Andrew Bernard:
> I am no Fauré expert, but according to IMSLP the composition history is:
> * 1877 (Libera me, 1st version for baritone and organ)
> * 1887/88 (Introït, Sanctus, Pie Jesu, Agnus Dei, In paradisum: Fauré’s 1st 
> version perf. 16 January 1888)
> * 1889 (Offertoire)
> * 1892/93 (Libera me, 2nd version for baritone, choir, orchestra and organ)
> * 1893 (revisions and extra instrumentation: Fauré’s 2nd version perf. 
> January 1893)
> * 1900 (published version, re-orchestrated by Jean Roger-Ducasse)
> This suggests the first edition is 1900, and that there is no published 1893 
> edition.

Something doesn't have to be published to be a first version, as 
written above:

1877/1887 1st ver
1893      2nd ver
1900      published version

I think the 1893 one is called the "church" version,
and 1900 the "orchestra" version.

> Are you looking for the manuscript, a published edition, or a ready
> made lilypond engraving to work with?

I already have an lilypond engraving, but for a later version I
believe, so anything.

I'm mostly interesed in the vocal and organ part.

/Karl Hammar

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