Re: thoughts on the newest Skype?

2011-08-11 Thread Kawal Gucukoglu
I liked the previous version of Skype as I thought the layout was better. I can launch Skype and I have to tab or arrow around to get to my contact list. Sent from my iPhone On 11 Aug 2011, at 12:28 AM, Ray Foret Jr wrote: > Hi, > > anybody got any thoughts on the newest Skype? It's so weir

Re: thoughts on the newest Skype?

2011-08-11 Thread Kawal Gucukoglu
Has mever worked for me and I am using the latest with Lion. Sent from my iPhone On 11 Aug 2011, at 03:27 AM, Patrick Neazer wrote: > Hello Brandon and all: > > Have you tried using command 3? That will provide you with a list of your > online contacts. I am using skype version 5.3. > > Hop

No ok button in VO utilities

2011-08-11 Thread Joe Paton
Hi, I don't see an OK button in the vo utilities app. How are changes saved please? If the button's gone, How do I get it back? You may have gathered that I'm new to the huge world of apple macs. 15 years of windows, and here I am, can't find an ok button. So when I close th utilities app, c

radio app for macbook air

2011-08-11 Thread larry
Hello, I am looking for an app for the macbook air. I would like to have a radio app similar to ootunes or tune in radio which is available on the iphone. I have looked at the app store and would like to make a good choice. Thanks for any assistance. larry -- You received this message because

how do I hide and unhide files?

2011-08-11 Thread Ray Foret Jr
Hi, Earlier, I used some sort of utility to unhide the AudibleActivation.sys file on my HCSD card; but, the utility was not very accessible and I want a little help in how to use Terminal to either hide or unhide files. I guess maybe that to unhide files I type: "chflags nohidden/Noname/$VRAudi

ok buttons in general

2011-08-11 Thread Joe Paton
Hi folks, Well here's a strange thing, now in system prefferences, I don't see an ok or done button. I can make changes, and close out of whatever i am in, but of course the changes are not saved. What have I done to loose these buttons? or is this my windows heritage messing things up. Yo

Re: thoughts on the newest Skype?

2011-08-11 Thread Shawn Krasniuk
Hey just updated to the newest Skype and I've noticed that those 2 radio buttons to the left of my contact list aren't labelled. Wonder why they did that. And also, That VO+Shift+backslash worked, my contacts are sorted by status like they used to be, but will I have to perform that hotkey every

Re: No ok button in VO utilities

2011-08-11 Thread Anne Robertson
Hello Joe, As soon as you make a change in the VoiceOver Utility, it is taken into account. There's no need for an OK button. Once you get your VO settings exactly as you want them, it's a good idea to save them either for use on another Mac, or in case your Mac suffers a major crash. You sav

Re: radio app for macbook air

2011-08-11 Thread Anne Robertson
Hello Larry, Have you tried iTunes? You can make a playlist of your favourite stations. Cheers, Anne On 11 Aug 2011, at 10:29, larry wrote: > Hello, > I am looking for an app for the macbook air. I would like to have a radio > app similar to ootunes or tune in radio which is available on the

Re: ok buttons in general

2011-08-11 Thread Anne Robertson
Hello Joe, There aren't that many OK buttons in Mac OS X. Don't worry about it. Cheers, Anne On 11 Aug 2011, at 11:48, Joe Paton wrote: > Hi folks, > > Well here's a strange thing, now in system prefferences, I don't see an ok or > done button. I can make changes, and close out of whatever

Re: ok buttons in general

2011-08-11 Thread Joe Paton
Hello Anne, So when i've made changes, how are they saved. For example, I want to have VO give its default anouncement when it starts. I check the box, leave the default text unchanged , close the utility, go back in, and the changes have not taken effect the appropriate box has reverted to

Re: No ok button in VO utilities

2011-08-11 Thread Joe Paton
Hi anne, Just seen this. thanks. can I ask, How do I have VO start automatically when the mac boots? At 10:58 11/08/2011, you wrote: Hello Joe, As soon as you make a change in the VoiceOver Utility, it is taken into account. There's no need for an OK button. Once you get your VO settings ex

Re: thoughts on the newest Skype?

2011-08-11 Thread Annie Skov Nielsen
Hi. How can I do that vo shift + backslash on a danish keyboard. Can I find it in the voice over commands help and where. Best regards Annie. On 11/08/2011, at 05.52, Darcy Burnard wrote: > If you've selected the second radio button, which gives you your contacts in > list view, then you can

Re: ok buttons in general

2011-08-11 Thread Anne Robertson
Hello Joe, On 11 Aug 2011, at 12:27, Joe Paton wrote: > > > So when i've made changes, how are they saved. For example, I want to have > VO give its default anouncement when it starts. I check the box, leave the > default text unchanged , close the utility, go back in, and the changes have

RE: thoughts on the newest Skype?

2011-08-11 Thread Missy Hoppe
Hello, all! I've been reading this thread, and am a bit confused. I'm still running skype 5.1 or 5.2; not sure. Anyway, I keep checking for skype updates, and it says there aren't any, so I wonder how I'm supposed to get this new version everyone is talking about. It's not a big deal since I only

Re: Resetting voice over to it's default settings

2011-08-11 Thread Ricardo Walker
Hi, Yes there is. Go to VO utilities and you will find this option in the file menu. hth Ricardo Walker Twitter & Skype: rwalker296 On Aug 11, 2011, at 2:30 AM, Ahmed Alomran wrote: > Hi all > I am writing to ask whether there is a way to reset voic

Re: No ok button in VO utilities

2011-08-11 Thread Anne Robertson
Hello Joe, To have VoiceOver at login, go to System Preferences and select Users & Groups. The first thing you'll find is Users, groups and login options List 1 item selected. Interact with this list and go down to Login options. Stop interacting and navigate right as far as Use VoiceOver in the

Re: Copying files frone one drive to another.

2011-08-11 Thread Ricardo Walker
Hmm, You can get move addict from the mac appstore to cut and paste files and folders since your still using SL. I believe it costs $3 Ricardo Walker Twitter & Skype: rwalker296 On Aug 11, 2011, at 12:46 AM, Kevin Gibbs wrote: > The goal is to move, n

Re: playing Audible Samples now absolutely impossible

2011-08-11 Thread Ricardo Walker
It works just fine for me with the click to flash extension. Ricardo Walker Twitter & Skype: rwalker296 On Aug 11, 2011, at 1:39 AM, Ray Foret Jr wrote: > As I reckon y'all are all aware, playing audible samples is now or seems to > be completely and to

Re: playing Audible Samples now absolutely impossible

2011-08-11 Thread Ray Foret Jr
It don't work for me anymore. Any advice on settings? Sincerely, The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!! Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!! Skype name: barefootedray Facebook: On Aug 11, 2011, at 6:19 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote: > It works just fine for me with the c

Re: issue sorting out Skype contacts

2011-08-11 Thread
Has anyone gotten the chat window to work? I can send messages, but when the person replies, I can't find where to go to read what they said. Kliphton SR (twitter&Skype) kliphton72 (Marriage Blog) (Marriage group)

Re: Resetting voice over to it's default settings

2011-08-11 Thread Tim Kilburn
Hi, Open the VoiceOver Utility, go up to the File menu and choose one of the reseting options within that menu. Later… On 2011-08-11, at 12:30 AM, Ahmed Alomran wrote: > Hi all > I am writing to ask whether there is a way to reset voice over to > itsoriginal settings? > Regards ahmed > > Se

Accessible Electronic OCR?

2011-08-11 Thread Teresa Cochran
Hi, folks, I have a number of pdf files that are image-based only. I rarely use a scanner, and would mostly prefer performing OCR on electronic images. Does FineReader do this, or is there a different accessible application that would? Thanks, Teresa -- You received this message because you a

default player?

2011-08-11 Thread
Okay, I know how to make let's say VLC my default player. But when I go to set it, the field I need to view so I can tell it to open it with VLC all the time is blank, so the pop up field doesn't appear to show the AVI field I need to show the menu so I can set it. How do I make it show all th

Re: Accessible Electronic OCR?

2011-08-11 Thread Anne Robertson
Hello Teresa, ABBYY FineReader will work on PDF images just fine. Cheers, Anne On 11 Aug 2011, at 16:06, Teresa Cochran wrote: > Hi, folks, > > I have a number of pdf files that are image-based only. I rarely use a > scanner, and would mostly prefer performing OCR on electronic images. Does

versioning in text edit

2011-08-11 Thread Paul Erkens
Hi listers, I've been playing a while now with versioning in text edit. The concept, I now understand for a small part. But doing it is a different matter. I've been reading the help within text edit, but it doesn't say much about versioning, except that it keeps versions on a daily, weekly and

Re: radio app for macbook air

2011-08-11 Thread Kristyn Leigh
There are lots of radio streams in iTunes. I like the Piano Pub app for Pandora on the Mac. It's even better than the iPhone version because there are no commercials or limits. The only disappointment is that my Apple remote no longer works with Piano Pub on my Macbook Air since I upgraded to L

Re: versioning in text edit

2011-08-11 Thread John Sanfilippo
I too am interested in this and would like to know how you might recover something if it were corrupted. Note, I'm not using Time Machine in any way unless it's working behind the scenes. I have not set it up, nor do I have external backup media, beyond small flash drives. js On Aug 11, 2011

Re: versioning in text edit

2011-08-11 Thread Donna Goodin
Hi all, I have a related question. I went on vacation for about the last week and a half. When I got back, I found that all my documents had been "locked". Upon returning home, when I opened a document and began to type, I got the message, "this document has been locked because you haven't m

Re: how do I hide and unhide files?

2011-08-11 Thread louie
Here you go Ray. The below will show / hide all dot files. In terminal to show all hidden files type. defaults write AppleShowAllFiles ON In terminal to hide all dot files type. defaults write AppleShowAllFiles OFF On Aug 11, 2011, at 1:53 AM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:

Re: issue sorting out Skype contacts

2011-08-11 Thread Red.Falcon
Hi Kliphton! So what I do in snow leopard is when I've started a conversation and it should open a window for the person I'm talking to I scroll to the html window and interact with it! It will say things like 1 day 1 week and so on! Just get to the bottom of that window and you should find your

Re: radio app for macbook air

2011-08-11 Thread Mary Otten
Hi Lary, Have you tried going to the website. Several apps, including wunder and tunein, get their material from this site. In fact, now that I tthink of it, I think the site might have been renamed to MIght be wrong there. That site has some kind of player associated w

Re: Accessible Electronic OCR?

2011-08-11 Thread Teresa Cochran
Thanks, Anne. I'll consider getting this software. Teresa On Aug 11, 2011, at 7:46 AM, Anne Robertson wrote: > Hello Teresa, > > ABBYY FineReader will work on PDF images just fine. > > Cheers, > > Anne > > > On 11 Aug 2011, at 16:06, Teresa Cochran wrote: > >> Hi, folks, >> >> I have a num

Re: radio app for macbook air

2011-08-11 Thread Randy Stegall
I use radioshift from on my mac mini along with iTunes. Randy Stegall Sent from my Mac Mini. On Aug 11, 2011, at 12:50 PM, Mary Otten wrote: > Hi Lary, > Have you tried going to the website. Several apps, including > wunder an

Re: radio app for macbook air

2011-08-11 Thread Tammy
Hi, What apple remote are you talking about/ Piano pub sounds like a bit of fun. Tammy From: Kristyn Leigh Sent: Thursday, August 11, 2011 10:59 AM To: Subject: Re: radio app for macbook air There are lots of radio streams in iTunes. I like the Piano Pub app f


2011-08-11 Thread Brianna Snyder
Hi, Someone on the list wrote that they were using PianoPub for Pandora. I used to, but then it wouldn't work, because it told me that I had to upgrade it. Does anyone know how to solve this problem? I've uninstalled it and reinstalled, but it still didn't work. It said something about protoco

Re: radio app for macbook air

2011-08-11 Thread Esther
Hi Mary, Larry, Kristyn, Anne, and Others, Another program you can try is Radium, which is supposed to be Lion ready. I'm surprised, because they managed to put in an accessibility fix for VoiceOver to get to the status menu bar options in the latest version (2.8.1, released 15 July 2011), and

Safari 5.1 and hotmail

2011-08-11 Thread Shen
Hello, Is anyone using the latest Safari 5.1 with the hotmail website? If so, do you have any trouble such as Safari going busy for a long time? I don't remember having this problem with Snow Leopard and Safari 5.06. Now, it seems that after logging in hotmail, Safari is giving me a lot of busy sig

some wonderful findings in Lion

2011-08-11 Thread Jessica and Goldina
hey guys! I found a couple of awesome things in Lion today…don'tcha just love OSX!? there are always new secrets to be found! and I just wanted to share. firstly, if you have a file with an extension with no apps associated with it, you can easily browse the app store to find an app to open it!

RE: PianoPub

2011-08-11 Thread Missy Hoppe
Hi there! It sounds like you need to find and download the newest version of pianopub. I just used it today, and it works great. The newest version you can download should have autoupdate too, so in the future, you shouldn't run into any problems. I don't remember the site for downloading it, but

Re: some wonderful findings in Lion

2011-08-11 Thread Chris Blouch
Just verified that App Store is not an option in the Open With context menu for a document in 10.6. I'm still holding out for 10.7.1 before I jump. Just a habit I've learned over the years. CB On 8/11/11 2:42 PM, Jessica and Goldina wrote: hey guys! I found a couple of awesome things in Lion

Re: some wonderful findings in Lion

2011-08-11 Thread Jessica and Goldina
ah. well yay for Lion then! the app store option is pretty handy. I needed something to open a .rar file and was fully prepared to google for it when I saw the option and it made life so much easier! I found the unarchiver on the app store. love it love it! there are certainly some bugs in Lion

Re: versioning in text edit

2011-08-11 Thread Paul Erkens
Hi Donna, I don't know of a way to turn the feature off, where documents in lion text edit are locked after a certain time. But I do remember that there should be an unlock button somewhere. If you unlock, you can just go ahead and edit as you wish. If you leave the lock for what it is, you can

Re: some wonderful findings in Lion

2011-08-11 Thread Teresa Cochran
I'm in general agreement here. The only blaring frustration is the inability to modify Braille key bindings, and some other Braille ones have completely disappeared. I will contact Apple about this. It's not a deal- breaker, and I'm quite happy with the new and bigger kitty. Teresa On Aug 11, 2

click to flash seems to not work with audible anymore

2011-08-11 Thread Ray Foret Jr
Okay, I don't know what's going on here; but, no matter what I try, I cannot play audible samples anymore using click to flash. Please understand, I'm running Lion here. I understand that Safari 5.1 has broken this. IF someone is running Lion and is using click to flash to play audible sampl

Re: click to flash seems to not work with audible anymore

2011-08-11 Thread Teresa Cochran
Hi, Ray, There is another plugin needed with Safari 5.1 called ClickTo. I have things working like a charm, now that I've got it. Here's a link: HTH, Teresa On Aug 11, 2011, at 12:53 PM, Ray Foret Jr wrote: > Okay, I don't know what's go

click to flash post please ignore

2011-08-11 Thread Ray Foret Jr
Okay, Now this is altra weird. for some strange reason, click to flash now seems to work with audible. I'm still having the Safari focus issues; but, I sure hope they fix that soon. Sincerely, The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!! Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!! Skype name: barefootedray

Re: versioning in text edit

2011-08-11 Thread Donna Goodin
Hi Paul, thanks. I hope eventually we can just disable that feature. It seems sort of pointless. It doesn't really protect your document, it just creates an extra step if you want to edit it. Cheers, Donna On Aug 11, 2011, at 3:08 PM, Paul Erkens wrote: > Hi Donna, > I don't know of a way to

Yay, Navigon works.

2011-08-11 Thread Jes Smith
Happy to report that Navigon finally transfered to my IPhone. Jes -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "MacVisionaries" group. To post to this group, send email to To unsubscribe from this group, send email to macvisionari

Re: IMPORTANT: To MacBook Pro Lion Users

2011-08-11 Thread John Chilelli
Hi! How does one enable and disable the screen curtain? Thanks, Johnny On Jul 24, 2011, at 6:22 PM, Missy Hoppe wrote: > Hi! Thanks for the suggestion. Unfortunately, I've already confirmed more > than once that my keyboard's backlight is > completely turned off. I have light perception, and

RE: IMPORTANT: To MacBook Pro Lion Users

2011-08-11 Thread Missy Hoppe
To turn on and off the screen curtain, you press the vo keys plus shift and f11. -Original Message- From: [] On Behalf Of John Chilelli Sent: Thursday, August 11, 2011 6:40 PM To: Subject

Re: versioning in text edit

2011-08-11 Thread Marc Workman
Hi Donna, It is already possible to disable the lock feature. Go to system preferences, then time machine, then options. You will find a "lock documents" check box. There is also a pop up button where you can change how much time has to elapse before a document is locked. You don't actually

Re: Voiceover Lion Documentation

2011-08-11 Thread Joe Paton
Hi, Sorry I keep sending this to the list, mails just seem to fire out of the mac without my knowledge. Sorry for the clutter. JP At 17:11 11/08/2011, you wrote: Here you go! -- You received this message because you ar

Re: No ok button in VO utilities

2011-08-11 Thread Mike Arrigo
This concept is common on the mac. Many windows do not have an ok button, when you change something, it changes right away, you just close the window or quit the application when you're done. On Aug 11, 2011, at 3:22 AM, Joe Paton wrote: > Hi, I don't see an OK button in the vo utilities app. H

Re: playing Audible Samples now absolutely impossible

2011-08-11 Thread Mike Arrigo
What if you uncheck the option to enable plug ins? This totally turns off flash. On Aug 11, 2011, at 6:22 AM, Ray Foret Jr wrote: > It don't work for me anymore. Any advice on settings? > > > Sincerely, > The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!! > > Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!! > > Skype na

Re: Accessible Electronic OCR?

2011-08-11 Thread Mike Arrigo
Check out docuscan plus, it will handle pdf files in this way. On Aug 11, 2011, at 9:06 AM, Teresa Cochran wrote: > Hi, folks, > > I have a number of pdf files that are image-based only. I rarely use a > scanner, and would mostly prefer performing OCR on electronic images. Does > FineReader do

Sending ePub Books to iOS devices without iTunes [was Re: loading third party books?[

2011-08-11 Thread Esther
Hi Erik, While it is true that you can add ePub files to your iTunes library and sync them to iBooks as Jared describes, you can also import ePub books into iBooks in a number of ways that do not involve using iTunes or syncing your device: 1) double tap on a download link to an ePub book on a

Re: radio app for macbook air

2011-08-11 Thread Mary Otten
Esther, I was not familiar with Radium, but from your description, I am impressed. The fact that they managed to make that fix for VO users to access the status bar icon is impressive. Dropbox, listen up! I will definitely give this one a look. Mary Mary Otten -- You recei

lion tweaks, application

2011-08-11 Thread Mary Otten
I read an article on the Zeit app today while on the road which discussed an application called lion tweaks. It is suppose to allow 1 click access to turning off all manner of changes that have taken place i Lion that people might not like, such as hiding the library file, the new scrolling meth

Re: versioning in text edit

2011-08-11 Thread Donna Goodin
Bless you! I absolutely never would have looked for it there. thanks! Donna On Aug 11, 2011, at 6:55 PM, Marc Workman wrote: > Hi Donna, > > It is already possible to disable the lock feature. > > Go to system preferences, then time machine, then options. You will find a > "lock documents"

Re: radio app for macbook air

2011-08-11 Thread Esther
Mary, I'm really not sure how Radium managed it, but you do get VoiceOver access to the menu that otherwise requires clicking their icon on the status menu bar. You also don't need to used TrackPad Commander to navigate if you prefer to use shortcut keys. I just used TrackPad Commander to dou

Re: versioning in text edit

2011-08-11 Thread Jessica and Goldina
hi Paul, I've been playing with versions a lot today trying to get the hang of it myself. it definitely looks like a neat feature! but I can't seem to get it to work. I get what you mean about saving a version, but when I go to the "browse all versions" and VO space, it just gets sluggish for a

Re: Accessible Electronic OCR?

2011-08-11 Thread David Tanner
This can be very easily done with DocuScan Plus on the Mac, and the recognition is extreemly good. I have yet to see hardly any errors in the recognition of image PDFs by DocuScan Plus. - Original Message - From: "Teresa Cochran" To: Sent: Thursday, August 11, 2011 9:06 AM Subject:

Weird Sound Loss When I Plug or Unplug Headphones

2011-08-11 Thread Shawn Krasniuk
Hey don't know if anybody else is experiencing this but sometimes when I plug or unplug a pair of headphones, I lose sound totally. My sounds aren't muted, everything works fine until I either plug in headphones to the jack or unplug them from the jack. And now how many times I press the mute bu

How To View Only Upcoming or Active Appointments In Mac OS X Lion's Calendar Application

2011-08-11 Thread M. Taylor
The following was just posted to the Candle Shore BLOG: How To View Only Upcoming or Active Appointments In Mac OS X Lion's Calendar Application Hello Everyone, One of my favorite features in Microsoft Outlook is the ability to view only upcoming (active) appointments in the calendar.

Preview issues

2011-08-11 Thread Dan Roy
I am realy really glad to discover they fixed the preview focus problem. I have 1 annoying thing that is now happening in preview though, it's seems to cut off letters on words that are at either the beginning or end of a line. So, the word computer might be read as omputer and so on. I assume

Re: IMPORTANT: To MacBook Pro Lion Users

2011-08-11 Thread M. Taylor
Hello Johnny, You can enable/disable the screen curtain on the MacBook Pro by triple-finger, triple-tapping the track pad. Mark On Aug 11, 2011, at 3:39 PM, John Chilelli wrote: > Hi! > > How does one enable and disable the screen curtain? > > Thanks, > > Johnny > > On Jul 24, 2011, at 6:22

Lion clean install

2011-08-11 Thread Shen
Hello, So I decided to take the plunge today and do a clean installation of Lion. I was pleasantly surprised how easy it was to install Lion. In fact, it was so easy the whole process took less than an hour. VoiceOver spoke to me the entire time. So far, I've been using it for about 2 hours. I do

Re: Lion clean install

2011-08-11 Thread gerry cook
Hi shen say if you purchase a new macbook pro from an apple store and they want to update from snow lepard would i encourage them to do a clean install? because i plan to get in to it in the next few weeks? I like the fact, i can use, a macc straight out of the box with a reasonably good clear