No worries.  I was just curious. 

In the Journey, 


On Jun 8, 2011, at 12:18 PM, Christopher-Mark Gilland wrote:

> I like hiding it, for two reasons.
> 1.  Most importantly, it gives you less screen clutter.
> 2.  If you're coming from a windows background as I am, and on Windows, 
> disabled the preview payne, then you might find having it enabled on the Mac 
> to be a bit awquard.  Each is to his/her own.  If you don't want to disable 
> it, don't.  I just thought some may could benefit from it.  There is no real 
> particular reason you'd want to, it's just a preference.
> I personally like it hidden.  You, on the other hand may not.
> I prefer it being like in the old days more menu style.  You highlight the 
> message and hit return to open it, then command w to close it.
> I know you can do that without hiding the payne, but again,
> I dono... maybe I gave pointless info... I thought I was helping.
> Sorry.
> Chris.
> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Ronald McEwan" <>
> To: <>
> Sent: Wednesday, June 08, 2011 2:03 PM
> Subject: Re: Toggling Preview Payne in Mail: a how-to Tutorial
> Very nice but one question.  Why would you want to either hide or unhide the 
> preview pane?
> In the Journey,
> Ron
> On Jun 8, 2011, at 11:32 AM, Christopher-Mark Gilland wrote:
>> OK, I myself and a few of my other friends have wondered how to toggle on 
>> and off the mail preview in mail that is below the messages table using Snow 
>> Leopard.  It certainly was easier to do this in both Tiger and in Leopard, 
>> but, here's how to do it in 10.6.  A sighted friend and I have confirmed at 
>> least five times that this consistently works regardless how your view is 
>> set in Mail.
>> 1.  Open up Mail.
>> 2.  Be sure that you're not interacting with anything whatsoever by pressing 
>> vo+shift+sup arrow until you hear a ding.
>> 3.  Move to the top of the screen with vo+home, or fn+vo+left arrow, 
>> depending on your setup.
>> 4.  Vo+right arrow past your mailboxes table, then one more time to the 
>> messages table list, and finally one more time to a horizontal splitter. 
>> This is where the hiding magic is gonna be at.
>> 5.  Even if your mouse follows your voiceover cursor, trust me with this as 
>> this doesn't appear consistent route your mouse pointer with vo+command+F5.  
>> remember that you may have to also use the fn key if your F keys are set to 
>> hardware.
>> 6.  Now, here's the trick.  instead of doing like before, and double 
>> clicking with a double vo+shift+space, you need to literally speaking click 
>> the physical mouse.  I don't mean click with a literal click through 
>> voiceover.  Even vo+shift+space... that isn't good enough.  You literally 
>> for some odd reason have to click the actual mouse or track pad.  Remember 
>> if you are on a macbook using a track pad, the track pad is set up in such a 
>> way that different parts of it do different things.  I wasn't aware of this, 
>> until my friend told me.  So, what you want to do after routing your mouse 
>> to that horizontal splitter, is to left double click.  So on a track pad, 
>> that will need to be done by double clicking at the very bottom left corner 
>> of the track pad.  Otherwise, just reach up to the mouse and double click 
>> the left mouse button, or the only mouse button there if you have an 
>> external apple mouse.  Now the area should be gone.  Voiceover won't tell 
>> you this right away, but trust me, if you do it right it'll work 
>> consistently.
>> To turn the preview payne back on...:
>> 1.  Make sure in mail that you're again, not interacting with anything at 
>> all.
>> 2.  Now navigate to the top left of the window with your vo+home or 
>> fn+vo+left arrow, again depending on your setup.
>> 3.  Next, vo+right arrow until you reach the message list table.  Trust me 
>> with this.
>> 4.  Press vo+shift+down arrow to interact with the messages table scroll 
>> area.
>> 5.  Highlight with vo+down arrow, any message in the list.  It doesn't 
>> matter which one, just so that one is selected.
>> 6.  Press vo+shift+up arrow to stop interacting with the message list table.
>> 7.  If you now vo+right arrow, you're gonna see two horizontal splitters. 
>> you want the second one you'll come to.  A short way to get there is to do 
>> vo+end, or fn+vo+right arrow.  Basically, it's at the very bottom right 
>> corner of the screen.  Now remember from above, you ***have!*** No ifs ands 
>> or buts to it, you have! to have a message highlighted in the message list 
>> table.  Otherwise this second horizontal splitter won't even be there.  Once 
>> you find that second horizontal splitter, do like we did a second ago to 
>> hide the preview.  So, route your mouse, vo+command+F5, plus your fn key if 
>> needed, then again, left double click your mouse.  Again, bottom left 
>> corner, if you're on a track pad like on a macbook.  Again, Voiceover won't 
>> necessarily tell you it worked.  But again, it's very consistent.  Trust me 
>> I did it about 5  times.  It does work, if you do it correctly exactly as 
>> I've told you to do it.
>> A very warm thanks to my friend Norma Watts for this tip.
>> One more thing is, by the way, when you go to unhide the preview, make sure 
>> you have a message highlited in the message list.  I can't stress that 
>> enough.  If you don't have anything in the message list as it's empty, then 
>> a sollution would be either to find a mailbox that has some messages 
>> populated, or if worst last resort, just e-mail yourself to make a message 
>> pop up in the table.
>> The other thing is, I don't thing you have to have a message highlighted 
>> when you're hiding the preview.  Only when you're unhiding, however, just to 
>> be on the safe side, until I figure out otherwise, it may be good practice 
>> anyway to highlight a message first, even when hiding.
>> I hope this helps some of you out.  YOu all're definitely welcome to post 
>> this on any web site or blog.  I have no problem with that.
>> Take care.
>> Chris.
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