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On Thursday 13 February 2003 10:45 am, Max Bian wrote:
> So sockets are just the same as pipes if they are not better. Since
> pipes do not work on Windows, maybe it is time to switch?
I would hope that there is no sudden switch. I use pybliographic,
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On Tuesday 11 February 2003 07:56 pm, Praedor Tempus Atrebates wrote:
> I created my own reference style for my thesis using makebst. I
> specifically selected that journal names should be underlined rather than
> italicized but when the
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I created my own reference style for my thesis using makebst. I specifically
selected that journal names should be underlined rather than italicized but
when the reference list is generated, the journal titles are plain text
without underlining. W
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On Tuesday 11 February 2003 06:22 pm, Matej Cepl wrote:
> Praedor Tempus Atrebates wrote:
> > What does it take to fix this? How do I determine the critical
> > difference between the nicely rendering chapters and the horribly
> >
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I don't understand this. I have a document of 4 chapters and when I print
them all to ps and convert to pdf via ps2pdfwr (or just ps2pdf) they look
perfect. Nice letters, nice rendering. I have a coverpage using, I am all
but certain, the same fo
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I have 7 pages in a document that shouldn't begin page numbering until the
third page and at that page, begin numbering with i (Roman lowercase
numerals). I know how to suppress numbering on a given page, and I even know
how to start numbering at a
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I have tried and retried generating a custom bibliography style (w/ makebst)
for use in my lyx doc in which journal titles are underlined instead of
italicized but I never get underlined output.
What are the requirements to get the bibliography st
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On Monday 10 February 2003 09:53 am, Juergen Spitzmueller wrote:
> Matej Cepl wrote:
> > Juergen Spitzmueller wrote:
> > > Confirmed. As a workaround, you can use Custom Export, output
> > > format LaTeX and Command "kprinter $$FName" or define
> >
> >
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On Monday 10 February 2003 07:40 am, Praedor Tempus Atrebates wrote:
> With the standard xforms frontend on lyx-1.2.x I had no problems printing
> under KDE using CUPS. I simply printed to kprinter which would bring up
> the cups dialogs.
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With the standard xforms frontend on lyx-1.2.x I had no problems printing
under KDE using CUPS. I simply printed to kprinter which would bring up the
cups dialogs. I am now using version 1.3.0 with the qt frontend but when I
print to kprinter, not
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On Saturday 08 February 2003 04:17 pm, Praedor Tempus Atrebates wrote:
> I have strict margin requirements to meet. I have set lyx to give me a
> 1.5" left margin and a 1" top, bottom, and right margin. The left and
> right mar
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I have strict margin requirements to meet. I have set lyx to give me a 1.5"
left margin and a 1" top, bottom, and right margin. The left and right
margins are OK but the top and bottom are more than 1 inch.
How do I FORCE lyx to produce doc page
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Please, someone throw me a bone.
I have bibunits.sty and need to use it on a multipart document. No matter
where I put the bibunits.sty file, however, lyx cannot find it. What is the
magic to getting a new style file to take? To be visable and us
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On Friday 07 February 2003 11:32 am, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:
> > "Remzi" == Remzi Seker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Remzi> And rebuilt the src rpm for Mandrake 9.0. Is there a public ftp
> Remzi> server I can push it on, if anyone is ineter
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I have a thesis document that contains 4 chapters. It is in one single file
and requires bibliographies appear at the end of each chapter. I have been
trying to get chapterbib to work but it produces senseless (to me) errors and
I just cannot get
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I have read the chapterbib tip from the web but I have done what it says yet
still fail to get references at the end of each chapter.
I have 4 chapters and need 4 independent reference lists for these chapters.
I am using the chapterbib style and ad
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Testing...mailserver problems...have I been bumped from list?
- --
Conservatives of all times are adventitious liars.
- - Friedrich Nietzsche.
Version: GnuPG v1.0.7 (GNU/Linux)
The consensus from respondants appears to be strongly for b). I too offer my
preference for b. My current 1.2 release works well enough for my current
uses but a QT GUI would certainly be enough for me to upgrade.
Beware the leader who bangs the drums of war in order to whip the c
Hash: SHA1
I have run into a difficulty working within Lyx a lot of late. In trying to do
some cutting and pasting within lyx, it is often impossible to do unless done
with little snippets of text at a time, perhaps 5 lines or so. If a figure
that I want to c
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I had a multi-chapter document organized into a single document but now have
decided to break it up into independent documents for each chapter. I need
the pagination on chapter 2 to take up where chapter 1 left off, and so forth
for subsequent cha
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On Thursday 17 October 2002 09:39 am, Herbert Voss wrote:
> Praedor Tempus schrieb:
> > I have suddenly run into a problem with a lyx document that was rendering
> > OK last evening. I try to preview a postscript view of my document a
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I will re-ask this in hopes of getting a quick answer as time is of the
essence (the document is DUE).
I am having problems getting my references to format as desired. I need my
reference page to have references in alphabetical order by first aut
Hash: SHA1
I have suddenly run into a problem with a lyx document that was rendering OK
last evening. I try to preview a postscript view of my document and it craps
out with errors. A message box appears indicating that there were 2 errors
during the latex
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I have been trying to get my references listed alphabetically but no matter
what bib style I select (I have even created my own bst files) it invariably
comes back with references listed in order of citation. What does it take to
get citations lis
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I am pulling my hair out.
I am trying to get lyx/latex to format my references in alphabetical order but
no matter what style I select (inserting a bibtex reference at the end of my
document) it is produced in order cited. Worse yet, the citations
ng is
actually what I wanted (one of the strengths of WYSIWYG). Guessing on the
use of a symbol is fraught with error. You can only see if it is what you
really wanted by rendering a preview in postscript (or pdf or whatever).
On Friday 30 August 2002 02:21 pm, robin wrote:
> Praedor Temp
I've found several occassions when I needed particular graphic symbols for use
in figure legends but the symbols I wanted/needed were in the bullets portion
of Layout -> Document. I had to find out what the latex commands for these
symbols were and then manually enter them into my document.
Could someone please inform me as to the requirements to get floatflt to work
in lyx-1.2.0? I ran into a difficulty with it when trying to write a grant
and ended up having to use another wordprocessor because I simply could not
get lyx to flow text around an image.
I had an ps image/figure I
Is anyone able to make use of floatflt in lyx 1.2.0 to place an image/figure
in the midst of a paragraph and have the text flow around it?
xxx| |
xxx|figure |
xxx| |
If I try to subscribe to the list, the listserver INSISTS that my email is
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cannot join the list... Please reply or cc to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Raul de la Cruz said:
I was trying to do the same for my Final Project documentat
I am having difficulty properly subscribing to the list. Please send replies
to [EMAIL PROTECTED] (not [EMAIL PROTECTED] if that is appearing
as my email address).
I have a specific need for placing figures in a particular way in a document.
The lyx default behaviors give figures their own bi
I need/want to place a figure into my document. I need it to work the way
many Word document figures do, that is, I need to place it at a specific spot
in the document and I want text to flow around it. In my case, I want to put
it at the right margin of a page and have the corresponding para
On Tuesday 30 July 2002 08:52, Herbert Voss wrote:
> Praedor Tempus wrote:
> > I need to alter the default page number placement in a document from
> > bottom center to top right. Could someone help me with how to do this?
> layout->document->pagestyle->fanc
I built and installed Lyx-1.2 (linux) on my Mandrake 8.2 system. All is fine
except for one thing, in the math panel, there are 4 buttons that are
blank/don't display any symbol/icon to indicate what it "contains". The
affected buttons include top row second button, top row third button, seco
I need to alter the default page number placement in a document from bottom
center to top right. Could someone help me with how to do this?
I just (re) upgraded to lyx-1.2.0 from 1.1.6pre-, started it and
opened my thesis document I've been working on. Under 1.1.6 my eps figures
and tables were rendered fine after upgrading my ImageMagick to
ImageMagick- Now, in 1.2.0, only two of the eps figures render
while the re
I have long run into this problem with various versions of lyx, up to 1.2.0. I
am writing a scientific paper which includes sequence data on DNA
oligonucleotides of the form: 5'-ACCGATAACAAGAC-3' with variable
lengths from 60 to 80 characters. Upon either previewing the text or
What I produce is intended to be inserted into a lyx document as an eps file.
I am not able to use the builtin lyx table functions. The tables and figures
are separate eps files inserted/imported into a lyx document. What the
publisher gets, besides the printed version of the paper and figure
1 03:13 pm, Herbert Voss wrote:
> Praedor Tempus wrote:
> > H17* R, C -> T +
> > H17 R & U5 duplication +
> > H168partial U5 duplication +
> > H40 t
This is terribly disheartening. I haven't found a single app that can be
used to make a table for publication - the problem is that it appears that
linux apps don't really understand what "monospaced font" means.
I have tried to create a table (will contain lines separating the title from
On my figure legends page, I am using 14 pt font (larger). I have 3 figure
legends on the first page. The first two figure legend paragraphs look the
same with the same font size and line spacing upon printing. The third
figure legend paragraph, however, looks compressed vs the other two fig
OK, redfaced, I found the problem. It is in kontour. The figures I created
were done for US letter-sized paper. For some reason, opening up kontour to
edit the images, regardless of the proper/saved size of the paper it sets the
page size to A4. The resulting images were too big for letter-
Well, it now appears that I cannot do my figures at all in linux, which
sucks. At this point it looks like I will be forced to go to windows or the
mac to do this right.
I am using lyx and kontour, up to now, to make my figures for a paper I am
working on. I export kontour files to eps and v
Now I am fully screwed. One figure that was displaying/printing just fine as
an eps file is now, magically, also being inappropriately cropped. Two
figures are unusable to me because ps2epsi is inappropriately cropping them -
and no matter what I do to the bounding box numbers in the actual e
of a few more
objects that were displayed properly before moving the arrow into the page (I
did not alter anything else).
What is going on?
On Sunday 16 September 2001 10:12 pm, Praedor Tempus wrote:
> I have three eps figures for inclusion into a document. I am having a
> problem with
I have three eps figures for inclusion into a document. I am having a
problem with one of them - when I do a preview with gv or the kghostview (I
use KDE), this particular eps image displays fine but upon inserting it into
my lyx document and then doing a preview or printing it, the top segmen
rovide unusable latex commands? Or is there some other preamble command
On Tuesday 18 September 2001 08:13 pm, Allan Rae wrote:
> On Sun, 16 Sep 2001, Praedor Tempus wrote:
> > I NEED to be able to place a box symbol AND a box rotated 1/4 (a diamond)
> > and a vertical
, you wrote:
> On Sun, 16 Sep 2001, Praedor Tempus wrote:
> > I NEED to be able to place a box symbol AND a box rotated 1/4 (a diamond)
> > and a vertical oval. I can only find a box and diamond symbol in the
> > Document Layout window under bullets. I don't want bullets, I w
I NEED to be able to place a box symbol AND a box rotated 1/4 (a diamond) and
a vertical oval. I can only find a box and diamond symbol in the Document
Layout window under bullets. I don't want bullets, I want the characters in
my text. These symbols are not available as a special math chara
I have an eps figure file that uses Arial fonts in it. Trying to insert this
figure into a lyx document fails - it appears to complain that the file is
using arial, an unknown font.
How do I get lyx to accept, display, and print an eps file that happens to
contain arial fonts?
On Saturday 15 September 2001 07:43 am, Praedor Tempus wrote:
> I seem to recall seeing some question about this previously but cannot
> truly recall. How does one do a word count on a lyx document?
Nevermind. Found it - do a spellcheck.
I seem to recall seeing some question about this previously but cannot truly
recall. How does one do a word count on a lyx document?
I have the VERY same problem. I have been having to dump my current doc and
starting over because of the apparent impossibility of removing
empty/unwanted figures once they're created.
On Thursday 13 September 2001 11:07 am, Ivan Storgaard Vogelius wrote:
> Hi!
> Im just about to go nuts
I am having problems with lyx 1.1.6 fix3 and and eps file.
I open a new document, type in "Table 1a" and then select Insert ->Figure and
then I have tried with both eps and inlined eps for an eps file I generated.
It displays just fine IN lyx but if I try to view a preview page with dvi,
Sixpack is also quite nice. Good, feature-loaded GUI.
On Wednesday 20 June 2001 11:14, you wrote:
> > I want to use a database for the bibliography. What do you recommend to
> > me?
> >
> > Edit by hand
> > tkbibtex
> > pybliographer (It's practical?)
> Yes, pybliogr
I downloaded this file, read the readme, followed the instructions...and I
still do not get the cv class available to me. I am running lyx-1.1.6fix1.
I have tried placing the cv.cls file in various locations, symlinking from
multiple locations within the lyx and latex tree but nothing works.
I know of many of the conversion apps for latex (dvi2rtf, latex2rtf,
latex2html, etc) but I have been unable to use any of them to successfully
transfer a lyx document to word.
I know about the loss of formatting and fancy fonts in going to rtf but what
really threw me was that my citations
I used the latex tool, makebst.tex, to create a bst file called "jvirol.bst".
I moved the resulting file to my /usr/share/texmf/bibtex/bst/base/ directory.
I then tried to use it in lyx but it doesn't work.
This is not specifically a lyx question but can anyone enlighten me? Is
there somethin
I exported a document from lyx to latex format. This doc has lots of
citations and an extensive bibliography. I then ran latex2rtf on the tex doc
and find that when I open it in Word, all my citations are gone as is the
bibliography page.
Is there no format that lyx can save to, or no tool t
This is driving me mad. I take a look at the postscript preview of a paper
I am writing and it looks great except for ONE line for which the formatting
is messed up. The text on this one line extends beyond the allowed margin.
This mis-formatting will actually shift to another nearby line if
I am writing figure legends for a paper I will soon be submitting for
publication. The figure being referred to contains some basic symbols
(circle, square, triangle, and a white/empty cross (like a plus sign)). I
can get a circle and triangle easily enough from Math panel but the box and
61 matches
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