I seem to be having a problem. I can't seem to get to the growl applet running
in the taskbar. its invisible. I can see the clock, the volume control, even
the sample scripts but growl isn't there. the reason I ask this is that growl
keeps announcing that newer version is averlable and that
What implications might this have on those of us who share an Apple ID with a
spouse or other family member? If anybody has any info on this, I'd appreciate
you sharing what you know.
On Jun 7, 2011, at 2:05 PM, Shen wrote:
> OK, let me see if I can try to reduce some of the conf
I think there will be some apethy about this, as a lot of people who download
large torrent files won't care.
I can't help but wonder if this technology is coming before people are actually
ready psychologicly for the change to this cloud computing stuff. Sometimes
perfectly great stuff flops b
probably! What I look at is does this benefit me? I just conservatively use,
and toward the end of the month, procrastonating the decision, until some
reviews come out, and snap it up before my gig limit which I never reach most
months gets snapped up. That month I'll actually use what I pay for
Hi, have done this and got the t-shirt. There is a version of silverlight for
the mac, and it works for netflix. I had the trial and used it for a couple of
days. I didn't find any real accessibility show-stopers to excuse the bad pun.
On 2011-06-07, at 8:49 PM, Kliph&Sharrie wrote:
> Tried to t
COULD YOU SEND me that podcast you have on signitures? thanks.
Sent from Minister Miller's IPhone
On Jun 8, 2011, at 12:48 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
> Hi,
> Yes,
> Apple mail has a unified inbox. when on this inbox, in the mailbox table,
> just press the right arrow to expand it so you
Hello, I have multiple email accounts, how do I choose witch one I want to send
from? Do I have to be in that account, or is there a key combo I can hit?
Sent from Minister Miller's IPhone
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
Be warned there is a older version of Abby that is distributed in such a way
that it shows up as a folder in your applications directory. It also for some
strange reason has the word "Sprint" in its name. I had bad experience with
this one. The buttons did not respond to VO, but there was a c
There is a preference item or two about picking the account. THere will also
be a pop-up button that you can arrow through to change the From: field. If
you have not checked the only use the specified SMTP server for this e-mail
account check box in the account preferences then there will also
Hi John,
thanks for this and for your message yesterday about the software on MacUpdate.
I did find the offer you referred to. I've ordered the Fujitsu ScanSnap.
Once it gets here I plan to demo VueScan and DoccuScan Plus, but my current
leaning is to go with DocuScan Plus. Not sure how I'l
hi there,
i'm Joanne, from Australia whom currently on total transit from PC to
Mac. however, i found that the commands and learning the back takes me
too long, and i'm not really sure where to start.
it sounds stupid i know but, may i ask, is there any tips or ways for
me to fast track my learnin
Hi Joanne,
the best way to learn is to just roll up your sleeves and do it on a daily
basis! don't put pressure on yourself by setting deadlines and obstacles.
Just do it daily.
when I wanted to learn MSDOS years ago, I just did it a little bit each day.
Before long I was doing nicely. And you
I second that!
Sent from Minister Miller's IPhone
On Jun 8, 2011, at 7:58 AM, Joanne Chua wrote:
> hi there,
> i'm Joanne, from Australia whom currently on total transit from PC to
> Mac. however, i found that the commands and learning the back takes me
> too long, and i'm not really sure wh
Hi, I have a library of movies on a external hard drive. I tried to play them
on my Imac, and it said something about needing an editional file or extention
for quick time player, does anyone know where to get it from? Or is it not
possible to play these files on the mac? All help and suggest
Hi all,
I hope everyone is doing well. My apologies for my absence as my Macbook has
been sent for repair to Apple. It is now back, and I have a question. I don't
know if any of you have ever experienced the heat factor. My MB was overheating
and losing a charge, this is why it has was sent bac
You might want to check out some of the podcasts on the mac on blind cool
-Original Message-
From: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
[mailto:macvisionaries@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Joanne Chua
Sent: Wednesday, June 08, 2011 8:59 AM
To: macvisionaries
Subject: transition
The best suggestion I can give new Mac users, which I suppose I still am
myself, is to jump in with both feet. Use the machine as much as you can, for
different tasks. I went in cold turkey, have only booted my Linux laptop a
handful of times since getting this MBP about six months ago.
for me the podcasts etc do help, but by far the biggest thing that very few
people seem to throw up as the most obviously easy way into Mac usage is to use
let me explain, there are a number of ways to use a Mac, unlike with a PC,
where you can really only use the qwerty keyb
vlc works fine.
On 2011-06-08, at 9:19 AM, Kliph&Sharrie wrote:
> Hi, I have a library of movies on a external hard drive. I tried to play
> them on my Imac, and it said something about needing an editional file or
> extention for quick time player, does anyone know where to get it from? Or
Yes I am set as a administrator. I also find it very waired it happens
few times per day and not even when trying to save something, just
happens while playing music.
Christopher-Mark Gilland wrote:
> Huh! That's? weired?
> Um? Hmm. Let's see here...
> OK, hmm. Have you got your user accou
Hello Kliph,
You know, you can have a mailbox for each account. For example: I have onne
for Verizon, Gmail and Apple mail.
So you won't need to worry about which one to answer first. Just go to the
different mailboxes and answer all the mail there. You seem to be quite
active in your imac. If
I happened to type a password when I went through the setup process on
my iMAC, how do I get rid of it? I don't want it anymore, thanks.
Georges Zeinoun
Timmerv. 6A, SE54163 SKÖVDE
Tel: +46500201623, +46500482929
Mobile: +46707567315
E-mail: humorlessg...@samobile.net
Email service
Amazon's media locker is a big hit. And Google's seem to be doing ok. There
cloud services have been around for a few years now. . Its only do to a lack
of accessibility why the blind community probably doesn't know more about it.
And a lot of us use services like dropbox. IDK. The
I think you will be disappointed. There is no quick fix to learning a new
operating system and screen reader. The only way to learn it is to use it.
The more you use it the faster you learn. Sure, there are many tips, tricks,
and work arounds but, they won't mean much without understand
I think for some reason Apple has all of this sourted out in some way. I
am of the firm belief once we start using this new cloud stuff we will
wonder how we lived without it. I for one am looking forward to all of
this! Bring it on Apple.
Cool stuff!
On 6/8/2011 8:34 AM, Kaare Dehard wr
Hello Allison,
I personally like to have a flat surface between my laptop and my lap, and I
think products such as chill mats are a decent solution, though I usually
settle for a large book, serving tray or something similar. I'm not sure about
your particular situation, but I can tell you hot l
Hi, Esther and others: thanks so much for your responses. I am now able to
find the drive, and what I want to do is copy music files to it. However, I
cannot figure out how to do this. I selected several files, copied them, then
interacted with the empty table for the centon drive. I hit comm
I'd go here:
and while there, I'd look for all the files called "Mac Demo". That's how I
got my head around it. Thanks Mike.
The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!
Skype name:
Hi Christine:
I don't believe you can copy more than one at a t ime, unless they're in a
folder. The other thing to keep in mind is you may need to interact in order
to paste. VO should be telling you both when it copies, and when it is
pasting, it should say, "paste, copying from ..."
Hi Joanne:
There are a few different ways you can go when tackling the mac switch. One
thing I found really helpful was to look at the "switching 101" articles on the
Mac. While they don't specifically address voiceover, they clarify some of the
similarities and differences between PC and Mac.
I'm in the absolute same boat. I was a windows user forever, and my machine is
now in the process of dying. So, I bought a Mac. I'm finding it quite
overwhelming. I keep tweeting all these questions to Mac users that I know, and
I do feel quite stupid at times. So, I, too, shall be grat
Hi George, actually. IT's a good idea to have it. If you left it blank, don't
know how you could authenticate, for anyhting that mayprompt for an admin
On Jun 8, 2011, at 10:47 AM, Georges Zaynoun wrote:
> Hello!
> I happened to type a password when I went through the setup proc
I think I have got the navigation thing down, but transitioing from outlook, to
apple mail is my biggest issue. So if anyone has the tricks and tips on how to
get around apple mail on the mac, please let me know. You can email me off
list since I know people here want us to search archives and
This was a marvelously helpful message. I read nothing about either of these
features in the voiceover quickstart, and no one has suggested them. Thank you
so, so much for making me aware of them. I think this will make the Mac and I
better friends in a much more timely manner. (Smile)
Hi there!
You can also open the quick nav menu with vo+u then arrow through headers links
and the others!
And then like the item chooser you can narrow down the options by typing the
first few letters!
Handy if there is 1380 links!
Or the header or others, when you found the item you want just vo
OK, I myself and a few of my other friends have wondered how to toggle on and
off the mail preview in mail that is below the messages table using Snow
Leopard. It certainly was easier to do this in both Tiger and in Leopard, but,
here's how to do it in 10.6. A sighted friend and I have confirm
This is truly an incredibly helpful post.
I've had my Mac for several months but haven't made the switch from Jaws and
the pc because I find the command structure and especially web navigation
totally not intuitive. But these two suggestions have made me want to give
it another try.
I can't select a bunch of files from my music folder at a time and copy them to
the drive? What a pain! I will try one at a time and sww if that works. I
could copy over the whole file, but then I'll have to go through and delete;
I'm putting together some music files for my husband's iTunes li
Very nice but one question. Why would you want to either hide or unhide the
preview pane?
In the Journey,
On Jun 8, 2011, at 11:32 AM, Christopher-Mark Gilland wrote:
> OK, I myself and a few of my other friends have wondered how to toggle on and
> off the mail preview in mail that i
Hi there!
Well I can copy tracks from my hd to a card in my phone!
What I found is I open the card and open the place I want to put the music!
Then I open a new finder window and open the hd go to the tracks I want and
copy as normal!
Then change the window with command+` on my keyboard is next to
When I installed Vuescan yesterday, it put a volume on my desktop. I would now
like to remove it, but am unable to do so. Does anyone know how I can remove
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"MacVisionaries" group.
To post to
Donna, VO/shift/M, down to eject and there you go. hth
On Jun 8, 2011, at 2:09 PM, Donna Goodin wrote:
> Hello:
> When I installed Vuescan yesterday, it put a volume on my desktop. I would
> now like to remove it, but am unable to do so. Does anyone know how I can
> remove this?
> TIA,
> D
I like hiding it, for two reasons.
1. Most importantly, it gives you less screen clutter.
2. If you're coming from a windows background as I am, and on Windows,
disabled the preview payne, then you might find having it enabled on the Mac
to be a bit awquard. Each is to his/her own. If you
Can't you just highlight it, then hit command e to eject it? Remember, make
sure you keyboard follows your voiceover cursor, otherwise voiceover may say
you're focussed on it, when it all actualness, you're really not, which
would explain why it wouldn't be working.
- Original Mes
Okay, I have a few questions that I haven't seen in the last few months. How
do you put things on your desc top? And how do you move a folder from one
place to the next? Like what command is like the applications key in windows,
or alt key, these keys gave us the options to copy move or send
Oh, this is funny! Ejecting never occurred to me. And interestingly, there
wasn't an option to eject in the context menu, but CommandE did the trick.
On Jun 8, 2011, at 2:18 PM, Kimberly thurman wrote:
> Donna, VO/shift/M, down to eject and there you go. hth
> On Jun 8, 2011,
Your info was not pointless! I'm coming from outlook 2010, and have been using
outlook since 2005, and I always hid the preview pain. Your info was right on
time, thanks a bunch! If you have any more tips please let me know. My email
On Jun 8, 2011,
No worries. I was just curious.
In the Journey,
On Jun 8, 2011, at 12:18 PM, Christopher-Mark Gilland wrote:
> I like hiding it, for two reasons.
> 1. Most importantly, it gives you less screen clutter.
> 2. If you're coming from a windows background as I am, and on Windows,
That's fine for repplying, but I run a couple of mailing groups, and sometimes
I send info to all of them, but want to send from a different account where I'm
getting the information, and switching back and forth between accounts is
pretty time consuming. So I was hoping there was a keystroke t
HI christine:
There is the option of selecting noncontiguous files, , I've just never
understood it well enough to have it work for me. But it involves turning off
cursor tracking while selecting
Here is the how-to from an earlier post.
On May 15, 2011, at 9:56 PM, Esther wrote:
Hi Rose,
I tried to make the switch to Mac three times over, and failed, always
resulting in me sending back my Mac within the 14 days.
When I discovered QuickNav and the Item Chooser it finally made the cross over
to the Mac world so much more easier and intuitive.
Why these aspects of the Ma
don't forget if you are using quicknav, up and down arrow keys together is the
same as control, options space.
Neil Barnfather
Talks List Administrator
Twitter @neilbarnfather
TalkNav is a Nuance, Code Factory and Sendero dealer, for all your
accessible phone, PDA and GPS rel
There are about 5 of them in the app store for mac os.
Erik Burggraaf
User support consultant,
Now posting occasionally on twitter at eburggraaf,
On 2011-06-07, at 6:28 PM, Christopher-Mark Gilland wrote:
> Dan,
> You're confused on my quest
Hi, The conventional laptop design has 3 vents. One is usually on a side or
back face and vents the power supply. The other two are usually on the bottom
and are intended to disipate the heat from the processor and hard drive. The
problem with these is that they usually aren't fanned. Ther
Hi, folks,
There are some aspects of ICloud that are available in beta now, as was
announced in the keynote address. One is the ITunes IBook store, which lets you
purchase books on your computer and have books automatically downloaded on your
IOS4.3.3 device. You can set this up in settings/sto
especially on the internet with Safari quicknav I found to be a blessing...
launch Safari, enable quicknav, left / right keys together, if it says quicknav
off, do it again so it says its on.
now simply go to your favourite web-site, something you know the layout of well.
press command l
Yes, this method works assuming that you have each new finder window
automatically opening "[user's] [mac model]" directory, in which all hardware
items, disk drives, and networks are visible. I believe the default window for
new Finder windows is the User's Home folder, although I changed this
firstly you need to remember that MAc's have only in the last few years got the
right mouse click, so most things can be achieved without that alt key press.
using most MAc's to the left of the space bar there are four keys.
FN, control, options and command.
the control options keys are
I fought the signature battle yesterday. Finally, I won.
So, open mail. Then, go to the menu bar and find preferences. You'll see a
series of buttons, one of which is labeled signatures. Enable that one.
Here's where it got tricky for me. You'll see a table. You have to control
option shift dow
you can add a signature in Mail by launching Mail, then progressing to the
preferences, which you press command comma to bring up.
now provided quick nav is enabled, left arrow key to the tool bar, interact
with the tool bar, which is down and right arrows at the same time, now right
arrow thro
interacting is another Voice Over qwerk, it initially irritated the hell out of
me, but now it saves me time, a lot of time, and makes things easier to
two ways of interacting, the documented way, control, options, shift, down
arrow, and the reverse to stop interacting, control, opt
So, like I said before, I send email to multiple resipients. And sometimes I
need to get rid of previous senders and headers. So how would I select to the
end and beginning of a document or email? Thanks.
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
I seem to have done a bad thing. I tried to connect to the network in our
house, but I typed it in wrong. Now, finder is trying and trying to connect to
the server. I try to cancel, close, quit, and anything else I can think of, but
none of it works. It just keeps telling me that it's busy, and
command-shift-up and command-shift-down
On Jun 8, 2011, at 12:35 PM, Kliph&Sharrie wrote:
> So, like I said before, I send email to multiple resipients. And sometimes I
> need to get rid of previous senders and headers. So how would I select to
> the end and beginning of a document or
So, I get daily emails with links in them. I've tried vo space bar, and that
doesn't click the link. How do I do this? Also, I tried connecting my blu
tooth headset to my Imac, and it won't find it. Is there a certain kind I
need, or is there a limit on the number of devices allowed at a tim
To move from your current position in a mail message or document to the
beginning of the document, use Command+Up Arrow. To move to the end of the
message or document, use Command+Down Arrow. If you want to select from your
current position to the beginning or end of the document, just ad
To select from the insertion point to the beginning of the document, is
control+shift+home and to the end is control+shift+end.
If you don't have home and end keys, try doing fn+shift+left arrow, and
fn+shift+right arrow.
- Original Message -
From: "Kliph&Sharrie"
OK, Teresa's correct, don't even listen to my previous post response. I do
this so regularly I don't even think about it. frankly, I don't know what I
was thinking a second ago. Teresa's exactly right. Shows what I know.
LOL! Here's for a senior moment!
- Original Message
Okay, what is I Chat? And what is another command for opening the applications
folder, when I vo space bar on it, it doesn't open. finally, will the
address-book except an import of a csv file from Microsoft outlook, or do I
have to find another way to import? Heres another one, when I plug i
Well, actually, Chris, you are not as far off the mark as you think.
FN+shift+left and FN+shift+right do in fact select to beginning and to end
respectively. So, of course, do command+shift+up to slect to begining and
command+shift+down to select to end. Both work equally well.
That business
Hi there!
You can also use command+return/enter this is useful for picking text from
within a lot of text!
Just go to the first word you wish to copy and press that command then scroll
down to the last word of the text [there should be a sound] then press that
command again!
All the text between
Hi Ray,
I wasn't going to comment on the answer Chris gave, but as far as using the
Control key instead of the Command key in movement combinations, Apple started
supporting that for text navigation in iOS documents with Bluetooth keyboards.
I suppose that was because some Bluetooth keyboards
Hi There!
Sorry I cannot answer the bluetooth question!
As for the links!
Make sure your cursor is on the first part of the link!
If the link is [say] the 5th item on a line right arrow until your on the
beginning of the link!
Then you can open vo+shift+m and you'll have different options to open
My guess is that Kliph's Bluetooth headset is still paired to his iPhone or
other device. Depending on the model, even if his iPhone Bluetooth is not
turned on and in the vicinity, he still may not be able to freely pair it with
his Mac computer while that setting is in effect. But I don't
I can answer a couple of your questions. There is a Mac shortcut to open the
applications folder, which is cmd-shift-a from either the desktop or a Finder
window. Similarly, cmd-shift-h will open the home folder and cmd-shift-o opens
iChat is Apple's built-in instant messaging p
what is the address to the mac access list? I could use all the pointers and
help I can get! Thanks.
Sent from Minister Miller's IPhone
On Jun 8, 2011, at 4:12 PM, Esther wrote:
> Hi Ray,
> I wasn't going to comment on the answer Chris gave, but as far as using the
> Control key instead
Hi Neil,
You can also interact with the Trackpad Commander, if you have it enabled, by
using a two finger swipe to the right, and you can stop interacting by using a
two finger swipe to the left. I think you'll find this more convenient to use
if you're navigating your home iTunes library and
Hello everyone. Does anyone know how to open applications or folders on IPhones
with a Bluetooth keyboard? Is there a VO help key for Bluetooth keyboards on
Thanks so much.
On Jun 8, 2011, at 4:47 PM, Kliph&Sharrie
> what is the address to the mac access list? I could use a
Hi, folks,
There are some aspects of ICloud that are available in beta now, as was
announced in the keynote address. One is the ITunes IBook store, which lets you
purchase books on your computer and have books automatically downloaded on your
IOS4.3.3 device. You can set this up in settings/sto
I looked at iText Pro and iText , Express, and they only reads public domain
and not protected EPUB material, don't know about the others.
On Jun 8, 2011, at 4:15 AM, erik burggraaf wrote:
> There are about 5 of them in the app store for mac os.
> Best,
> Erik Burggraaf
> User
Either reboot, or highlight the volume and press command E to eject the volume.
When you open dmg files, they are opened in a volume and after you either
install or place the application in your apps folder, you can then remove the
volume. However, on another note, don't run the app from
To open items, the equivalent of double tapping on them, is up arrow
with down arrow, I believe. That may require quick nav to be on.
Keyboard help is vo-k, and vo-b should exit it.
On 6/8/11, Paul Hunt wrote:
> Hello everyone. Does anyone know how to open applications or folders on
> IPhones wit
Also, VO Space opens files and when using the keyboard.
On Jun 8, 2011, at 3:38 PM, Alex Hall wrote:
> To open items, the equivalent of double tapping on them, is up arrow
> with down arrow, I believe. That may require quick nav to be on.
> Keyboard help is vo-k, and vo-b should exit
I am using a plantronics voyager pro plus, and your suppose to be able to
connect 2 devices to it. After reading your suggestions, I told my phone to
forget the device. This still didn't work, so maybe there is a setting I'm
missing. And I made sure both my phones with blue tooth capability w
hi all,
thanks alot for all the comments. its very helpful, and i welcome it
all. i'll download the podcasts on blind cool tech today and go from
there. and Niel your idea of quicknav is definitely what i'm going to
i suppose i have the similar problem, i got a loan macbook pro sitting
on my
You can turn quick nav on and off by pushing the left and right arrows together
at the same time, then hit the up and down arrows at the same time, this is the
same as hiting vo space bar, either will work.
On Jun 8, 2011, at 5:07 PM, Paul Hunt wrote:
> Hello everyone. Does anyone know how to op
I do not have a mouse. am I to understand that if I do not have a mouse that
this will not work at all or is there a work around for this. I do not want to
have to buy a mouse just to do this. Thanks.
On Jun 8, 2011, at 1:32 PM, Christopher-Mark Gilland wrote:
> OK, I myself
I really agree about quicknav, except with web rotor on my Mac, I don't get the
choice of words or characters, and I double checked in the web rotor setting in
the vo utility. those choices are not in the menu of items for the rotor. How
do you get words or characters included in the rotor?
You can open a file in Finder by pressing command-down-arrow.
Yes, you can import a .csv file into Address Book.
On Jun 8, 2011, at 2:42 PM, Zachary Kline wrote:
> Hi,
> I can answer a couple of your questions. There is a Mac shortcut to open the
> applications folder, which is cmd
Do you not have a track pad? If not, I'm unaware of any other way. Sorry.
- Original Message -
From: "matthew Dyer on Mac Mini"
Sent: Wednesday, June 08, 2011 7:17 PM
Subject: Re: Toggling Preview Payne in Mail: a how-to Tutorial
I do not have a mouse. am I to
Hi Mary,
In this case you want to interact with the text itself. This will let you read
by characters or words, while restricting your attention to the specific
element you're focused on.
Hope this helps,
On Jun 8, 2011, at 4:37 PM, Mary Otten wrote:
> I really agree about quicknav, excep
Hi all,
Is there a way to have mail only check my spelling when I reply to a message?
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"MacVisionaries" group.
To post to this group, send email to macvisionaries@googlegroups.com.
To uns
Hi Zach,
Yes, I can interact with text and get word by word, but I can't get character
by character
Mary Otten
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"MacVisionaries" group.
To post to this group, send email to macvisionaries@googlegroup
Hi Mary,
In that case you can use the normal VO character-by-character movement
commands, vo-shift-left and right arrows, I believe. I suppose the rotor
should sense you're not interested in the whole webpage but only a specific
area of it, but it doesn't always seem to. I tend to use group mo
Yep, sure is. just click on your prefs window and from there, choose the
"compose" tab. Within the choises presented, you can choose to have mail check
your spelling when ever you send a message.
The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!
Skype name:
Hi Mary!
The confusion is in a email you use the left and up arrows or right and up to
change from nav to words or characters, and when you first move to a web page
the rota might still [with the arrows only] give you those options!
But I found as soon as you move to another part of the page, the
Evening everyone,
i've managed to gather updates across all devices, Mac and iDevides as far as
additional apps go, but am not seeing the same behavior when/if an app has an
update. In other words, updating is still a manual process. Anyone else seeing
this? Other than that, I'm loving this ser
Hi again all,
For those of you who choose to dial your brightness down on your Mac, but who
choose to have it bright enough to be able to be adequately viewed, should you
need it via sighted assistance, I'm told it's still perfectly fine at 10 to 15%
brightness. Just thought I'd share that obse
Yes, I've only seen updates with books and music. I got a book using ITunes on
my Mac Mini and instantaneously received it on my IPod, which was not connected
to the computer. Pretty cool. :)
On Jun 8, 2011, at 6:18 PM, Shameless FanGirl wrote:
> Evening everyone,
> i've managed to ga
Oh, I misspoke. I got a game, too. I haven't tried an app yet.
On Jun 8, 2011, at 6:34 PM, Teresa Cochran wrote:
> Yes, I've only seen updates with books and music. I got a book using ITunes
> on my Mac Mini and instantaneously received it on my IPod, which was not
> connected to the com
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