Re: yet another chord question

2009-02-09 Thread James E. Bailey
El 09.02.2009, a las 23:16, Brett Duncan escribió: James E. Bailey wrote: I'd like to have a chord that is C-10. I have myChordDefinitions = { -\markup \super {-10} } And then, of course the requisite myChordExceptions = #(append (sequential-music-to-chord-exceptions myChordDefini

Re: Note shifting with multiple voices

2009-02-11 Thread James E. Bailey
Not that this solves your particular problem, but it seems pretty consistent to me: when the upper note falls on a line, it's to the left, when it's on a space, to the right. Probably because of the dot. Actually, it is because of the dot placement. If you change d8. to d8~ d16, they are al

Re: Note shifting with multiple voices

2009-02-11 Thread James E. Bailey
de NoteColumn #'force-hshift = #1.5 b a a[ g] \once \override NoteColumn #'force-hshift = #1.5 g f } } Nick -Original Message- From: James E. Bailey [] Sent: Wednesday, 11 February 2009 20:15 To:

Re: also, lyric help

2009-02-11 Thread James E. Bailey
El 11.02.2009, a las 12:10, Trevor Daniels escribió: James E. Bailey wrote Wednesday, January 07, 2009 10:28 AM Am 07.01.2009 um 11:06 schrieb Graham Percival: On Tue, Jan 06, 2009 at 10:18:02PM +0100, James E. Bailey wrote: Thanks. I remember seeing that in the choral template, but I

Re: also, lyric help

2009-02-11 Thread James E. Bailey
El 11.02.2009, a las 12:10, Trevor Daniels escribió: James E. Bailey wrote Wednesday, January 07, 2009 10:28 AM Am 07.01.2009 um 11:06 schrieb Graham Percival: On Tue, Jan 06, 2009 at 10:18:02PM +0100, James E. Bailey wrote: Thanks. I remember seeing that in the choral template, but I

Re: Feta font for using .ps files in photoshop

2009-02-11 Thread James E. Bailey
El 11.02.2009, a las 16:05, jeremy tranter escribió: Hi there, When I load a Lilypond postscript file into Photoshop I get the error message “this file uses one or more fonts which are unavailable on this machine”. file is displayed without noteheads. Can I download and install the “Fe

Re: Titles on separate page

2009-02-14 Thread James E. Bailey
El 14.02.2009, a las 09:18, Simon Bailey escribió: hi, On Feb 14, 2009, at 8:24 AM, sdfgsdhdshd wrote: i want the first system to be on the page after the titles. If you put a huge value to after-title-space: the first system is still at the same page (=> bug?). I tried other parameters, b

Re: also, lyric help

2009-02-17 Thread James E. Bailey
El 14.02.2009, a las 17:35, Trevor Daniels escribió: James E. Bailey wrote Wednesday, February 11, 2009 11:38 AM El 11.02.2009, a las 12:10, Trevor Daniels escribió: James E. Bailey wrote Wednesday, January 07, 2009 10:28 AM Am 07.01.2009 um 11:06 schrieb Graham Percival: On Tue, Jan

Re: appending text files to end of score

2009-02-17 Thread James E. Bailey
Ha! who knew what features lilypond has! \verbatim-file. It's in the markup section under other. El 17.02.2009, a las 18:31, Rob Canning escribió: hello, i want to insert a couple of pages at the end of the score that include my lilypond source code - is there a way to do this? would be nic

Re: appending text files to end of score

2009-02-17 Thread James E. Bailey
No, there is nothing lilypond cannot do. Lookup \wordwrap in the markup section on Align. El 17.02.2009, a las 19:17, Rob Canning escribió: James E. Bailey said : Ha! who knew what features lilypond has! \verbatim-file. It's in the markup section under other. wow yes - is there any

Re: Cannot correctly code this rhythm...

2009-02-17 Thread James E. Bailey
I used this code to get the output. I've never used drummode, so I don't know anything about it, and like you said, I left off the acciaccature, but I could put them in if it's really necessary. \version "2.12.2" \transpose c c' { \time 3/4 c8[ c] \times 2/3 {c16 c c} c16. c32 \times 2

Re: Total invisibility

2009-02-17 Thread James E. Bailey
El 18.02.2009, a las 00:16, Gilles Sadowski escribió: Hi. I'd like a "Voice" to be totally invisible (i.e. taking up no space) while retaining midi output. Then don't include it in the \score block with a \layout. You can have multiple \score blocks in a file. \score { \new Sta

Re: Cannot correctly code this rhythm...

2009-02-17 Thread James E. Bailey
El 18.02.2009, a las 00:05, Mats Bengtsson escribió: RandomLilyPondUser wrote: One more question - how do I make a staff with only one line with notes above and below like that? Rhythmicstaff only allows notes on the line, on my drumstaff, I tri

Re: Total invisibility

2009-02-17 Thread James E. Bailey
El 18.02.2009, a las 00:57, Gilles Sadowski escribió: Hi. I'd like a "Voice" to be totally invisible (i.e. taking up no space) while retaining midi output. Then don't include it in the \score block with a \layout. You can have multiple \score blocks in a file. \score { \new Staff

Re: Crash: Midi and Instrument_name_engraver in StaffGroup (was Re: TAB question -- frescobaldi tab support)

2009-02-18 Thread James E. Bailey
El 18.02.2009, a las 01:34, Jonathan Kulp escribió: The code in this electric bass example works fine for me. I uncommented the lines in question and it ran without errors. The instrument name runs off the left margin a bit, but that wasn't at issue here. Just to be sure it's the same

Re: Total invisibility

2009-02-18 Thread James E. Bailey
El 18.02.2009, a las 12:49, Gilles Sadowski escribió: I'd like a "Voice" to be totally invisible (i.e. taking up no space) while retaining midi output. Then don't include it in the \score block with a \layout. You can have multiple \score blocks in a file. \score { \new Staff {\bagp

Re: Total invisibility

2009-02-20 Thread James E. Bailey
El 19.02.2009, a las 19:45, Gilles Sadowski escribió: Hi. E.g. in this instance, I would have liked to keep the drone notes and the melody notes together (i.e. in the same file) because they both are the bagpipe "content". But that, as we've seen, that makes it difficult to separate the

an LM update

2009-02-20 Thread James E. Bailey
Since the NR has the wonderful introduction to single-staff polyphony, can this be simply inserted into the LM at the appropriate point. I'm sure new users will have a much easier time of engraving their music, and many problems can be avoided later if this topic is presented in the LM the

Re: Cannot correctly code this rhythm...

2009-02-20 Thread James E. Bailey
El 20.02.2009, a las 22:57, RandomLilyPondUser escribió: After many an hour reading through the manual, snippets, and forum, I've finally figured out how to do most of what I need, except this one thing: I have six measures per line, how do I get the measures to line up perfectly with

Re: lyrics and melody

2009-02-22 Thread James E. Bailey
also, like the centered hyphens, you can get smart(er) extender lines using " __ " (note the spaces around the underscores), but if you've read section 2.4, you've seen that already. El 22.02.2009, a las 16:49, Trevor Daniels escribió: Alberto Simões wrote Sunday, February 22, 2009 3:25 PM

Re: Stanza Numbers at Beginning of Each Line of Music

2009-02-23 Thread James E. Bailey
I don't know of any automated way, I just manually insert them. words = \lyricmode { \set stanza = "1. " First line \set stanza = "1. " Sec -- ond line. } El 23.02.2009, a las 22:08, Tim Slattery escribió: Randy Nelson <> wrote: Hi - Does anyone know how to get Lilypond to

Re: Stanza number before each line of a verse?

2009-02-25 Thread James E. Bailey
Last time I asked, this is what mats said: El 25.02.2009, a las 05:24, Tom escribió: I want to put the Stanza number before every line of verse in a longer hymn, but cannot get the hint here to work: http://www.geoffhorton

Re: Writing text in a measure

2009-02-25 Thread James E. Bailey
El 25.02.2009, a las 05:18, Kees van den Doel escribió: I'm trying to write text in an otherwise empty measure (some special performance instructions). not above it or below, but in it. How can I do that? There is a snippet doing something like that

Re: Writing text in a measure

2009-02-25 Thread James E. Bailey
El 25.02.2009, a las 14:56, Gilles Sadowski escribió: This seems to work for me (see attached files). But don't you need an \instrumentSwitch command near the end? I never used this command. How is it related to what the first poster asked? well, after playing random notes for 30 seconds

Re: Editorial Annotation

2009-02-25 Thread James E. Bailey
El 24.02.2009, a las 16:17, grisu_76 escribió: Hello everyone! I am searching for a possibility to put a trill-sign as an editorial annotation within parentheses, i.e. (tr) I used the following expression: roundTr = \markup {\center-align \concat { \bold { ( } \musicglyph #"scripts.trill" \

Re: Ossia in String Quartet

2009-02-25 Thread James E. Bailey
El 25.02.2009, a las 19:01, grisu_76 escribió: Hello to all! I have got a problem with the addition of an ossia in a string quartet; I work with the file structure explained in the snippets manual (p. 230 f). All works out very well - all parts are printed out properly, but if I want t

Re: dynamics below lyrics ?

2009-02-25 Thread James E. Bailey
El 25.02.2009, a las 17:43, David Stocker escribió: Neil Thornock wrote: Well, first off, lyrics in vocal music always go above the staff. Did you mean to say that /dynamics/ in vocal music should go above the staff? I imagine so, but in a staff where there are lyrics above and below t

Re: LilyPond 2.12 and emacs on Ubuntu

2009-02-25 Thread James E. Bailey
Well, the basic (i.e., for people who understand emacs) instructions are in the Application Usage, under Text Editor Support. El 26.02.2009, a las 02:44, Ralph Palmer escribió: Hi - I'm an intermediate lilyponder and a novice penguinista. I have Ubuntu 8.10 (Intrepid Ibex) mounted on an ol

Re: Ossia in String Quartet

2009-02-25 Thread James E. Bailey
FILE This file produces the full score of the quartet: file "" \include "" # (set-global-staff-size 14) \score { \new StaffGroup \keepWithTag #'score \music \layout {} \midi {} } %%% END OF FILE James E. Bailey-3 wrote:

Re: Aligning lyrics when music portion is polyphonic

2009-02-27 Thread James E. Bailey
El 27.02.2009, a las 22:38, Alberto Simões escribió: Hello In a music I am transcribing there is a portion where I had to force two voices with << { ... } \\ { ... } >> Now my problem is that lyrics in that part of the music are not shown. Is there any tweak to solve this issue? Thank

Fwd: an LM update

2009-02-27 Thread James E. Bailey
Since I haven't heard any feedback, I thought I would post to the - devel list as well. Incidentally, I've answered questions directly related to this twice in the last week or so. Since the NR has the wonderful introduction to single-staff polyphony, can this be simply inserted into the L

Re: Aligning lyrics when music portion is polyphonic

2009-02-27 Thread James E. Bailey
El 27.02.2009, a las 22:53, Alberto Simões escribió: Hello James E. Bailey wrote: El 27.02.2009, a las 22:38, Alberto Simões escribió: Hello In a music I am transcribing there is a portion where I had to force two voices with << { ... } \\ { ... } >> Now my problem is

Re: Questions before starting big piece. Pushing myself...

2009-02-28 Thread James E. Bailey
El 28.02.2009, a las 23:25, aliteralmind escribió: For the first time, I'm stretching myself beyond just melodies. I have some old six-plus part acapella arrangements that I handwrote, and want to put into LilyPond. I'm scared. Let's just say that off the bat. :' ) Why be scared, it's

Re: Parenthesizing chord names

2009-03-01 Thread James E. Bailey
El 01.03.2009, a las 01:12, Tim McNamara escribió: A common jazz lead sheet convention is to parenthesize optional chords written over the melody staff. An example is a turnaround at the end of a song that is not played the last time through. For example in "Easy Living" the turnaround o

Re: Parenthesizing chord names

2009-03-01 Thread James E. Bailey
El 01.03.2009, a las 12:47, M Watts escribió: James E. Bailey wrote: El 01.03.2009, a las 01:12, Tim McNamara escribió: A common jazz lead sheet convention is to parenthesize optional chords written over the melody staff. An example is a turnaround at the end of a song that is not

Re: piano reduction (in other .pdf file)

2009-03-01 Thread James E. Bailey
El 01.03.2009, a las 15:52, stefanozanobini escribió: Hi, I've a 4 voice choir score. I want to generate a second score with the only piano reduction - well, actually an organ reduction :-) In the lilypond guide there is how I can create a score with choir staffs and piano system together, but

Re: transpose leadsheet (chords + melody)

2009-03-01 Thread James E. Bailey
El 01.03.2009, a las 16:55, Grammostola Rosea escribió: Grammostola Rosea wrote: Hi, How do I transpose leadsheet? Chords and melody? But the melody is not tranposed very well. The octaves of the notes are not right :( Or do I have to change those comma's by hand ??? You need another \

Re: piano reduction (in other .pdf file)

2009-03-01 Thread James E. Bailey
El 01.03.2009, a las 17:50, stefanozanobini escribió: I've given a look to the new documentation (I've still lilypond 2.10 and its guide is different from the new one), but the explanation ("Separate scores showing just the vocal parts or just the piano part can be produced by changing just the

Re: Changing Staff organization

2009-03-01 Thread James E. Bailey
El 01.03.2009, a las 19:08, Alberto Simões escribió: Hello, Andrew. Andrew Hawryluk wrote: If you declare each of the musical voices independently, then you can "\change Staff =" when you want to move that voice to a different staff. It's documented under keyboards, where it happens all the

Re: Changing Staff organization

2009-03-01 Thread James E. Bailey
El 01.03.2009, a las 19:24, Alberto Simões escribió: James E. Bailey wrote: Basically, there is a portion of the music for piano (two staves), and it continues with a SATB (with three staves). Thus, I need to "add a staff" somewhere. You probabbly need to re-organise the way

Re: Forcing markup to be IN the staff

2009-03-03 Thread James E. Bailey
You can always use markup to replace the glyph. El 03.03.2009, a las 17:51, aliteralmind escribió: I have repetitive notes: c8 c c c c c c c c c c c | This type of repetition is found throughout my piece. I'm trying to hide the second-through-fourth beats of notes, and have a "..." i

Re: Forcing markup to be IN the staff

2009-03-04 Thread James E. Bailey
El 04.03.2009, a las 14:17, Kieren MacMillan escribió: Hi Mats (et al), It would certainly not have been obvious to me that this has anything to do with repeats, if I didn't know that that's the syntax used in LilyPond. Certainly, it's related to repeating something, but I would be surpris

Re: Forcing markup to be IN the staff

2009-03-04 Thread James E. Bailey
El 04.03.2009, a las 15:13, aliteralmind escribió: You gotta admit, it's a crazy amount of information for a newbie to sift through, even one that has some musical training. It's a crazy amount of information to sift through, period. I have such a new found respect for computer music notat

Re: MetronomeMark tweaks

2009-03-04 Thread James E. Bailey
El 04.03.2009, a las 23:03, Kieren MacMillan escribió: Hi Neil, It's obsolete since you can use \tempo \markup for all these tweaks. Looking through the MetronomeMark docs, I've been unable to figure out how to: 1. Change the size of the note (in parentheses) without changing the res

convert-ly on macosx 10.4

2009-03-06 Thread James E. Bailey
I just noticed that convert-ly does not work from the menu item in osx 10.4. I have python installed. convert-ly works from the terminal, but here are the problems with the menu item. • If I update the convert-ly file to be: env python, lilypond does not find python. That's not

Re: an LM update

2009-03-06 Thread James E. Bailey
? i.e., << {} \\ {} >> should be translated automagically into << {} \new Voice {} >> I'd rather not waste time changing the documentation now if this code change is likely to be implemented. So, what's the chance this change will be made? I've no idea

Re: an LM update

2009-03-06 Thread James E. Bailey
ikely to be implemented. So, what's the chance this change will be made? I've no idea whether it is easy or difficult. Trevor - Original Message - From: "James E. Bailey" To: "lilypond-user Mailinglist" ; "lilypond- devel" Sent: Friday,

emacs lilypond-mode and the midi command

2009-03-07 Thread James E. Bailey
On OSX, the lilypond mode for emacs doesn't properly escape filenames. open -a 'Mighty MIDI' /Users/jamesebailey/Documents/James Music/ Choral Music/Windhauch/Windhauch.midi 2009-03-07 10:59:31.767 open[465] No such file: /Users/jamesebailey/ Documents/James I remember this was a problem befor

Re: Pushing a note to the side

2009-03-07 Thread James E. Bailey
On 07.03.2009, at 16:56, Alberto Simões wrote: Hello, I am having this warning: warning: ignoring too many clashing note columns It is normal, as there are, in fact, clashing notes. I would like to make some notes to be displayed a little to the right (so we can see them, and they do not

Re: emacs lilypond-mode and the midi command

2009-03-07 Thread James E. Bailey
On 07.03.2009, at 17:20, Tim McNamara wrote: On Mar 7, 2009, at 4:05 AM, James E. Bailey wrote: On OSX, the lilypond mode for emacs doesn't properly escape filenames. open -a 'Mighty MIDI' /Users/jamesebailey/Documents/James Music/ Choral Music/Windhauch/Windhauch.midi 2

Re: Emacs lilypond-mode or possibly Bash glitch

2009-03-07 Thread James E. Bailey
On 07.03.2009, at 17:29, Tim McNamara wrote: When I try to compile a .ly file in lilypond-mode, it fails with the message: -*- mode: compilation; default-directory: "~/Desktop/Downloads/ Music Charts/Lilypond Charts/Dead Tunes/Days Between/" -*- Compilation started at Sat Mar 7 10:22:25

Re: emacs lilypond-mode and the midi command

2009-03-07 Thread James E. Bailey
On 07.03.2009, at 23:44, Tim McNamara wrote: On Mar 7, 2009, at 4:05 AM, James E. Bailey wrote: On OSX, the lilypond mode for emacs doesn't properly escape filenames. open -a 'Mighty MIDI' /Users/jamesebailey/Documents/James Music/ Choral Music/Windhauch/Windhauch.midi 2

Re: problem with horizontal shift of note

2009-03-08 Thread James E. Bailey
On 08.03.2009, at 06:24, Tom Cloyd wrote: After 3 months away from Lilypond, I'm back, thankfully. All updated and sailing...right into a wall. I could really use a hint about this current problem. I cannot get a horizontal shift of a note, resulting in an ugly collision. I think the pro

Re: emacs lilypond-mode and the midi command

2009-03-08 Thread James E. Bailey
On 08.03.2009, at 12:58, Anthony W. Youngman wrote: In message <>, James E. Bailey writes On 07.03.2009, at 17:20, Tim McNamara wrote: On Mar 7, 2009, at 4:05 AM, James E. Bailey wrote: On OSX, the lilypond mode for emacs d

Re: Frescobaldi 0.7.7 released

2009-03-10 Thread James E. Bailey
On 03.03.2009, at 19:08, Wilbert Berendsen wrote: [ reusing annouce thread:-) ] Hi all, Frescobaldi 0.7.7 has been released. I'm having some difficulty actually just installing this. There's no makefile, and no configure script

Re: expressive marks alignment, accent position

2009-03-10 Thread James E. Bailey
On 10.03.2009, at 20:05, Germain G. Ivanoff-Trinadtzaty wrote: Dear all, 1) In the following snippet, I'd like the accents to be placed above the staff : { d'1-> d'2-> a'-> a'1-> } have you tried { d'1^> d'2^> a'^> a'1^> } ? ___ lilypond-user

new articulation

2009-03-13 Thread James E. Bailey
Hello, I'm transcribing some organ music and there are a couple of symbols that are used rather frequently, and I was wondering how difficult it would be for me to try and create them myself. <><> First, a bracket, either above, or below a note, on either the left or right side. (I just real


2009-03-13 Thread James E. Bailey
Is it possible to get fingerings aligned the same way when defined in a separate variable as when defined in a different variable? i.e.: \include "" \version "2.12.2" musicOne = { c'8 d' e' f' g' a' h' c'' } musicOneFingerings= { s8-1 s-2 s-3 s-1 s-2 s-3 s-4 s-5} musicTwo = {c'8-1 d'-

Re: fingering

2009-03-13 Thread James E. Bailey
On 13.03.2009, at 23:56, -Eluze wrote: James E. Bailey-3 wrote: Or is it just not possible? with Lilypond everything is possible!!! try "\override Fingering #'add-stem-support = ##t" in the Staff context Awesome, thanks. _

Re: fingering

2009-03-13 Thread James E. Bailey
On 14.03.2009, at 04:48, Mark Polesky wrote: James, You're "funneling two different music expressions into one context", but you've not explicitly instantiated a voice context. … Note that when you add \new Voice = "A" you no longer need the #'add-stem-support command. That's rathe

some questions

2009-03-16 Thread James E. Bailey
I'm guessing it's a bad time to ask questions, I haven't seen much response, but I thought I'd ask again. 1) I know it's difficult to imagine that a user (i.e., not someone who can fix a bug) has properly set up his system for convert-ly on osx 10.4, but convert-ly on osx 10.4 does not work

Re: some questions

2009-03-16 Thread James E. Bailey
On 16.03.2009, at 10:45, Francisco Vila wrote: 2009/3/16 James E. Bailey : 3) Is there a way to get a half of a box around a fingering? I vaguely remember a three-legged box in the markup commands, but I don't see it anymore. Any tips for where to look? Search for the word Thr

Re: an LM update

2009-03-16 Thread James E. Bailey
On 16.03.2009, at 16:43, Graham Percival wrote: c) Can we just make the change so that more people aren't confused by the issue. (I've answered another question related to this in the last week) Yes, please do. Carl can help you get started as a Frog; we desperately need more people writ

Re: what do I do?

2009-03-17 Thread James E. Bailey
On 16.03.2009, at 23:28, Jesper Caprani wrote: I get this: # -*-compilation-*- Processing `C:/Documents and Settings/Ejer/Skrivebord/test.log' Tolker... C:/Documents and Settings/Ejer/Skrivebord/test.log:1:1: error: GUILE signaled an error for the expression beginning here # -*-compilati

Re: an LM update

2009-03-17 Thread James E. Bailey
On 17.03.2009, at 00:47, Carl D. Sorensen wrote: On 3/16/09 11:52 AM, "James E. Bailey" wrote: On 16.03.2009, at 16:43, Graham Percival wrote: c) Can we just make the change so that more people aren't confused by the issue. (I've answered another question re

a minor doc error

2009-03-19 Thread James E. Bailey
In AU 1.2.2, the link for Bison points to Flex. ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Adding \new Lyrics \lyricsto "Tenor II" \text cancels \set timing

2009-03-21 Thread James E. Bailey
Have you tried \context Lyrics \lyricsto? Am 21.03.2009 um 21:24 schrieb Jay Hamilton: Hello- with Laura Conrad's help I have my score nearly the way I want it. However when I add \new Lyrics \lyricsto "Tenor II" \text to the layout, I get the text but suddenly the stems are back on th

Re: Adding \new Lyrics \lyricsto "Tenor II" \text cancels \set timing

2009-03-22 Thread James E. Bailey
-7694 --- wrote: From: "James E. Bailey" To: Cc: "lilypond user group" Subject: Re: Adding \new Lyrics \lyricsto "Tenor II" \text cancels \set timing Date: Sun, 22 Mar 2009 07:19:55 +0100 Have you t

Re: repeat a set of measures (A to B) later on in the score

2009-03-22 Thread James E. Bailey
Am 22.03.2009 um 16:49 schrieb David Raleigh Arnold: On Saturday 21 March 2009, patrick duka wrote: Hi, I have a set of measures that I want to repeat several times at different times of the score. I want to put the letter A at the beginning of this set of measures, and B at the end, the

Re: Adding \new Lyrics \lyricsto "Tenor II" \text cancels \set timing

2009-03-22 Thread James E. Bailey
Am 22.03.2009 um 17:36 schrieb Jay Hamilton: >> However when I add \new Lyrics \lyricsto "Tenor II" \text >> to the layout, I get the text but suddenly the stems are back on >> the noteheads. Don't understand how to have both text and no stems. >> Ideas? Pointers? Thanks I don't quite un

Re: Adding \new Lyrics \lyricsto "Tenor II" \text cancels \set timing

2009-03-22 Thread James E. Bailey
Am 22.03.2009 um 19:42 schrieb Jay Hamilton: \book{ \score { \new StaffGroup << \new Staff \with { instrumentName = "Alto I" } << \global \AltoIconscience >> \new Staff \with { instrumentName = "Alto II" } << \global \AltoIIdoubter >> \new Staff \with

Re: Adding \new Lyrics \lyricsto "Tenor II" \text cancels \set timing

2009-03-22 Thread James E. Bailey
Am 22.03.2009 um 22:50 schrieb Jay Hamilton: TenorIIexaminer = \relative c { \set Staff.shortInstrumentName = "T-II" \clef "treble_8" } then \addlyrics { } so I'm not sure if \context is there or not, it's not explicit. So then you want to make it explicit. \new Voice = "Tenor II". I You

Re: an LM update

2009-03-23 Thread James E. Bailey
Am 17.03.2009 um 10:39 schrieb Trevor Daniels: Hi James You wrote Tuesday, March 17, 2009 9:00 AM On 17.03.2009, at 00:47, Carl D. Sorensen wrote: On 3/16/09 11:52 AM, "James E. Bailey" wrote: On 16.03.2009, at 16:43, Graham Percival wrote: c) Can we just make the

Re: an LM update

2009-03-23 Thread James E. Bailey
Am 23.03.2009 um 13:06 schrieb Francisco Vila: 2009/3/23 James E. Bailey : Attached is my attempt to make a .diff. It's my first time, so if I didn't do it right, let me know. It's a learning process for me. Are you using Git? then use git-format-patch to generate the p

odd configure error

2009-03-24 Thread James E. Bailey
rge installed is newer than the one required. Should I try and find an older version? James E. Bailey ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re: lilypond-user Digest, Vol 76, Issue 98

2009-03-24 Thread James E. Bailey
You may want to consider putting each line of music in its own markup. That way you can set explicitly how you want the horizontal spacing. Why doesn't \once \override Slur #'positions = #'(6 . 6) have any effect on the slur in the alto part? It does when I compile this. Jam

Re: odd configure error

2009-03-25 Thread James E. Bailey
Am 25.03.2009 um 12:50 schrieb John Mandereau: James E. Bailey a écrit : I'm having a configure error, and I don't know how to solve it. I get this: ERROR: Please install required programs: /Users/lilydev/bin/ fontforge >= 20050624 (installed: .fontforge 20080927) Wha

Re: odd configure error

2009-03-25 Thread James E. Bailey
Am 25.03.2009 um 14:41 schrieb Graham Percival: On Wed, Mar 25, 2009 at 02:37:10PM +0100, James E. Bailey wrote: Although apropos of nothing, what's the difference between the instructions in the AU (and on the web-site) on getting the source code, and the instructions in the CG? No

Re: odd configure error

2009-03-25 Thread James E. Bailey
Am 25.03.2009 um 14:54 schrieb John Mandereau: James E. Bailey a écrit : Am 25.03.2009 um 14:41 schrieb Graham Percival: Nothing; they come from exactly the same source. The version in the AU is going to die soon, where "soon" means "within 4 months". So then why the

Re: midi2ly on Mac OS X

2009-03-28 Thread James E. Bailey
le. Additionally, since midi2ly, like convert-ly, lilypond-book, and lilysong are python scripts, at least on OSX 10.4, in addition to installing a newer version of python, the first line of those files needs to be changed to: #!/usr/bin/env

Re: midi2ly on Mac OS X

2009-03-28 Thread James E. Bailey
Am 28.03.2009 um 18:50 schrieb Hans Aberg: On 28 Mar 2009, at 18:00, James E. Bailey wrote: Additionally, since midi2ly, like convert-ly, lilypond-book, and lilysong are python scripts, at least on OSX 10.4, in addition to installing a newer version of python, the first line of those

Re: midi2ly on Mac OS X

2009-03-28 Thread James E. Bailey
Am 28.03.2009 um 20:14 schrieb Hans Aberg: On 28 Mar 2009, at 19:59, James E. Bailey wrote: Additionally, since midi2ly, like convert-ly, lilypond-book, and lilysong are python scripts, at least on OSX 10.4, in addition to installing a newer version of python, the first line of those

Re: Lyrics and alternative repeats default behavior

2009-03-30 Thread James E. Bailey
Am 30.03.2009 um 17:16 schrieb Pekka Siponen: I'm not top posting. I find the behavior with lyrics and alternative repeats somewhat illogical.. For me the logical thing would be something like: %--- \version "2.12.2" \score { \new GrandStaff { \new Staff { << \new Vo

Re: Avoiding slur collision with other voice

2009-04-05 Thread James E. Bailey
\times 2/3 { ces( b as) } } >> | << { s8 des[ es des] } \\ { \times 2/3 { r16( b ces) } \times 2/3 { des( ces b) } \times 2/3 { es( des ces) } \times 2/3 { des( ces b) } }>> | } } ________

Re: grace notes after repeat bar

2009-04-06 Thread James E. Bailey
which (arguably, I guess) isn't really present in that part? While not a solution in the sense of what you're looking for, I find that a separate variable that can be added to all of the other parts containing appropriate grace skips useful i.e., skips = { s1*32 \grace s8

custom keysignature help

2009-04-06 Thread James E. Bailey
\new PianoStaff \with { instrumentName = \markup \bold 7 } << Fehler: gescheiterte Dateien: "Vol" Vol Unknown # object: #\` Vol Unknown # object: #\- James E. Bailey ___ lilypond-user mailing list lil

Re: custom keysignature help

2009-04-07 Thread James E. Bailey
Am 07.04.2009 um 13:31 schrieb Mats Bengtsson: Reinhold Kainhofer wrote: -BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 Am Montag, 6. April 2009 schrieb James E. Bailey: I'm trying to figure out what the character in the custom key signature is, and it's not working for me.

Re: Allow LilyPond to automatically handle then end of a staff with \partial

2009-04-07 Thread James E. Bailey
-- -- ___ lilypond-user mailing list _______

move lyrics closer

2009-04-08 Thread James E. Bailey
I want to move lyrics closer to each other. I've tried \layout {\context { \Lyrics \override #'baseline-skip = #-55 } } and it's not working for me. I'm sure I've just got the wrong context somewhere. Can someone point me to the rig

Re: move lyrics closer

2009-04-09 Thread James E. Bailey
Am 09.04.2009 um 11:58 schrieb -Eluze: James E. Bailey-3 wrote: I want to move lyrics closer to each other. I've tried \layout {\context { \Lyrics \override #'baseline-skip = #-55 } } and it's not working for me. I'm sure I've just got the wrong context somewhere

Re: move lyrics closer

2009-04-09 Thread James E. Bailey
Am 09.04.2009 um 23:56 schrieb -Eluze: James E. Bailey-3 wrote: i am not quite certain about where - in which context(s) - you have to place it to make it effective in every stanza VerticalAxisGroup, as far as I understand it, moves the staves closer together, and with it, the lyrics

Re: \autochange for more than 1 voice?

2009-04-10 Thread James E. Bailey
ther voice in that staff, and the other voice would need an explicit \voiceOne. And then the \oneVoice afterwards, and it should be fine. James E. Bailey ___ lilypond-user mailing list

VoiceFollower help

2009-04-11 Thread James E. Bailey
\change Staff = LH d4 c e2 g } >> } Second, is this the most efficient way to do something like this? It seems a bit over-burdened. James E. Bailey ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re: lyrics to split parts / vocal cue notes

2009-04-11 Thread James E. Bailey
The aim is, of course, to manually typeset vocal cue notes. Any help greatly appreciated. thanks Hendrik ___ lilypond-user mailing list James E. Bailey _

Re: lyrics to split parts / vocal cue notes

2009-04-11 Thread James E. Bailey
thanks Hendrik ___ lilypond-user mailing list James E. Bailey ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re: VoiceFollower help

2009-04-11 Thread James E. Bailey
Am 12.04.2009 um 08:26 schrieb Mark Polesky: James E. Bailey wrote: \override VoiceFollower #'style = #'dotted-line doesn't seem to work here. Why not? When you use \once, the command only is in effect for the next note AFAIK. Either omit the \once or use this order of comma

custom key signature help

2009-04-13 Thread James E. Bailey
RP)) cis4 d e fis g cis,4 d e fis g } James E. Bailey ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re: custom key signature help

2009-04-13 Thread James E. Bailey
Am 13.04.2009 um 17:00 schrieb Neil Puttock: 2009/4/13 James E. Bailey : I don't understand custom key signatures. Why are the accidentals shown in the second measure? There's a bug in Accidental_engraver: Do I have to s

Re: Hymns with several verses and a chorus

2009-04-21 Thread James E. Bailey
context Voice = altoVerseII { a4 c b c } \context Voice = altoChorusII { c4 c c c } } And so on for the other voices. And then the appropriate lyrics contexts for each. It's possible to do it using \context Voice = sopranoVerse each time there's a verse and \context Voice = so

default beat groupings

2009-04-23 Thread James E. Bailey
Did the default beat groupings change? I thought I remembered that in 3/4, three eighth-note triplets followed by an eighth note and an eighth rest would not beam the eighth note to the triplets. In 2.12.2 it does. Is this new? Am I remembering poorly? James E. Bailey

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