maybe most of you saw the thread I had with some people about automatically 
spoken chats in skype program
well, maybe I noticed where's the trouble: when voiceover is activated Growl 
does not talk, while it reads whole messages when it's off!
But, I noticed, it is not a growl problem, that's why I asked if someone is 
using adium as instant messenger.
I set up notification in this client too, as it was known to be working with 
voiceover. And the problem came back! Adium is not connected to growl!
well, it was... but now I just deactivated growl from adium, so it shouldn't 
but the result is the same: with adium: if voiceover is on, notification stay 
silent. if it's off, they talk!
what's going on? someone uses adium regularly and vo works? osx lion 10.7.2, 
and adium 1.5.

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