Lately, people to whom I e-mail links are informing me that there is no link in
my messages. How can I fix this?
I think I must have changed something in the compose settings but not sure.
The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!
Skype name:
It sounds to me like you've accidentally turned quick nav on. You can toggle
it on and off by pressing the left and right arrow keys at the same time.
Ricardo Walker
Twitter, Skype, & AIM: rwalker296
On Mar 13, 2011, at 11:56 PM, Denise Avant wrote
Hi, I've run into this.
Basicly I wrote support. I explained the situation. Then I told them I wasn't
getting enough out of the service to justify the grief and they could either
enable my account or close it, whichever suited them best and let me know when
it was done.
My account was enabl
you were right on target. thanks. i don't know how i did it or when. well i
guess i know how just the when part.
On Mar 14, 2011, at 6:34 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
> Hi,
> It sounds to me like you've accidentally turned quick nav on. You can toggle
> it on and off by pressing the left a
You wrote:
"Are you wanting to send and read email from inside a terminal, or do
you want to set up your own mail server?"
I want to do mail in terminal. The first choice is to have everything at
the local level the second to have a mail client in terminal.
I'm most interested in doin
Hello mac users.
I just installed the free twitter app from the mac app store. WHen I opened it,
I wasn't able to navigate through the interface at all. Am I doing something
wrong? I didn't see and accessibility preference or a way to change the
interface at all.
If this app isn't accessible I'l
Hi Matthew, try syrinx. It's a very accessible twitter client for mac.
On 3/14/11, Matthew Campbell wrote:
> Hello mac users.
> I just installed the free twitter app from the mac app store. WHen I opened
> it, I wasn't able to navigate through the interface at all. Am I doing
> something wrong? I
I have syrinx and love it but I wanted to try something different that's all.
On 2011-03-14, at 10:11 AM, Claudio Haase wrote:
> Hi Matthew, try syrinx. It's a very accessible twitter client for mac.
> On 3/14/11, Matthew Campbell wrote:
>> Hello mac users.
>> I just installed the free twi
Hi everyone,
I am using Snow Leopard V 10.6.6 on a Mac Book with 4 GB/RAM. For reasons I do
not understand, I occasionally lose Voice Over, especially when I am using Mail.
Though the problem is not limited to Mail, Voice Over just seems to "unload
itself," and the only thing I can do is repeat
Yes, it happens to me on my mac mini, os 10.6.6. Same symptoms you are
experiencing. Be sure to send a note with complete details to
On Mar 14, 2011, at 11:38 AM, Michael Busboom wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I am using Snow Leopard V 10.6.6 on a Mac Book wit
oh yes this has been happening to me since I started using snowleopard in 2009.
Sent from my iPhone
On Mar 14, 2011, at 10:38 AM, Michael Busboom wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I am using Snow Leopard V 10.6.6 on a Mac Book with 4 GB/RAM. For reasons I
> do not understand, I occasionally lose Voic
For the first time ever, today I lost VoiceOver completely, for no apparent
reason, but couldn't get it back no matter what I tried. I managed to quit Mail
and reboot the MacBook Pro without VoiceOver and haven't seen anything unusual
for the past few hours. Very strange. Console log reported a
Not this exact problem, but something similar:
IMac, Snow Leopard 10.6.6.
I invoke sleep.
When I wake it up, I must either press a number of arrows or other simple
commands, or simply close and open vo with command 5.
On Mar 14, 2011, at 11:38 AM, Michael Busboom wrote:
Hi everyone,
I am usin
Hi Mike,
I have this problem on my MacBook as well. I find that the easiest way to get
VoiceOver restarted is to press control+option+command+f8. This starts the
VoiceOver tutorial. As soon as the tutorial starts, press escape and VoiceOver
will restart. I hope this problem gets fixed soon.
Robert, although the problem is annoying, this approach you described might at
least be a usable work-around. I will try it the next time Voice Over abandons
me. Thank you very much.
To all of you who wrote, thank you. Sometimes, the only way to recover has
been to just hit the Power key, wa
I am not experiencing this on any of the Macs I am using.
Two MBPs and an iMac. THis is an interesting problem.
On Mar 14, 2011, at 11:50 AM, Robert Carter wrote:
> Hi Mike,
> I have this problem on my MacBook as well. I find that the easiest way to get
> VoiceOver restarted is to press contr
Forgive me if you get a double post from me. I don't think it was sent
to this list the first time I sent it.
Original Message
Subject:Re: Two questions about the accessible Audacity for the Mac
Date: Mon, 14 Mar 2011 12:51:09 -0400
From: Johchi
To: macvisiona
this has been a known problem since the inception of snow leopard. I have seen
it on all versions 10.6.x and it hasn't gotten any better with time. it appears
that it may be a memory leak or a broken library. in any case, it is annoying
as hell. I have sent many notices to accessibility. its got
Hi Brandon,
I'm not seeing this problem of non-working access key shortcut combinations,
either in the previous version of Safari or with the newest update (version
5.0.4 released three or four days ago). A few questions about your recent
Safari experience: Is it possible that either you or som
Hi Eric,
I think you're overstating the case a bit here... Yes, it's annoying, but I
haven't found it that annoying. I haven't experienced it as often as others
here seem to, and the times I have, a quick command-f5 or two solves it. Yes,
let's email accessibility about this, but let's not lo
hi Mike
it does not happen on my 21 inch i mack.
On 14 Mar 2011, at 15:43, Bryan Jones wrote:
> Yes, it happens to me on my mac mini, os 10.6.6. Same symptoms you are
> experiencing. Be sure to send a note with complete details to
> Thanks,
> Bryan
> On Ma
Only happens to me two times out of the week.
Sent from my iPhone
On Mar 14, 2011, at 11:37 AM, joseph wrote:
> hi Mike
> it does not happen on my 21 inch i mack.
> best
> On 14 Mar 2011, at 15:43, Bryan Jones wrote:
>> Yes, it happens to me on my mac mini, os 10.6.6. Same symptoms you ar
Hello again listers.
Since Dropbox has decided to ignore accessibility, I'm interested in trying
Have any of you tried any of they're services with the mac and or iPhone?
If anyone could give me some more info, that'd be great.
Matthew Campbell.
You received this message beca
Hello again everyone,
While it is good to know that I'm not the only one experiencing the problem, I
wish that there were a way to duplicate it at will. Being able to do so would
certainly make it easier for programmers to squish the bug.
The problem of lost speech sometimes occurs when I rapi
Hello Mike.
I encounter this same problem virtually every time I use Mail.
In fact,, just now, while composing this reply to you, VoiceOver just stopped
speaking and I had to issue Command+F5 several times to get it speaking again.
VoiceOver also dies when entering information into Forms on the
Hi Everybody,
This is indeed a strange problem. I haven't had this problem at all. Of
course, this doesn't mean that others haven't had it. I hope it can be
On Mar 14, 2011, at 1:22 PM, Zachary Kline wrote:
> Hi Eric,
> I think you're overstating the case a bit here... Yes,
Hi guys:
I'm finding this interesting, and surprising. I've been using an 13 inch mbp
for over a year, and never had this happen. I have had one thing whereby
voiceover says Voiceover on/speech off. But, fixed it by playing the trackpad
and mute and unmuting Vo, then doing the command f5 thin
Thank you. Restarting Safari helped.
On Mar 14, 2011, at 1:10 PM, Esther wrote:
> Hi Brandon,
> I'm not seeing this problem of non-working access key shortcut combinations,
> either in the previous version of Safari or with the newest update (version
> 5.0.4 released three or f
Same thing happing here. Four presses of command F5 fixs the trouble.
On Mar 14, 2011, at 11:23 AM, carolyn Haas wrote:
> Hi guys:
> I'm finding this interesting, and surprising. I've been using an 13 inch mbp
> for over a year, and never had this happen. I have had one thing whereby
> voiceo
I am definitely NOT overstating the problem here. I get random failures, and
not just in mail either. It happens so often that I am seriously considering
dumping OS X and installing VINUX. This problem has been occurring with such
frequency that I might as well keep my machine off then use
Hi Eric
Have you tried some of the general maintenance things such as utilities first
aid, verifying and repairing permissions, or doing any re-installs? It would
seem to me that if this problem is occurring that often, you could get it to
reproduce for one of the geniuses at your Apple store
Spot on Mark. I also encounter this when navigating quickly through files and
folders in the finder.
Ricardo Walker
Twitter, Skype, & AIM: rwalker296
On Mar 14, 2011, at 2:07 PM, M. Taylor wrote:
> Hello Mike.
> I encounter this same problem v
Also, another amazing utility is called onyx. It'll do everything accept clean
my house and do the laundry. Lol.
Just do a google search for onyx.
On 2011-03-14, at 2:54 PM, carolyn Haas wrote:
> Hi Eric
> Have you tried some of the general maintenance things such as utilities first
> aid, ve
Hello Carolyn,
Alas, were I a fast typist (and truthfully, I'm average, I guess) your question
would be right on target. Unfortunately, on a couple of instances, VO has
simply stopped talking when just reading a mail aloud. VO most frequently dies
when I am typing in the mail program, though
Mark and Ricardo, sometimes, I have to keep hitting the Command F5 combo for
two or three minutes before VO kicks in. While I truly sympathize with
everyone who regularly encounters this problem, I also take a little bit of
comfort in the fact that (1) I'm not doing anything wrong and (2) miser
Like others I cannot reproduce the problem. Some times it happens every couple
minutes, or I can go a day with only one or two occurrences. Since I recently
reformatted my partition and reinstalled snowLeopard, I doubt that repairing
permissions would have any affect.
I don't recall this bein
Hi Jeff,
It's interesting you mention Safari. I don't run into this exact problem often
while using it, but occasionally I do have instances where VO will suddenly
restart itself for no apparent reason. This isn't something I can reliably
reproduce either, nor does it happen often enough to be
The subject says it all. Macupdate has CopyPaste Pro 3.0 on sale. I used a
Windows counterpart called Clipmate for years and found it indispensable.
I'll probably try this app unless someone already has and advises that it
doesn't play nice with voiceOver.
Best regards.
You receive
Hi Mike:
Are you running windows along side snowleopard? Are you telling too many corny
Ok, not called for.!
I wonder if the usual first aid utility stuff could help, or the Onyx utility
app Matthew suggested? I know nothing about Onyx. But perhaps I should apply
for that houseclean
a few weeks ago someone posted an apple script to get the current battery
status of a MacBook. Unfortunately I didn't save that helpful script. Could
anyone please post it again. Would be really great. :)
Thanks and
best regards
You received this message because you are subscrib
On 3/14/2011 9:01 AM, Denise Avant wrote:
you were right on target. thanks. i don't know how i did it or when. well i
guess i know how just the when part.
On Mar 14, 2011, at 6:34 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
It sounds to me like you've accidentally turned quick nav on. You can toggle
the problems appear at random but with increasing frequency.
I'd take a trip to my local apple store, but its like 40 miles across town and
I don't venture out much during the day (my eyes hurt too damned much).
I have run all the maintenance tools here. so far, nothing is detected as being
Hi Yuma,
I had this problem when I tried to log in to my account owhen I was
traveling overseas. The photo jeopardy thing is absolutely impossible for a
blind guy -- heck, it's practically impossible for a totally sighted person
for all the reasons you described.
It seems to me there was anoth
Hi Johchi!
Quick nav means you can just use the arrows to nav!
to switch it on just press left and right arrows at the same time!
vo will say quick nav on or off!
So when it is on you will not have to hold vo keys and just press up down and
so on to nav you can also select with up and down arrow
Hello Anne,
I did all your suggested steps. They seems me very logic. In iPhone
when I enter in the shelf for the first time, VO announced the title
of the document that I made again to test correctly in Portuguese.
When I enter in the document, VO start to speak in English. When I
return to the s
You are not aloan in this one. I tried this a few weeks ago and like you found
it to be totaly unaccessible. I was going to write to the devekluper, but
didn't have a way to contact them about it.
On Mar 14, 2011, at 9:57 AM, Matthew Campbell wrote:
> Hello mac users.
> I
Hi all!
So I quite like quick nav and was wondering if people think this might be a
good idea! [or not]
Using q. nav in mail [ for example] I can get to which mail box I want then
interact with the messages, then just open with enter and delete with just one
but if I want to keep the messa
Hello Jorge,
I'm sorry it didn't work. You'll just have to select the Portuguese voice on
your iPhone rather than the default voice. A nuisance, I agree, but at least it
makes the document readable.
On 15 Mar 2011, at 00:36, Jorge Fernandes wrote:
> Hello Anne,
> I did all y
Hi Esther, Thanks for this. It was the allow scripts checkbox that was missing.
Much appreciated.
Erik Burggraaf
User support consultant,
Now posting occasionally on twitter at eburggraaf,
On 2011-03-13, at 9:32 PM, Esther wrote:
> Hi Erik,
> Wha
to delete a mail message, i simply press the backspace key.
just my thought.
On 14 Mar 2011, at 23:40, Colin M wrote:
> Hi all!
> So I quite like quick nav and was wondering if people think this might be a
> good idea! [or not]
> Using q. nav in mail [ for example] I can get to which m
I am experiencing problem in the address book in that the Mac voice does not
say the number when I typed the phone number.
How does one resolve this?
Thank you
Cheok Cheng Ann
You received this message because you are subscribe
I haven't seen that in the year and a half I have been using VoiceOver, but
Jaws does it on an average of at least once a day... Is that good enough to
qualify for top screen reader in the world?
- Original Message -
From: "Michael Busboom"
Sent: Monday, March 14, 2011 10:38 AM
It's been my experience that there is no resolution. I type the phone number
without feedback, move out of the edit box, then move back. The number should
then be read. You most likely will be able to interact with the edit box to
make any corrections.
Brett C.
On Mar 14, 2011, at 7:51 P
Hi Joseph!
Yes I use the same key!
I use enter to open them as well!
But the key strokes I suggested are available to use for something and opened
this for discussion!
And if enough people like it and maybe come up with better ideas then they
could be suggested to Apple! :]
Chegh che
Thank you for the kind reply.
I don't yet have a Mac but one is in te mix shortly. As for now I'm
just learning how a Mac will better serve me - that is better choice for
me then a standard Windows only based system. Any proof I can come up
with to support my acquisition of a Mac to my
Hey Everyone,
I need to be able to share my contact to someone via mms
messenging but how does the recipient save my contact to his or her
contacts when it has been send via a mms message, keeping in mind
the person is new to the Iphone and Voice Over but he is doing well so far.
Hello list,
I have begun using Twitterific for iPhone as a result of Icon Factry's
accessibility improvements. I've encountered a problem when trying to open
links that have been tweeted. Some links will open via the in-app browser while
double tapping other links pulls up an actions menu, whi
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