Hi Orin!
You can easily use the join files function in Amadeus. At the right of the drag
area there is a button which has no name. Press vo-space on this, and you can
choose your files from a normal open dialog box.
If you vo-right arrowing twice after selecting the file you want you can find
Hi Jürgen!
> did you try to route the mouse cursor to the textfield in the skrol area of
> the tracks to click once?
Yes I tried that when I came home yesterday and it didn't work at all.
> And what's wrong by using n to switch between the tracks?
For me nothing as long as the project isn'
Thanks; I"ll check it out. Perhaps If it's not accessible in sl, it'll
work in lion; I'll try it with the developer preview.
On 20/03/2011 01:23, Bryan Jones wrote:
Hello As
In short yes and yes.
Apple Mail can handle exchange, imap, and pop without any difficulty. Mail will
even add meeting requests etc. to iCal.
Text Edit is quite capable at handling Word docs, but there may be some
limitations such as documents that use macros and the like. I don't use such
Hello everyone,
Frequently, I use Magic Jack and its USB hardware component to call Canada and
the States and this is no problem whatsoever with the Mac. However, I use a
different SIP-based service for making calls to destinations within Europe. I
am looking for a free SIP client that works we
Hi Mike,
I recommend Telephone, which can be found in the Mac App Store. It works quite
well with VO, and
is a personal favorite of mine. It's also free last time I checked, which is
definitely an
Hope this helps,
On Sun, 20 Mar 2011 13:15:19 +0100, Michael Busboom wrote:
Hello, everyone. I am rather frustrated with Text Edit.n Whenever I review
something I've written (after saving,) there is always a whole lot of numbers
letters, and symbols at the top of the file. Also, whenever I enter a "new
line" there appears a backslash. What is going on? Does this ge
Thank you, Zack, for the tip.
Since I had never downloaded anything from the iStore, I went there to download
the piece of software to which you referred. I was quite shocked when I read
their terms of agreement.
1. I speak both German and English, so it was no big deal when, after
Editing on a Mac using VoiceOver is different than using Windows and a windows
screen reader. Some may explain it more effectively; however, has to do with
how the cursor behaves. Not sure about the characters in the document, but
sounds like a conversion problem.
Scott Howell
I'm not converting anything, merely writing a document and saving it as an rtf
file. When I go back into it, there's garbage at the top and backslashes
wherever I put in a "new line".
When I have converted Word files in rtf, then gone in to read/review them,
there has been no such problem.
Hi all,
I was wondering if anyone has tried Wuala, SugarCync, or Cyncplicity. THese are
alternatives to Dropbox. My Dropbox has stopped working. I know there has been
discussion on this list about how the new version of Dropbox is not accessible.
Would anyone be able to give me alternatives to
The left and right arrows by themselves should move you by character. Another
option is VO+Shift+ left or right arrow.
Hope this helps.
On Mar 20, 2011, at 12:26 PM, Scott Howell wrote:
> Christine,
> Editing on a Mac using VoiceOver is different than using Windows and a
> windows scr
Hi Christine,
I must admit I'm stumped if all you're doing is saving RTF. I've done this
many times and never ran into any problems of the sort you describe. If you
were somehow opening the RTF file as a text file, without the proper
conversions, garbage is understandable. Other than that, I'
Oh, the arrows work -- but when I attempt to insert a letter there, or erase, I
discover that I am at the beginning or end of a word. I keep checking cursor
tracking and all checks out. Is there a single command which I can use without
going into the VO menu to ensure cursor tracking is on? Tha
Is there something special I should do to ensure that when the file opens, it's
in rtf? It should do so automatically if I saved it as such, shouldn't it? Is
there any discernible difference between opening a file directly from its
folder or using a spotlight search? Thanks.
On Mar 2
hello all,
After hanging back, and watching from the sidelines for the last little while,
I've decided to at last go ahead, and become a switcher. I've had little but a
few cursory plays with a Mac at the Apple store, but that bit of experience, as
well as the progress made with iOS, which I us
I have created a playlist in iTunes that my wife likes to run to. As I am not
always home and my iPhone not available to her, I want to copy the songs on to
her mp3 player. It is not an iPod so, it doesn't show up in my devices list
and I can't just copy over the playlist. Is there an easy wa
Regarding external drives, is it still necessary for one to format in phat32 if
sharing between the Mac and PC are the overall aim? I'd read that once, but it
was a while ago, so I wasn't sure whether or not it's still the case.
Thanks guys
Twitter: @IndigoCellist
Sent from my iPhone
Hello Christine,
I've never seen the problems you're encountering with TextEdit in the six years
or so that I've been using it. I just tried showing properties in an RTF
document, but it didn't produce the kind of thing you're seeing.
As for where you are in relation to what VO has just said, i
While I cant answer your first question, I can take a stab at your second.
There are a number of ways to move from the source list to the actual source
you've chosen. If you're interacting with the sources, you can do vo-j to
"jump to linked item", which will pull you in one keystroke to w
Yes mam that is correct.
On Mar 20, 2011, at 2:35 PM, ShamelessFanGirl wrote:
> Regarding external drives, is it still necessary for one to format in phat32
> if sharing between the Mac and PC are the overall aim? I'd read that once,
> but it was a while ago, so I wasn't sure whether or not it'
I'd have to concur. Standard RTF files should not have garbage in them. I'm
going to assume then that you are not opening these in Microsoft WOrd and
saving them again? I cannot think of any other reason why you would have
garbage in your files unless it was opened in a different program. I can'
Well let me try to answer your questions.
FIrst I have no idea what you mean with regard to the disc being read to fast.
I've ripped manyCDs in iTunes and unless there was a problem with the disc
itself, I have not had any problems and especially with books. I do however
recommend AUdiobook BUi
On 20/03/2011 18:26, ShamelessFanGirl wrote:
hello all,
After hanging back, and watching from the sidelines for the last little while,
I've decided to at last go ahead, and become a switcher.
Awesome! good for you!
I've had little but a few cursory plays with a Mac at the Apple store, but t
No, you can use mac fuse or paragon NTFS for mac to read and write to
NTFS drives.
On 20/03/2011 18:35, ShamelessFanGirl wrote:
Regarding external drives, is it still necessary for one to format in phat32 if
sharing between the Mac and PC are the overall aim? I'd read that once, but it
was a
I'm wondering if some text or rtf settings were modified in the Preferences.
Try going into TextEdit, press cmd-comma to bring up the Preferences window,
and press the Restore Defaults button. See what happens after that.
On 2011-03-20, at 11:35 AM, Zachary Kline wrote:
> Hi Ch
Hi Christine:
Forgive me for being simplistic. But, is it possible when typing that you're
hitting backslash when you're hitting enter. They're close one above the
other, and perhaps a fingernail is clipping the backslash. As far as the
numbers, I think there is a ruler that you can enable or
Hi Allison:
I'm wondering if sendspace is similar. But, I honestly don't have fantastic
luck with that either on the mac. For me, though, I think it's operator
I'll be interested to replies to your question.
On Mar 20, 2011, at 11:33 AM, Allison Manzino wrote:
> Hi all,
The old version of Dropbox still works, and I have the installer. You can
download it from my site here.
On Mar 20, 2011, at 1:33 PM, Allison Manzino wrote:
> Hi all,
> I was wondering if anyone has tried Wuala, SugarCync, or
Hi Vangirl:
Navigating in itunes from source to anywhere is pretty easy. The sections are
in nifty little tables that you'll learn to "interact with," that work very
very well. You'll be using two keys, which are called voiceover keys with
arrows to move among items and select them.
I'd like
Ashley, is this still experimental? I was under the impression this was not
100%. If that is not the case, then that is a very good deal for folks. Of
course you have to install this since it does not come preinstalled on the Mac
unless things have changed very recently.
On Mar 20, 2011, at 3:1
Hi Joanne,
There's nothing currently available that we know of that is accessible for
notation on the Mac. I do know that Dancing Dots is working on getting the
makers of a particular braille music program to work with VoiceOver. I'm sure
the news will be posted on this list when it's ready.
Hello everyone. On some web pages developers use mouseover events to expose
additional options. This does notseem to work in VoiceOver even if I try to
route the VoiceOver cursor to the mouse pointer. Have any of you gotten this
to work?
Thanks so much.
You received this message beca
No, I am positive I'm not hitting the backslash -- it isn't happening ever in
Apple Mail, only in Text Edit files. I guess this is one for my One to One
next Saturday. It is horribly frustrating. What *is* the purpose of the ruler,
On Mar 20, 2011, at 4:18 PM, carolyn Haas wrote
I'm not sure about your strange character and number issue, but to comment on
the frustration you are experiencing with knowing where you are while editing
text, it is an initial learning problem for those of us who come over from
windows. I struggled with it for a long time.
I will
You're my Mac hero of the day, Tim! That did it! Of course, I haven't any
idea which settings caused it now . . . can anyone recommend some VO-friendly
info on the use of Text Edit, preferences, etc. I could use? Thanks.
On Mar 20, 2011, at 3:20 PM, Tim Kilburn wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm wondering
Hi, Simon. I think I can actually help you a bit as well. The function key plus
delete erases forwards. Thanks for the great explanation.
On Mar 20, 2011, at 7:13 PM, Simon Cavendish wrote:
> Christine,
> I'm not sure about your strange character and number issue, but to comment on
Yes, that will provide the most compatibility between the 2 platforms.
On Mar 20, 2011, at 1:35 PM, ShamelessFanGirl wrote:
> Regarding external drives, is it still necessary for one to format in phat32
> if sharing between the Mac and PC are the overall aim? I'd read that once,
> but it was a w
Thanks a lot everyone for the prompt, and detailed responses. This is truly a
fabulous list to be a part of. As for me, I'm now off to locate both a sizable
desktop harddrive that is sizable enough for my needs, and something USB
powered for portable usage. Yeah, this will be one spoiled Mac. :D
Me again,
Subject says it all really. For those of you who have done it, is doing this
through Apple proper advisable, or is doing it oneself more economically sound?
I've done it before to PC's, and therefore am capable, just am curious as to
what you suggest on the Mac side of the spectra.
asking, since someone may have an idea.
I am looking for good dial up service anywhere in the country, if you can
suggest an option, write me off list please?
Again, only in Canada.
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Gro
Depends on what your upgrading. An iMac or MacBook/MacBook Pro is pretty easy
and actually the new Mac Mini is very easy. THe older Mac Mini is more
challenging. SO, in general it is pretty easy.
On Mar 20, 2011, at 8:05 PM, ShamelessFanGirl wrote:
> Me again,
> Subject says it all really. Fo
Hello shameless Fan Girl,
I have ripped audio CDs on a Mac and a PC and have yet to encounter a serious
error with respect to the drive speed on a Mac. I've built audio books within
iTunes and have had no issues, some careful time tagging notwithstanding.
VO-Command-T is what I usually use to j
Hi Everyone,
I just got my Mac today and I have about a million questions. But the one I
guess I'll start with is why don't the function keys do what they are
supposed to do?
I remember reading something about how they have hardware functions, but how
do I get them to perform software functions l
Hi folks:
We are nearing the 1,000 subscriber mark, which is very exciting. However, as
has been stated numerous times here, we need to keep traffic manageable. If
you must even think about writing OT in a subject line, it's probably something
that doesn't belong here at all. There are a lot
hi allison
did you go back to the previous version?
i can post it to you if you don't have it.
On 20 Mar 2011, at 17:33, Allison Manzino wrote:
> Hi all,
> I was wondering if anyone has tried Wuala, SugarCync, or Cyncplicity. THese
> are alternatives to Dropbox. My Dropbox has stopped
hi does anyone of any online service that will convert pdf to html
i just tried the adobe online one and it send it was unable to determine the
file i copied the u r l
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"MacVisionaries" group.
To post to this gro
The function keys at the top of the keyboard are set by default to control
things like brightness and volume. When using voiceover, the function keys are
often employed to perform software related tasks. Therefore, it is recommended
that VO users change the setting to have them do Software
Hello List,
I have several large smart and regular playlists in my itunes. I shuffle them
so I don't get the same artist's songs playing back to back for an hour.
However, when I do shuffle these playlists, I will run into the situation
where songs by the same artist appear back to back or wit
you can try sending the file here:
I hope I spelled that right.
still the service will convert pdf files to many formats.
simply put the file type you wish in the subject line.
I have not tried html, but did try text, unhappy with the results, and rtf,
which let me use
Thanks Carolyn. That worked like a charm.
-Original Message-
From: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
[mailto:macvisionaries@googlegroups.com]On Behalf Of carolyn Haas
Sent: Sunday, March 20, 2011 9:38 PM
To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: New Mac user -- question about funct
Hi again,
I notice my keyboard has no home, end, page up or page down keys. How do I
accomplish these functions without these keys?
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"MacVisionaries" group.
To post to this group, send email to macvision
FN plus left equals home.
FN plus right equals end.
FN plus up equals page up.
FN plus down equals page down.
The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!
Skype name:
On Mar 20, 2011, at 9:39 PM,
Hello Cliff,
The answer is a hardy Yes to both questions.
I think you will find that if you use Apple Mail in threaded view your
efficiency will far exceed that of Outlook.
I say this as both a Windows 7 Outlook 2010 and Jaws 12 user.
On Mar 19, 2011, at 6:32 PM, Kliphton Senior wrote:
Hi Kimber:
Sorry: should have been more clear about that. When using a laptop, the arrows
in conjunction with the FN key at the bottom left of the keyboard perform these
functions: with fn up and down arrows being pageup and pagedown, and fn left
and right arrows being home and end. Sometimes,
To configure the function keys, open system preferences, and choose keyboard.
Check the option to use the function keys for normal software functions, then
they will work as expected.
On Mar 20, 2011, at 8:24 PM, Kimberly wrote:
> Hi Everyone,
> I just got my Mac today and I have about a mill
This revolves around the function key and the arrow keys. Function left and
right arrow is home and end, and function up and down is page up and page down,
hopefully I'm not getting those mixed up.
On Mar 20, 2011, at 9:39 PM, Kimberly wrote:
> Hi again,
> I notice my keyboard has no home, en
Cheree Heppe here:
Is there a way to estimate how many blind users of Apple devices there are out
Some are suggesting that the Apple usage is a mere bump in the Windows road.
Quite a bump, I would say.
Congratulations on the list and on Apple's accessibility commitment and
Does this work with the apple wireless keyboard because i just tried the
function key and arrows and don't work for me.
On Mar 20, 2011, at 9:08 PM, Mike Arrigo wrote:
> This revolves around the function key and the arrow keys. Function left and
> right arrow is home and end, and functio
It works for me on most websites. I press Vo command f5 to move the mouse to
the VOiceover cursor, and then the text or extra links pops up to the right.
What website are you having issues with?
Best regards:
Søren Jensen
mail & MSN:
Hello all,
Am I missing something or the in-page links do not really work in Snow Leopard
with Voiceover? It seems that VO detects such links as links, however, does not
do anything when you click on them.
Any idea on what's going on here?
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