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Urs Liska:
> Am 07.11.2014 21:29, schrieb
> > Urs:
> >> Am 07.11.2014 13:59, schrieb
> > ...
> >>> Also I wounder how to make the source available so you can make your
> >>> own edition with your own preferences, and I've tried to separate
> >>> content from presentataion. That work is incomplete. I looked at
> >>> and Urs has some ideas wich I havn't been
> >>> able to digest it yet. Anyone intereseted in theese kind of problems,
> >>> and how to apply it to this music ?
> >> If you tell me what kind of ideas you are referring to I may give some
> >> hints. No chance joining the project, though, sorry.
> > __The 1st problem is: Paper sizes and margins
> >
> > I use A4 or a little smaller format I call choirbook (size taken from
> > a Bärenreiter choirbook) suitable to be printed on A3, folded,
> > stapled and cut to size. And could possible envision making pocket
> > scores to be included with recordings. In other parts of the world
> > there is different paper preferences.
> >
> > Changing papersizes/margins directly influences ones decision about
> > \break's and staff size.
> >
> > This could be accomplished if one could use lilypond like
> >
> >   lilypond my_paper_block.ily --ly_code "#(set-global-staff-size 14)" \
> >   my_page_breaks.ily my_prefs.ily the_music.ily \
> >   -o the_music.pdf
> >
> > i.e. a solution would be to make lilypond work on on the fly
> > concatenation of files and code. But lilypond arguments does not work
> > that way. One could make a "preprocessor" to handle that, but I'm
> > woundering if that that there is a better way to do it.
> I'm not fully looking through it, but I see several approaches:
> a)
> you can pass an include file through the command line.
> That's probably how I would approach this: Write all possible style 
> information in a number of style files and use the include file you 
> provide through the command line to choose appropriate ones for the 
> intended target.

 Don't seem to work:
$ cat 
\version "2.19.0"
\header {
  title = "Kyrie"
  %subtitle = ""
  composer = "W.A. Mozart"
\include "score_glb.ily"
\include "II.ily"
\include "score_ps.ily"
\include "score_midi.ily"

 commenting score_glb away in and running works:

$ lilypond  -o zz --ps -dinclude-settings=score_glb.ily 

 commenting away II.ily too, don't:

$ lilypond  -o zz --ps -dinclude-settings=score_glb.ily 
GNU LilyPond 2.19.13
Processing `'
II.ily:80:3: error: unknown escaped string: `\midi_sop'
score_ps.ily:14:5: warning: cannot find Voice `Vbas'

    \lyricsto Vbas \Lbas
Preprocessing graphical objects...
Interpreting music...
Finding the ideal number of pages...
Fitting music on 1 page...
Drawing systems...
Layout output to `'...
fatal error: failed files: ""

The problem seem that you can include-settings for one file only _or_
that you cannot use settings from the first one in the second -
\midi_sop is defined in score_glb.ily and used in II.ily.

> b)
> If you can make your alternative versions controllable by tags you can 
> benefit from the new command line options with which you can pass a list 
> of tags to keep or to remove through the command line.
> I'm not sure if that enhancement is already in the latest release or if 
> it will only be in the next one, though.

I'll check that, would be useful.

> c)
> You can test for commandline options in the code ( with 
> #(ly:get-option)) and choose your layout according to the presence or 
> absence of certain options. You can use arbitrary options (e.g. 
> -dchoirbook-layout) and test for them. LilyPond will issue a warning 
> about the unknown option but it will work nevertheless.

From reading the usage.pdf I got the impression it was only for the 
specified (on p.4-8) variables, but it seems to work, thought I get a 

$ cat
\version "2.19.0"

#(define aa (ly:get-option 'sz))
#(define bb (ly:get-option 'backend))
#(display "\naa = <")
#(display aa)
#(display ">\nbb = <")
#(display bb)
#(display ">")
$ lilypond -dsz=tt -dbackend=ps 
GNU LilyPond 2.19.13
warning: no such internal option: sz
Processing `'
aa = <tt>
bb = <ps>
Success: compilation successfully completed


And to set the staff-size it works (with a warning):

$ cat
\version "2.19.0"

#(set-global-staff-size (ly:get-option 'sz))

\relative f { c'4 c c c }
$ lilypond -dsz=12 
GNU LilyPond 2.19.13
warning: no such internal option: sz

Great, thanks, though the warning seems a little misplaced,
perhaps one could append something to
scheme-options-definitions defined in scm/lily.scm, but it is probably 
too late when my .ly is looked at.

> >> But regarding the separation of content from presentation this is
> >> definitely something where you should look at Jan-Peter Voigt's edition
> >> engraver. I haven't understood how to use it so far, but maybe Kieren
> >> can give you some tips?
> >   Is this it:
> >
> Not really. THe editionEngraver is at least two or three posts in the 
> future ...
> >

Ok, found it.

> >
> > I kind of like the:
> >
> >   \putMusic "massInC/kyrie/soprano/melody" \relative c'' { c2 d4 c }
> >
> > and when I program I usually use data structures. But I don't know
> > how to do my own datastructures in lilypond except simple variables.
> > And I wounder if you cannot do the above without to much writing
> > and in plain scheme/lilypond (i.e. mostly following notaion.pdf and
> > without going "too" deep into scheme, where the definition of deep
> > waries with person).
> Well, if you should happen to understand all this one day, please come 
> back to me and help me understanding it too ;-)

Currently, my understanding (which can be way off) of data
structures in lisp (scheme, guile) is that there is only one of them 
- the "dotted pair". Such pairs can be connected to give you a lists.
seems to be the definition of scheme, it mentions some basic types
(like numbers, and strings), pairs, lists, and vectors (well, it seems 
I was wrong about the "only" thing). Any other data structures you have
to implement yourself.

Searching what \putMusic means leads eventually to
scheme-lib/lalily/storage.scm where define-class is used:

(define-class <tree> ()
  (children #:accessor children #:init-thunk make-hash-table)
  (key #:accessor key #:init-keyword #:key #:init-value 'node)
  (value #:accessor value #:setter set-value! #:init-value #f)

which probably is the storage structure Jan-Peter Voigt is using.
Now, define-class isn't mentioned in
but is in (p.719)
so this is a Guile 2 only thing ??

I think understanding storage.scm is the key to understand \putMusic.

/Karl Hammar

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Lilla Aspö 148
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+46 173 140 57

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