Re: frescobaldi on mac

2013-01-13 Thread flup2
Hello Jim, Which way did you choose to install poppler, python and other dependencies ? I know that using the Python version included in OS X can cause problems; that's why I installed these via Macports. It's far easier than downloading all dependencies individualy and making all work together.

Re: frescobaldi on mac

2013-01-14 Thread flup2
Hello, Here's the way I made MIDI work within Frescobaldi on a Mac: * Use Macports to install portmidi and fluidsynth : in Terminal, enter sudo port -v install portmidi sudo port -v install fluidsynth * download qsynth, a Mac GUI for fluidsynth ( ) * r

Re: Mac MIDI synthesizer (was frescobaldi on mac)

2013-01-15 Thread flup2
Each time Qsynth is launched, it uses a different port, obvisously; if you had to restart it, you need to click "Refresh MIDI ports" and choose another Fluidsynth occurrence (the port number is shown between parenthesis). -- View this message in context:

Re: lilypondbood package useful?

2013-01-16 Thread flup2
Hello, For what concerns the files generated by lilypond-book, the scripts (engines) written for TeXShop by Nicola Vitacolonna are a fine solution (at least for Unix based system): these are shell scripts that store these files in temporary folders. But their huge usefulness is, for me, the use

Re: Lilypond-book, Xelatex, and full scores

2013-01-25 Thread flup2
Hello, When I need to include full scores into a LaTeX document, I usually use the LaTeX package "pdfpages" (I guess it also works with XeLaTeX): it allows the crop the PDF margins, magnify (ou reduce) and other interesting options that could be usefull for your needs. Philippe -- View this me

Re: A must-see for anybody on this list

2013-02-10 Thread flup2
Each time I show that movie to my students, their respect for the printed scores grows :-) I have a original plate (from Henle), and showing the plate and the movie together is a fantastic way to make people realize the amazing work behind the printed score. Philippe -- View this message in c

Re: editor Re: final score

2013-03-03 Thread flup2
Hello, There are some solutions for text editing with LilyPond under Mac OS X. But one of the easiest to get working is the "JEdit + lilypondtool" combo. That editor has line numbering, is far easier to install than Frescobaldi and keeps "point-and-click" unlike TeXShop, TextMate or Textwrangler

Re: final score

2013-03-04 Thread flup2
The best would be to create a "Macport's port for Frescobaldi. I'll try to see if it's easy or not. Philippe -- View this message in context: Sent from the User mailing list archive at _

Re: Frescobaldi install (was: final score)

2013-03-09 Thread flup2
Mac installation is long, but it doesn't make so much problem now. The .app mentionned was only a test for including the dependencies in the app, not meant to be usable in production. But as soon as the macports installation is done (between 1 and 4 hours depending the computer age), anyone can

Re: Frescobaldi install (was: final score)

2013-03-10 Thread flup2
Hello, I though I posted it here or on the Frescobaldi Google group, but it seems I only posted it on the French user list. So here it is: Creation of a launcher : - * download "Platypus", that allows to integrate a script into a double-clickable Mac application * run

Re: Frescobaldi install (was: final score)

2013-03-10 Thread flup2
The "opt/" etc. path and the frescobaldi command must be on the same line. They seem to be on 2 different lines in your command. If the problem doesn't lie there, I'll try to modify my launcher to make it work with your path. Philippe -- View this message in context: http://lilypond.1069038.n

Re: Frescobaldi installation on Mac OS X (was: Re: Frescobaldi install)

2013-03-24 Thread flup2
py2app seems quite difficult to setup on a mac. I tried pyinstaller, but that's for now beyond my capabilites. Perhaps someone with more Python knowledge could try to build a mac binary using that way. Philippe -- View this message in context:

Re: frescobaldi on mac

2013-03-25 Thread flup2
Hello, Did you install all the dependencies? If that message shows in the "Preview" window of frescobaldi, it seems that the "python-poppler-qt4" module is not installed. Unlike other dependencies, it's not available via macports or homebrew. You have to download it here and fellow the instructio

Re: frescobaldi on mac

2013-03-25 Thread flup2
Perhaps the reason is elsewhere, but your kind of error is what occurs when the python command use the built-in version of python, not the one installed by macports (or homebrew). If you installed python via macports, you could use this (always from python-poppler-st4 folder): /opt/local/Library/

Re: How to run Lilypond from the Mac OS terminal

2013-03-26 Thread flup2
Hello, At first sight I would change one line of your .profile like this to include the lilypond binary in your path: export PATH=/opt/local/bin:/opt/local/sbin:$PATH to export PATH=/opt/local/bin:/opt/local/sbin:/Applications/$PATH Philippe -- View this

Re: ANN: Frescobaldi 2.0.10

2013-05-14 Thread flup2
Hello, Here are some instructions:!searchin/frescobaldi/mac/frescobaldi/pY4BliX2wT0/j1ximcZDlkwJ In short, the dependencies of Frescobald

Frecobaldi 2 Mac OS X install guide

2013-05-14 Thread flup2
Hello all, Here is a step by step guide to install Frescobaldi on a Mac OS X system. Frescobaldi has some known issues on a mac (see below) but after these steps you should be able to: - use Frescobaldi (of course) - launch Frescobaldi with a double clickable icon - play MIDI * install macports (

Re: Frecobaldi 2 Mac OS X install guide

2013-05-14 Thread flup2
The best thing would be: if it works, don't upgrade dependencies. Some QT or PyQT upgrades caused problems some weeks ago, but with Macports, it's always possible to go back to a previous working installed version. For Frescobaldi itself, you only need to upgrade it. Frescobaldi and its dependenci

Re: Home brew & Frescobaldi (Mac)

2013-05-14 Thread flup2
Hello, The last time I tried Homebrew, I wasn't able to compile PyQT. Thus I didn't go further. I didn't try Wine yet Philippe -- View this message in context: Sent from the User mailing list archive at Nabb

Re: Home brew & Frescobaldi (Mac)

2013-05-14 Thread flup2
I suppose that the Lilypond binary must be the Windows version, in that case. Philippe -- View this message in context: Sent from the User mailing list archive at _

Re: Re:OT: Beauty of programming languages

2015-09-14 Thread flup2
Age: 40 Job: teacher in a public music school (music theory, sightreading, music history, etc.) and accompanist in Belgium I began computer engraving by working for a little publishing and engraving company that worked for some Belgian and French publishers. We were using Finale, from 3.7.2 to 20

[OT] Printer with or without Postscript

2015-10-12 Thread flup2
Hello, Until now, I always had Postscript laser printers. My printer is now out of order, and I would like to know if there is still such a huge difference between music scores printed with printers including postscript language, and printers without this option (PCL5, proprietary languages, etc.)

Re: lilypond-glyphs in other programs

2010-03-09 Thread flup2
Hello, I'm currently working on a LaTeX package that would allow to use Lilypond glyphs as characters, using special commands (like \fetasharp for sharp, and so on); it's based on the Harmony package (available from Ctan), but using Lilypond fonts in place of musixtex fonts. I need still lot of

musicxml2ly, midi2ly etc. broken ?

2010-05-16 Thread flup2
Hello, Since a few versions (in the development branch, now 2.13.21), I get that kind of message while running converters included in Lilypond. This is the message shown when running midi2ly from the Terminal under Mac OS X - Could not find platform independent libraries

Changing conducting signs

2010-06-16 Thread flup2
Hello, I would like to know if somebody knows how conductng signs ( ) are created by Lilypond. In a lot of books (Kurt Stone for instance) I noticed that beats divided by 3 are noted by a full triangle, no a "two-pa

Re: What is "Ped" font?

2010-08-15 Thread flup2
It's part of the Feta font. It's in 2 forms in the Feta font: - "Ped" indication - each letter of the same indication, separately Here is a little screenshot of the characters, with their place in the font table : Hope this helps. Philippe

Re: Online Lilypond

2010-10-30 Thread flup2
Hello, You should take a look at I guess it will be updated to 2.14 when it's out. Philippe -- View this message in context: Sent from the Gnu - Lilypond - User mailing list archive at __

Re: italiano key signature

2014-04-08 Thread flup2
Hello, If you change \maggiore to \major it will work. The "italiano" settings goes about notes names, but commands like \major, \minor etc. remain the same. Philippe -- View this message in context: Sent from t

Re: Mac testers needed for Frescobaldi!

2014-04-22 Thread flup2
Hello, It works without problem under OS X 10.9 and 10.7 for me. One little note (not related to this particular bundle): when checking the option "Show splashscreen", Frescobaldi doesn't show its window; I have to click on the Frescobaldi icon in the dock. I don't need to do that when the splash

Re: \mark and text spanners?

2014-05-18 Thread flup2
Hello, It would indeed be nice (as a \tempo rather than \mark, I should say). It was added as an issue here: Philippe -- View this message in context: http://lilypond.10690

Re: Mac testers needed for Frescobaldi! (again)

2014-06-17 Thread flup2
I've tested on one of my configurations and previous issues are resolved for me. :-) Philippe -- View this message in context: Sent from the User mailing list archive at ___

Re: Re:Crowd engraving project (Urs Liska)

2014-08-22 Thread flup2
The same for me Philippe -- View this message in context: Sent from the User mailing list archive at ___ lilypond-user mailing list lilypond-

Re: lilypond speed

2011-02-15 Thread flup2
On a Mac, speed increase from a Core2Duo to a Corei5 is really noticeable, about 40% faster. I guess this is about the same on Windows or Linux. I think you'll see a huge difference. :) Philippe -- View this message in context: Sent

Last 2.13 releases and custom text fonts

2011-02-27 Thread flup2
Hello, It seems that Lilypond from 2.13.47 has problem including some text fonts (at least on my OS X installation). Some fonts work (Courier Neue, for instance), other do not work (Courier, or many others including Mididesign font like Sonora or Controla). I deleted the lilypond font cache and

Re: Last 2.13 releases and custom text fonts

2011-03-01 Thread flup2
Tested with 2.13.52. Working fine :) Thanks. -- View this message in context: Sent from the Gnu - Lilypond - User mailing list archive at ___ lilypon

Beyond bars, book by Elaine Gould

2011-04-01 Thread flup2
Hello, In a recent message, I discovered the reference to Elaine Gould's book "Beyond Bars". I never read about it before (I only knew Gardner Read and Kurt Stone books) and would like to know more about it from people who own and use it. Is it more complete than Read and Stone, are some aspects

Re: compiling small PDFs

2011-04-03 Thread flup2
Hello, I had to do something like that, to create kind of a card game. Here is the \paper block I used for that : %% \paper { paper-width = 85\mm % largeur de la page paper-height = 54\mm % hauteur de la page (taille du papier) top-margin = 10\mm % distance entre le haut de l

Re: Beaming problem introduced with 2.13.60

2011-04-20 Thread flup2
I had the same problem in a score with these notes : d4-- c8->( g ~ g) g'->( f e) I had no problem before 2.13.60 Philippe -- View this message in context: Sent from the Gnu - Lilypond - User mailing list a

Re: Beaming problem introduced with 2.13.60

2011-04-20 Thread flup2
So do it here when running only that line. The problem is that, in a longer file (without changes from 2.13.33), here is what it looks like. I also receive a warning "taille de hampe bizarre; vérifier la présence de liens étroits" (the french version of the message quoted earlier about beam, narro

Re: [ANN] Frescobaldi 2.0 development progress, runs already on Windows

2011-05-23 Thread flup2
Rodolfo Zitellini wrote: > > Fantastic! > > out of curiosity I tried running Frescobaldi on my mac and after > fiddling a bit wit macports to get native qt4 and poppler, it works > quite well indeed :) > > Cheers, > Rodolfo > Hello, I was able to make it run under Ubuntu, but not yet on my

Re: [ANN] Frescobaldi 2.0 development progress, runs already on Windows

2011-05-25 Thread flup2
Rodolfo Zitellini wrote: > > 1) I already had a working macports installation with some very basic > libs (, and I already had python 2.7 installed > 2) I installed qt 4.7 w/bindings: sudo port install py27-pyqt4 > This downloaded and compiled qt4 - qt4-mac > > With this se

WebLily with 2.14 ?

2011-06-11 Thread flup2
Hello, As 2.14 is out now, I would like to know if a 2.14 version of WebLily is planned soon. Philippe -- View this message in context: Sent from the Gnu - Lilypond - User mailing list archive at _

Re: music glyphs inline

2011-06-11 Thread flup2
Hello, I'm working on a LaTeX package to include lilypond glyphs in LaTeX, but it's quite basic about size and some combination (like G key with the octave symbol). I hope having it working during summer. In the example below, there is no octave symbol for the 2nd G key, and the F key is too low

Re: Very short lilypond snippets in LaTeX

2011-06-21 Thread flup2
Hello, As I already stated somewhere on this list (and as Xavier mentioned just before), I'm currently working on such a LaTeX package, that allows to consider Lilypond glyphs as glyphs in LaTeX. The idea is to a some commands like, for instance, \fetamf that would include that dynamic in a LaTeX

Re: LilypondTool and jEdit version

2011-06-26 Thread flup2
Hello, For what it looks, LilypondTool seems to work well with JEdit 4.4.1 release. -- View this message in context: Sent from the Gnu - Lilypond - User mailing list archive at __

Re: system-system-spacing in lilypond-book-file

2011-06-26 Thread flup2
Hello, I don't yet know why, but if you add a line oddFooterMarkup=##f in your \paper block, your music fragment doesn't go to the next page. But I was not yet able so solve the "ragged" problem. Philippe -- View this message in context:

Re: system-system-spacing in lilypond-book-file

2011-06-28 Thread flup2
Hello, Here is a little explanation about the problem : in fact, when including a lilypond snippet with breaks in a LaTeX document, lilypond-book makes a separate .ly file for each system. In that way, the become 2 images included in a LaTeX file. That's why the \paper {system-system-spacing} b

Re: system-system-spacing in lilypond-book-file

2011-06-29 Thread flup2
Dmytro O. Redchuk-2 wrote: > > I believe it is here: > > > Isn't it? > > If not, would you please write to bug-lilypond (or here) what exactly > sould be > added and to which section of the manual? > > Thank you! > Hello, The way it's

Re: Error opening 2.14.2

2011-07-26 Thread flup2
Hello, At this time, LilyPond doesn't work on OS X Lion 10.7. The developers are working on a fix (issue 1781). I have no idea about 2.15.x Philippe -- View this message in context: Sent from the Gnu - Lilypond - User maili

Re: Error opening 2.14.2

2011-07-26 Thread flup2 wrote: > > > I think the problem is with the LilyPond GUI. > Open your terminal application, cd to the folder with your score, and type > /Applications/ score> > > for example, if my score were called "", i'd type > > /

Re: MacOSX Lion

2011-07-27 Thread flup2
Hello, As mentionned here ( ) it is related to the included editor. For now, Lilypond works if you use : - terminal command - another text editor (JEdit with Lilypondtool, for i

Re: Staff names in lilypond-book

2011-08-06 Thread flup2
Hello, For what I know, it's mainly due to the way lilypond-book works : it separate systems in multiple files, compile them, then include them as graphics. The right side could be corrected by adding a horizontal size (in the options of the lilypond environnemnt, I think). Something like \lilyp

Re: creating images for web pages

2011-08-08 Thread flup2
Hello, The last version for Mac is the same as for the other platforms : 2.14.2 (at least for stable release). I think you should consider updating, as lot of improvements were made from 2.12.x to 2.14.x. You'll also find the updated documentation more easily. Direct link for mac version can m

Re: New Binary for LilyPond on MacOSX 10.7 available

2011-08-09 Thread flup2
Built-in text editor works with Mac OS X Lion, unlike 2.14.2. Thanks. -- View this message in context: Sent from the Gnu - Lilypond - User mailing list archive at __

Re: font tree setting ignored

2011-08-12 Thread flup2
Hello, I've the same problem. It doesn't seem to depend of the location of the font (mine are all in the same folder). I deleted OS X font cache as well as lilypond font cache. When compiling, I have 3 situations, dependding the font I use : - it works (TeX Gyre fonts or Futura, for instance) -

Re: How does html editor "talk" to LilyPond ?

2011-08-17 Thread flup2
Hello, Here are a few indications you might find usefull. 1. Do not separate de lilypond-book binary from the LilyPond application 2. lilypond-book creates indeed a lot of little files. As you work with TeXShop, it is possible to create an "engine" that uses the right command (lilypond-book) an

Re: MacOSX Lion

2011-09-03 Thread flup2
Hello, Is seems that the last beta release (2.15.9) fixes the problem. You can down download it from Philippe -- View this message in context: Sent from the Gnu - Lilypond - User mailing list archiv

Re: Just Intonation MIDI file

2011-09-14 Thread flup2
The MIDI command "pitch bend" allows to change intonation by intervals smaller than a half tone. For instance, this is the way softwares like Sibelius render micro-intervals. Some MIDI devices use special tuning maps to reproduce different temperaments (equal, Pythagore, etc.) I guess it's a pos

Re: WebLily with 2.14 ?

2011-10-27 Thread flup2
flup2 wrote: > > Hello, > > As 2.14 is out now, I would like to know if a 2.14 version of WebLily is > planned soon. > > Philippe > Hello again, I bump my own post: is there anyone aware of an availability of 2.14 version for weblily ? Is it waiting for 2.16 final

Re: Adding space in lilypond'book

2011-11-13 Thread flup2
Hello, At first look, one option would be to add the following line to your LaTeX preamble and playing with the vspace number (here, 5mm) % \newcommand{\betweenLilyPondSystem}[1]{\vspace{5mm}\linebreak} Philippe -- View this message in context:

Re: NR 1.1.2, transpose: obscure sentence

2012-01-03 Thread flup2
Hello, Here's the way I understand it (but I may be wrong, of course). Imagine you wrote a alto saxophone part, but you notated all in real sounds. You may use the \transpose command this way : \new Staff \transpose c a \mySaxvariable As you may know, alto sax transpose one sixth lower, you mu

Re: Mac OS X package up for testing

2012-01-21 Thread flup2
Hello, I tried the x86 version and LilyPad works well. Thanks Philippe -- View this message in context: Sent from the Gnu - Lilypond - User mailing list archive at

Re: Experimental Web-based Lilypond Editor

2012-02-01 Thread flup2
Hello, It works fine for me (using Chrome and Safari). Do you plan to update lilypond engine to the last stable release (2.14) ? I also tried that's unfortunately stuck with 2.12. Philippe -- View this message in context:

Re: [abcusers] Mozart's Dice Game

2012-02-13 Thread flup2
Hello, Nicolas Sceaux made a LilyPond version (with a lot of Scheme) of that score, and some other people on the French LilyPond list made some improvements : http://lilypond-french-users

Re: Mac info.plist problem

2012-02-19 Thread flup2
Same problem here. LilyPad editor doesn't work (but no problem from command line or frescobaldi). Philippe -- View this message in context: Sent from the Gnu - Lilypond - User mailing list archive at ___

Re: Mac OS X 10.5.8 x86

2012-03-05 Thread flup2
Same with me using MacOS X 10.7 Lion with x86, everything working :-) Philippe -- View this message in context: Sent from the Gnu - Lilypond - User mailing list archive at __

Re: Lilypond-book and TeXshop on Mac: Newbie questions

2012-04-26 Thread flup2
Hello, One of the best way to use lilypond-book with TeXShop is to use a dedicated "engine". Nicola Vitacolonna, a lilypond and LaTeX user, made a very interesting one. You can find it here : http://users.dimi.u

Re: lilypond-book

2012-06-17 Thread flup2
jaja wrote: > > In fact, have my score in *.ly and a fresh MikTeX 2.9 system on my windows > 7. > My uttermost problem is that I don't know how to get Lilypond to typeset > my language (khmer unicode). I've tried the following but lilypond produce > a pdf which can't be read properly: >\mark

Re: LilyPond and Mac OS Mountain Lion

2012-08-03 Thread flup2
Hello, Sorry for not replying on the French list (I'm just back from holidays). Version 2.14.2 doesn't work (didn't under previous OS X version either), but last 2.15.42 works without problem on a iMac Core i3 with Mountain Lion. But you have to allow OS X to run un-authorized applications (unde

Re: LilyPond and Mac OS Mountain Lion

2012-08-04 Thread flup2
>From brew or from "nature" lilypond dmg package? >From the pre-compiled package. Philippe -- View this message in context: Sent from the Gnu - Lilypond - User mailing list archive at _

Re: when will Lilypond work with Lion OSX?

2012-08-08 Thread flup2
Hello, While the "interface" (the text editor GUI) of Lilypond doesn't work with Lion using the last stable version, the command line works without problem. In that way, if you plan to use it thru a dedicated text editor (jEdit for instance), it will work without a problem because theses editors (

Re: lilyglyphs LaTeX package

2012-08-15 Thread flup2
Hello, I'll have a look at it in the next few days. As you perhaps saw previously on this list, I worked last year on a LaTeX package including lilypond glyphs. If you want to have a look and if you find something usefull in it, feel free to use, adapt and so on (I don't know when I'll have time t

Re: fonts on Mac 10.7.4

2012-09-02 Thread flup2
Hello, 3 things that might help : - OS X font recognized by LilyPond can be a problem. On my configuration, I have no problem with OpenType, .dfont, Windows true type (.ttf), but it doesn't recognize my Mac True type fonts (generally, rather old fonts). As your font is available in both True Type

Re: fonts on Mac 10.7.4

2012-09-02 Thread flup2
The correct command is, as indicated in the help page you linked : \override Staff.TimeSignature #'font-name = "..." The "Staff." before TimeSignature was missing in your override. Now, it's working right on my side. Philippe -- View this message in context: http://lilypond.1069038.n5.nabbl

Re: mac lion

2012-09-10 Thread flup2
Hello, No problem with 2.16 or 2.17 on a Mac with Lion or Mountain Lion, either with its own interface, or through command line, JEdit, Frescobaldi etc. (knowing that JEdit simply calls the command line of LilyPond). The previous problem of LilyPond on Mac only concerned the built-in interface; t

Re: mac lion

2012-09-10 Thread flup2
As far as I tested, LilyPond (last versions) works fine with JEdit and LilyPondTool. Philippe -- View this message in context: Sent from the User mailing list archive at ___

Re: Frecobaldi 2 Mac OS X install guide

2013-05-27 Thread flup2
Hello, I don't "install" it like a Unix program. I juste expand the archive in the Applications folder. That way, the path to frescobaldi binary looks like: /Applications/frescobaldi/frescobaldi (the first "frescobaldi is the folder name, the second one is the binary itself). Perhaps it will also

Re: Frecobaldi 2 Mac OS X install guide

2013-06-05 Thread flup2
Hello, While reading your error message, it seems that the python version used is the one included in OS X (/Library/Frameworks...), not the one installed by macports (/opt/local...) To be sure that the problem lies there, here are a few steps: sudo port select --set python python27 Another way

Re: Editors

2013-06-25 Thread flup2
Hello, Any editor that can run command line programs can be used for lilypond: BBEdit (and his little brother TexrWrangler), TeXShop etc. Nicola Vitacolonna made some scripts to run lilypond with these:

Re: Frescobaldi and macports

2013-06-26 Thread flup2
Hello, Perhaps are the xcode command line tools too old: within XCode (my version is 4.6.3), you have to go to "Preferences", then "Downloads" and update the Command line tools Philippe -- View this message in context:

Re: Anyone using a tablet for lily?

2013-07-30 Thread flup2
An alternative, requiring an internet connection, could be to use but for now, the separation line between editor and preview is difficult to move using a tablet. -- View this message in context:

Re: frescobaldi on mac

2013-08-15 Thread flup2
Hello, I think it's related to the python command: could you try to run it using the complete path of the python command installed by macports? (something like /opt/local/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/bin/python2.7 ) I think Derek's problem was caused by using the python comman

Re: frescobaldi on mac

2013-08-16 Thread flup2
Mike Solomon wrote > I got it working (don't remember how) but I recall that a large chunk of > it had to do with using brew and not other package managers (fink, > macports for example). Probably. That's why the installation instructions I posted here (

Re: frescobaldi on mac

2013-08-16 Thread flup2
Hello (and thanks for the flowers ;-) ) Robert Schmaus wrote > That brings me to my question: I've worked through Phillippe's "recipe" > faithfully (I think). Now, when I try to launch frescobaldi on the > Terminal, I get an error message > > ImportError: No module named sip > > Does anyone k

Re: frescobaldi on mac

2013-08-16 Thread flup2
@chiffonMyst Usually, that kind of dependencies need to be installed from the same source: a "manually" installed SIP will be difficult to find by other installations via macports or homebrew. So, if your SIP installation via macports doesn't work, a manual installation won't be a help for furthe

Re: frescobaldi on mac

2013-09-01 Thread flup2
Hello, First of all, thanks for your work, Davide :-) I installed the portfile and it works without problem. For those who already installed Frescobaldi and want to update next versions this way, macports detects that python-poppler-qt4 is already installed. We need thus to force the installatio

Re: Testers needed for 'lilyglyphs' package

2013-09-02 Thread flup2
Hello, I'll take some time later this week to look carefully, but a first good news is that I was able to compile the manual after installing the missing fonts on 2 different computers :-) 2 years ago, I developed such a package (far less complete!) targeted to LaTeX (not Xe- or Lua-) and I see y

Re: Lilypond-Book not compiling LaTeX

2013-09-27 Thread flup2
Hello, In your example, there is a missing accolade at the end: \end{document in place of \end{document} If I add it, it compiles without problem. -- View this message in context: Sent from the User m

"Octave" script in Frescobaldi

2013-10-22 Thread flup2
These days, I have to input a lot of octaves in some music scores (a typical figure in orchestral reductions :( ). I usually write but, with lots of those, I hope it would be possible to write a snippet in Frescobaldi to accelerate to entry process. I looked at the "tuplet" snippet and tried < $S

Re: "Octave" script in Frescobaldi

2013-10-22 Thread flup2
Oh thanks ! Someday my Scheme will come ;-) Philippe -- View this message in context: Sent from the User mailing list archive at ___ lilypond-user m

Re: On creating "title pages" and the like

2013-11-01 Thread flup2
If you're not confortable with the Terminal and use Texworks, you have to tell to Texworks with command to run: lilypond-book in place of pdflatex (or pdfxelatex etc. according to your usual LaTeX choice). In Texworks, go to the Preferences, in the "Typesetting" tab. In "Path for Tex...", add the

Re: musicxml2ly introduction (Fwd: New LilyPond blog message from Luis)

2013-11-03 Thread flup2
The problem is that any solution uses the Terminal: the command itself, or the installation of Frescobaldi (no fixed, even for the last OS X release). Philippe -- View this message in context:

Re: musicxml2ly introduction (Fwd: New LilyPond blog message from Luis)

2013-11-03 Thread flup2
Yes, using the Macports package distribution system. Perhaps could you send me his mail in order to make step by step instructions. The instructions posted on Frescoabaldi website are OK with some command line knowledge. Macport isn't completely easy, but is more straightforward once installed. Ph

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Frescobaldi included in MacPorts!

2013-11-06 Thread flup2
Hello, I don't know if this could help: the only dependencies problem I had with the "MIDI part" was that 'aubio' didn't compile with OS X 10.9 (making the 'sudo port upgrade outdated' unusable). 'aubio' is part of the dependencies of 'portmidi', but the outdated version works (it's only the "upg

Re: Learn from Finale 2014 (seriously)?

2013-11-14 Thread flup2
It would be a great idea (although I haven't idea about the way to implement it into LilyPond). But I noticed how ugly the tremelo-notehead collision is, with Finale 2014 default settings ;-) Philippe -- View this message in context:

Re: Primo symbol in LilyPond

2013-11-24 Thread flup2
I guess it's different from a language to another. In French, the "degree" character is often used for "primo", but is not correct. It should be a upper "o" letter (as explained here on page 10: ) Philippe

Re: An invitation to a LilyPond powered concert

2013-11-26 Thread flup2
I was aware of the project to "bump" the entry in public domain, but until now, all I heard was about "related rights" (performer, producer, etc.) and not authors. Philippe -- View this message in context:

Re: promoting LilyPond

2013-12-02 Thread flup2
Although it might look strange, I think that "fair comparison" depends of the intended use. For advanced users, of course, a finely tuned score of each software would give better idea of "possible end result". But, for a lot of users who don't need (or want or know how) those refinements and the "s

Re: Problem executing example code with LilyPond 2.16.2

2013-12-28 Thread flup2
Hello, You use LilyPond 2.16.2 but the syntax you linked comes from 2.17 documentation. Your code compiles without problem using 2.17 version of LilyPond. You could either try the latest 2.17.97 development version, or see the syntax used in the 2.16 documentation. Philippe -- View this mes

Re: Frescobaldi 2.0.13

2014-01-01 Thread flup2
I had that kind of issue long time ago, well before Davide's port. I don't remember the exact solution, but it was about playing with the +quartz -x11. Now, both are ok on my setup with +quartz +x11. I any case, I guess +quartz is necessary to have the OS X interface (and I guess qt4 rely on it).

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