Default indentation of the first staffline

2015-08-08 Thread Karl
Hi I'm new to lilypond. I have two questions. 1. How do you overide the default indentation of the first staffline. 2. How do you overide the keysignature change at the end of each staff? Best, Karl ___ lilypond-user mailing list lilypond

Re: Default indentation of the first staffline

2015-08-08 Thread Karl
. Thanks, Karl Den 08-08-2015 kl. 23:03 skrev Mark Stephen Mrotek: Karl, 1. \layout { indent = #0 } 2. Not sure what you mean by a key signature at the end of a staff. Can you provide a snippet? Mark -Original Message- From: [mailto:lil

Fauré requiem

2015-09-09 Thread karl
on how to make it look better, please advice me. Regards, /Karl Hammar --- Aspö Data Lilla Aspö 148 S-742 94 Östhammar Sweden +46 173 140 57 ___ lilypond-user mailing list lilypo

Re: Fauré requiem

2015-09-09 Thread karl
rchestra" version. > Are you looking for the manuscript, a published edition, or a ready > made lilypond engraving to work with? I already have an lilypond engraving, but for a later version I believe, so anything. I&

Re: Re: Fauré requiem

2015-09-09 Thread karl
iche or scans :-) Ok, I'll see what I can find. > > The score is as is, but if anyone have tips on how to make it look > > better, please advise me. > > Can’t do so without PDF :-) Sorry, it's here: >

Re: Re: Fauré requiem

2015-09-09 Thread karl > > Cheers, > Pierre > > > 2015-09-09 14:42 GMT+02:00 Pierre Perol-Schneider < >>: > > > Hi Karl, > > > > Just in case, a m

Re: Re: Fauré requiem

2015-09-12 Thread karl
e to play. Perhaps there should be something to make it look different than the notes to play/ sing, e.g. smaller heads or a different shape or colour. I have note thought about the abitus gap, but now when you say so it is a little big. There must be way to shrink it. Thanks for your time, /Karl

Re: vertical kerning problem

2015-09-12 Thread karl
dist. from "Oz to" to "its" staff is rather big, can you move it up? Regards, /Karl Hammar --- Aspö Data Lilla Aspö 148 S-742 94 Östhammar Sweden +46 173 140 57 _

Re: Best Practices for file structures, score and parts

2015-10-02 Thread karl
variables, and used a perl script to generate the score block. /// Currently I prefer my requiem way of setting up the files. I still have to think how to use the same music.ily and to be able to use it in different context: a simple a4 sheet of music, a choir booklet, mix and match booklet with diff

Re: New to Lilypond - including score in LaTeX

2015-10-10 Thread karl
vn't investigated that. For an example, see: Regards, /Karl Hammar --- Aspö Data Lilla Aspö 148 S-742 94 Östhammar Sweden +46 173 140 57 _

Re: Renaissance 4/2 time signature

2015-12-04 Thread karl
ure, so how does one do > that in lilypond? \set Staff.timeSignatureFraction = #'(2 . 2) \time 4/2 See example in Doc in:

Re: smallest possible bounding box

2016-01-17 Thread karl
erface nicely with make. Perhaps my procedure is redundant now, I don't know. Regards, /Karl Hammar --- Aspö Data Lilla Aspö 148 S-742 94 Östhammar Sweden +46 173 140 57 ___ lilypon

Re: smallest possible bounding box

2016-01-17 Thread karl
erface nicely with make. Perhaps my procedure is redundant now, I don't know. Regards, /Karl Hammar --- Aspö Data Lilla Aspö 148 S-742 94 Östhammar Sweden +46 173 140 57 ___ lilypon

Re: Swedish letters in Lilypond lyrics?

2016-01-18 Thread karl
ust make sure you have an editor that can handle utf-8. Example: Regards, /Karl Hammar --- Aspö Data Lilla Aspö 14

Re: Swedish letters in Lilypond lyrics?

2016-01-18 Thread karl
Simon Albrecht: > On 18.01.2016 22:03, Karin Glasmästar wrote: > > Now I found the way to what Karl wrote: I am using the built-in > > crude editor of Lilypond itself - doesn't that editor support UTF-8? > I don’t know, I’m not even sure if there is a Linux version of it

Re: Swedish letters in Lilypond lyrics?

2016-01-18 Thread karl
> \include "../include/" > \include "../include/" Yes, things accumulate... It was an example of åäö in a lilypond file. Regards, /Karl Hammar --- Aspö Data Lilla

Re: Swedish letters in Lilypond lyrics?

2016-01-18 Thread karl
Simon Albrecht: > On 18.01.2016 22:18, wrote: > > Simon Albrecht: > >> On 18.01.2016 22:03, Karin Glasmästar wrote: > >>> Now I found the way to what Karl wrote: I am using the built-in > >>> crude editor of Lilypond itself - doesn'

Re: Swedish letters in Lilypond lyrics?

2016-01-19 Thread karl
ts in attached file doesn't work ? I got the syntax from: I found the codes for åäö in:

Re: Swedish letters in Lilypond lyrics?

2016-01-19 Thread karl
/download/details.aspx?id=29 > I would like the Lillypad to support UTF-8. Would be a good Christmas gift > next year :-) Great, we'll look forward to your gift next Christmas then :) R

How to include unicode chars in scheme strings

2016-01-19 Thread karl
. "\u00E4" ) (":A" . "\u00C4" ) (":o" . "\u00F6" ) (":O" . "\u00D6" ) )) then lilypond fails. How should it be done ? Regards, /Karl Hammar I got the guile

Re: Swedish letters in Lilypond lyrics?

2016-01-19 Thread karl
yntax > > That's the Guile-2.0 manual. LilyPond uses 1.8 at the moment. Hmm, so basically it can't be done. Regards, /Karl Hammar --- Aspö Data Lilla Aspö 148 S-742 94 Östhammar Sweden +46 173 140 57 ___

Re: Swedish letters in Lilypond lyrics?

2016-01-19 Thread karl
pecial-characters) #(add-text-replacements! '( ("100" . "hundred") ("dpi" . "dots per inch") ;(":a" . "\u00E4" ) ;(":b" . "\x00\xE4" ) ;(":c" . (list->str

Re: Determine the including file

2016-01-22 Thread karl
/// I don't know of any way to check if aria_ily is defined or not. Tried with #(if (defined? aria_ily) (display "Yes\n") (display "no\n")) but it gives: error: GUILE signaled an error for the expression beginning here # (if (defined? aria_ily) (displ

Re: Missing \augmentum's (Gregorian chant)

2014-01-17 Thread karl
ows up in the right position, and if the first ligature is replaced by a simple note the dot are right too. It seems as if the second ligarture confuses the \augmentum function. Regards, /Karl Hammar --

Re: Off-topic: Automatically create rehearsal files from SATB midi file

2014-01-21 Thread karl
it until > > now. Very nice! > > > > It's not even documented yet: > Regards, /Karl Hammar ---

understanding midi files

2014-01-26 Thread karl
onventions for the generated code are also welcome. Regards, /Karl Hammar --- Aspö Data Lilla Aspö 148 S-742 94 Östhammar Sweden +46 173 140 57 ___ lilypond-user mailing list lilypo

Re: understanding midi files

2014-01-27 Thread karl
midicomp in the > README. > Perhaps it's worth to try a nice conversion to ly-code. No, I didn't know about it, have git cloned it now, thanks. Regards, /Karl Hammar --- Aspö Data Lilla Aspö 14

Re: understanding midi files

2014-01-27 Thread karl
di", line 68, in read_midi return midi.parse (open (file).read ()) IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'aeiou.mid' $ It's installed from git, make install, perhaps something wrong with the install script. So

Re: understanding midi files

2014-01-27 Thread karl
MIDI module, but have not heard about the Tweaks thing. I have downloaded it now and will check it out, thanks. Regards, /Karl Hammar --- Aspö Data Lilla Aspö 148 S-742 94 Östhammar

Re: understanding midi files

2014-01-27 Thread karl
mping this midi file with, it easy to identify > > what goes where. > > If this is specifically what you want to do (Noteworthy->Lilypond) you might > look at > > Too bad I only

Re: understanding midi files

2014-01-27 Thread karl
ed from git, make install, perhaps something wrong with > > the install script. > > That one looks just like a bad file name. Sure the file is not named > aeiou.midi instead of aeiou.mid ? $ ls -l aeiou.mid -rw--- 1 karl users 9760 Jan 27 10:44 aeiou.mid Regards, /Karl Hammar

Re: understanding midi files

2014-01-28 Thread karl
Johan Vromas: > writes: > > >> > IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'aeiou.mid' > > > > $ ls -l aeiou.mid > > -rw--- 1 karl users 9760 Jan 27 10:44 aeiou.mid > > To eliminate some odds, try passing the file us

Re: understanding midi files

2014-01-28 Thread karl
ect, it's an upbeat, after 1/8'th time a 6/8 time sig. comes, and at the end of the piece a 5/8 time sig comes, well as usual with upbeats. It seems to be midi's way of representing thoose things. Regards, /Karl Hammar

Re: Anybody near a library posessing the "Old Schumann Edition"

2014-01-30 Thread karl
the one revised by Wilhelm Kempff)? > > It would be nice if someone could go there and do some measurements on > one page (which we'd like to have for our "engraving challenges"). I cannot find it in Stoc

Re: Horizontalized scores

2014-02-16 Thread karl
.html For the mac, try: Regards, /Karl Hammar ---

Re: Feedback for starting a crowd funding campaign

2014-03-05 Thread karl
Urs: ... > - make lilyglyphs available to plain latex >(instead of only xe- and lua-) >(Karl Hammar has volunteered) Proof of concept:

Re: Feedback for starting a crowd funding campaign

2014-03-05 Thread karl
ke the use consistent regardless of the used latex engine. That's an good idea, but I don't know how to do an \lilyGetGlyph in latex. Maybe someone else know. Regards, /Karl Hammar --- Aspö Data Lilla Aspö 148 S

Re: Mensural ligature

2014-05-08 Thread karl
ck. This is what I did one in a time (\version "2.6.5"): g1 \[ d \melisma % this is a fake minor calor, together with the moved b4 \once \override TextScript #'extra-offset = #'( 0.9 . -1.8) a'1*3/4^\markup{ \beam #0.9 #0 #0.5 } \] (f

midi note durations

2014-05-28 Thread karl
4. 2048 2.290 2 2560 2.5000 1 8*5 3072 3. 14 2. 4096 4. 15 1 16*5 is (here) the same as like a4~ a16 Ideas on algorithms on how to decode the durations, how do I separate staccato from real rests, etc. are welcome. Regards, /Karl Hammar --

Re: midi note durations

2014-05-28 Thread karl
es: matplotlib, scipy; if you run into errors, install it by following the instructions at >>> s = converter.parse("/home/karl/most/music/noter/manskor/Slovenec_sem.mid") >>> print lily.translate.Li

Re: midi note durations

2014-05-29 Thread karl
t; >>>> from music21 import * > > music21: Certain music21 functions might need these optional packages: > > matplotlib, scipy; if you run into errors, install it by following the > > instructions at > >

Re: midi note durations

2014-05-29 Thread karl
y > updating the manual with recommendations about what may be used > gainfully for what kind of task. To do that it would be nice if "someone else" selects, say, 10 midifiles together with pdf's, so we could compare the results. > At the c

Mozart requiem

2014-07-26 Thread karl
/Requiem,_KV_626_%28Wolfgang_Amadeus_Mozart%29 Anyone is welcome to help or give advice. Regards, /Karl Hammar --- Aspö Data Lilla Aspö 148 S-742 94 Östhammar Sweden +46 173 140 57

Re: settings to get closer to Sibelius

2014-09-11 Thread karl
le makes it harder to read in low light condition, especially for older people, to the point, for vocal scores, that the text becomes unreadable. My recommendation is to have it thicker. Let him, or an older friend, try to read it in low light, and then decide which o

Re: inputting with explicit voices

2014-10-31 Thread karl
csto Vsop \Lsop \lyricsto Valt \Lalt >> } % file mus_sop = { \clef soprano } mus_alt = { \clef alto } \include "music.ily" \score { \new ChoirStaff << \new Staff \Msop \lyricsto Vsop \Lsop \new Staff \Malt \ly

Mozart Requiem, help needed

2014-11-07 Thread karl
incomplete. I looked at and Urs has some ideas wich I havn't been able to digest it yet. Anyone intereseted in theese kind of problems, and how to apply it to this music ? Regards, /Karl Hammar ---

Re: Mozart Requiem, help needed

2014-11-07 Thread karl
fs13.pdf but I don't know much we can use them due to copyright. Regards, /Karl H

Re: Mozart Requiem, help needed

2014-11-07 Thread karl
ly use data structures. But I don't know how to do my own datastructures in lilypond except simple variables. And I wounder if you cannot do the above without to much writing and in plain scheme/lilypond (i.e. mostly following notaion.pdf and without going "too" deep into scheme, where the

Re: Mozart Requiem, help needed

2014-11-07 Thread karl
ms I was wrong about the "only" thing). Any other data structures you have to implement yourself. Searching what \putMusic means leads eventually to scheme-lib/lalily/storage.scm where define-class is used: (define-class () (children #:accessor children #:init-thunk make-hash-

Re: tiling printout

2013-11-30 Thread karl
riginal. Regards, /Karl Hammar --- Aspö Data Lilla Aspö 148 S-742 94 Östhammar Sweden +46 173 140 57 ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re: calling all opera/musical engravers

2013-12-16 Thread karl
y] be overcome? Cannot answer thoose two right now. Regards, /Karl Hammar --- Aspö Data Lilla Aspö 148 S-742 94 Östhammar Sweden +46 173 140 57 ___ lilypond-user mailing list lilypond-u

Re: Gregorian chant bug?

2013-12-19 Thread karl
David: ... > ... > At the second '\divisioMinima' (the whole line reads: c' \divisioMinima > \break) the anomaly occurs. I see it. It do seem to work with version 2.17.25.

Re: new user problem

2013-12-30 Thread karl
" in the documentation, or is it best to read others files to find solutions to problems. I think I tend to read my old files to see how I did there for a similar problem. Regards, /Karl Hammar --- Aspö Data Lilla Aspö 148 S-7

punctus perfectionis/divisionis (Machaut)

2013-12-30 Thread karl
Do anyone know how to make "punctus perfectionis/divisionis" in mensural music (in lilypond) other than using hackery ? I'm using the example from: Regard

Re: Learning LilyPond, comments invited

2014-01-04 Thread karl
in that sense the concept of a bar/measure is clearly there. In some ways you could say that the the brevis was what is a bar/measure today. Regards, /Karl Hammar --- Aspö Data Lilla Aspö 148 S-742 94 Östhammar Sweden +46 173 140

Re: Version control tools

2014-01-08 Thread karl
mit, branch, diff etc. without internet connection > that way I can work on a train, for example > - this makes the commit often & early paradigm easy With svn/cvs you need more-or-less a permanent connection to "the server". With git I can work off-line and update

panning in timidity wrong

2014-01-09 Thread karl
Commenting away the midiInstrument, the panning comes out as it should. Has anyone experienced this, can anyone recommend another midiplayer? Hälsningar, /Karl Hammar --- Aspö Data Lilla Aspö 148 S-742 94 Östhammar Sverige

Re: panning in timidity wrong

2014-01-09 Thread karl
k for 50 instruments (lcr), 40 fails (ccr or crr). Semms I'm using freepats in the future, thanks. Regards, /Karl Hammar --- Aspö Data Lilla Aspö 148 S-742 94 Östhammar Sweden +46 173 140 57 __

Re: lilypond-book, snippet inside tabular

2015-04-04 Thread karl
n I simply \input{I-systems.tex} in my latex file. Have a look at /// The above is basically a manually run lilypond-book thing. Regards, /Karl Hammar --- As

Re: (hypothetical) Availability of LilyPond engravers

2015-04-20 Thread karl
daily, weekly, monthly or longer basis. But where is the money ? I did a plain Mozart requiem for the local choir and got ~100EUR for 30 choirbooks:

Re: Paper size survey

2015-04-23 Thread karl
the choirbook in press. /// Folded A3 (i.e. A4 per page) seems to be a little to large to hold confortable, the pages tend to fold over. Regards, /Karl Hammar --- Aspö Data Lilla Aspö 148 S-742 94 Östhamma

Re: Paper size survey

2015-04-23 Thread karl
e bent flat, parallell to the paper surface. I've found out that the normal "stapling pin end profile" the paper tends to get broken at the stapling, and I have formely put a stripe of transperant adhesive plastics in the inside spin

Re: Do we really offer the future?

2015-04-23 Thread karl
Calixte: ... > Or have a script/feature/tool that automatically counts measures : it would > be able to put bar numbers in comment, ... You can try: it works for me... You're welcome to suggest changes. Regards, /

Re: Typesetting renaissance music

2015-05-14 Thread karl
to work a little bit > harder, but this should get you started. Not your desired solution, but you could use bar numbers as "bar" indications: \override Score.BarNumber #'break-visibility = #'#(#t #t #t) the above puts bar numbers on every bar. For me

Re: Mensural notation: 2 questions

2015-05-16 Thread karl
3 . 2) \time 3/1 % some magic things to make two time signs to be shown \once\override Staff.TimeSignature #'style = #'single-digit \time 2/1 Regards, /Karl Hammar --- Aspö Data Lilla Aspö 148 S-742 94 Östhammar Swe

Re: Mensural notation: 2 questions

2015-05-16 Thread karl
[about \scaleDurations] > Ah, thanks! That makes perfect sense. If I understand correctly, it would, > however, mean inputting everything in halved note values? Have a look at: Regards, /Karl

Re: Mensural notation: 2 questions

2015-05-16 Thread karl
riosum/motet/ Regards, /Karl Hammar --- Aspö Data Lilla Aspö 148 S-742 94 Östhammar Sweden +46 173

Re: proportional notation from MIDI file

2015-07-12 Thread karl
/ neither program is perfect, my program is more to the experimental variety. If you need help with the conversion, feel free to ask for more help. > then you can read this page: >

Re: tempo as REAL number

2015-07-16 Thread karl
empo = 60*1000*1000 / "\tempo 4 value" and 6000 / 82.3 about= 729040.09720534629404617253 I doubt that truncating/rounding that to a int vould cause any problem. Regards, /Karl Hammar --- Aspö Data Lilla Aspö

Re: proportional notation from MIDI file

2015-07-16 Thread karl
that doesn't work (good enough) > I'll try your program and ask you again. You are welcome. Regards, /Karl Hammar --- Aspö Data Lilla Aspö 148 S-742 94 Östhammar Sweden +46 173 140 57 ___

Re: Instructions to install lilypond onto Raspberry Pi

2020-01-17 Thread karl
y root. You might prefer some other location than /usr/local/guile Regards, /Karl Hammar

Re: Schenker graph example

2018-12-03 Thread karl
Thomas Morley: > And I have absolutely no idea why your image is in my reply :((( > I didn't see it, I didn't attach it. Wtf It was in the html part and not in the plain-text part of his mail. Regards, /Karl Hammar

postscript printers for lilypond

2019-01-27 Thread karl
ilyponds postscript. Any suggestions ? Regards, /Karl Hammar --- Aspö Data Lilla Aspö 148 S-742 94 Östhammar Sweden ___ lilypond-user mailing list https://lists

Re: postscript printers for lilypond

2019-01-28 Thread karl
old/older printers as long as service parts are available. Regards, /Karl Hammar --- Aspö Data Lilla Aspö 148 S-742 94 Östhammar Sweden ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re: postscript printers for lilypond

2019-01-28 Thread karl
s, and PostScript > compatibility requirements, and I predict there will not be an > overwhelming number of choices. No, the number of choises seem to be in the wincinity of zero, at least for new printers. Regards, /Karl Hammar --- Asp

Re: postscript printers for lilypond

2019-01-28 Thread karl
ar PostScript interpreters barf. Maybe that's fixed in > master now? I'll try that, though there where some problems with the guile version and some fonts last time I compiled lilypond. Regards, /Karl Hammar --- A

Re: postscript printers for lilypond

2019-01-28 Thread karl
Andrew: > Can I ask why you don't use matte paper? I try to, is there some you works good for lasers and that you can recommend? Regards, /Karl Hammar --- Aspö Data Lilla Aspö 148 S-742 94 Östhamma

Re: postscript printers for lilypond

2019-01-28 Thread karl
compared to my usual postscript printers. If you have any advice to get it working I'd be glad. My only intent with it is posters, photos, covers, and large sheets of music for organ works and such where you don't

Re: postscript printers for lilypond

2019-01-28 Thread karl
o give my perfect matte blacks, but they have problems with the resolution, the black edges are not straight. The blacks don't cover the whole black area, there are small white dots all over where the the ink didn't get. The Epson is a litte better. Re

Re: postscript printers for lilypond

2019-01-28 Thread karl
d of converting what I have just because the printer is too stupid to understand it. If possible I require all printers I buy to have postscript, the exception is large format inkjets. Regards, /Karl Hammar ---

Re: postscript printers for lilypond

2019-01-28 Thread karl
Karlin: ... > Karl, what make and model was your surge-damaged printer? It will be > easier to recommend another printer if we know what product families > worked well in the past. There's even a slim chance that replacing a > circuit board could get the old one going again. I h

Re: postscript printers for lilypond

2019-01-28 Thread karl
mill colour laser ? Why should I expose singers and players with subpar sheet music, aren't we artists of producing beautiful sheet music. There is no reason to degrade your results by using, in the end, a bad printer. Regards, /Karl Hammar -

Re: postscript printers for lilypond

2019-01-28 Thread karl
#x27;d be happy with the Kyocera for prepress. Regards, /Karl Hammar --- Aspö Data Lilla Aspö 148 S-742 94 Östhammar Sweden ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re: postscript printers for lilypond

2019-01-28 Thread karl
r the links, I'll will follow them up. Regards, /Karl Hammar --- Aspö Data Lilla Aspö 148 S-742 94 Östhammar Sweden ___ lilypond-user mailing list https://lis

Re: postscript printers for lilypond

2019-01-29 Thread karl
Karl: > David: ... > > I just > > recently removed a Ghostscriptism (using max/mix operators) that would > > have made regular PostScript interpreters barf. Maybe that's fixed in > > master now? Yes, I see it. > I'll try that, though there where some pro

Re: Request for contribution: font demonstration examples

2019-01-31 Thread karl
Urs Liska: ... > * Mensural notation ... Feel free to use: Regards, /Karl Ham

Re: Request for contribution: font demonstration examples

2019-01-31 Thread karl
e adjusted or replaced when using a newer lilypond. Regards, /Karl Hammar --- Aspö Data Lilla Aspö 148 S-742 94 Östhammar Sweden ___ lilypond-user mailing list https

Re: Advice sought on making parts for string quartet

2019-03-13 Thread karl
lef use which I can switch between them in by commenting: \include "clefCem.ily" %clefCem = \clefCemOrg clefCem = \clefCemMod ... \score { ... \new GrandStaff << \transpose c \pitchTranspose \new Staff = "up"

Re: Advice sought on making parts for string quartet

2019-03-14 Thread karl
; here to exemplify things. The last link should be: Regards, /Karl Hammar ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Inserting lyrics in a global situation

2019-05-13 Thread karl
sA } nameA = {} staffA = \new Staff \with \nameA << \voiceA ... >> %%% \score { << \new ChoirStaff << \staffA \lyricsto voiceA \lyrA ... >> ... >> } Regards, /Karl Hammar ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re: "D.C. al Fine" best practice

2019-05-13 Thread karl
N \daCapo \bar "|." the result can be seen in the last page of: Regards, /Karl Hammar ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re: "D.C. al Fine" best practice

2019-05-13 Thread karl
Friedhelm Stümke: > @Karl > > the result can be seen in the last page of: > > > may I suggest an additional "s" in "Menche"? It should be "Mensche". Yes, you may! Thank you very much

Re: Variables

2019-06-02 Thread karl
nly happens once unless you use them multiple times. > here is attached an example in score mode where i would like "Menuetto da > Capo" printed only in the lower voice. > <> Can't help you since I don&

Re: How to calculate visible vertical beam-height

2019-06-02 Thread karl
on angle ) = cos(atan(slope)) So bacically: length of p1-p3 = length p1-p2 / cos(atan(slope)) and finally: total height = thickness + blot / cos(atan(slope)) Well, you can't blame me for guessing. Regards, /Karl Hammar ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Variables

2019-06-02 Thread karl
men = \markup{ Menuetto } Men = { s2^\men s } /// \include "a.ily" \score { << \new Staff \ma \new Staff << \mb \Men >> >> } /// \include "a.ily" \score { \new Staff << \ma \Men >> } /// \include "a.ily" \score { \new St

Re: Transposing instrument best practice

2019-07-31 Thread karl
imself/herself, you can do it either way. Regards, /Karl Hammar ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Creating combined manuscript/ruled paper

2019-09-03 Thread karl
stroke /y y yst add def } repeat /y y ysep add def } repeat showpage a a scale 0.1 setlinewidth /xmin 0 def /xlen 210 def /ysep -7.1 def /ymin 0 def /ymax 297 def ymax ysep ymin { xmin exch moveto xlen 0 rlineto stroke } for showpage // Rega

Re: Creating combined manuscript/ruled paper

2019-09-03 Thread karl
0 rlineto stroke /y y yst add def } repeat /y y ysep add def } repeat %% /xmin 105 def /xlen 105 def /ysep -7.1 def /ymin 0 def /ymax 297 def ymax ysep ymin { xmin exch moveto xlen 0 rlineto stroke } for showpage / Rega

drinking song symbols

2019-09-17 Thread karl
someone would be interested in improving the design, currently it is a simple postscript markup: kippis = \markup { \postscript " 0 0.5 moveto 2 0.5 lineto stroke 1 0.5 moveto 1 1.5 lineto 0.3 3 lineto 1.7 3 lineto 1 1.5 lineto stroke " } Regards, /K

Re: Fwd: Re: drinking song symbols

2019-09-18 Thread karl
) \char ##x1f377 Good suggestion, but it is kind of too much detail, I think. And it makes the score take up 3 pages instead of 2, guess that can be solved by makeing it smaller. Regards, /Karl Hammar ___ lilypond-user mailing list lilypond-user@gnu.

  1   2   3   4   5   6   7   >