> I'm trying to put lilypond snippets inside a tabular environment in LaTeX, 
> but 
> running lilypond-book on the file seems to ignore the lilypond blocks. 
> I'm guessing that lilypond-book just ignores the tabular environment as a 
> whole. 
> Anyone have a workaround for using lilypond-book? otherwise I'll revert to my 
> initial thought: 
> running lilypond (to produce the snippets) and latex (to produce the doc) 
> separately. 

You can make lilypond generate eps's for each systems, which you then
can \includegraphics into the tex file.

I do that by using
 \include "lilypond-book-preamble.ly"
 $(LP) --ps -dbackend=eps $<

For a I.ly, it will generate I-xx.eps (where xx is numbers 1..,
one for each system) and I-systems.tex, which contains the needed
\includedgraphics commands, Then I simply \input{I-systems.tex} in
my latex file.

Have a look at



The above is basically a manually run lilypond-book thing.

/Karl Hammar

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Lilla Aspö 148
S-742 94 Östhammar
+46 173 140 57

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