Could someone please inform me as to the requirements to get floatflt to work 
in lyx-1.2.0?  I ran into a difficulty with it when trying to write a grant 
and ended up having to use another wordprocessor because I simply could not 
get lyx to flow text around an image.

I had an ps image/figure I was trying to insert into my document.  I looked 
at the extended help for lyx and read about floatflt.  I added 
"\usepackage{floatflt}" to my document's preamble (it was the only entry).
I then entered a tex command before the ps image: 
"\begin{floatingfigure}[r]{3cm}" then used insert->graphics to insert my ps 
image. I followed the ps image with another tex command: 
"\end{floatingfigure}".  The ps image displayed in lyx but when I printed out 
the document or previewed a postscript image of the doc, the place in the 
paragraph where the image should have been was simply taken up with a blank 
line separating the sentence within which the above tex commands were placed. 
No image, no text flowing around it.

Am I leaving something out to get this to work?  The document was merely a 
Standard document.  Nothing fancy, no enumerations, nothing.  It is too late 
to make use of floatflt for this grant but for future grants, I would like to 
be able to use lyx.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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