Hello Georges,
Unfortunately, the CeciMac Braille tables won't work with Lion. There are no
plans to create new ones either since the work required would be enormous and
the demand is minimal.
Apple has used the Duxbury tables and they are far from ideal.
On 25 Jul 2011, at 05:
Hi good people.
Sometimes i want to see what's been said in other mails in a conversation of
mail without necesarily leaving the message itself, in other words i want to
see the quoted material. To this end, there's a link that says "show more",
however, try as i might, i can't reach it with VO.
I've heard from some people, though i don't know if this is a Lion issue or
something else entirely, that the Plantronics Audio 995 wireless headset has
trouble in Skype, it buffers, but only when you are hosting a conversation. Why
it would do this is beyond me, but so i've heard.
I agree with the things said here, take the ITunes bugs for instance. I can
definitely see some sluggishness in Itunes behavior, but when i do a search for
say a specific artist, and the list gets smaller, i don't have the sluggishness
issues at all. I've got about 1 songs in my ITunes libra
25 jul 2011 kl. 02:40 skrev matthew Dyer:
> If you remember when 10.6 was released, 10.6.1 came out with in a week of its
> first release.
And i have read in the Swedish Macworld, that 10.7.1 is due out within a few
weeks. I'm not worried at all and i as i said before don't even begin to d
It's not complicated. Give me some time. I'll put something together.
- Original Message -
From: "Paul Henrichsen"
Sent: Monday, July 25, 2011 12:41 AM
Subject: Re: The Mac Version Of Sendspace and a question
Thanks, Chris. Boy! That sounds complicated. I wonder just w
No way. This is definitely a voiceover bug. Why would they force you to
interact when interacting makes you lose functionality? By this I mean when
interacting with the sources table or content table, you can not use letter
navigation. But yet, this works when not interacting. And seco
I agree, i was expecting a lot more from vo in lion... look, two
years have passed since last release, and what have you new? ok
activities, single navigation letter (which could have been made
better...), international voices (very buggy, cant deny it...), and
new drag and drop...
Well in two
Alright alright, here's my rant/chat about Lion. I have my mixed
opinions on the OS as it were, and mainly Voiceover. I do to some
extent, feel that Apple didn't give as much thought to Voiceover, or
didn't focus more on important areas and major bugs and correcting
them. For someone like me, Item
In regards to the iWork stuff, Its kinda unfair to pin that on the Lion OS in
my opinion. after all, There has not been a major update to iWorks since 2009.
Lets see what the next big release will mean for accessibility. And in
regards to the lack of new features, hmm, I don't know. For
Okay, have been pretty good at finding answers to my own questions, but this
one I can't seem to locate. I have created a distribution list, now how do I
add people to it? Also, when the to field is populating when I'm starting an
resipient, how do I see what my other choices are when the addr
I followed the link, pressed command a to select all, pressed command c to copy
to the paste board and opened text edit to command v paste there.
On Jul 25, 2011, at 1:10 AM, Paul Henrichsen wrote:
Hi. The problem with this link is that you have to remain in front of your
computer in
The problem with using Ivona voices is that they're only available in … yes you
guessed it English, that's why i love the realspeak voices, they are actually
available in my language, Swedish, which means that even i can go to a Mac
anywhere, hit cmd+f5 and it comes up talking in my language. A
I used to be on this list and with the release of Lion and some issues I'm
having I decided to begin participating once again. I've been using a Mac since
at least 2006.
My question relates to finding a good word processing program. I'm starting
graduate school in a few weeks and a big par
Hello Larry,
What are your problems with Pages? If you could be specific, I might be able to
help you.
On 25 Jul 2011, at 15:56, Larry Wanger wrote:
> Hi,
> I used to be on this list and with the release of Lion and some issues I'm
> having I decided to begin participating o
Hello everyone,
For those of you who've recently bought ABBYY FineReader from the Mac Appstore,
there's an update available to make it work with Lion.
For those of you, like me, who bought ABBYY FineReader before the Appstore came
on line, we have to wait until sometime in August for the update
Launchpad also don't work with Zoom. Happen something similar of what
happen with Time Machine. When we enter in launchpad or TimeMachine we
loose the control of Zoom and VO. In Leopard, Apple never found a
solution to this behavior to Time Machine.
--Jorge Fernandes
On Jul 21, 6:50 am, Austin Se
I think I can fill in some gaps here. I haven't upgraded to Lion yet but
I do know about live regions on web pages. This is part of the w3c spec
for ARIA or Accessible Rich Internet Applications and has been supported
on other browser on other platforms for some time now. Generally it's
used fo
Which would all make web based chat and apps better than any Mac app currently
is, especially if you can do neat things like have a live region with apps like
Adium in the future if VO will support that, saving the need to rely on Growl.
I think FB chat on the website may end up being the way to
Hello, all! I decided for the time being to go back to snow leopard, but I
backed up my lion install first onto a separate
drive, just so I'd have it available in case of emergency. Anyway, I booted
from my SL external drive with no problems, and
have formated my macbooks internal hard dribe. Now
Sorry, I have no suggestions, but I have had the same experience as you. I got
it to work once, but I've been unable to reproduce this one successful attempt.
I would be very interested in any suggestions as well.
On 2011-07-25, at 4:38 AM, Krister Ekstrom wrote:
> Hi good people.
From where can I download CCC?
Original message:
Hello, all! I decided for the time being to go back to snow leopard,
but I backed up my lion install first onto a separate drive, just so
I'd have it available in case of emergency. Anyway, I booted from my SL
external drive with no problems, an
First of all, in Mail, provided you're *not!* using the classic view, how in
the world do you save file attachments? The other day I was sent a dmg file
via e-mail, for instance. I saw the little image thingy and the file name
in the body of the e-mail, but like before, if I tried to stop inte
For those who've subscribed to my podcast, the SendSpace Wizard demo, is now
published and should be ready for download.
If you are not subscribed, go to:
to do so.
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
It's not working for me. It just says "space, new line" and a VO-a doesn't
yield any more results. I have it in full-screen mode, too. I tried it in
standard window mode, and no change.
On Jul 24, 2011, at 11:57 PM, Jeffrey Shockley wrote:
> Hi,
> I just did it. All I did was interact wi
Hi Chris,
The save button is there, if you stop interacting and move left to the headers
group, and interact there. You may need to select a button to show more
details, but that button definitely exists. I've just confirmed it in the new
On Jul 25, 2011, at 8:47 AM, Christ
Hi, all! Please disregard my original message on this subject. Apparently, the
tenth time or so is the charm. It seems to be
working now. No clue what I did differently, but I'm pretty sure all is well.
Barring any unforseen catastrophy, my macbook
should be back to "normal" in about half an hour
Generally ARIA live regions are a addition to standard HTML so while
it's possible this type of stuff could migrate to desktop apps, it's
really meant as a web-application helper. I have heard that Flash is or
will adopt ARIA for their ActionScript language for similar purposes,
but my previous
OK, I'll give that a try. BTW, any idea on my other two questions?
- Original Message -
From: "Zachary Kline"
Sent: Monday, July 25, 2011 12:02 PM
Subject: Re: Still haven't gotten a clear answer on These Questions.
Hi Chris,
The save button is there, if you stop intera
Hey all, If this has been sent twice I'm terribly sorry.
I just tried to plug in my olympus dm520 digital recorder into my macbook pro
to transfer recordings on to the windows side of things. However, I plugged in
the olympus and didn't get the message asking where i wanted to connect it. fIt
Hi Chris,
For your second question, I'm afraid I don't have a definite answer. I was
under the impression unchecking a voice would remove it.
As far as the third question, I've always had minor issues with these sorts of
dialogs, in both versions of OS X I've used. I generally can get to it if
Hi all,
After I bought my MacBook, I messed around with the VO commands to
move the Safari window around. I would really like to revert its
appearance to the way it was when I first purchased my Mac. Is there
an easy way to do this?
Thanks in advance.
You received this message because
I turned my backlight all the way down
thanks for pointing this out, it really helped a lot
On Jul 24, 2011, at 8:20 PM, Matt Dierckens wrote:
> Hi,
> When i hit f5 and f6 it bonks at me. So not sure why.
> On 2011-07-24, at 6:22 PM, Missy Hoppe wrote:
>> Hi! Thanks for the suggestion. Unfor
Hi Chris,
Is your podcast learning how to use send space with the Mac for the Lion or
SL version or both? I have decided not to upgrade to Lion yet because I'm
still learning how to use and get accustom to a Mac using voice over. I
know I've had my Macboook Pro since March, but I've been a bit
Hi Missy,
I've seen this one time before. Here's what I eventually figured out. The
cloning process did start the first time I clicked the clone button, but for
some reason, VoiceOver didn't notice that the window had changed. The only
reason I knew at all is because I touched the external driv
It's for both.
- Original Message -
From: "Sarah May"
Sent: Monday, July 25, 2011 12:53 PM
Subject: RE: Sendspace Wizard Demo now available for Download
Hi Chris,
Is your podcast learning how to use send space with the Mac for the Lion
SL version or both? I have
Hei Chris,
I subscribed to your podcast on itunes. However, there are only three
episodes abailables. In these three the sendspace wizard isn't there.
- Original Message -
From: "Christopher-Mark Gilland"
Sent: Monday, July 25, 2011 2:12 PM
Subject: Re: Sendspace Wi
I was wondering if anyone has tried abby finereader yet with lion
because I want to know if it is compatible yet or if there is any news
when it will be?
Greetings, Anouk,
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"MacVisionaries" group.
To post to this
I was having some technical problems with my pod hoster. the issue has been
resolved. the podcast eppisode now should be there.
- Original Message -
From: "Juan Pablo"
Sent: Monday, July 25, 2011 1:21 PM
Subject: Re: Sendspace Wizard Demo now available for Download
Hi Chris,
Thanks a lot.
-Original Message-
From: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
[mailto:macvisionaries@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Christopher-Mark
Sent: Monday, July 25, 2011 12:13 PM
To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: Sendspace Wizard Demo now available
Op 13-7-2011 12:04, Krister Ekstrom schreef:
Ok, then i really have to be sure that it's not me who is doing things wrongly
here. The strange thing is that many times when i try to scan, Vuescan crashes
just after the scan and produces a .rtf file that can't be opened and when it
scans, it pro
Op 13-7-2011 21:50, Gary Readfern-Gray schreef:
Hi Chris,
just my short take on using a Mac and audio production.
Well, I bought my mac to get an accessible version of Pro tools and found that
I just wasn't using my Windows machine at home at all after that. Whilst I
still use Jaws every day
Hi guys,
More people seem to use finereader for the mac nowadays.
I have been using finereader 10 pro on a windows machine for the last
few months and have been extremely happy with it. I thought that for the
mac we only have v9 and an express version at that. I was wondering if
anyone compared
Wne I get my mac I would like to start doing some music with it (as a
novice) now I was wondering what is best for a user using voiceover
only, pro tools or garageband.
I thought they roughly do the seem thing but pro tools is more advanced/
Can I use the instruments from garageband with pr
Hi! Thank you very much for telling me this! I'll definitely keep it in mind
for future reference, as I'm sure I'll be using
this process to go back to Lion eventually. For now, though, my little macbook
pro is happily running sl again, and
everything is working perfectly.
Thanks again, and I hop
Okay. Let's say I'm in my sent items folder and need to select from the fifth
message downwards. I understand that in Lion, the usual method of pressing the
shift+option+up and down will no longer work. Can anybody remind me of the
alternative procedure?
The Constantly Barefooted
Hi all,
There is a area on the menu bar that Voice over can not navigate to. Because
some menu bar items are dynamic and are not always on the same place on the
menu bar. I have developed a apple script that searches the menu bar and will
find the growl or dropbox menu. The script will search th
Hi. I also prefer Carbon Copy Cloner. There was one time however where CCC
wouldn't do what I wanted, and the free version of Super Duper would. I wanted
to clone the disks that came with my Mac to an SD card. CCC couldn't manage
this for some reason.
But that's the only time CCC didn't meet
Hi Anne:
What are these tables? Is this just related to braille printing?
On Jul 25, 2011, at 1:09 AM, Anne Robertson wrote:
> Hello Georges,
> Unfortunately, the CeciMac Braille tables won't work with Lion. There are no
> plans to create new ones either since the work required woul
I'm using a mid 2010 MBP and when I set the backlight to 0% (which I take to
mean off) in system prefs/keyboard under the keyboard, when I go back in there
the slider is set back to 100% which I take as never turn off the backlight.
Ricardo Walker
Twitter & Skype: rwalk
Hi Anouk,,
Well, the easiest way for me to explain is like this. Garage Band is very
accessible, probably more fun and free, however it is less professional than
Pro Tools, so if you're looking for Album quality, you need Pro Tools.
Pro Tools is also very accessible. I've played with Garage Ban
Have you looked in activity monitor to see if any processes are using a lot of
On Jul 24, 2011, at 11:36 PM, Shen wrote:
> Unfortunately, I know this is not the issue. It would make things easier.
> I know this because up until a couple of weeks ago, I didn't know that my
> keyboard brightn
I'm fairly sure you can't, You're trying to find the Mac for as little as
possible, If you're looking for a Mackbook Pro don't buy direct from Apple,
they're the most expensive.
I would either checkout the Apple refurbished store or Amazon also sells Macs
cheaper than Apple.
Don't get a used M
Odd, I'm getting the same thing whether in full screen mode or not, classic
layout or regular layout.
On Jul 25, 2011, at 11:56 AM, Teresa Cochran wrote:
> It's not working for me. It just says "space, new line" and a VO-a doesn't
> yield any more results. I have it in full-screen mode, too. I t
Here is my question about ProTools.
Really, is it worth my investment? Here's the thing... I have a mid 2010
white 13 inch Macbook. It's not a Pro, it's just stocked original white.
My thing is, as you all probably know, these systems only have one external
audio port. That one port serves
That's probably what I'm gonna have to do is get an external sound device.
I'm not good however at searching Ebay, and not only this, but, the one time
that I was using EBay due to reasons beyond my control, EBay will not let me
become a member. I won't go into it more than to say my X wife ac
Wehn I plug in a pair of headphones with a Mic, the stock IPhone earbuds, I can
both talk and hear speech via skype. So in that case the jack is working both
as input and output.
In the Journey,
On Jul 25, 2011, at 1:44 PM, Christopher-Mark Gilland wrote:
> Here is my question about
Why are you not just using VO+uparrow/downarrow?
In the Journey,
On Jul 25, 2011, at 12:12 PM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:
> Okay. Let's say I'm in my sent items folder and need to select from the
> fifth message downwards. I understand that in Lion, the usual method of
> pressing the shift
Uh, just a second here. You can solve your problem another way. Sounds to me
like what you really need is what's called a control surface. I've heard that
the MBox is supposed to be pretty cheep nowadays. This audio interface will
allow you to do exactly what you want to do the way you want
Because I want to be able to select say from the second message on down to the
75th all in one keystroke. Will VO+up or VO+down let me do this in Lion? IF
not, how is it done?
The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!
Skype name:
I understand, but, that's only because you're using propriatary earbuds that
allow for that. Any more high-end recording gear isn't gonna have this
trick, trust me.
- Original Message -
From: "Ronald McEwan"
Sent: Monday, July 25, 2011 3:51 PM
Subject: Re: Facing the Re
Fair enough, Ray, and if I came across that I thought my macbook couldn't do
this, I'm sorry as that was definitely not my intent. I'm actually not
honestly sure.
- Original Message -
From: Ray Foret Jr
To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
Sent: Monday, July 25, 2011 3
I was just able to use shift+cmd+downarrow to mark two messages and then delete
Give that a whirl.
In the Journey,
On Jul 25, 2011, at 2:00 PM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:
> Because I want to be able to select say from the second message on down to
> the 75th all in one keystroke. Wil
I don't think thats what he's trying to accomplish. To select items just 1
thing at a time he can just press shift up or down arrow. He is asking if you
can select from a current position in the messages list all the way to the
beginning or end with 1 keystroke. In snow leopard , you can
Ricardo is understanding perfectly what I want to be able to do. Funny thing
is, I know that there's another way other than shift+Option+up or down arrow to
do this; just cannot recall now what it was; and, it had exactly the same
The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
Now a ver
My wife and I were pondering on the subject of trackpads in relation to
using VoiceOver, and we thought we'd tap into the collective whisdom here.
What, if anything, does a trackpad allow you to do that you can't do with
the keyboard? Or is it merely another interface to the same command
I'm with you on this. I prefer using the keyboard. My macbook pro has a track
pad, and I've attempted to use it from time to
time just to see if I could learn the jestures, but so far, I haven't had much
luck. My logic was that if I could teach
myself the trackpad, I might eventually be able to l
Well, it's one way of avoiding all the multi-finger keystrokes. I like the
idea personally, but in my experience the trackpad commander on a macbook
doesn't work nearly as well as the IOS touchscreen interface unless I'm trying
to type and accidentally hit it with my palm. Then it works wonder
Hi there!
As for your 2nd question!
Someone on the other list suggested to remove a voice you might be able to do
it by going to
And delete it from there!
hth Colin
On 25 Jul 2011, at 17:21, Zachary Kline wrote:
> Hi Chris,
> For your second question, I'm afraid I
Op 16-7-2011 6:56, Chris Blouch schreef:
This comes up every now and then and last I heard there wasn't a way
that also transmits the audio. Lots of solutions which send over the
visuals and give remote mouse/keyboard control. Maybe I missed it in
the thread last time. I've done it with somebod
I have lion installed on my standard macbook and also on my macbook air. On my
standard macbook, it says how many new items I have in the dock, for example,
voiceover says "mail, 1 new item". This is not the case on the macbook air. Is
there something I need to set for this to be announced?
Hello ladies and germs,
I am writing because I am having somewhat of a minor issue I hope I can have
help with. When desiring to reply to a tweet someone has made I press the enter
key on the particular tweet. However, voiceover places focus on another
individual and not the person I am choosin
I have a trackpad for my iMac and I also have an iPod Touch 4th generation.
The biggest difference between the multi gesture trackpad and the touch screen
on an iOS device is that all functions are done directly on the screen of the
iOS device, except where the home button is used.
On the
Hi guys:
I'm not in Lion yet. So, this may be irrelevant. But, will shift not work
with home or end in the new configuration?
On Jul 25, 2011, at 2:38 PM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:
> Ricardo is understanding perfectly what I want to be able to do. Funny thing
> is, I know that there's ano
Actually, the trackpad and commander are pretty amazingly useful. A good
friend of mine mapped out a lot of the keyboard commands, linking them with
gestures. And the result is the ability to do with one hand many of the
things that take 6 fingers on the keyboard. I use it so much that I
Nope, it don't work.
Never did.
The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!
Skype name:
On Jul 25, 2011, at 5:12 PM, carolyn Haas wrote:
> Hi guys:
> I'm not in Lion yet. So, this may be irrelevant.
Hi ray:
Gee, I guess I don't do a lot of that. Bt, that should be pretty standard in
my humble opinion. Odd.
On Jul 25, 2011, at 4:16 PM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:
> Nope, it don't work.
> Never did.
> Sincerely,
> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
> Now a very proud and happy Mac user!
Is there a software that allows you to scan documents and read them to you like
Openbook or Kurzweil ?
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To uns
I believe that this will occur with any of the Mac notebooks. I saw an article
about there being an infinite loop associated with iCal that is causing this
issue. Apple is aware of it and I would expect an update either this week or
next. I have no inside information on this it's just spe
Hi all,
I sent some time ago some questions but probably too many at once or not clear
enough so I will try a condensed version of beginner questions:
1. What's a good place to start finding out about using a mac when switching
from windows xp with jaws?
2. I have txt files with computer Braill
Hello. There are a few different scanning options. The one that I think is
even easier than OpenBook is DocuScan. The one drawback is that it requires
internet access. If you have Snow Leopard or Lion, you can get DocuScan from
the app store. If you don't have internet access all of the tim
Just out of curiosity, would that particular bug occur even if one isn't
actively running ICal? I'll be staying tuned to the
list to see how this issue resolves itself. Hopefully it will be fixed fairly
soon, but for now, I'm happy I went back to SL.
-Original Message-
From: macvisionar
I'm considering using the trackpad much more, as it would better simulate with
Lion the layout of IOS4. With the keyboard I find myself having to press the
keys to "interact" with objects. It would be nice to simply tap in the mail
message preview area and read it, instead of using VO-shift-down
Hi Ioana,
1. You could try my site at http://web.me.com/kilburns/voiceover/. There are
also numerous podcasts around and quite a number of other helpful sites by
other members of this group.
2.. Sorry, but I was a stubborn teenager and didn't want to admit that I was
blind so didn't learn mu
I'm one of the folks who got the magic track pad but hasn't used it that much.
Carolin, I'm intrigued by your description of your friend's mapping of keyboard
commands and how you use these a lot, preferring them to multiple key commands
on the keyboard. I am going to guess you're using one of t
What seems to be the best Facebook app for Mac Lion?
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I was wondering if anyone has ocmpared docuscan vs finereader and
especially the ocr results?
Greetings, Anouk,
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"MacVisionaries" group.
To post to this group, send email to macvisionaries@googlegroups.com.
To unsu
I may be revisiting an old dance number, but is there a concrete way to
draw the audio only from a flash video? I know it can be done in youtube,
so guess? it can be done from other things?
as I shared, I believe this has been covered before, yet the question
arose on another list, so I am aski
Hello all,
My apologies if this has already been discussed, but I'm a bit behind on my
If you have InfoVox iVox voices from www.assistiveware.com, you'll need to
download their fix to be able to register those voices in lion:
Hi Chris,
Your Macbook will be fine to get started with Pro tools. However here are some
things you'll want to know.
1. Pro Tools is not currently supported with Lion, so if you've got Lion,
you'll need to go back to snow leopard for the time being.
2. I'd recommend getting an MBox 2 which is
I'll follow up with another big accessibility issue, and 2 other ones
on my Mac Mini with iTunes 10.4 and Snow Leopard 10.6.8.
Due to not enough RAM, I can't upgrade to 10.7.:
1. When using grid view, and selecting the podcast I'll look into
(VO+Space), VoiceOver most often restarts, and someti
I know some others have had success with putting the letters pwn
in front of the youtube address to get to a web service that lets you take the
audio off. So, you'd put in www.pwnyoutube.com/whatever and then get a choice
of services to use.
That's PWN by the way, just in case VO pronounces it
Hmm. I wonder what this file does. I installed lion, and my infovox voices
worked just fine. Admittedly, I just did the
upgrade, so maybe that's why. I'll still download this file in case I need it
in the future. Am currently back to using snow
leopard, so perhaps I will need this next time I att
In part yes it would. iCal actually runs as a daemon process and unless you
kill the process then it is always running in memory. There are ways to do this
but it's not recommended. I myself am waiting for the updates.
Keith Watson
On Jul 25, 2011, at 6:49 PM, Missy Hoppe wrote:
what a nifty looking trick, I may have to try it myself, like this Kevin to
be sure i have it correct?
www.pwnyahootube.com/watch, all the rest that follows.htm
or something?
On Mon, 25 Jul 2011, Kevin Shaw wrote:
I know some others have had success with putting the letters pwn
Hi all!
I'm still on SL and was wondering if any of you use any of the TC conference
chat rooms!
And if so do they still work in Lion?
Thanks in advance!
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"MacVisionaries" group.
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I played around a bit with an app called Jaksta. If I recall everything
correctly, and I may not, so you'll want to look on the website to confirm,
this program captures the audio from any video playing.
There is a demo version that will grab half the audio, but in my tests, it
grabbed the who
Yes Karen. As far as I know, the PWN before the YouTube link in its entirety
will bring up the service. I'm not sure if anyone else out there has experience
using this in an accessible way, but it has worked on the Windows side for me
at work.
I'm not sure if that works with other sites with Fl
Thank you for sharing this information, but I do find it odd that they would
not release it to both those who purchased recently and those who have had it
for a long time. THey could have pushed it out via a software update. Well at
least they are doing something. Thank you for keeping us
Well I realize that it takes a little bit of work, but the link takes you to
the table of contents of the manual. So go to the link that takes you to
chapter 1. Once that chapter is up go to the file menu in IE and save the
page as chapter 1. I saved it as a HTML file and as a plain text file
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