While I am running Snow leopard here and Growl 32 bit, I notice that I can 
neither change the voice Growl uses, nor its speed.  Thus, I now have a message 
/ system voice, VoiceOver, Growl's voice and, every half hour, Vicky announcing 
the time.  Freaks my friends out.

Now, as far as the Skype Home, facebook integration thing:  I am actually 
rather disappointed in it.  First, if you compare what's in the HTML pane of 
Skype Home and what you see if you go to your home page via a browser, there 
are posts in the browser that aren't listed in Skype Home.  Also, while I like 
the idea of my mood messages and/or music going to my wall (makes me look all 
cool and edgy and ... stuff...), reading through others' wall / status updates 
is problematic--VO keeps getting "hung up," on picture icons, there are a lot 
of HTML tags that aren't read out, and I suspect lots of stuff is missing, even 
more than I find when comparing the Skype Home pane to the Safari page...

This all could be due to the fact that I"m not running Lion.  It might also be 
that I only see the Facebook of those who also have Skype Home running.  Either 
way, it's still way easier to read Facebook posts from the website by 
navigating by headings...

There's my rant.  Happy Tuesday! :)

 • Mark BurningHawk Baxter
 • AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
 • MSN:  burninghawk1...@hotmail.com
 • My home page:
 • http://MarkBurningHawk.net/

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