I have three eps figures for inclusion into a document.  I am having a 
problem with one of them - when I do a preview with gv or the kghostview (I 
use KDE), this particular eps image displays fine but upon inserting it into 
my lyx document and then doing a preview or printing it, the top segment is 
removed/invisable.  It displays fine in Kontour (the KDE graphics app - 
formerly killustrator), it displays fine in gv preview but inserting it into 
the lyx document cuts the top off.

I have tried various settings on the size/layout - default, setting it so 
that it takes up 95% or the height and width of the page.  In no case am I 
able to get the lyx output to include the small top portion (simply an arrow 
with text above it.  I even re-edited the figure, moving everything closer 
together so that they would better fit a page.  No joy.

Any suggestions/fixes?


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