I've done the vocal part of the music:


And it seems good enought to be used by the choir at home for
its consert a few weeks ago. Is anyone interested of helping
with the orchestra parts (perhaps using [1] as the source) ?

[1] http://imslp.org/images/7/7b/PMLP02751-wamozartimissapr00moza.pdf


Also I wounder how to make the source available so you can make your
own edition with your own preferences, and I've tried to separate
content from presentataion. That work is incomplete. I looked at
http://lilypondblog.org/ and Urs has some ideas wich I havn't been
able to digest it yet. Anyone intereseted in theese kind of problems,
and how to apply it to this music ?

/Karl Hammar

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