1

2012-03-20 Thread James Mannion
One way to avoid it if it really bothers you is to slide to unlock instead of double tapping to unlock. On 3/20/12, Lewis Alexander wrote: > this is not a deliberate action. this is a software flaw and confirmed. what > is actually happening is a "considered tap" so that as soon as you unlock, >

RE: Help on keyboard problem

2012-03-20 Thread Moses Choo
Hi Ricardo, Thanks for responding. I have already tried the following. 1. Rebooting the phone 2. Set for forget all my bluetooth keyboards. What I have not done is to use the reset to factory default. My phone is an iPhone 4 and I have upgraded to version 5.1. If I were to reset, w

Re: Something I just Learned With Skype and Growl

2012-03-20 Thread Shawn Krasniuk
Hey Elena and all. Sorry I haven't posted any replies about this, I was sick pretty much all day but I'm better. This is odd that you can't get messages to read automatically. Perhaps I could be of more assistance if we made a Skype call to each other and then we can solve this little problem. A

RE: really want to leave numbers but don't want to use windows

2012-03-20 Thread Marcia Yale
I am not sure if it has all you need, as I just tried it for the first time today, but you might want to check out Tables. The web site is and I credit Dane for this info. -Original Message- From: [mailto:macvisionar

Re: Something I just Learned With Skype and Growl

2012-03-20 Thread Mark BurningHawk Baxter
Snip Also, Mark, Growl uses the main system voice so if you wanted to make changes to the voice, whether you want to change rate and pitch or the person altogether, you would have to go into system prefs and change any preferences there. /snip With all respect, please excuse me but the voice G

Re: How to keep I Photo from automatically loading

2012-03-20 Thread Dean Adams
Hi Tom, Go to system preferences and users and groups and VO right arrow to the login items and check if Iphoto is one of the items in the applications table if it is interact with the table and stop when you are on the Iphoto Application and then stop interacting and VO right arrow to t

Cursor in an e-mail

2012-03-20 Thread Jürgen Fleger
Hi, since two weeks or so I have an issue with Mail. Normally when opening an e-mail I can use arrow up or down to move in the e-mail text. That doesn't work anymore. When I press arrow down it just reads the first line and then nothing more. VO plus arrow keys still work but not just arrow key

Re: Cursor in an e-mail

2012-03-20 Thread Ezzie Bueno
Are you interacting with the text of the emails? Ezzie Bueno Sent from my Macbook Pro (323) 448-0757 Check out daily jokes and more! Facebook: Twitter: On Mar 20, 2012, at 11:25 PM, Jürgen Fleger wrote: