Thank you for the info!  I'll give it a shot - I am also looking for a 
possible replacement shape for the oval - perhaps an open 5-point-star 
(unfilled)?  Is there such a beast?  I am running out of shapes (open circle, 
box, diamond, triangle...)

On Tuesday 18 September 2001 08:13 pm, you wrote:
> On Sun, 16 Sep 2001, Praedor Tempus wrote:
> > I NEED to be able to place a box symbol AND a box rotated 1/4 (a diamond)
> > and a vertical oval.  I can only find a box and diamond symbol in the
> > Document Layout window under bullets.  I don't want bullets, I want the
> > How can I use them in a normal paragraph as symbols?
> It seems likely you want to use the \ding(110) and \ding(117) characters
> (being a block and diamond respectively) so you can do this in LyX by
> either adding:
>       \usepackage{pifont}
> to the preamble and then Insert->TeX
>       \ding{110}

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